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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Read the report, sounded like a pretty good PPV.


Someone want to sum up what RVD and Anderson's promos were like?


All I can say is it was awesome and that I'm one of Anderson's '*******s'.


EDIT: This is the first TNA PPV I've actually watched all of without missing a match or two. I did miss the Sting vs Jarrett match but we all saw it 10 years ago and we saw it 5 years ago. Not missing much there.

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He's more over than you think with the fans I was at a show not long ago and he got the biggest pop during a three way tag match that envoled team 3D and The gunz the crowd goes crazy for this guy live and I think there doing the right thing with his push but I dont understand Moores push although I do think INK INC. is a pretty good team


Neal much as Moore has a very dedicated twitter following, they come to the shows etc. and ad in the military connection for sympathy and one of us overness. Apart from those guys he is not over. Small but dedicated following but not over for the general public. If TNA toured he would be a blip on the radar.


PPV overall RVD vs Styles and Abyss vs Wolf was not as good as I hoped but still good. Opening tag and Anderson vs Hardy and X Match where good. Tara vs Rayne and OJ vs Terry not as bad as expected. Sting vs Jarrett wtf! Save stuff like that for Impact. Band vs Ink was terrible. No real production gaffes this time except the audible 5 minutes when RVD was being interviewed by Hemme so that was good, bad production choice in putting Flair on screen that much as commentator, crowd as a whole was terrible flat and detracted imho. Overall middle of the road ppv. Anderson is really coming into his own in TNA btw.

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I went to a TNA house show Thursday. I won't write much, as everything was the same as other house shows (backstage pass giveaways, autograph sessions, etc), but here's a few things that stood out to me.


I was already a big Nigel/Desmond Wolfe fan, but his selling made my appreciation of him go up several notches. His facial expressions were amazing.


LVE was even worse than I knew from TV. Once, she moved back just before getting kicked, the kick missed her face by 3 feet, and she still fell over. Awkwardly.


The heels (except Desmond, Beer Money, and AJ) were all mega over. It was bizarre. People were booing Jarrett (no shock there), but going nuts for Anderson.


Abyss got very little of a reaction, which was expected based on his vote totals in the ranking system. Right now, I'd say the most over faces other than Hardy and RVD were Ink Inc. Yes, really.


I think Abyss is suffering from you have to like this guy backlash if you know what I mean. As far as face pops go was Pope there? Joe? The Guns? Hernandez? Shark Boy? Lethal? Ink inc have a dedicated following and get sympathy pops, not overness pops imho.


I have read multiple house show reports where Rhino got one of the loudest pops. Doesn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things.

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I think Abyss is suffering from you have to like this guy backlash if you know what I mean.


That's part of it. The other part is that this whole storyline is just frickin lame.


Abyss has always been at his most enjoyable as an out of control monster. Why the writing team think fans would prefer him as some mewling, suck up, slow witted, Hogan fan boy is beyond me.


I'm almost certain we're only a few more PPvs away from Abyss losing the mask and going full blown Hulkamaniac with yellow shirt and red bandana. Smell the ratings!

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Some spoiler-ish stuff from WO and PWT...


WO is reporting that the backstage environment isn't that great right now, with morale down due to the move back to Thursday's.


PWT has an article saying that for budget reasons, TNA is looking at cutitng some talent.

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Do you mean they post that stuff on morale and finances because its what people want to believe and that it might not be true?


Because if I was working in a company that was ineptly run as that one I would start to shake my head as well. For every positive thing they do they take seven steps back. They move to Monday nights and less than a qtr later they move back. I understand they were getting killed in the ratings but what are the employees supposed to think? Are they supposed to be happy that they can't grow an audience and anytime they try to step above their 1.0 level they get murdered in the ratings and sent tumbling back down into obscurity.


As far as finances With talk of bringing in Helms when his contract as up as well as bringing in TWGTT when they come in to go along with all of the insane contracts they have how can budget cuts not be in the works? Not too mention thats got to get morale down anyway. A locker room leader like Daniels a guy that has been there from the start is cut from his 90,000 but do you think Helms will sign for less than that? What about TWGTT its just another example of WWE cast offs getting paid better "originals". Even though these cast offs including RVD, Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, Hardy, etc. have done ZERO for their television ratings they have proven to be no more useful than bringing in Sharkboy.


So when they tell me people are down in the locker room and that they need budget cuts I believe it.


The question I have is didn't they bring in a guy last year that was supposed to manage salaries and get them on track? How can they justifty giving all this money to Hogan and Flair as well as RVD, Hardy, etc. when they haven't helped the company in six months they have been there?


So yeah no only do I believe it but I'm not shocked either. What is there to be happy about in TNA right now? The fact that you lost over half your regular audience in about four weeks timeframe by moving to Monday nights? Or the fact that you doubled your audience at the start of the year and lost them in seven days and never saw them return again? Or maybe not only are your best friends being released from the company dispite how dedicated and helpful they have and are but they are replacing them with MORE castaways even though the biggest castaways such as Flair and Hogan haven't done a single thing for the company so how do they expect guys who weren't drawing in the E to make an "Impact"?

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