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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Hmm. Maybe drop a few PPV's and replace them with TV specials. I assume they're making money on PPV (or else they would have dropped them long ago, surely) and I'm not sure how much money you can make with specials on Spike, so even if they get five-times the viewers on Spike, what do they really gain? I'm sure they have guys crunching the numbers on it. As a small-time operation, TNA shouldn't be running monthly PPV's anyway. I've always found it an absurd concept. They seem to do it only because it's what wrestling companies are 'supposed to do'.
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Yep and they won't lose that much money as Spike would have to pay for the tv rights of the specials and they can sell them abroad. It's all about creating awareness and if that is the move combined with the recent quality of Impact and an excellent Slammiversary then they will grow.


As I think one of the main reasons their UK audience is bigger ,apart from the different culture, is because they get to see all the ppv's which while hit and miss are generally good.


Just a shame they had to lose all that momentum before they got better.


4 very good matches

2 Good ones

3 decent ones


I am a very happy camper.

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They should do six PPVs a year. Every other month should be a 3-hour special that's the equivalent of Saturday Night Main Event or Clash of the Champions. That sounds like a good way to grow their fan base.


I agree. It's how WWF got off and running. They should just pick the biggest 4-6, and have a build up to them.

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TNA's problem is that they need more people watching their product. I'm sure they'd sacrifice the money they make with PPV buys to gain more viewers with TV specials.


Isn't that what their TV is for? You know, Impact? Isn't that supposed to be the thing that draws people in, then convinces them to buy the PPV's? Maybe they should worry about making that a better promotional tool than hot-shotting a bunch of 'specials'.


Not that I'm overly against the idea. It might be a nice way to do shows like Destination X or a pure Knockouts show or the World X Cup Finals. You can see how interested folks would be in 3 hours of X-action or girls beating on eachother, without asking them to pay. As long as they're different to the PPV's, that's the key. Save the really special stuff, or the tried-and-tested stars in big hyped fights, for PPV.

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I'd have Genesis, Lockdown, Slammiversary, and Bound For Glory as the Pay Per Views and every other month having the specials



Isn't that what their TV is for? You know, Impact? Isn't that supposed to be the thing that draws people in, then convinces them to buy the PPV's? Maybe they should worry about making that a better promotional tool than hot-shotting a bunch of 'specials'.


Not that I'm overly against the idea.


Pay-Per-View is nice, but TNA does not rely on PPV money. Right now it's in their best interests to realize that having with a PPV every month is not the best idea business wise. They are trying to compete against a company who's main show routinely gets triple the ratings theirs does, and who also have three other TV shows during the week.


They aren't going going to add two million viewers in a month, if they want to compete they need to be available for free as much as they can. Giving away pay-per-view quality shows to hype buying the really big pay-per-views is a good idea for right now.


The thought that to be a successful national wrestling company you need 12 PPVs a year is silly (not that you think that, but it's clear that is seen as the bar these days). UFC is really hurting WWE's buy-rates, just imagine what they're doing to TNA's already embarrassingly low buy-rates. Hell they're on the same channel!


TNA's emphasis has to be on gaining exposure right now. Not necessarily making a profit. They've spent a ton of money, and they have to do everything they can to gain exposure to try to get it to pay off. Staying the course after spending all that money is not a good idea at all.


All that being said...we don't know if this is the true story or not. I just hope it's true since I've been hollering for TNA to do this for a while.

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Isn't that what their TV is for? You know, Impact? Isn't that supposed to be the thing that draws people in, then convinces them to buy the PPV's? Maybe they should worry about making that a better promotional tool than hot-shotting a bunch of 'specials'.


Not that I'm overly against the idea.


I've only seen a few full episodes of Impact (a couple when they moved to Monday in Jan. and sporadic after that) but they made me a viewer after the Impact from Thursday (watched online). I enjoy seeing Styles, Kazarian, Wolfe, and Beer Money without Flair. That stable in my eyes is the coolest thing TNA has going besides Anderson/Hardy. Why do I enjoy this Anderson and Hardy as faces together thing? Because it seems like Anderson is bringing the best out of Hardy... as in, he actually seems like he has a personality now.

