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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Mr Anderson.....to name but a few - TNA is really the place to be. Especially after Wrestlemania if HBK and Undertaker do end up retiring, I still think they might go to TNA. Jim Ross could be a massive surprise on Monday too, purely my speculation though!


There is no chance in hell Taker or HBK leave for TNA...they already have part time schedules making like 3 times as much as they would in TNA and are two of the locker room figure heads. They have been in WWE so long they get to do what they want. Why would they leave? That's completely ridiculous

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The only way HBK or Taker ends up in TNA is this.. Taker was big time on Bret Hart's side in the whole screw job thing, if, some way, some how, VKM screws Bret again and its seen as nothing more than a ploy to stroke his ego, then maybe Taker goes. HBK? The only way it happens is if he gets truly angered by having to stand in the same ring as the Hitman and ... well, I don't know, is forced to job to him?


I would say 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of either of those things happening.


I think they now probably have enough established stars as such, they now just need to work on ways to start building foundations around the likes of Styles (which they are doing), Samoa Joe (which I don't think they've done well for a while), and a few of their X Division type athletes of the day such as Lethal or MCMG. And, of course, IMO the best worker in the business today, Kurt Angle. Now more screwey endings, resist the temptation to 'mass swerve' everyone with constant turns, keep some good logical plot lines going to the big events and find ways to get the right talents over.


Oh, and more Velvet Sky, because she's hot as hell.

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Again a very, very story driven Impact and it was overkill. Hope they don't keep this up or I will maybe need to break my word that I would keep watching no matter what if they brought in RVD. Although to be fair most of the angles where pretty good for what they where.
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Again a very, very story driven Impact and it was overkill. Hope they don't keep this up or I will maybe need to break my word that I would keep watching no matter what if they brought in RVD. Although to be fair most of the angles where pretty good for what they where.


They have always "overkilled" in my opinion, but these storylines are making alot more sense (to me). I can get behind TNA right now, without much of a problem.


I might even be home for the first monday, and get to see Hogan/Flair match, support TNA, and be off on Tuesday as well. First time all year without taking leave!

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Watched 3/4 of Impact (the last bit hasn't been uploaded to my regular haunt yet) and... I don't hate it. Tag Match was a little short. X-Division Title got a little buried. I had a massive urge to punch that blubbering sycophant Abyss in the face... but I liked Pope's promo. I loved Wolfe's promo. I enjoyed Kennedy's whole deal. Anytime I see MCMG vs Bucks is a plus.


Not too bad. Looking forward to seeing the last 20 minutes or so. They got me excited about the Main Event.

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There is no chance in hell Taker or HBK leave for TNA...they already have part time schedules making like 3 times as much as they would in TNA and are two of the locker room figure heads. They have been in WWE so long they get to do what they want. Why would they leave? That's completely ridiculous


Well first off, even on their current WWE reduced schedules they're still working hard as when they are on WWE television they are in a different city every week so even WWE's limited schedule is a lot more toil and work than TNA's at full load. Secondly, they've made their fortune and name from wrestling so I doubt their rep and finances come into it nearly as much. Thirdly, they've both been at WWE for more around 20 years and now they're both in their twilight and have achieved all they possibly can at WWE and yet they can both have an impact on the wrestling industry IF they go to TNA and achieve something meaningful for the business and that's healthy competition. And finally, rewind a year, did you see Hogan and Bischoff coming into TNA, or Ric Flair, or Jeff Hardy or Rob Van Dam ? Or did you see Bret Hart coming back to WWE and making up with Shawn Michaels ? If you're honest you have to say no. The point is that anything can and will happen. Especially now Impact is going live head to head with Raw. And it's doubtful I grant you, but it's not as beyond the realms of possibility as you might like to think I can assure you.


And to be honest I firmly believe that TNA could actually be an attractive proposition for both Taker and HBK for all of the implications that it brings especially given their current status with their current company. And let's be honest here, who wouldn't pay good money to see AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory - or Taker vs Sting?

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Even though I think Thommohawk is kind of a fool, he does have one point.


In the 90s I would have told you there was no way Bret Hart would go to WCW. There was just no way. He and Vince were tight, he was the flagship of the company, etc. In 1990 I think you would have said Hulk Hogan would never be in WCW either.


I think it is incredibly unlikely that HBK or Taker ever work for someone else, but you never know. With HBK it is even more unlikely because of HHH. The biggest thing with Taker is that the E is willing to keep him around in whatever role for as long he wants. It's not the E that takes him off tv or talks about his retirement.

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There is no chance in hell Taker or HBK leave for TNA...they already have part time schedules making like 3 times as much as they would in TNA and are two of the locker room figure heads. They have been in WWE so long they get to do what they want. Why would they leave? That's completely ridiculous


wasnt it reported during one of the financial reports that taker earned over 10 million in a year with contract + merchandise and shows. so i dont see him going to tna, even though in tna he could work even less dates than he does now, but as of now tna doesnt have the sales that wwe could generate for his merchandise.

