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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Mr. Anderson is really good as a face. I think he's staying face for a while and I don't mind it at all if it's going to be this much fun. It was great watching he and Hardy attempting to unite as a team during the match.


You can say a lot about Hogan's lack of talent but that is one thing he truly understood about wrestling. When Hogan was brought into TNA he emphasized the importance ring psychology and telling stories with matches. In the past few months, the stories being told by TNA's matches are getting much more creative, and makes the matches more captivating.

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This Hardy and Anderson stuff as a team is priceless. I'm lovin' it.


Wonderful. Just flippin wonderful. First Slovenia wins. Then Ghana wins. And now my worst wrestling nightmare is realized. Thank God I've never been a buyer of PPV's. I don't know my head would have remained intact after this final indignity. I'm so glad there's only one hour left in this day.

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Wonderful. Just flippin wonderful. First Slovenia wins. Then Ghana wins. And now my worst wrestling nightmare is realized. Thank God I've never been a buyer of PPV's. I don't know my head would have remained intact after this final indignity. I'm so glad there's only one hour left in this day.


I haven't "bought" a PPV since '04. :o

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All that hype and speculation was for Tommy Dreamer? the guy rocks, but was that really the "big announcement" :confused:.


If that was the case, am i the only one feeling that there going to start to hype it when local rookies are signed for a show? for once, why cant things live upto the hype:( lol


Whats next? another huge for next weeks Impact? where A1 returns to TNA lol

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When did Anderson turn face?


By this thread lately it seems like maybe I should have stuck with watching TNA. Haven't had much time (didn't even watch all of Lockdown, just Angle vs Anderson), but it sounds like less Hogan and more good matches and stories.

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When did Anderson turn face?


By this thread lately it seems like maybe I should have stuck with watching TNA. Haven't had much time (didn't even watch all of Lockdown, just Angle vs Anderson), but it sounds like less Hogan and more good matches and stories.


About two weeks ago, Dixie Tweeted that her TNA couldn't "ignore the cheers any longer!"


I for one am still holding out hope this is a false turn. Face Anderson is good, because Anderson is good.


But heel anderson was awesome, and TNA lacks good heels. I would have kept him as a heel....hoping he turns on Hardy and laughs in Hogan's face. that would save this storyline for me.

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hogan is being used less and less each show....they are wanting to keep him a "big deal" type of deal


If they can build a Time machine and take their audience back to 1998, that just might work.


Though, whatever rational they use to keep Hogan out of every angle and push the more talented guys is fine by me :D

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A new rumor is that TNA will be dropping PPVs and going with specials on Spike TV.


If true, that's a fantastic idea.


Indeed. And it would fit with why she'd need Spike's help to make it work. What could be really cool is those specials could have that Clash of The Champions feel from when WCW was really good. Throwbacks in feel to that period would be a very good thing in my world.

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I think that TNA is finding the right balence to make there product good, less Hogan and less Bischoff and Flair and more Styles, Leathal, Morgan, Joe, Kaz and X Division. Last nights PPV was real good imo and all the match were at least 3.5 out of 5. If they go with no PPVs and three hour specials and have the specials as good as last nights show they will gain alot of fans.
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