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Thats a great point. Mr. Anderson is giving Jeff Hardy a huge charismatic rub. Jeff Hardy is at his best when he isn't relied upon to carry the 'entertaining' aspect of a storyline. Pairing him up with Mr. Anderson is great for both of them, as long as they keep the tag belts off of them (at least for a while).
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I'd have Genesis, Lockdown, Slammiversary, and Bound For Glory as the Pay Per Views and every other month having the specials





Pay-Per-View is nice, but TNA does not rely on PPV money. Right now it's in their best interests to realize that having with a PPV every month is not the best idea business wise. They are trying to compete against a company who's main show routinely gets triple the ratings theirs does, and who also have three other TV shows during the week.


They aren't going going to add two million viewers in a month, if they want to compete they need to be available for free as much as they can. Giving away pay-per-view quality shows to hype buying the really big pay-per-views is a good idea for right now.


The thought that to be a successful national wrestling company you need 12 PPVs a year is silly (not that you think that, but it's clear that is seen as the bar these days). UFC is really hurting WWE's buy-rates, just imagine what they're doing to TNA's already embarrassingly low buy-rates. Hell they're on the same channel!


TNA's emphasis has to be on gaining exposure right now. Not necessarily making a profit. They've spent a ton of money, and they have to do everything they can to gain exposure to try to get it to pay off. Staying the course after spending all that money is not a good idea at all.


All that being said...we don't know if this is the true story or not. I just hope it's true since I've been hollering for TNA to do this for a while.


Was way ahead of you on that idea hehe. And yeah it could be a smart move. Also remember they won't lose that much in terms of profit as it will be substituted with television rights fees which is their main source of income.

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Thats a great point. Mr. Anderson is giving Jeff Hardy a huge charismatic rub. Jeff Hardy is at his best when he isn't relied upon to carry the 'entertaining' aspect of a storyline. Pairing him up with Mr. Anderson is great for both of them, as long as they keep the tag belts off of them (at least for a while).


Even before the Anderson pairing Hardy was better on the mic it seemed even though I find the whole creatures of the night stuff cheesy etc he seemed a lot more conformable and come across more natural. Now with Anderson it is even better.

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Was way ahead of you on that idea hehe. And yeah it could be a smart move. Also remember they won't lose that much in terms of profit as it will be substituted with television rights fees which is their main source of income.


This whole thing about doing away with PPV could actually be the big surprise that Dixie has been talking about. It was actually a few months back that she was talking about doing away with Monthly PPV's and going possibly bi-monthly instead. This was a couple of months before Hogan and Bischoff came in. I remember thinking that this could be brilliant because it would give more time to build up the hype for the matches on the PPV's that do happen. On a side note this could be a mod-makers nightmare because I dont think there is a way to simulate specials in TEW.

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Rejoice Hyde! Spoiler from tonight's tapings:

The Band were stripped of the Tag Titles. A tournament was set up and the winners of the tourny face MCMG at Victory Road for the Tag Titles.


Also, there are plans in place to bring Xplosion back to the US. Not the surprise, however.

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Rejoice Hyde! Spoiler from tonight's tapings:



Also, there are plans in place to bring Xplosion back to the US. Not the surprise, however.


On the spoiler:


Hmm would rather have the Guns easily defeat the band but this works as well. Maybe an LAX or British Invasion reunion or the long awaited long term Beer Money vs Guns feud.


Well its not just about the number of KO's but the way they have been treated and the time they have gotten, although some of that has been Spike who chose to leave out the tag match between Rayne and Skye vs Roxxi and Lotta Love. It's on the tube though. Also ODB or Roxxyi > Lottalove. And don't get me started on Flash, Kong, Tara and the better indie workers around. Still need to make room for James and possibly Katie Lee.


On Xplosion since I am not in the US it could be available for download now which would be nice.

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In other news ODB has quit and Roxxi was apparently legit fired. WTF is happening to the KO's ???


It's pretty crazy how TNA handled that too. Not telling her about the career stipulation and the fact she's going to lose until she arrived at the building... in my opinion that's a pretty ****ty way to do business.

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Yeah, it really was. Couldn't have been good for morale.


That's how I looked at it. People can make the argument that it's just Roxxi and it won't do anything to backstage morale, but it's one of those things that's like, "if they did that to her, why can't they do it to me too?" I look at it as if it were TEW - would a worker get pissed at you if you buried them and then fired them? Yep.

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