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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I was thinking more a Kelly Kelly without a blank slate look in her eyes.




That could very well be it. I know most of them all weara hefty amount, but, that seems very logical, as the older pics I've seen of her aren't too shabby.


I'm not gonna kick any of them out of bed, that's for damn sure.


They think they know how to wrestle? I'd show them so many holds they wouldn't what the hell to do. I'd pick up Lacey and scoop slam her right onto my living room floor and tag her out right there.

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Judging from the recap, last night's Impact actually sounds pretty good and interesting. Was it so?


Though I wish they'd get rid of Hulk's friend Bubba and Orlando Jordan. And stop pushing dull and boring people like Eric Young, Rob Terry and Doug Williams.

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From reading the RAW & Impact reports, I'm probably going to check out more of Impact this week. It seems more interesting. Roode/Jeff. Kaz/Shannon. MCMG/Red&Morgan. Doug Williams doing commentary. Things I would like to see.


I was thinking more a Kelly Kelly without a blank slate look in her eyes.


I'd put Lacey & Kelly Kelly in the same category. They're very pretty, but not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if 'generic' is the word, but the only other one I can think of is 'soulless' and that's a bit mean.

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What Nedew said. :p I'm an analytical type but I wouldn't identify myself as liberal.


You're a businessman, boss. In my experience, that tends to pre-empt most other traits. (I... I spend a lot of time thinking about classifications of things.)


Haven't watched iMPACT yet, but I'll probably have some snarky complaint to make after I do.


(Also, I used the word tend to imply a loose correlation -- not a strict one. Instead of, say, a 50/50 split, you'd have a 55/45 split, or maybe 60/40.)

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Judging from the recap, last night's Impact actually sounds pretty good and interesting. Was it so?


Though I wish they'd get rid of Hulk's friend Bubba and Orlando Jordan. And stop pushing dull and boring people like Eric Young, Rob Terry and Doug Williams.


I don't recall OJ being there, Bubba was in a completely random, and lame ass spot. Young was on for a minute, Terry wasn't, but, Williams did commentary for the Kaz/Moore match.


Just to warn ya.


I'd put Lacey & Kelly Kelly in the same category. They're very pretty, but not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if 'generic' is the word, but the only other one I can think of is 'soulless' and that's a bit mean.


Yeah... when I mentioned Kelly, I was going to mention her "dead eyes" but, that seemed meaner than I wanted it to be.

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I haven't seen alot of Rob Terry, but I kinda picture him as a Lex Luger, pushed and pushed but the fans never really taking to him.


He'll probably be a draw for TNA in the UK though.


Not so sure about that - being from the UK, I for one can't stand him. He's no Davey Boy Smith, put it that way.

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Not so sure about that - being from the UK, I for one can't stand him. He's no Davey Boy Smith, put it that way.


Hopefully he'll become Davey Boy Smith with time. If not, he could be Ultimate Warrior minus the ego.


Christ he's the only person on the roster who looks the part of a champion. I really want him to succeed.

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Hopefully he'll become Davey Boy Smith with time. If not, he could be Ultimate Warrior minus the ego.


Christ he's the only person on the roster who looks the part of a champion. I really want him to succeed.


I'd debate this. In 2010 moving forward, I don't think he looks the part of a champion - his over-muscled Scott Steiner-tribute physique belongs in another decade imo. He just looks outdated in today's wrestling culture, the same as an unprotected chairshot to the head.

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I don't recall OJ being there, Bubba was in a completely random, and lame ass spot. Young was on for a minute, Terry wasn't, but, Williams did commentary for the Kaz/Moore match.


Just to warn ya.


I wasn't talking specifically about last night's episode, but more in general terms.


Wasting a good rub from people like Hall and Nash on guys like Eric Young and Jesse Neal, having Rob Terry squash Tomko (who a few months ago had a world title match against Styles and were involved in the main event scene), using Orlando Jordan just for the controversy of it, using Bubba... well, just using him... stuff like this bugs me.

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Hopefully he'll become Davey Boy Smith with time. If not, he could be Ultimate Warrior minus the ego.


Christ he's the only person on the roster who looks the part of a champion. I really want him to succeed.


Matt Morgan does everything Rob Terry does, only better. And how many of that type do you really need?

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What do you mean belongs in another decade?




Maybe I worded that a little strong, but this is what I meant when comparing the over-built physique to the unprotected chairshot: it still exists in professional wrestling in 2010, but I'm wondering if it really should. Much like the chairshots, shouldn't wrestling be trying to move on from the sideshow freak aspect? Taking what Hive said, Matt Morgan does Rob Terry's schtick much better and doesn't look like he's going to explode when someone hits him. Someone should write to Russo and tell him not to put Terry in a thumbtack match with Abyss, otherwise there will be a worse mark on the mat than a spraypaint body outline :D

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Matt Morgan does everything Rob Terry does, only better. And how many of that type do you really need?


This. Absolutely this. Terry is a giant waste of time when you have far more talented guys with similar looks on the roster.


I haven't seen alot of Rob Terry, but I kinda picture him as a Lex Luger, pushed and pushed but the fans never really taking to him.


To be fair, Luger was monstrously over both as a heel with the Horseman and as a face chasing Flair in hos first WCW run.

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I didn't enjoy the SE finish on the match between Angelina and Velvet. I'd at least liked to have seen someone win.




On another note, after some consideration, my comment directed at Remi (here) might be interpreted as rude, and I just want to clarify: I was in no way trying to offend anyone. Remianen is a nice guy and I wouldn't want to be rude to him.

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He's from my home town, used to be a bouncer on the door of a few clubs. Never had a decent chat with him but apparently he's a ****.


To be fair, it comes with the job. I know a lot of bouncers and you have to be a (richard) if you're going to be successful.


On another note, after some consideration, my comment directed at Remi (here) might be interpreted as rude, and I just want to clarify: I was in no way trying to offend anyone. Remianen is a nice guy and I wouldn't want to be rude to him.


It wasn't rude, it's true. :p


Rob Terry's push would be fine if he didn't have a title already.


He has a title?


Oh, the useless piece of bling he carries that means nothing (because it hasn't been booked to be meaningful). My bad.

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