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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I also have a sneaking suspicion that the ROH crowd may not take to him very well. They certainly didn't with Jeff all those years ago...


Ironically I just read on wiki that they chanted "We Want Matt!" & "You were fired". Now it would be the latter they chanted at Matt. Don't think he'd be welcomed

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The ROH crowd in PHILLY would boo the crap out of Matt Hardy. But they'd still pay to see him. Just like with Jeff.


Well who wouldn't Philly fans boo. They booed and threw ice balls at Santa Claus, they cheered when Michael Irvin had suffered a career ending injury, and they booed Mike Schmidt. That right there tells you everything you need to know about Philly fans.

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Well who wouldn't Philly fans boo. They booed and threw ice balls at Santa Claus, they cheered when Michael Irvin had suffered a career ending injury, and they booed Mike Schmidt. That right there tells you everything you need to know about Phill fans.


Don't forget the "You messed up!" chants when that guy from the Full Blooded Italians nearly killed himself with that suicide dive in ECW.


Oh, Mios Dio!


I'll never forget that one.

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Well who wouldn't Philly fans boo. They booed and threw ice balls at Santa Claus, they cheered when Michael Irvin had suffered a career ending injury, and they booed Mike Schmidt. That right there tells you everything you need to know about Philly fans.


well Santa Claus came out when the Eagles were getting destroyed so that's his stupid ass fault.


Micheal Irvin's injury and the cheering was a little tough to swallow, even I admit. But he had taunted philly fans for ages and they didn't know he was paralyzed. Although when Deon started doing the raindance next to him and they chanted "Deon's next"... seemed a bit more difficult to defend. That said, the philly fans are not the first people to cheer rival team's injuries and aren't the last.


Mike Schmidt, while probably the best thirdbasement ever, also was a jerk to people in Philly for years. He also would run down teamates to the papers and whatnot. The few times he did bother talking to the local media it was generally negative comments. He was kinda whiny. Nowadays, the man gets massive cheers whenever he shows up to events now and the city seems to love him so I think it's just a few negative people that want to remember philly as "booing" Mike Schmidt. He certainly wasn't booed when the team was doing well. you gotta understand how bad those owners were for a time and I think he took some of the brunt of it. However, that was kinda a very short period of time. We generally love the guy and what he did in the 80s for us.





Philly is a hardcore fanbase. They cheer people they like and boo the ones they don't. Ask Mick Foley about Philly and he says they are awful because of the "Cane Dewey" incident (another one-time thing but it sticks out to him obviously). Ask RVD or Taz about Philly and they remember us as one of the best wrestling cities int he entire world.


Typically, the ROH fans here are "good" fans. Thats why we run alot of indy promotions out of Philly. The problem with them, if there is one, is that they cheer EVERYONE, even the "bad guys" and thats why ROH stopped doing as many TV tapings in Philly. Kevin Kelly even hinted at it once on Monday Night Mayhem.

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Watched two weeks ago for the first time in a year and remembered why I stopped watching.


WTF is with the Sting Joker thing? Awful! "Nervous?" give me a F'n break, AWFUL! And I thought we were all sick of Flair having strokes on TV? Seriously again WTF its just saaaaaaad to see him. JJ is still in charge and Hogan is still in charge, two of the things people have been complaining about forever. Crimson who is apparentley their next big home grown prodcut, sucked at his promo with his poorly dyed hair.


Positives: Like the BFG tournament idea and the X-division gauntlet. Nice to see Aries and Kid Kash back and Shelley is still around.

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