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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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A little off topic, but I've got to ask... You do realise Spain were run away favourites to win the final right?

Not the crowd of people I was with. ;)


In any case, my main point, again, is PPV's plain do not do as well as they used to, and that's normal, because the internet has trumped it. It's pretty much only useful for live events (boxing, wrestling, MMA). (Side-note: It makes me wonder why no Soccer or American Football has ever been on PPV.)

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Not the crowd of people I was with. ;)


In any case, my main point, again, is PPV's plain do not do as well as they used to, and that's normal, because the internet has trumped it. It's pretty much only useful for live events (boxing, wrestling, MMA). (Side-note: It makes me wonder why no Soccer or American Football has ever been on PPV.)


Probably because the money paid by TV companies matches what they would get from PPV. I'm rather surprised the Super Bowl has never been considered to go to PPV(to my knowledge).

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Probably because the money paid by TV companies matches what they would get from PPV. I'm rather surprised the Super Bowl has never been considered to go to PPV(to my knowledge).

I can understand why they won't go PPV now. PPV doesn't make as much as it used to, but the bigger reason I think is because being on TV has become the norm. They go PPV now, they are going to anger a lot of people... and a lot of networks.

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Uh, no? By and large, nobody's paying to see him.


But seriously, there's half a dozen guys that would easily be better choices. Chris Jericho was an incredible heel act and had show stealing matches with Mysterio all summer before making tag team wrestling relevant again. Shawn Michaels was in hands down the greatest match of 2009, and probably the top match of 2010 so far. CM Punk had some great matches with Hardy in the main event before forming the SES. Hardy in 2009 was a breakout star, even if he managed to piss it away by the end of the year.


Not to knock AJ but it's not as though no one else can make a case.


I didn't say no one could make a case. I was just asking him to make one.


Seems you made one, that I don't agree with either. But you're entitled to your opinion.

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Slag is this one of those "my personal opinion rates this guy higher than this guy regardless of anything" deals or is there another reason you wouldn't give Jericho the nod over AJ for the year.


I mean AJ's drawing heat and his promos aren't bad but its pretty clear to see from the robe, to the frosted tips (who does that in 2010 anyway), they want AJ to be more than Flair's protege they almost want him to be Flair. He gets heat in Orlando but its pretty easy to get heat when you tape four shows in front of two audiences, in the same studio on back to back nights.


I'd say thats the biggest reason for me TNA guys have a disadvantage when being ranked in "overall" status is because they aren't tested the way even ROH guys are tested. They tape four shows in one or two nights of the week in front of largely the same audience.


Now these things aren't their fault but if we're ranking all time greats in other sports over multiple generations there are factors that come into play that aren't the athlete's fault.


Personally Chris Jericho in my opinion put on just as many great matches, he had massive heat everywhere he went with everything he did. For me atleast he put on the best match of Wrestlemania. I think the guy deserved it more so than AJ who is fantastic but I don't think he's the best wrestler going today.

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AJ was the #1 guy in TNA through most of the past year holding the title for over 200 days. AJ's character is nothing like Ric Flair's character, unless you think that Flair's character is entirely the robe and frosted tips.


If you are going to hold being in Orlando against AJ and at the same time jack off Jericho receiving "massive" heat in 20,000 seat arenas I don't think you think this is the Wrestler of the Year but WWE Wrestler of the Year. Of course every bit of heat that someone as well known as Jericho generates will seem "massive." Jericho is very good at what he does and does it for the biggest wrestling promotion ever. As long as TNA tapes in Orlando would any TNA wrestler ever be worthy of this award in your opinion? You seem to be a real stickler for holding TNA taping "four shows in two nights" against every one of their wrestlers. Even though what you're saying is completely untrue (they tape on the first two Mondays and Tuesdays after a PPV)


AJ has successfully gotten heat on the road as well so you can't really minimalize his talents into just "well he did it in the Impact Zone therefore any heat he gets doesn't count." He stopped being Flair II a month after turning heel. Since then he's been a completely different type of heel character.


What do you mean they aren't tested? TNA guys aren't tested as much as the top WWE guys are tested? I suppose that's fair enough to say. But let's not act like WWE crowds are impossible to please. The WWE's audience is trained for the most part. These days the top guys just need their theme music to hit before the crowd goes insane. "BREAK THE WALLS DOOOWWWNNN" *Pavlovian boos* One helluva test!


You can like Jericho all you want. I think AJ is a good choice to win, and he won. This is a stupid magazine that no one buys anyway.

