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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Just researched it and if its final that is the lowest rating since new years show of last year. Their average on thursday with a hour show was 1.0 and their average during their two hour show on thursday was 1.2, the big January 4th show did a 1.5 and ratings have consistently dropped since.


That is pretty bad from a mainstream point considering the Olympics and The Bachelor are over, not neccessarily their main demographic but with two of the highest rated shows in February off tv you thought it might have helped


edit: However as some mentioned it is WM time of year for WWE so throw that in there

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To be fair, this is the first 'normal' week of the New Monday Night War. The January 4th shows had all of the Bret/Hogan returning hullaballoo, so are obviously bloated from the norm. 1.0 is fine. They went opposite RAW and only went down a little. In fact, it could be argued that they stole 0.4 from RAW... Although you could also put the blame for that on Criss Angel.


I was kind of hoping Santino would put the knife in the wrong cup

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Plus no Fiesta bowl this time. Still lets hope the total ratings go up due to "war" buzz. Anyone have the data on their head to head rating so excluding the first hour of the Jan 4th show? If the total ratings keep around this for a couple of weeks TNA needs to go 8-10 asap.
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Plus no Fiesta bowl this time. Still lets hope the total ratings go up due to "war" buzz. Anyone have the data on their head to head rating so excluding the first hour of the Jan 4th show? If the total ratings keep around this for a couple of weeks TNA needs to go 8-10 asap.


I also felt an 8-10 would work better since you may get people who watch RAW for the first hour and maybe even until 10 so they wouldn't miss RAW's main event, good in theory, hard to know if it would actually work.

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Watching Impact now, first time I've done it in about a month, but I'm curious to see if things have improved. I'd say yes and no.


The Good: The Sting turn is a positive, probably one of the two best parts of the show, because unlike about 90% of this, it's not a re-hash or a worked shoot or an excuse for 60 year old men to try to sell. Everybody has said Sting as a heel won't work, but feud him with RVD and anybody can be a heel. Steve Austin himself can work heel with RVD. Keep Sting away from Flair and give him a program with Abyss or something, but I like the guy and I have no problem with him as a heel.


Angle/Kennedy confrontation: simple, old-school storytelling, with Angle as the "changed man" and Anderson as the jerkass who doesn't respect anybody. Very good stuff.


Also in the net positive is the Beautiful People's win. The Knockouts are one of the biggest draws when it comes to TV, so I don't know what jesterx is talking about, and the tag belts seem tailor (not Taylor) made for them.


The Bad: It's a shame that there wasn't better/more wrestling so we could get the never-ending Hogan-drama, and it doesn't hurt that so many of the best workers were left off the show entirely or appeared for about 1 minute (Pope and Wolfe).


The Beer Money heel turn is pretty stupid, but both guys are good heels, and maybe we'll actually get some tag team wrestling out of it. TNA has one of the best tag divisions in wrestling, not that you'd ever know it from this show.


TNA living in the distant past: beyond the fact that Abyss is not a great worker, the program with him and Styles is not too bad. But TNA is still booking like it's 1998. Way too much of the main event was Hogan/Flair (it would've been a bigger deal if we only saw them in the ring for part of the match or if Hogan could actually sell that he wasn't 100%), and beyond that we got the Band featuring 3 men who would be retired or on worker's comp in most professions and Eric freaking Young (who hits the trifecta of being small, a middling worker and impossible to listen to on the mic), a worked shoot about Steve Borden and an attack which saw him taking out another guy who's only known for what he did 5+ years ago. Why aren't legit talented workers like Homicide and Hernandez, Matt Morgan, the MCMGs, etc. not on the show at all so we can have this terrible nostalgia trip? Instead of just talking about how great things were 12 years ago, give the audience something new, TNA! Raven doesn't need another flock: make somebody new a creepy, terrible music-influenced heel.


The Ugly: Flair and Hogan blading. Way to make it all about you, guys. And Hogan taking an unprotected chair shot was just stupid.


Brooke Hogan's acting: "to everyone else, you're the Hulkster, but to me, you're like my dad."