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Impact thoughts this week as I've been doing (they're decently sized but help me view the overall show so too bad :p )


- Opening: At first I was dissapointd Flair and AJ were opening the show again since it seems they always do but I liked this one. No one rambled and it set up the main event, so overall it was good.


- Wolfe segment: Good, I said it before that they should use these new guys in angles to briefly show to them to people to try to get them also. Chelsea is also smoking.


- Bischoff/Jarret (will also include the Morely match): I liked it. Two weeks ago I said I liked running Jarret through a type of gauntlets, then last week i felt they dropped the ball, but this week was good with the no DQ match, afterall, JJ wanted a match so he got it. I was worried at first him cleaning toilets was gonna be the same as last week but glad they made it good.


tag team match: yay MCMG's, I knew Beer Money would win but I liked peple get their time and the "car crash" like match is old TNA style so I liked it. much better than a slow dudleys/nastys match like we've been seeing.


Foleys' etiquette: didnt really like these segments. I know, I know Foley will get the better of it in the end but these were supposed to be funny and they just werent to me.


Pope Promo: Same as Wolfe, love it. People who dont know Pope wont know Pope by wrestling alone so get him in front of the camera for at least a minute a show. He's charismatic and people mark out for him. Love it.


British Invasion: Here is my problem with it. I dont have a problem with the story line (i actually like it) or Big Rob whos a physical steroid guy freak, but what I'm worried about is as soon as I care about them they will drop them or the storyline since they dont seem as important as the rest of the roster. However, its good for what it is now and I liked how it was short and sweet. Once again, lots of people getting brief tv time, I like it.


Anderson/Angle: When I first saw Andreson come out I liked it, this feud has gone all over the place angle/match wise and I like it. However his promo went on too long and wasnt funny "i broke my neck, i broke my neck" i get it. I liked Angle actually came out to fight as it seems his personality and liked Anderson got the better this week since theyve been trading off and on and the olympic slam was an in your face thing that Anderson has been doing. Started off slow, finished strong.


Hogan/Abyss: Too long, and I thought Abyss was a B.A. now?


Beautiful People: Finally, only took three weeks to even show them on tv again. As i say every week I'm not a big womens wrestling fan but from a writing stand point this was a good storyline. Plus Lacey von Erich is super hott. Glad this is still going as I see it as a solid three month storyline thing if done right and is much more risque than WWE. BTW props for Angelina for taking that whipping and those marks, had to sting.


BTLS/Angle/Bischoff on Hogan: This was awful all around. 1) Dont try to break Kayfabe with Hulk Hogan by using his real name. hes mother f'n Hulk Hogan the biggest star EVER in wrestling. And what is with Hogan getting injured in this match? We went from him teaching Flair a lesson to this is an awful decision and people dont think he will survive, literally. I guess he should just put his HOF ring back on since it has secret powers. Also, whats with Hogan being called out and an under dog? He made this match!


The Band: Will Nash PLEASE finally join them on Monday or get them off my tv.


Tomko/Jarrett: Good news, this got some time. bad news, it was with an out of shape Tomko who probably wont be a star and if Jarrets so injured probably should have lost but I guess he finally got one over on Bischoff. A guitar shot ending would been better since I loved that :)


Title Match: Well, like many people on here said they were worried AJ would turn into some sorta mini Nature Boy and the robes and figure 4 made me worry to now. Eventually I see AJ turning back face as they've been building but I just hope this whole Flair thing doesnt turn people off of him. As far a the match, had some very good action and spots over all acting like its tag match (since it pretty much was) only thing I didnt like was the ref telling AJ not to attack the leg, um its a wrestling match? but it set up the chair shots which was good, despite Pope being able to hang on and the ref made a judgment call? Um...are you serious? This isn't MMA. This was a good match until the last minute and it actually really frustrates me. Post match beatdown did a good job of setting up Monday and I like how Wolfe is continually used as in TEW terms, in a supoort role during these attacks the past weeks instead of just walking to the back.


Other thoughts: Unless I missed it, still no word on Samoa Joe. Glad Sting is back and it looks like he will debut/return on Monday (hopefully with RVD) not to much wacky questions or thoughts so thats good.


Overall show: 8.5/10, great show hyping Monday, saw some decent in ring work, nothing that bad on the show except the last minute refereeing in the main event. If their shows are consistently like this I think they will draw more viewers on Mondays.


edit: Much less Bischoff on this show, very nice. I think he should appear in small doses in order to make him more important, like uh oh, here's Eric to lay down the hammer/settle the argument.

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Beautiful People: Finally, only took three weeks to even show them on tv again... Glad this is still going as I see it as a solid three month storyline thing if done right


It's pretty easy to have a long storyline when you only have an "episode" once a month :p

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Even though I think Thommohawk is kind of a fool, he does have one point.


