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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I'm sorry but I disagree completely with a lot of this, I haven't seen anyone complain about Orton's gimmick and the whole tit for tat thing *is* relevant because it's the truth - people *do* have such agendas, I'm not saying crap isn't crap - but I just find it funny that TNA get negative comments for most things they do and when WWE does the same thing nobody seems to say a word....now either one of us is covering tracks or simply put we read 2 very different internets lol.


As for the Foley/Anderson time difference thing, I don't buy that and I'll tell you why....yes it *was* a different and more risque time period, but you aren't seriously suggesting that people legitimately know more about concussed wrestlers and serious injury now than back then and that's the reason for the outburst against TNA rather than it being simple fanboy ammo ? And if so, where were you in 1997-1999 ? It doesn't matter if it was a decade ago as time doesn't change the facts. It was still the same thing. WCW have been guilty of it also for what it's worth.


The Hardy/Raven thing is another thing I don't understand, where do people get that comparison from ? I don't see how the two mannerisms or gimmicks are even remotely similar - Hardy's gimmick or current style has about as much in common with Taker as he does with Raven. Which is nothing. Just like Orton has nothing in common with the Austin gimmick.


If Hogan and Bischoff come to the WWE and did the stuff they did with TNA at this time, people would have been all over the WWE alot worse. Fact is that WWE is expected to do better then TNA, and the fact is that TNA at times does better then the WWE (something that is NOT expected). Problem with folks thinking in the way you do, is you can't look at it from both sides, or put a "what if" scenario on anything, because you can only look at things from one side.


Here we have die hard TNA and WWE fans, and both sides go overboard a little bit. 99% of us at least acknowledge how we would react if it was in a different company instead of worrying how everyone else would react.


1. Fact is, that die hard TNA fanboys, at least the ones on the internet, have posted many times their hatred for all the things that TNA has done in the last year, the only thing different is they were thinking something like that would only happen in the WWE, so it never occured that it would happen to TNA.


Since it did happen to TNA many of the fans have thrown up their hands and said "Yep, Wrestlecrap is wrestlecrap, no matter who does it" and either stick with TNA with hope, or actually like what's going on. Other's unfortunately will keep beating the drum that TNA is superior and thinks more of their wrestler's, hire people based on wrestling skills, etc... and cater to younger wrestler's.


Unfortunately, quite a few TNA fans believe since WWE went PG it means they are targeting six year olds, and since TNA can say all kinds of "adolescent" cussing and blade themselves that they are cattering to an older crowd, and somehow that makes them superior.


The fact of the matter is, you either like TNA's style, or you like WWE's style, or you can watch both. IT doesn't have to be one or the other, as I'm one that watch's both (when I can). Funny that I can find good and bad things in both shows. Anyone here can go tit for tat on Wrestlecrap moves from both perspectives, but it really doesn't matter in the long run. I'm going to watch whichever show I feel like, and if I can, I might even watch them both.

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The fact of the matter is, you either like TNA's style, or you like WWE's style, or you can watch both. IT doesn't have to be one or the other, as I'm one that watch's both (when I can). Funny that I can find good and bad things in both shows. Anyone here can go tit for tat on Wrestlecrap moves from both perspectives, but it really doesn't matter in the long run. I'm going to watch whichever show I feel like, and if I can, I might even watch them both.


This I agree with. It pains me to say it considering I grew up watching WWF but I can no longer watch them as I find them to be cringe worthy and World Champions not credible. Even the World Title is a mockery with everyone wearing Cena's custom made belt. It just takes everything away for me, as it stands there's 3 reasons to watch WWE for me - Orton, Edge and CM Punk - but the bad outweighs the good so I haven't watched for a couple years now. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was I'd not watched WWE all year and only tuned in for Wrestlemania consecutively and I was stunned at how little had changed....


