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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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At first I thought you said something different (Stennick). However, I strongly agree after re-reading a few times. Doesn't mean it won't work, and doesn't stop other people from liking it, but the opinion in and of itself I find myself strongly agreeing with.


That being said, If we want to be totally honest about things, Wrestling hasn't really changed that much, outside of the "indy" scene itself, and gymnastics replacing psychology.


When the Territories were active, it's important to point out that these Indie's are nothing in comparison. The Territories were on TV, they had thousands at big events, and the wrestler's were paid alot better (comparitively). TNA fits "Territory" probably better then any other promotion out there, with maybe the exception of ROH (at least that I know of).


I think the main thing that's always bugged everyone about TNA is the amount of talent... as I've said from the first time I seen it. TO ME, they have two or three times the amount of talent as probably any other promotion in the world, for sure more then WWE. This is saying something... You have iconic figures on there, legends, and up-and-comer's and people that should have already been just as well known as your Randy Orton's, Miz's, and MVP's...


They dillute everything by doing way too much, and if Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, etc.. weren't already so well known, this stuff would probably have gone down pretty fast...


But... People like the old ECW crew, and probably like seeing them again. People remember the old NWO/WCW and probably like seeing them again. This is "OK", but they will probably fail misserably when it comes time for them to leave, in getting anyone else on the roster that wasn't already well known, to have any more popularity then they do right now. You have your Jeff Hardy's, RVD's, Angle's, etc.. but even Angle mentioned how upset he was after bassically working and working a little thing with AJ, only to have AJ demolished at some other point, making his (Kurt's) loss, unimportant in the long run.


I get frustrated as much as anyone when watching this, but I can't help but to hold on to a little hope in that they aren't just trying to make one more long run with fat paychecks, before fading away into the hall of fame, never to be seen in the ring again.

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Look I and I think others don't mind the "nostalgia" per se but it is the total overkill of the amount of attention they get and all the attempts to keep them relevant at the expense of those guys who should be kept relevant and should get the attention etc. As long as TNA does not get more brand awareness AJ etc won't be as big a household name as Orton etc but they can be the Orton's for TNA.


Case in point EV2 beating Fourtune at BFG.

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Look I and I think others don't mind the "nostalgia" per se but it is the total overkill of the amount of attention they get and all the attempts to keep them relevant at the expense of those guys who should be kept relevant and should get the attention etc. As long as TNA does not get more brand awareness AJ etc won't be as big a household name as Orton etc but they can be the Orton's for TNA.


Case in point EV2 beating Fourtune at BFG.


Your not seeing the bigger picture I don't think.... If they didn't get more awareness when AJ was the relevant one, or Joe, or whomever, that's not going to happen right now. However, if Bischoff/Hogan/Flair and other's can get some more brand awareness, then perhaps it might work out, if they follow through "later"... meaning pass the torch.


The main problem I feel isn't that these guys have made themselves relevant again. The main problem is no one believes they will use this relevance to "rub" the one's that need it.


EDIT: and reading that, I didn't get my point accross. Let me add a bit more.



What I'm trying to say is that Bischoff/Hogan/Flair weren't relevant to start with, that had to build up into something that had viewer's interested... Weather or not "I" would have gone this route or not, I don't know... But they did. However, if they can escalate the "brand awareness" to a height it hasn't seen without them, then at that point (The height of where they can get it), they should start to fued or "rub" guys like AJ. I feel that AJ has been getting it from Flair, but it's just not took totally over yet. Flair needs to be "behind" AJ at some point, meaning that he can manage him, talk trash for him, but run and hide behind him when someone has had enough. Same with Hogan or any of the other guys that aren't really going to get any more popular then they already have in the past. This is including people like Nash, Sting, Jarret, EV2 crew, and of course people like Foley. Angle is still "Relevant" and should be treated so right now. Fact is, they should hype Angle vs. Hogan's best, to try and create MORE controversy, more viewer's etc. I would probably pick Hardy vs. Angle, not Hardy vs. RVD, but that's just me. RVD could be used against AJ this way. Angle > Hardy > RVD > AJ in terms of popularity/overness, and they should realise that, and work it into something huge utilizing the name value's of Flair/Hogan, etc... because in reality Hogan > Flair > Bishoff > Angle > Hardy, etc. Utilize them heavily till TNA peaks, then start building the younger more able guys up behind that, and bring them to heights they couldn't have possibly reached without these exact people behind/against them. It's always up to the individual if they can actually pick up when they are brought up, and go even farther, but it's definately worth a try.


As I said, the biggest problem is no one believes they will actually do the "Right" thing here. Everyone figures this is WCW endgame, and I don't really blame them.

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Thing is you can use the nostalgia some of the time to create awareness or to sell to partners see we have these names but you do not have them dominate the show. Plus there are many more and better ways to create said awareness. It's useless to create awareness and then have people turn off because they don't like what they are seeing. So I am not saying the nostalgia guys don't have a use but that they are being used the wrong way.