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You know Slag I wasn't trying to get all pissed off about some stupid magazine I was asking your opinion and instead of conveying it in an intelligent manor you had to get upset and say I was "jacking off" Jericho and mocking my post. So instead of a rebuttal I'd like to take this time to let you know your an over sensitive jack ass who takes this board entirely too seriously when you get upset over a question. Nobody attacked you personally and I certainly wasn't mocking you I was asking a genuine question. So you take care oh master of the pro wrestling world, I'll slowly step back into the shadows now I'd hate to offend you anymore. You're always on here some some aggressive, mocking, holier than thou attitude towards everyone. Most of the time it goes ignored like the rest of the stupidity on these boards but I decided to waste three minutes of my time to let you know your an ass that does nothing to better the community on these boards. Have a good one.
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In my opinion... they need to get out of the Impact Zone or they'll never grow at any pace at all. Real life doesn't work like TEW. You can't run your TV show in one area over and over hoping it'll raise your popularity in the other areas. The only way that 1.0 rating will go up is if they take Impact on the road and give back to the fans around the country instead of ONLY the Floridians (tourists too?). Just imagine how many more tickets would be sold at the little arenas TNA are doing for house shows if they labeled the shows as TV tapings or even live TV? A couple hundred more tickets sold I'd imagine.


Its pretty much the size of the Hammerstein Ballroom. I'd love to ask Bischoff (who ripped on ECW for running small buildings), "how do you like the cool-aid drinking, bingo hall idiots in Florida? Are they better then the ones in Philly or NYC?" Not even going to get started on that crowd. Though they haven't been as (keyword) horrible lately.

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I actually dig the Impact Zone. I know wrestling promotions are 'supposed to' be nomadic and circus-like, but I'm a fan of the idea of shooting in a controlled, regular location, week-after-week. You ensure an audience that is up-to-date with the current product, and I'm sure it's a lot easier on their production department to not have to lug the sets around to a different city every week. I can only imagine what WWE spends on transport.


It might be time for a second, bigger soundstage for PPV's. Something you can made look different. Or a foothold in another part of the country. Add 'Impact Zone Los Angeles' and alternate between the two. If rumours are true (and it's not something I pay massive attention to) money is an issue right now, but that's what I'd consider.

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I actually dig the Impact Zone. I know wrestling promotions are 'supposed to' be nomadic and circus-like, but I'm a fan of the idea of shooting in a controlled, regular location, week-after-week. You ensure an audience that is up-to-date with the current product, and I'm sure it's a lot easier on their production department to not have to lug the sets around to a different city every week. I can only imagine what WWE spends on transport.


It might be time for a second, bigger soundstage for PPV's. Something you can made look different. Or a foothold in another part of the country. Add 'Impact Zone Los Angeles' and alternate between the two. If rumours are true (and it's not something I pay massive attention to) money is an issue right now, but that's what I'd consider.


Yeah, They probably can't afford to move around. Apparently the EC costs $250,000 to transport everytime WWE uses it for example.

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I actually dig the Impact Zone. I know wrestling promotions are 'supposed to' be nomadic and circus-like, but I'm a fan of the idea of shooting in a controlled, regular location, week-after-week. You ensure an audience that is up-to-date with the current product, and I'm sure it's a lot easier on their production department to not have to lug the sets around to a different city every week. I can only imagine what WWE spends on transport.


It might be time for a second, bigger soundstage for PPV's. Something you can made look different. Or a foothold in another part of the country. Add 'Impact Zone Los Angeles' and alternate between the two. If rumours are true (and it's not something I pay massive attention to) money is an issue right now, but that's what I'd consider.


I'd imagine costs are huge for transport, but TNA wouldn't have to do half as much travelling as WWE to make it work. Your spot on with the second thing. They need something different. Maybe it isn't the Impact Zone I dislike (though I do dislike it), but the fact that its the same ol' thing every time. I'll tell you right now I hate WWE's universal ramp and stage they use for RAW, SD, and NXT. I thought the big Smackdown fist was the coolest thing ever. :o


I just like having options and seeing fresh stuff. Even if it's as little as the setup.

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The idea of Impact Zone LA is a great one. Didn't they run a few shows in Las Vegas a few years back? Imagine an Impact Las Vegas road trip!


I agree that the Impact Zone is getting a little monotonous, hell even ECW had TV tapings in different places every once in a while.


I think a good idea would be for TNA to go on mini tours. Something like going to one particular area of the country, run 4 live Impacts that lead to a PPV. Then go back to Orlando for a month or two using that time to advertise another TNA Tour. If it is a success you can go back and forth until you build enough of a following that TNA can go on the road every week, or at least more often than never like it is now.