Spike cutting off Jeff Hardy's return: whoops! Also how retarded is TNA to bring in a guy a week out from a criminal trial where he's being charged with drug trafficking? What if he's found guilty? I mean it's not like TNA has a lot of prestige so this wouldn't hurt them the way it would a large publicly traded entity, but it does make TNA look like a haven for guys who can't pass WWE's drug policies. Just incredibly stupid. Wait until AFTER the trial, TNA. Assuming he doesn't get jail time (which is a pretty huge if).

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If this is correct, and its a big if, it seems at least the key demo's where up compared to last Thursday (,which was a mediocre/bad rating anyways,) and it seems a lot of people DVR/Tivo TNA which never gets reported on. Bischoff mentioned that in his facebook that if you calculate the DVR/Tivo people in they have around 2 mil viewers.


Can't wait for the segment to segment ratings. Not that that tells you much.

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Actually, the segment to segment ratings will at least show if they gained or lost viewers throughout the show, and where.


I don't know that trying to factor in the DVR/TIVO people is that valid. I mean, You could argue that a similar number do the same with the WWE and therefore their ratings should be upped by that as well.


To be honest, I don't think this one was that bad. The unknown of the "new era" under Hogan had a lot of momentum at the start of January. Even just to hold most of their regular viewers on a move head-to-head with the WWE is an accomplishment.

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Excellent podcast by Bill Behrens on first the Impact show but mainly on the IWC. While he sometimes gets his math confused he does have very valid insights.




If you don't know who Bill Behrens is he used to operate NWA-Wildside WCW's former dev territory and semi successful independent, which is now NWA Anarchy which he is involved in. He has worked for TNA and is the agent for many of the TNA talents.

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Actually, the segment to segment ratings will at least show if they gained or lost viewers throughout the show, and where.


I don't know that trying to factor in the DVR/TIVO people is that valid. I mean, You could argue that a similar number do the same with the WWE and therefore their ratings should be upped by that as well.


To be honest, I don't think this one was that bad. The unknown of the "new era" under Hogan had a lot of momentum at the start of January. Even just to hold most of their regular viewers on a move head-to-head with the WWE is an accomplishment.


Yep they should be added to both or at least get reported on. What is important is not so much the amount though as the ratio. And yeah after the initial disappointment its not hugely bad just hoped for better. As usual the next weeks will be the real test. Which they failed after the Jan 4th show btw.

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Here ya go.


Impact Live on 3/8


0.99 Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles, Sting interrupts the match and beats on Hogan/Abyss.


0.98 Sting continues to beat on Hogan/Abyss, Short Sting segment backstage with Dixie Carter, Flair/Styles interview backstage, Short Abyss segment backstage, Short Brooke Hogan segment backstage, Kaz, Daniels, Williams talk in the ring.


1.00 Kaz vs Daniels vs Williams, Moore comes to the ring, Short Dixie Carter interview backstage, Beautiful People vs Tara/Love vsWilde/Sarita.


1.07 Daffney comes to the ring to interfere, Pope interview backstage Wolfe attacks Pope, Beautiful People interview backstage, Sting comes to the ring for his match.


1.07 Sting vs RVD short match with Sting beating on RVD after the match, Hogan comes to the ring Sting beats on him, Nash/Young in the ring call out Hall/Pac.


1.03 Nash/Young/Hall/Pac talk in the ring, Young vs Pac short match, US Army walk down ramp, Angle talks in the ring.


0.95 Mr. Anderson starts to talk Angle attacks him they brawl to the ring, Bubba/Hogan/Earl Hebner talk backstage, Jarrett and James Storm talk backstage.


0.76 Jarrett vs Beer money 2 on 1 handicap match Foley referee, Hogan/Abyss/Brooke Hogan talk backstage, Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles.


1.01 Q9 Overrun Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles ends, After the match Wolfe, Pope, Hardy come to the ring.

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Yep they should be added to both or at least get reported on. What is important is not so much the amount though as the ratio. And yeah after the initial disappointment its not hugely bad just hoped for better. As usual the next weeks will be the real test. Which they failed after the Jan 4th show btw.


Might not get reported as its probably a tough things to measure. I'm not sure there's any legit way to do it. But to me, leaving those out is the same as leaving out those who watch rebroadcasts. You want the legit, live number of veiwers and that should be the measure.