All thommohawk's posts are borderline flame bait and I dont et why people even bother to stroke his ego with a replay.:confused:


Speaking of flame bait, don't assume to know my motivations would you because you're barking up the wrong tree. I give my opinion and speak my mind and there's nothing more in it....I'm not here to flame anybody and if I come across that way to most people then I can only apologize for that.


If you can't see the Raven influence in Jeff Hardy's recent stuff, you need to check out some vintage ECW-era Raven on Youtube.


I have seen Raven in vintage ECW I know all about that, but being honest with you I still don't see the resemblance or similarities. I'm not being stubborn or anything but I truly don't see it....I think Jeff Hardy has his own off colour style and there's more than enough differences to differentiate from other wrestlers. Same goes for Orton too. Yes there's maybe one or two minor similarities at best on both counts that I see clear as day, but those alone aren't enough to say he's a Raven or Austin rip off. Same as Batista wasn't an Ultimate Warrior rip off. This is all of course just my opinion but I need to be honest. The one that took the biscuit for me was that a lot of people said Goldberg was an Austin rip off or clone based on the pure visual resemblance which granted was highly similar with the bald head, goatee and all black trunks etc but the two gimmicks and workers couldn't have been further from each other otherwise.

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We covered something similar to this a while back. Yes TNA gets more criticised then the WWE for the stuff they do but there are multiple reasons for that. One of the core ones Bigpapa pointed out is that the E has a very stable identity so you know what to expect and not expect and what fits and doesn't fit.


A point I once made is that in part because of the E having that identity people who are dissatisfied or want something different beside the E project those wishes upon TNA. EG TNA being the only mainstream alternative people looking at it want TNA to be exactly what they want TNA to be so they criticise on the basis of what they think it should be or what it possibly could be.


Furthermore its general brand perception, at least on the internet. Where its the cool thing to bash TNA any way you can and find as many ways to do it as you can. This is partly TNA's fault because of their product, partly the fault because some of the internets favourite fall guys are employed by TNA Russo, Bisch, Hogan and partly because some leading IWC pundits seriously dislike TNA.


As I always maintained if you look at it from a distance and categorize in Good, Normal, Bad in the WWE out of ten you will have 1 good 8 normal and 1 bad things. In TNA you will generally have 3 good 3 normal and 4 bad things.


Thing is for my personal taste that balance in TNA has gotten worse. Before I could stomach the bad with the hope it would go away and the fact I saw more good stuff in TNA. But lately the good has lessened imho and the bad increased. Although from what I am reading they are getting their act together a bit more. Not as much to bring me back as a fan yet though.

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I'm sorry but I disagree completely with a lot of this, I haven't seen anyone complain about Orton's gimmick and the whole tit for tat thing *is* relevant because it's the truth - people *do* have such agendas, I'm not saying crap isn't crap - but I just find it funny that TNA get negative comments for most things they do and when WWE does the same thing nobody seems to say a word....now either one of us is covering tracks or simply put we read 2 very different internets lol.


As for the Foley/Anderson time difference thing, I don't buy that and I'll tell you why....yes it *was* a different and more risque time period, but you aren't seriously suggesting that people legitimately know more about concussed wrestlers and serious injury now than back then and that's the reason for the outburst against TNA rather than it being simple fanboy ammo ? And if so, where were you in 1997-1999 ? It doesn't matter if it was a decade ago as time doesn't change the facts. It was still the same thing. WCW have been guilty of it also for what it's worth.


The Hardy/Raven thing is another thing I don't understand, where do people get that comparison from ? I don't see how the two mannerisms or gimmicks are even remotely similar - Hardy's gimmick or current style has about as much in common with Taker as he does with Raven. Which is nothing. Just like Orton has nothing in common with the Austin gimmick.


you lost alot of credibility when you said you haven't seen anyone complain about the orton gimmick.


It's being mocked right now in the WWE thread, and he's often ridiculed on many forums as a poor mans SCSA ripoff.


