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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Theres a storyline here, what was Orlando doing up in Sting's rafters huh? OMG SUDDENLY THE HEEL TURN MAKES SENSE! STINGER'S SWINGING HIS BAT FOR THE OTHER TEAM!


Props. This is the best post I've seen you make :D Do you write have a dynasty on the boards? If you put these sorts of connections in place on a larger scale, that's the kind of thing I enjoy reading.

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Um. Yeah. That's pretty much expected, tbh. I mean, who's going to miss HBK's (probably) last Raw??


Truth. TNA choose a horrible time to start their fight on monday night. Why is gods name did you choose Wrestlemania?


unless their banking on taking the hit before hand so if/when ratings increase, even if it's only back to a 1.0 they can say they went up.


Ah well hell with it, if this company is going to die I'll at least enjoy it while its here.

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Wow. It's pretty incredible that TNA went from its highest rating ever to its lowest rating in years in a span of 3 months. I almost wonder if it wouldn't be better to make some symbolic gesture like firing Russo just so the IWC is willing to give it another chance. With the star power they have, only their seeming inability to deliver watchable programming is keeping them back.
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They've been watchable for a few weeks now, but that's after a 2 months of appallingly awful television and they're turning the corner at the same time the biggest Wrestling event in the world happens. Just a potpourri of awfulness.


If they keep pulling sub-.8s when they move to 8pm they may be best set to just admit failure and move back to Thursdays.

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Truth. TNA choose a horrible time to start their fight on monday night. Why is gods name did you choose Wrestlemania?


unless their banking on taking the hit before hand so if/when ratings increase, even if it's only back to a 1.0 they can say they went up.


Ah well hell with it, if this company is going to die I'll at least enjoy it while its here.


They won't die for a long time yet, 3 year deal with Spike and a flat rate for the ratings, they might be moved back to Thursdays. Reasoning behind Mania is because the so called war at this moment is mainly to increase brand awareness among wrestling fans and Mania is the period most tune in.

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They've been watchable for a few weeks now, but that's after a 2 months of appallingly awful television and they're turning the corner at the same time the biggest Wrestling event in the world happens. Just a potpourri of awfulness.


If they keep pulling sub-.8s when they move to 8pm they may be best set to just admit failure and move back to Thursdays.


Yep that has been their main failure losing the 1.4 audience after the Jan 4th show with very poor booking.

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They've been watchable for a few weeks now, but that's after a 2 months of appallingly awful television and they're turning the corner at the same time the biggest Wrestling event in the world happens. Just a potpourri of awfulness.


If they keep pulling sub-.8s when they move to 8pm they may be best set to just admit failure and move back to Thursdays.


More than watchable. Last night's episode was really good and the few weeks before that were definitely above average


But like you said..really bad timing.


I'm guessing they will write off the 0.6 rating as due to the post-WM Raw with HBK's goodbye. There is some validity to that. But they also need to take a long hard look at the booking. Time for them to be honest about that and change up what isn't.


The booking was really bad in the months before..but other than a few nitpicky things, last night's show was well booked.


i notice with Impact's rating when the show is live its close to 1.0 but when it taped it goes down


Ummm..you'd be off. It raises slightly when it's live, but it hasn't been "close to 1.0" in a month.

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The booking was really bad in the months before..but other than a few nitpicky things, last night's show was well booked.


Last night was a step up. Things seemed less frenetic, slightly more subdued. That works better, in my opinion.


Some of the damage can't be undone, but so long as they dont' flip out about the 0.6 and do something stupid - like 60 minutes worth of Hogan next week - then they could move forward from this point.

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More than watchable. Last night's episode was really good and the few weeks before that were definitely above average


But like you said..really bad timing.




The booking was really bad in the months before..but other than a few nitpicky things, last night's show was well booked.




Ummm..you'd be off. It raises slightly when it's live, but it hasn't been "close to 1.0" in a month.

so a 0.9 not close to 1.0


what i mean is it up when live and down when taped

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damn it was still close but that not what im saying it goes up when LIVE and down when TAPED


I understand your point, but you responded to my post by saying "so 0.9 is not close to a 1.0"


And again..it wasn't a 0.9. And again..it wasn't close.


The difference between a 0.86 and 1.0 is several tens of thousands of viewers. Those 0.1's mean something in TV terms.

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I'm guessing they will write off the 0.6 rating as due to the post-WM Raw with HBK's goodbye. There is some validity to that. But they also need to take a long hard look at the booking. Time for them to be honest about that and change up what isn't.


I'll give them that, but there's only so many excuses you can make for poor ratings week after week.


Every week they roll out something WWE themed as the excuse, be it WM push, a big guest host, or now Post WM push.


But at the end of the day, TNA is competing against WWE. Is it really a valid excuse for poor ratings to pretty much go:


"well, of course. They had a better show this week than us, duh."


In response to your rivals efforts?


At what point will that stop being an excuse? you need to be concerned with picking up ratings on them, a bit at a time of course, year round. not throwing in the towel and acting like a second class product every time the other company has a strong show planned.


News flash to dixie. WWE is always going to be able to bring something to the table that it's core base likes. TNA can't continue to wait passively for the WWE to have a weak programing stretch and hope viewers get bored. That 3.5 or so that always watches raw hasen't gotten bored enough to tune out in the last two years, which were somewhat flat for raw, why would they turn out now that raw is somewhat watchable again?


And, regardless, isn't Hogan, dixie and EB's whole push that the WWE product is stale and fans want a change? If that's so, why on earth is it an acceptable excuse to point to the fact that it's a "special time" for the WWE every time they get thier butts whipped?


It's an ok excuse for say, next monday with the NCAA's on. TNA can't directly compete with that, and both shows will suffer.


But its alarming to me that TNA doesn't see the utter laughably of writing off low ratings by saying it's expected because the other companies product is better than yours for the week.


IF you really believe that is an acceptable excuse TNA, you've already lost any momentum you have on Monday nights, and should have stuck to Thursday, where you had a nice niche carved out.

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It's a shame that this was the best Impact in quite a while, but it gets the lowest rating.



Another problem, as a guy who DVR's TNA and watches Raw live while flipping to spike during commercials.


Why, for the love of god, is TNA on a commercial break nearly every time WWE is?


I know that sounds nit picky, but hear me out. You are the underdog TNA. People are going to tune into you during WWE's breaks.


IF I were the TNA production crew, i would make every effort so that when WWE went to commercial break, TNA has action or a promo on. Hell, if you had talented enough staff, which they may, Id go one further and try to time it so everytime WWE went to commercial, i had a promo running for what my main event was.


It just makes sense, i kid you not, i flipped to impact....10 times during raw's breaks over the last two weeks. 8-9 times they were also in commercials. Simply staggering their breaks by 3-4 minutes would have given a casual viewer tuning over to see what TNA was about some in ring action to watch.


heck, MAbey if it's a good match, you snag that viewer away from the WWE for the 15 minutes they want to devote to it over raw's next midcard/diva match.


Then mabey that person goes "you know what, that was alright...much better than x vs y on raw...TNA ain't half bad..."


It's little things like that which need to be done to compete with the WWE.

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