They did falter after the January 4th show, but its tough to say where. Did the booking result in some of those viewers losing interest? Was the initial curisoity of seeing Hogan, Flair, etc, not sustained by everything else after? Did those tuning in for the promise of "more wrestling" than the WWE get turned off by an (in my opinion) idle promise? I think those in charge need to take a long hard look at what worked and what didn't in that two month period and use that as ammunition going foraward... but I'm not sure they will...

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Here ya go.


Impact Live on 3/8


0.99 Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles, Sting interrupts the match and beats on Hogan/Abyss.


0.98 Sting continues to beat on Hogan/Abyss, Short Sting segment backstage with Dixie Carter, Flair/Styles interview backstage, Short Abyss segment backstage, Short Brooke Hogan segment backstage, Kaz, Daniels, Williams talk in the ring.


1.00 Kaz vs Daniels vs Williams, Moore comes to the ring, Short Dixie Carter interview backstage, Beautiful People vs Tara/Love vsWilde/Sarita.


1.07 Daffney comes to the ring to interfere, Pope interview backstage Wolfe attacks Pope, Beautiful People interview backstage, Sting comes to the ring for his match.


1.07 Sting vs RVD short match with Sting beating on RVD after the match, Hogan comes to the ring Sting beats on him, Nash/Young in the ring call out Hall/Pac.


1.03 Nash/Young/Hall/Pac talk in the ring, Young vs Pac short match, US Army walk down ramp, Angle talks in the ring.


0.95 Mr. Anderson starts to talk Angle attacks him they brawl to the ring, Bubba/Hogan/Earl Hebner talk backstage, Jarrett and James Storm talk backstage.


0.76 Jarrett vs Beer money 2 on 1 handicap match Foley referee, Hogan/Abyss/Brooke Hogan talk backstage, Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles.


1.01 Q9 Overrun Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles ends, After the match Wolfe, Pope, Hardy come to the ring.


hopefully they'll get a hint and drop the stupid Jarrett storyline they have going. I don't mind seeing him wrestle, but he had no business having a match that late in the show given the recent storylines and he's not as big of a name as most of the others on the show. Angle's segment stunk pretty bad too.


Speaking of Jarret, they've been trying to bill bear money as TNA's best tag team, so why does the guy that lost to val venis and Anderson suddenly almost take them in a handicap?


And the overall rating is kind of around where I thought it'd be. The test will also be to see what the thurs replay gets (per the website it appears they replay this thurs and then no replay) in case people forgot about the timeslot change and then the next couple of weeks.


Also I've seen it posted in a bunch of spots here and elsewhere. Hardy was not the biggest pop of the night. RVD, Hogan, and even Sting had bigger pops. Sting also had the most heat.


What I will say is that I checked into Raw a few times and never saw anything of interest so I think TNA may go up a little nextweek if the opening is good and the last two matches are done well. It'll be a week to week thing, sometimes as low as maybe 0.8 and sometimes as high as maybe 1.4

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The ratings are in.


TNA 1.0

RAW 3.4


They gave it a shot, can't fault 'em for that.


This is not a disappointment. The TNA audience has always been a static 1.0 for a while now with a plus or minus game always over that 1.0. It's great. It means they can hold their audience against raw. As long as they keep their rating at least this high, it'll keep spike TV happy.


No one expected good news for TNA today, if there is any, it's that they held their own against the behemoth of the WWE. A company with tremendous name value that building towards the biggest night in the industry: Wrestlemania.


Anyone who was expecting a big rating for TNA today is an idiot.

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This is directed at anyone bitching about there not being enough wreslting on TNA. I fully do believe in Russo's train of thought that it doesn't really matter what the promotion is doing so long as it's entertaining.


****, the highest rated WWE segment was The Rock and Mankind's this is your life segment. In fact, when vince gave away Christian/RVD for the IC title in a ladder match and Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle 60 minute iron man match for the Undisputed Championship on free tv ratings? THEY ACTUALLY WERE POOR! AND THIS WAS WELL BEFORE THE E GOT STAGNANT!


And I'm not a TNA mark, though I am a fan. I've never been bored watching their shows since Hogan took over, and if I have any complaint, it's that I'm to over-stimulated! So much **** flying at you at once, they really need to learn to pace themselves and not burn out the crowd.


Also it was fine for this time, but I *NEVER* want to see Flair or Hogan in a match again... Okay maybe Hogan, but only on PPV, only with a kick ass storyline, only with a worker that can carry him, and only if it's done to put over the worker. I can only see Hogan wrestling in TNA if it's ala Terry Funk "I'm an old man, I don't got what it takes anymore" gimmick.

