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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Giving the belt away for free in a random box makes it 'legit'? :D


but then again Isnt Money in the Bank in the WWE the same thing? Also is was a match in the first hour the person who won the key earned the title well in my view and i liked the ending it was something new not the same people and stuff.

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Change the word spectacle to spectacular and it makes sense.


What did you honestly expect? If it hurt the Knockouts in your view because they didn't send one of their endless supply of blond beauties up there, then I can't argue with you.


Didn't they send out Lacey?


Really don't know which of you is arguing for what. I wanted nudity, and was disappointed not to get it.


but then again Isnt Money in the Bank in the WWE the same thing? Also is was a match in the first hour the person who won the key earned the title well in my view and i liked the ending it was something new not the same people and stuff.


Was there a match to decide who-got-what-key? If so, fair enough I guess. Although still, MitB is a bit better, because there's only one winner.

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Didn't they send out Lacey?


Really don't know which of you is arguing for what. I wanted nudity, and was disappointed not to get it.


oh nudity well ok spike tv hell they edited holy S*** during Angle vs Anderson so no nudity :( LOL


Didn't they send out Lacey?



Was there a match to decide who-got-what-key? If so, fair enough I guess.

first hour 8 knockout elimination match

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I'm not thinking about standards & practices and all that jazz. I'm purely thinking with my downstairs brain here. TNA advertised a striptease at the end of the show. Therefore I assumed (well 'hoped' is a more accurate term) to see a little something. They failed to deliver and I was sad because of it (in more ways than one). This isn't a "what's right for business" thought. This is just me wanting to see boobs and not getting them. Like 99% of my time in high school, I was left disappointed. :)


I had RAW and Impact running head to head on my computer screen, and I have to say I found Impact more interesting. Sloppy but different, and I like different.

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Didn't they send out Lacey?


Really don't know which of you is arguing for what. I wanted nudity, and was disappointed not to get it.


they teased lacey from the start of the show (or actually before the start, during UFC's show) but Daffney won the tease. I really have no interest in watching Daffney do a a tease.


Luckily Lacey still came out to deliver (and even more luckily I switched back to see it) but then they took the focus off of her and onto the brawl and then Velvets challenge to Angelina.


Lacey is hot and hasn't really been portrayed as a legit competitor to this point so I'm fine with her doing the tease. It fits her character, does neither her nor the division much damage and people want to see it (the little bit we did get was nice).


Here is what I don't like.... tara apparently finds her spider more important than the title, Angelina won the title without any rhyme or reason and the winner of the striptease was the person, out of the four winners, that the crowd least wants to see. The way they treated the title in this match more than anything hurts the knockouts.


Imagine if they had a slimiar match with AJ, Pope Wolfe, Hall, Nash, Waltman, and Eric young and Young got on of the pinfall overy Waltman and won AJ's title, even if AJ beat someone else. does that help or hurt the world title?


Tara won the match and still lost the title. And if I'm not mistaken Angelina was the last winner making her vistory the least impressive. Yet she's the champ. Maybe they can do this type of match everyweek and we can have random champions.

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Not to sound like too much of an ass, but nobody cares about women's wrestling.


TNA presents a much better version than the WWe, and they have higher than average quarters, but it's insane to think that pushing the Knockouts as the focal point of the show will translate to bigger ratings.


People who truly follow women's wrestling are a tiny portion of an already tiny wrestling audience ...the majority are looking for hot girls nad not much else.


Keep the Knockouts interesting and strong; it really is a differentiator. But a 15 minute segment to close out the show? When you also had an Angle/Anderson match AND an AJ/Pope segment?


That's nuts.

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Not to sound like too much of an ass, but nobody cares about women's wrestling.


TNA presents a much better version than the WWe, and they have higher than average quarters, but it's insane to think that pushing the Knockouts as the focal point of the show will translate to bigger ratings.


People who truly follow women's wrestling are a tiny portion of an already tiny wrestling audience ...the majority are looking for hot girls nad not much else.


Keep the Knockouts interesting and strong; it really is a differentiator. But a 15 minute segment to close out the show? When you also had an Angle/Anderson match AND an AJ/Pope segment?


That's nuts.

Aside from your first sentence, I more or less agree. The Knockouts are (or at least were; not so sure now that Kong is gone) a positive aspect of TNA, and something that they can offer that WWE doesn't. That's great. But that segment should not have closed the show, and entirely too much time was spent hyping it up.

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well dont agree with your first sentence i know alot who like women wrestling.


Also I liked the ending and it was something different then the same people closing the show.


Here's the thing: try and separate yourselves from the world of internet wrestling nerds.


It's hard to do, especially on a board teeming with women's wrestling knowledge, and women's wrestling fans, and entire databases dedicated to women's wrestling..but the fact of the matter is that pro wrestling has been around for decades and really big time pro wrestling has always treated women as a side attraction. The people who follow, pay attention to, and are willing to spend actual money on women's wrestling are a tiny tiny segment of the over-all wrestling audience.


