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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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From: nodq.com


According to a report on diva-dirt.com, former WWE Diva Mickie James has either signed or is expected to sign a contract with TNA Wrestling today. Word has been going around that James would finalize a deal with the company today.


In a potentially related note, TNA Wrestling is going to have an all-Knockouts PPV on October 1st.


Stay tuned for updates!

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It's still Matt Hardy :p


edit: He'll be there by the end of October. I'd put moneys on it.


is his contracy up by then? if not and he gets released then you also have to add on the 90 day thing which wwe put in there contracts...


so is this signing a nasty boys/orlando jordan "big" or a hardy/rvd BIG signing?

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Robtallica, it's bigger than Nasty Boys/Orlando Jordan, that's automatic. I'm assuming it's big if you look at it as women wrestling in general since Mickie James has a lot of credibility being one of the well known WWE divas in the last ten years. Comparing her to the rock stars you mention, maybe she is similar in their stature in terms of drawability. She'll help the Knockout division a lot though.
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Robtallica, it's bigger than Nasty Boys/Orlando Jordan, that's automatic. I'm assuming it's big if you look at it as women wrestling in general since Mickie James has a lot of credibility being one of the well known WWE divas in the last ten years. Comparing her to the rock stars you mention, maybe she is similar in their stature in terms of drawability. She'll help the Knockout division a lot though.


well if it really is mickie then that would be a big help to ko division. i wasnt sure if it really was mickie they had signed was all, wasnt a knock to mickie as she is of the biggist name female free agent wrestlers out there right now.

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seems to be james, and good for her as i like her, but LOL at the rumor sites and dixie calling this a major signing.


Chris jericho would be a major signing. MAtt hardy would, very very arguably be a major signing.


Mickie james is not a major signing, and if TNA and dixie think she is, prehaps that reflects a problem with the company's direction.


If i were them, i would take every last dime in the budget and throw it at Y2J. I for one don't think it's a coincidence that its common knowledge he's taking his leave from WWE for at least 4-5 months and raw's ratings drop. He's one of the few guys that could actually swing ratings in a measurable way.


heck it was a surprise he was even on raw given his tweets the days before. I don't think thats the total reason for the ratings drop by any means, but i think it contributed.

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seems to be james, and good for her as i like her, but LOL at the rumor sites and dixie calling this a major signing.


Chris jericho would be a major signing. MAtt hardy would, very very arguably be a major signing.


Mickie james is not a major signing, and if TNA and dixie think she is, prehaps that reflects a problem with the company's direction.

Whether or not Mickie would be a major signing is debatable, but I don't see how Matt Hardy would be any bigger. Mickie was arguably the most popular female in WWE when she was let go, and I think she could lure a fair few fans into tuning in to Impact. But I'd say most of the people who like Matt and would watch him in TNA are already watching the show to see his (more popular) brother.


Jericho would be a MAJOR signing, for sure, but I'd say the chances of signing him, now or in the future, are next to none.

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Any cash TNA gave Jericho don't you think Vince could triple that if he wanted?


I don't think there is any direct comparison between Jericho and the ratings. Its been discussed a single time that there isn't a single wrestler in the WWE that is capable of having an impact on the ratings. HHH has been out for months, Cena is set to take some time off, Orton has taken time off, Edge, Jericho, etc ratings are affected by outside things.


You have to remember that new shows are premiering all over cable and the networks right now. The Event drew 11 million, and unless its the next CSI (its not sci fi shows don't draw like that) that amount will be cut in half within a month. Monday Night football had an amazingly fun game that literally came down to the last play of the game with one of the more popular teams in the league.


Jericho has openly mocked TNA on twitter on countless occasions, combined with his new network show, combined with touring with Fozzy, combined with burnout means he's not signing with TNA. Its just not happening. Mickie James and Matt Hardy are as big as its getting right now.


Mickie may move a few hundred viewers over to Impact for a few weeks but much like the numbers on The Event, those numbers will be cut in half in a few weeks after her return becomes old news.

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Whether or not Mickie would be a major signing is debatable, but I don't see how Matt Hardy would be any bigger. Mickie was arguably the most popular female in WWE when she was let go, and I think she could lure a fair few fans into tuning in to Impact. But I'd say most of the people who like Matt and would watch him in TNA are already watching the show to see his (more popular) brother.


Jericho would be a MAJOR signing, for sure, but I'd say the chances of signing him, now or in the future, are next to none.