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This is directed at anyone bitching about there not being enough wreslting on TNA. I fully do believe in Russo's train of thought that it doesn't really matter what the promotion is doing so long as it's entertaining.


****, the highest rated WWE segment was The Rock and Mankind's this is your life segment. In fact, when vince gave away Christian/RVD for the IC title in a ladder match and Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle 60 minute iron man match for the Undisputed Championship on free tv ratings? THEY ACTUALLY WERE POOR! AND THIS WAS WELL BEFORE THE E GOT STAGNANT!


And I'm not a TNA mark, though I am a fan. I've never been bored watching their shows since Hogan took over, and if I have any complaint, it's that I'm to over-stimulated! So much **** flying at you at once, they really need to learn to pace themselves and not burn out the crowd.


Also it was fine for this time, but I *NEVER* want to see Flair or Hogan in a match again... Okay maybe Hogan, but only on PPV, only with a kick ass storyline, only with a worker that can carry him, and only if it's done to put over the worker. I can only see Hogan wrestling in TNA if it's ala Terry Funk "I'm an old man, I don't got what it takes anymore" gimmick.


The only real issue I have with TNA not featuring very much wrestling at all is that they try to bill themselves as being "about wrestling". Which is hypocritical bull. That bothers me. Just because you're willing to still call it wrestling while the E calls it "entertainment" instead, it doesn't change what it is.


Agree on them throwing too much around. The shows feel like they lack focus. There's too much going on at once, without enough time taken to fully develop stuff.


As for Hogan use a Funk approach, I seriously doubt that will happen. Hogan has too much pride and ego for that to happen.

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The only real issue I have with TNA not featuring very much wrestling at all is that they try to bill themselves as being "about wrestling". Which is hypocritical bull. That bothers me. Just because you're willing to still call it wrestling while the E calls it "entertainment" instead, it doesn't change what it is.


Agree on them throwing too much around. The shows feel like they lack focus. There's too much going on at once, without enough time taken to fully develop stuff.


As for Hogan use a Funk approach, I seriously doubt that will happen. Hogan has too much pride and ego for that to happen.


Since when? They haven't used the "We Are Wrestling" line in quite sometime, and even so, I consider TNA way more about the cores of the industry then the E is presently. With all their scripts, and their movies, the E is about trying to make Pro-Wrestling a friendly main-stream like Disney while disowning as much about their past as possible.


TNA gives the guys the talking points and tells them to go. And this is why I love Vinnie Ru, he'll talk with Talent and come up with characters based on their personality. And of course, the TNA roster is much more talented charisma wise and in-ring wise.


And about Hogan, your kidding right? The entire build up for the match was Hogan bassically being all "I'm too old for this ****, I gotta do it, but man is this a bad idea".... WE SAW HIM GET BEAT UP ALL OVER THE PLACE THIS PAST MONDAY! He put over Flair and AJ at the opening, and Sting in the middle of the show. I think he'd totally be willing to pull the whole Terry Funk thing for someone, it's just a matter of finding the right guy to give a rub. The last one he gave it to ran off to join UFC!

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Since when? They haven't used the "We Are Wrestling" line in quite sometime, and even so, I consider TNA way more about the cores of the industry then the E is presently. With all their scripts, and their movies, the E is about trying to make Pro-Wrestling a friendly main-stream like Disney while disowning as much about their past as possible.


TNA gives the guys the talking points and tells them to go. And this is why I love Vinnie Ru, he'll talk with Talent and come up with characters based on their personality. And of course, the TNA roster is much more talented charisma wise and in-ring wise.


And about Hogan, your kidding right? The entire build up for the match was Hogan bassically being all "I'm too old for this ****, I gotta do it, but man is this a bad idea".... WE SAW HIM GET BEAT UP ALL OVER THE PLACE THIS PAST MONDAY! He put over Flair and AJ at the opening, and Sting in the middle of the show. I think he'd totally be willing to pull the whole Terry Funk thing for someone, it's just a matter of finding the right guy to give a rub. The last one he gave it to ran off to join UFC!