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In my opinion... they need to get out of the Impact Zone or they'll never grow at any pace at all. Real life doesn't work like TEW. You can't run your TV show in one area over and over hoping it'll raise your popularity in the other areas. The only way that 1.0 rating will go up is if they take Impact on the road and give back to the fans around the country instead of ONLY the Floridians (tourists too?). Just imagine how many more tickets would be sold at the little arenas TNA are doing for house shows if they labeled the shows as TV tapings or even live TV? A couple hundred more tickets sold I'd imagine.


Its pretty much the size of the Hammerstein Ballroom. I'd love to ask Bischoff (who ripped on ECW for running small buildings), "how do you like the cool-aid drinking, bingo hall idiots in Florida? Are they better then the ones in Philly or NYC?" Not even going to get started on that crowd. Though they haven't been as (keyword) horrible lately.


Ehm wasn't it Bisch that moved WCW to Disney? I do not think he hates small arenas but if he hates them at all more small arenas that do not allow for good production value and have a very low rotation of audience.


Anyway I do not think he hates on them at all, he just said ECW was too small for him to pay attention too when a lot of people where claiming he stole what they where doing. He stole more from Japan then anything else imo.


Anyway if you want to ask him, his facebook is open again and every monday before a ppv you can call mondaynightmayhem toll free, for US citizens, and ask him.

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The idea of Impact Zone LA is a great one. Didn't they run a few shows in Las Vegas a few years back? Imagine an Impact Las Vegas road trip!


I agree that the Impact Zone is getting a little monotonous, hell even ECW had TV tapings in different places every once in a while.


I think a good idea would be for TNA to go on mini tours. Something like going to one particular area of the country, run 4 live Impacts that lead to a PPV. Then go back to Orlando for a month or two using that time to advertise another TNA Tour. If it is a success you can go back and forth until you build enough of a following that TNA can go on the road every week, or at least more often than never like it is now.


Probably too big a financial risk to do that last part at this time. And yeah they had a Las Vegas Hard Rock cafe, yes that was Bisch's intended spot oddly enough, show there in 2008 when the Impact zone was getting revamped for HD and got the bigger tron and singular stage entrance.

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Ehm wasn't it Bisch that moved WCW to Disney? I do not think he hates small arenas but if he hates them at all more small arenas that do not allow for good production value and have a very low rotation of audience.


I know that, but the amount of people you can pack in the Impact Zone is practically the same number as the Hammerstein Ballroom from what I've read. I just never understood Bischoff's reasoning of the bingo hall thing when the Impact Zone (WCW at MGM I think?) is basically a bingo hall, but in state-of-the-art condition.

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I think thats the difference it isn't the size but more or less how production ready is it? An actual television studio affords you limitless opportunities compared to a bingo hall and I think that was the overall point but who knows.


Very true. I overlooked the fact that small arenas around the US may not be capable of handling what TNA wants / needs to do. I've never been to the Impact Zone, but I'd imagine it's a really nice place. Obviously there are offices connected to the studio that offers them a lot of other options. Its like living in one home for years and years... then suddenly you have to go live out of different hotels every day. Its an insanely big challenge for TNA to move out, but I think they need to do something.

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I agree with you and I think the pay per views being out of the IZ is a start and maybe some "specials" like someone mentioned in Las Vegas every once in a while.


The PPV's getting out of the Impact Zone I would definitely agree with. I agree with Self about the benefits of the Impact Zone and how it can be part of the appeal. But it's the IMPACT Zone. Those benefits and charm that Self was speaking too would be greater if it were reserved for Impact tapings.


And while I like the idea of the specials, I don't think Las Vegas is the way to go. If money's really an issue right now, I'd say stay on the familiar side of the country and go to Atlantic City instead. You'd get that same gambling atmosphere at fewer miles and thus lesser travel expense.


Oh and something else that occurs to me. Back in the TNN period, ECW did a big PPV here in VA Beach at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheater. And I'm pretty sure WCW did as well. I know WCW did Road Wild from the Sturgis bike rally and I seem to remember Bash At The Beach have started out with a literal beachfront setting. Maybe TNA could do something like that for one of their PPV's. An outdoor setting would be something different and it could be an attention grabber. The challenge would of course be the weather and what to do if its snarled on your planned event day. If you put it in a resort city like this one or in Myrtle Beach or someplace similiar on Memorial Day weekend, it could have quite a bit of marketing punch and could formalize the company's push into summer. TNA could really do with an event that is uniquely theirs.


I know Bound for Glory is supposed to be their Wrestlemania and thus is probably the closest to that. But if they have an event that's supposed to have that dimension already, they'd haven't done well enough taking advantage of it since I've gotten the opportunity to watch them regularly.

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