As someone who is very much not a fan of wrestling these days, but occasionally tunes in for a few weeks as a time due to nostalgia/something cool...I can say that TNA bringing in Matt Hardy sounds a million-and-six times better than whoever this Mickie woman is. (Not being facetious , I really don't know)

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Last quote on from Dixie on the talent signing. Which according to PWI and TNAsylum is Micky.


Dixie Carter Just signed a new talent contract on someone you guys have been asking about. Stay tuned!

August 30 at 7:00pm via Twitter · Comment · Like · @TNADixie on Twitter


Asylum said this was James at the time. So she never said anything about a major signing.


It was a major change that she mentioned just pre Slammiversary and it will be revealed at 10/7. And in the BFG kick off show she made it clear it would be a major change and not a surprise (talent). So there will also be a change apart from the talent.

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Neither Hardy nor James would be 'a major signing'


They're both fairly terrible at the moment...Hardy is a shadow of his 'glory days' who's potential to be a breakout star has come and gone. And other than TraceyBrooksFan i don't know a single human being who cares enough about the women's division in TNA or WWE that Mickie James would actually influence their viewing habits.

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Neither Hardy nor James would be 'a major signing'


They're both fairly terrible at the moment...Hardy is a shadow of his 'glory days' who's potential to be a breakout star has come and gone. And other than TraceyBrooksFan i don't know a single human being who cares enough about the women's division in TNA or WWE that Mickie James would actually influence their viewing habits.




On the Matt Hardy note... WHY would they want Matt Hardy? I'd personally rather have Carlito or Shelton Benjamin, or even Matt's buddy Gregory Helms over Matt Hardy. If I had to pick from recent WWE departures.

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On the Matt Hardy note... WHY would they want Matt Hardy? I'd personally rather have Carlito or Shelton Benjamin, or even Matt's buddy Gregory Helms over Matt Hardy. If I had to pick from recent WWE departures.


I think they'd be fairly interested in matt for a hardy boyz reunion if nothing else, doubt they'll have to pay him alot.

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Neither Hardy nor James would be 'a major signing'


They're both fairly terrible at the moment...Hardy is a shadow of his 'glory days' who's potential to be a breakout star has come and gone. And other than TraceyBrooksFan i don't know a single human being who cares enough about the women's division in TNA or WWE that Mickie James would actually influence their viewing habits.


You must hat eme for some reason.


ANd Mickie has a fan base following which liek said will start or continue to watch TNA.

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No..i just think you have a myopic view of the importance (or lack thereof) of women's wrestling


Yeah Mickie may have a fan base but that fan base won't see any number difference in TNA's rating. Think about how TNA has murdered the KO division this year and as much as everyone cries about it the ratings for the show haven't suffered anymore than at any other time.


I think the problem isn't if they have a fan base or not... I think it's that most the people that know of wrestler's that have fan base's outside of WWE, already watch TNA, and so it wouldn't make a hill of beans if they hired her or not, as her followers are already watching TNA.


This goes for an aweful lot of wrestler's, not just women. Most people don't know wrestling outside of the WWE (in general USA), and so they could sign Batista, John Cena, Undertaker, etc... and probably wouldn't see anything unless they somehow got ALOT of attention from other media sources about it.


The problem isn't their name value, as TNA has HUGE stars, and really more popular at some point then WWE's roster is right now. The problem as I see it is a combination of things. Media coverage, they are never in the news or any other show that gets better ratings then they already get. Production is not up to par for the most part, although I think it has improved tremendously.


They should forget about PPV's and do just TV, with GREAT shows for title's at PPV level. I think that would make a world of difference in the long run. They have the backing in money, so they don't need the PPV's... since they don't get half as many.


I've always felt when I watch TNA that the biggest turn-off is they pretent to be bigger then they are, and that the viewer MUST see the next PPV, in order to truly enjoy their type of entertainment. They really need to focus on PPV level shows, and out-do their competition first, then sell PPV's. The PPV's could be huge if they would get rid of all but say... one of them a year for now. Maybe for two years in a row, then slowly add one every quarter, for another year, then ... you get the picture. Think long run instead of short bursts all the time.

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Please show me one bit of proof of a female WWE wrestler having a fan-base that followed them anywhere else.


This, it's unfortunate and I like watching women wrestling when the worker is talented (and, as a typical guy, when the girl is hot.) but i don't think the world and fan at large really cares about the specific workers.


That seems to be across genders though, aside from a few workers.

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