Seem to remember them talking about it a bunch when Hogan first showed up at the start of January.... Memory could be fuzzy, as like you said, TNA does throw a ton of stuff around.


Sure, we got the awesome segments of Bubba and Brooke trying to talk Hogan out of it... but he does it anyway because "he's the Hulkster". He's still willing and demanding more after the opening match. He's still willing to get in the ring after the Sting attack. Why? Cuz he's Hogan. You can put him down, but he's Hulking right back up. I still see it as an geriatric variation of his standard Hulk approach. You can put him down, make him bleed, whatever... but he is getting back up. Not saying he's unwilling to take a beating, but he's going to find a way to come out looking good, to some extent. That's the Hogan ego to me.

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I think your confusing ego with that being the only way Hogan knows how to work a match. And maybe it's me, but from a character stand point all I got from it was that Hogan was only doing this because he had to. Because he's their top draw, and the young talent are counting on him to pull TNA on his back and help solidify their future.


Actually, wouldn't it be a great OMG moment for Hogan to start doing the whole Hulking Up routine and then the young monster he's putting over ducks the big boot and smashes hogan with a Lesnar-esque clothesline? And just kills Hogan? That do huge!


God but thats the problem with this industry! You build guys up like Lashley and Lesnar, put a rocket on their back and every oppurtunity, and then they piss it all way! That's probably the real reason, if any, Hogan wouldn't do this. I can't imagine him clinging to ego or a payday, he's too old to be in the ring and I think he realizes that this is it. THere is no more paydays coming, he's milked everything from his bones, and he has to start giving back now or he'll forever be remembered as a selfish *******. Which, yeah, he probably was... and then I remember **** like how he gave Lesnar the honor of being the 1st person to kill Hulkamania.

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We shall see in the future. And yes Bigpapa your memory isn't cheating you they said stuff like that on the Jan 4th show. Gave it lip service the shows after and finally almost did it tonight.


BTW something that hasn't been mentioned and has been one of the big positives. That you can see and feel that the TNA promo's aren't over scripted anymore. Good old bullet points and go get em feel. SO much better even if it does result in an occasional snafu.

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I'm gonna have to agree with TommyDreamerFan myself. Hogan hasn't really done anything till they went head to head with WWE, and it's pretty obvious that was because they know he is the top draw, and so they threw him all over the place. The whole time he acknowledged it was a bad idea, "Abyss, your going to have to protect me out there brotha!" He is going to do this because he has to do it, not because he wants to do it (this was the storyline throughout the night).


All this talk about bringing up Hulk as a show stealer and such isn't very believable while watching this unfold, as he has been exactly what he said he was going to be when this all was first announced. That is, trying to make "bigger" stars out of these guys. All the promo's sound alot better then they have since I been watching, and even the product over-all seems to have improved in every area. Even the in ring psychology has improved. This is not "coincidence" but a direct effect of having Hogan and friends around to help with these things. It's not 200% better, but they have definately improved the whole show overall.


I feel that Hogan was used too much, and it come off looking a bit desperate. I understand why they did it though, and it has nothing to do with Hogan's ego, it's just common sense. I think they just don't realise how far they have really come since Hogan started, and treated Monday night as if it were his (and Flair's) first night in TNA.

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Alright, well if Hogan has no ego involved at this point, I assume we will see him move back into the background, so we won't have twenty-five minutes worth of Hogan per 120 minutes. And if he does get in the ring, I expect that lack of ego will see see put over some young talent cleanly.
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Alright, well if Hogan has no ego involved at this point, I assume we will see him move back into the background, so we won't have twenty-five minutes worth of Hogan per 120 minutes. And if he does get in the ring, I expect that lack of ego will see see put over some young talent cleanly.


Promise you're not holding your breath...I want to read the rest of your TCW diary :-p

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Yes there was a bunch of build-up about how Hulk is too old, Hulk can't do it any more, etc.......




And then Hulk went out and had the same tag team match he's been having since 1987. If that is the only story he can tell in the ring, don't even bother putting him in the ring. To actually see a Hogan that needed saving, a Hogan that couldn't keep fighting would've been huge because not only would it fit in with the story they've been telling us it would be something the audience hasn't seen a million times before.


One of the best things about the Monday Night War is you would regularly see things you had never seen before. There was a few bright spots of that from TNA but a lot of it is just nostalgia.

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