In the 90s I would have told you there was no way Bret Hart would go to WCW. There was just no way. He and Vince were tight, he was the flagship of the company, etc. In 1990 I think you would have said Hulk Hogan would never be in WCW either.


I think it is incredibly unlikely that HBK or Taker ever work for someone else, but you never know. With HBK it is even more unlikely because of HHH. The biggest thing with Taker is that the E is willing to keep him around in whatever role for as long he wants. It's not the E that takes him off tv or talks about his retirement.


I don't know if I would have said there was no way. For a number of a reasons. Firstly, the fact that clearly there were issues with Hart and Michaels. A very, well... simmering tension. Secondly, from what I understand Bischoff tried to recruit Hart to be in the original nWo concept, but couldn't quite jag him due to Hart's loyalty, but none the less, the seed was sewn. Thirdly, because the WWF was in a dead set dogfight and struggling financially and had to dump some fuselage to get through.


I don't see Taker and HBK having the same tensions with anyone on the roster, except in HBK's case with Bret Hart. I haven't heard TNA actively target either. And the WWE has a mountain of cash and has in the past tended to reward these type of workers with life behind the scenes deals, not only for loyalty reasons, but to protect them from causing a spike in ratings by appearing on the oppositions product. While the WWE didn't protect Flair or Hogan, they had both spent a lot of time competing mainstream against the WWE and Taker and HBK, aside from some work in AWA, a tiny bit of WCW in its infancy, and a little bit of WCCW, never really had competed as major stars against the WWE.

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Well Morley and Roxxi are gone. Shame Roxxi got injured when she did and Morley got so much airtime etc and is now gone. He was a decent hand but overpushed and they needed to trim the roster. So him going CMLL instead of sticking with TNA is a blessing in disguise.


Next up hopefully: Nasties, OJ, Terry, Neal, Stevie, Kiyoshi, LVE.


Phase Out: Nash and 3D.

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Updated hopeful roster: Still big but should work.


Main Event:









Upper Midcard:





















Shark Boy


Tag Teams:


Hooliganz (Kendrick + London)

Motor City Machine Guns

Beer Money Inc.

British Invasion (Magnus + Williams)

Generation Me

Lethal Consequences















Occasional Wrestlers/Personalities:









Backstage Interviewers:





Announce crew:








So Cal Val


The referees.

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Morley leaving surprises me. Not so much that I'm surprised that he's leaving, mind you, it just seems odd that he was able to pin one of the top faces of TNA in their "match" on Impact last night. Always makes me scratch my head when a guy comes in, pins one of the top guys in the company, and then leaves.


Doesn't seem like it'd make much business sense.



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I wouldnt classify daniels as a main eventer considering how little hes been used or pushed, and Hardy shouldnt be on the list right now. I would def say Pope is a ME (after all hes facing AJ for the title at the PPV) and Wolfe/Abyss have also been used in ME roles recently but understand why you dont consider them yet.
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Morley leaving surprises me. Not so much that I'm surprised that he's leaving, mind you, it just seems odd that he was able to pin one of the top faces of TNA in their "match" on Impact last night. Always makes me scratch my head when a guy comes in, pins one of the top guys in the company, and then leaves.


Doesn't seem like it'd make much business sense.




Its because he wants to work for CMLL in Mexico. When TNA only had 1/2 tapings a month this wasn't a problem, but not with the live Mondays they decided to part ways.

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Morley leaving surprises me. Not so much that I'm surprised that he's leaving, mind you, it just seems odd that he was able to pin one of the top faces of TNA in their "match" on Impact last night. Always makes me scratch my head when a guy comes in, pins one of the top guys in the company, and then leaves.


Doesn't seem like it'd make much business sense.




Agreed. I remember reading that Hogan owed him dates from the Australia tour...knowing that he was only there for a set number of dates, it seems weird that he gets to pin JJ then leave.


Surely they could have just got someone like Rhyno, Wolf...or even three or four midcarders to jump JJ and achieve the same effect?

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I wouldnt classify daniels as a main eventer considering how little hes been used or pushed, and Hardy shouldnt be on the list right now. I would def say Pope is a ME (after all hes facing AJ for the title at the PPV) and Wolfe/Abyss have also been used in ME roles recently but understand why you dont consider them yet.


Yeah its more where I want to see them middle/long term then where they are atm hence the hopeful part.

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Agreed. I remember reading that Hogan owed him dates from the Australia tour...knowing that he was only there for a set number of dates, it seems weird that he gets to pin JJ then leave.


Surely they could have just got someone like Rhyno, Wolf...or even three or four midcarders to jump JJ and achieve the same effect?


Yep and beat Daniels, TNA was kinda jumping the gun/putting the horse before the carriage here. Giving him wins/exposure before he had signed long term, probably in hopes that it would help convince him to sign long term. Still as I said before he was a decent hand but didn't have any upside that any of the current talent already has so not sad to see him go. More miffed about Roxxi.

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