I'd say he's right beneath cena level with the IWC right now, he's criticized both for the gimmick, lack of wrestling skill, and the baby face superman set move sequence (clothesline-clothesline-counter to power slam-RKO tease)

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Dixie announced that on 2/24 Impact will be heading on the road.


That's good, TNA don't televise away from the impact zone often enough for me....at least not yet.


@ Hyde Hill, I admit I stopped watching TNA altogether for about 2 months right when Hogan dropped the TNA belt in the trash - I thought here we go WCW Hogan's Heroes run amok for a year or more TNA is done now....that was my first mistake as I missed Dixie's return and her banning Hogan etc, I've recently tuned back in to see titles change hands after another MCMG vs Beer Money epic, AJ being set up as a babyface again, Angle's in ring return, Pope heel hints.... so yeah....there's a lot gone down, I'm not high on Steiner's return though as apparently the network wants to reform the Main Event Mafia but I don't know why as it didn't really work the first time around.

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You have also left the spoiler in your reply to me. Highlight to read:


Yeah I'm not changing that one lol, it's one thing to erase the spoiler from an automated quote but it's another thing to take the half spoiler out of a body of text that gives my take on the whole thing without erasing or changing the whole thing.....I guess in the words of Mr Anderson...Anderson....I'm an *******! ;)

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Quick question who is this Crimson guy?


Ron Mercer who they brought in from the independents and debuted in a double J double M A segment as Red's "little" brother when he is in fact quite a big guy. They found him via the gut-check challenges and the independent who he headlined for moaned that TNA was stealing their talent.


I may have given up watching it but I am still holding out a small simmer of hope. Really hope the on the road Impact does well. Going out of the Zone "successfully" could mean huge things for TNA in the short, middle and especially long term.

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I know, right? I can't believe people say he's the talented one in MCMG.


IMO he has tons of charisma, and is really talented with his in ring skills, except for the fact that he doesn't really know ring psychology and he doesn't know how to sell. I think that he's way more talented than Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin is a solid wrestler, but IMO he isn't really "great" at anything, and he doesn't have the charisma that Alex Shelley has.

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IMO he has tons of charisma, and is really talented with his in ring skills, except for the fact that he doesn't really know ring psychology and he doesn't know how to sell. I think that he's way more talented than Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin is a solid wrestler, but IMO he isn't really "great" at anything, and he doesn't have the charisma that Alex Shelley has.

I think this is it exactly. I'm not saying Shelley is perfect, but I'll take him over Sabin any day. Sabin is solid, but he's never done anything by himself that has made him stand out in my mind.

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Just watched the first wrestling show in years... And I chose that it would be the newest iMPACT. In overall it was OK even though there were some awful parts.


Karen Jarrett sucks big time while I noticed that RVD and Mr.Anderson somehow have a bit of chemistry. Loved to see Matt in the TNA as I loved his Youtube videos. I might even watch TNA next week...

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Watched some Genesis. Some thoughts.


- I like heel Jeff Hardy. I think it works for his promo skills. Verbally, he lacks fire, and as a heel he can just talk calmly. It's sad he's trapped in a giant cluster of a stable, because heel Jeff Hardy on his own, with the show revolving around him, could be a much bigger deal than as 1/12th of Immortal.

- Why aren't there any Women in Immortal? If titles are important, "for leverage" as Tenay says, why wouldn't they recruit Madison or Tara?

- Now Lethal has dropped the Black Machismo gimmick I can't begin to care about him. He's boring. The opener was good, but I couldn't really get into it as the personallities weren't floating my boat.

- Beer Money vs MCMG was match of the night for me. Unsurprisingly. Not their best, but really fun tag wrestling. My cup of tea. I still prefer Sabin over Shelley.

- I thought the Matt Hardy vs RVD match was fine. Booking wise they backed these guys into a corner in terms of babyface/heel, and the finish was odd, but I had no problem with Matt's performance, besides thinking he should probably go back to wearing the vest.

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