Why? Because the majority of your fans are young males and young males don't necessarily care to see women as heroic figures or having leading roles in storylines. Unless they're hot. And if they're hot, the stories don't really have to be that good or the matches that exciting.


Does anyone really think the Knockouts are getting decent ratings because of the riveting feud centered around a pet spider? or do guys just like to see big boobs in tiny outfits? What's more likely? Honestly?


So unless they're going to ratchet the sex waaaaaaay up, the Knockouts don't have the potential to be the draw that the rest of the card can be.


[For instance, when those buy rates come in for the next PPV, will more people buy for the AJ/Pope match or for the Tara/Angelina match I'm sure will be booked?]


They're a nice little addition. But that's it.

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Peter...did you mean to quote my post, or was that accidental? Don't see why you'd intentionally quote it, as I said I pretty much agreed with your point of view. I enjoy solid women's wrestling personally, but like you said, it's a niche, and not something that should be pushed as the focal point of the company. But push it as a nice side attraction, like WCW's Cruiserweight division? Sure.
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Peter...did you mean to quote my post, or was that accidental? Don't see why you'd intentionally quote it, as I said I pretty much agreed with your point of view. I enjoy solid women's wrestling personally, but like you said, it's a niche, and not something that should be pushed as the focal point of the company. But push it as a nice side attraction, like WCW's Cruiserweight division? Sure.


Naw..I was trying to grab TBF. Hang on.


EDIT: I think it's just puzzles me that there are still nets fans that insist the key to TNA's success is the Knockouts.

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Big Boobs in tiny outfits all the way!


Which is actually why I don't like Angelina, her's just scare me and look awful.


This is purely from a cutters perspective on here.


The last handful of pics I've seen for Angelina... is it me, or does she look really old now, or, something is up with her face. I'm not saying she's hideous, but, something happened between her first TNA run, and when she came back after the issues.

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Not to sound like too much of an ass, but nobody cares about women's wrestling.


TNA presents a much better version than the WWe, and they have higher than average quarters, but it's insane to think that pushing the Knockouts as the focal point of the show will translate to bigger ratings.


People who truly follow women's wrestling are a tiny portion of an already tiny wrestling audience ...the majority are looking for hot girls nad not much else.


Keep the Knockouts interesting and strong; it really is a differentiator. But a 15 minute segment to close out the show? When you also had an Angle/Anderson match AND an AJ/Pope segment?


That's nuts.


This. It would have been a great bit in the middle. Ending the show with that instead of the ladder match was nuts.

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You want a true alternative to the WWE? Close the show with the Knockouts Division. If TNA wants to really 'change the course of Pro Wrestling' they need to do so by pushing scenarios that you would NEVER see in the WWE. That means the X-Division, the Knockouts, etc.


I actually liked that the ended the show this way. It's more interesting than another Jeff Hardy run-in attack like they've been closing most shows with. So, all in all, I say: Good job TNA!


They're giving a LEGIT Women's Division the ability to move past just being an undercard belt.

Yeah, WWE would *never* have a Women's match as the Main Event of Raw. We didn't see Trish vs Lita for the Women's Title close out the December 6, 2004 edition of Raw. But then, that was a *match* and not some weird striptease thing...

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Both those ladies were more over than any of the knockouts as well....Trish had crazy face pops back then.


Overall, I like TNA's idea to push the one segment of there product where they have a clear advantage over WWE , but i think they should have had a good title match between the ladies rather than a WWE level T and A segment.


The strength of the knockouts is that they are extremely hot AND (for the most part) can wrestle. Running them out there in a glorified T & A segment may not be the correct counter to WWE's M/E and certainly doesn't show the diffrence between the products to the casual viewer.


You run those ladies out there and let them tear the house down in a match as well as be nice eye candy for the young male demographic and i think you have something. The "open the key and striptease everyone knows is going to be essentially the Beautiful people's entrance redux" segment didn't work as well for me.


Overall though, another solid show from impact. Thats exactly what they need to do, stay solid and pick up ratings in small chunks, rather than return to that OH SNAP!!!! swerve for the sake of the swerve booking.


I thought the hogan promo was awful. How many times can he mumble team hogan in one segment by the way? We get that it's the hogan team Terry, we really do.

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Naw..I was trying to grab TBF. Hang on.


EDIT: I think it's just puzzles me that there are still nets fans that insist the key to TNA's success is the Knockouts.


Well first they'd have to have success, right?



But seriously, I think the Knockouts division was one of the things that really separated them from WWE. I mean if TNA wants to bill itself as alternative, one of the ways to do it is to showcase good women's wrestling, along with tag team wrestling, fast-paced x-division stuff, etc. I mean those three things in itself won't turn too many heads but they're part of it. But the Knockouts division right now is not all that much better off than WWE's womens divisions.


Also Moe, to go with Lita vs. Trish, we can add Stephanie McMahon vs. Lita on August 21,2000. So it's happened TWICE!

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