Better to grow organically and spotlight those that will keep people interested then all this contrived and nostalgia BS. AJ might not get TNA short term awareness but can create long term and sustainable awareness.


I just don't think going this nostalgia heavy will ever get TNA the awareness they crave which will then lead to the point that TNA will make the switch to the truly relevant talent.


Right now they are keeping the Nostalgia relevant at the EXPENSE of the other talent and that is just not right.

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I believe the TRUE problem lies with US fans and not the TNA product. Let's face facts. As the years went on people became more and more aware of just what really went on behind the scenes. We "found" out that it's all scripted. Now TNA is putting on a great product...just not for US. Their product imho would fly so much better twenty to thirty years ago. When a guy like AJ Styles who is very talented is being "held" back you are supposed to get mad and watch so when he does win your super excited. Now a days we are not pissed that AJ "lost" but that he is "being held down."


We need to be less smarky and just treat it like a TV show. No one threatens to stop watching Deal or No deal if the contestants are being held back. No one stops tuning into Miss America pagents because Miss Africa never wins. Enjoy it for what it is and forget that backstage crap!

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I believe the TRUE problem lies with US fans and not the TNA product. Let's face facts. As the years went on people became more and more aware of just what really went on behind the scenes. We "found" out that it's all scripted. Now TNA is putting on a great product...just not for US. Their product imho would fly so much better twenty to thirty years ago. When a guy like AJ Styles who is very talented is being "held" back you are supposed to get mad and watch so when he does win your super excited. Now a days we are not pissed that AJ "lost" but that he is "being held down."


We need to be less smarky and just treat it like a TV show. No one threatens to stop watching Deal or No deal if the contestants are being held back. No one stops tuning into Miss America pagents because Miss Africa never wins. Enjoy it for what it is and forget that backstage crap!


No offense, but based on the people in this thread who watch and react to the shows, and the extensive time that is spent by people who break down storlyines...this is a pretty stupid post.


It just has nothing...literally nothing...that people have been complaining about in this thread..

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That is my point...TOO MUCH TIME is being put into this. No one stops watching a TV show because their favorite actor is being underutilized in his role but if AJ or someone is used wrong people go nuts. I have read many complaints on the current angle and it seems people don't like it because of who is being used and not what is going on. If Shane McMahon was in the Bischoff role people here would cream themselves over the angle.
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That is my point...TOO MUCH TIME is being put into this. No one stops watching a TV show because their favorite actor is being underutilized in his role but if AJ or someone is used wrong people go nuts. I have read many complaints on the current angle and it seems people don't like it because of who is being used and not what is going on. If Shane McMahon was in the Bischoff role people here would cream themselves over the angle.


You seriously don't think people stop watching shows because their favorite actor isn't as big a part of it? So ER didn't lose viewers after George Clooney left? CSI didn't lose viewers after their stars left? NYPD Blue? Law & Order? You don't think The Office is sweating the fact that Steve Carrell is leaving?


The actors who plays a role and how they fit is easily one of the most important parts of how a TV show fares. If I don't LIKE the person in that role, why am I watching in the first place?


Your point is offbase. Sorry.

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You seriously don't think people stop watching shows because their favorite actor isn't as big a part of it? So ER didn't lose viewers after George Clooney left? CSI didn't lose viewers after their stars left? NYPD Blue? Law & Order? You don't think The Office is sweating the fact that Steve Carrell is leaving?


The actors who plays a role and how they fit is easily one of the most important parts of how a TV show fares. If I don't LIKE the person in that role, why am I watching in the first place?


Your point is offbase. Sorry.


Did I say after they left? If there was an episode of E.R. where Clooney wasn't on screen for 20 mins would the show be acused of bad writing? Bad storylines? Fans outraged? In wrestling when a good wrestler isn't given a good push thats what people say...

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You're making vast generalizations about everyone on this board based on most net fans. Read through this discussion and tell me where people are freaking out for some hotshot angle or one isolated incident of bad booking. This is months (in some cases years ) of examples of people putting up with bad storytelling before they change their mind.


Any person who sits there and watches a show even if the storytelling has sucked for MONTHS then they're an idiot. It's not your obligation to watch any show if it's bad for an extended period.

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The whole "Boo hoo AJ isn't getting pushed" type complaining does exist with other TV shows, but it doesn't seem as strong as in wrestling. Maybe because wrestling is so character based. Maybe I'm just too disconnected from other internet fandoms to notice complaints that Chevy Chase isn't being used enough on Community.


Characters are a massive part of my watching any TV show, not just wrestling. Every show I watch, I watch because I relate to or enjoy one or more characters. When the show stops presenting those characters in a way I enjoy, I stop watching. Battlestar Galactica is an example. At the beginning, I was able to lock onto a few characters I could relate to. However, after a few seasons they had pretty much destroyed everything I liked about all of my favourites and the show became a chore to watch. I came really close to chucking the DVD's in the bin... but seeing as I foolishly bought the entire series (a 'financial commitment' as my pops would say) I wanted to get my money's worth. I regret it.


TNA is similar. Cool characters interested me, but over time they've presented them in unappealing or insubstantial ways. It doesn't give me characters I enjoy, so I don't watch. Same with WWE. Same with Breaking Bad. Time was I would have pitched a fit internet-style, and I'm sure there are folks who still do so for both.

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Let's put it this way. TNA is not entertaining me enough because the product they are presenting is not interesting to me. That is because TNA chooses to highlight those people that do not appeal to me aside from a nostalgia purpose and because their story-lines are atrocious and focus on those same people.


So despite TNA having many appealing things to me I chose to stop watching because the bad started to out way the good. This has happened with many shows before and will continue to do so.


I get the gripe LordJaguar is presenting but this is not the case here. Like PeterHilton explained.


I and many on here are total product people as far as entertainment goes and we recognise that what draws, draws even if we do not like it. So we look at it from a total business standpoint. And we think that TNA could or should do different things in order for it to grow and not just please our on personal tastes.


Main problem is the lack of data that is available to back up those claims so most of it comes from an historical perspective or a gut feeling so to speak.


Now as to why this is more prevalent in wrestling then entertainment? Well there are many reasons but the main one is is because wrestling is both a sport and entertainment. And just look at any sports forum and there are loads and loads of opinions on who to put in what role and who to put in the starting line up and who to sign or trade for etc.

There the goal is to win as many competitions (and thus make the most money). In wrestling the goal is to bring in the maximum amount of money and in TNA's case to create long term growth.


I personally mentioned AJ because he is symptomatic of TNA's current direction/total product. So eventhough AJ really entertains me I am not watching. I also think based on my personal preference, gut feeling and available empirical and historical data that it would be good for TNA long term to give him a more prominent role.


The same can be said for instance about Jay Lethal even-though I personally do not care for him as much I can see that he connects with the fans when displayed in the right way.

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I dont understand how people say its focused on the older people in this one ok Hogan, Bisch, and Flair are mangeing the group but are not fighting or getting too much screen time Fortune is getting all the screen time along with hardy Abyss Samoa Joe. I get the NWO rip off but come on this was well built up and so far has been a very good storyline. I forgot about Double J I agree he should not be wrestling but other that I am loving TNA ATM
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I dont understand how people say its focused on the older people in this one ok Hogan, Bisch, and Flair are mangeing the group but are not fighting or getting too much screen time Fortune is getting all the screen time along with hardy Abyss Samoa Joe. I get the NWO rip off but come on this was well built up and so far has been a very good storyline. I forgot about Double J I agree he should not be wrestling but other that I am loving TNA ATM


Hulk Hogan

Eric Bishoff

Jeff Jarrett

Kevin Nash


Ric Flair

Tommy Dreamer




have all been pushed hard over the last month or three. I am officially TNA'd out. I'll come back when they aren't misusing my favorite wrestler.

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Hulk Hogan

Eric Bishoff

Jeff Jarrett

Kevin Nash


Ric Flair

Tommy Dreamer




have all been pushed hard over the last month or three. I am officially TNA'd out. I'll come back when they aren't misusing my favorite wrestler.


Yes but along with that goes




Hardy (still young)




The Gunz



If im not mistaking your favorite wrestler is Hardy right? If so his new heel gimmick is awesome.

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That is my point...TOO MUCH TIME is being put into this. No one stops watching a TV show because their favorite actor is being underutilized in his role but if AJ or someone is used wrong people go nuts. I have read many complaints on the current angle and it seems people don't like it because of who is being used and not what is going on. If Shane McMahon was in the Bischoff role people here would cream themselves over the angle.


Wrong...People stop watching or complaint a lot. In fact, some shows get storyline changes because of their audience demands. It has happened several times, it will continue happening. I, as a writer, would never change a storyline because of public demand, but that's a different story. But it happens and it happens a lot. When Paget Brewster's role on Criminal Minds was cut back and they planned using her in a different way all hell broke down on the internet. So yeah, people whine in other tv shows.

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Will it change the face of TNA forever? :D


Lol this running joke is so baseless. Dixie tweeted big change once pre slammiversary, and that hasn't happened except if it was the "They" storyline, and now it's like TNA said it all of the time without it happening.


All the previous changes where changes of varying degree. Initial Bisch and Hogan changes for instance the 6 sides gone. Moving to Monday. Moving back to Thursday.

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She tweeted about it several times both her and JJ from pre Slamiversery all the way till right before BFG.


In fact didn't she tweet that the big change was happening AT Bound for Glory? I could google it but I'm lazy. If the big change was Immortal how dumb was that for her to tweet that ahead of time? Also its hardly changed anything for any length of time.

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