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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I agree. The show was decent tonight. If they got rid of joker sting I'd watch from front to back every week again.


I'm happy to see Roode get the shot, but I think it was a mistake. They look at Bound for Glory like "their Wrestlemania" and, to me, it would have made more sense and gotten better buyrates with a more familiar name going up against Kurt Angle. RVD would have been ideal but whatever. I'm happy for Roode and I hope he wins the title. The dude's fantastic and has great charisma so if they end up putting the belt on him, I think long-term it could actually be the right move. We'll just have to see I guess.

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I agree. The show was decent tonight. If they got rid of joker sting I'd watch from front to back every week again.


I'm happy to see Roode get the shot, but I think it was a mistake. They look at Bound for Glory like "their Wrestlemania" and, to me, it would have made more sense and gotten better buyrates with a more familiar name going up against Kurt Angle. RVD would have been ideal but whatever. I'm happy for Roode and I hope he wins the title. The dude's fantastic and has great charisma so if they end up putting the belt on him, I think long-term it could actually be the right move. We'll just have to see I guess.


I liked the show as well. Love how they are establishing Roode as a credible main eventer. I also dislike joker Sting. I am thinking after BFG he will resort back to his crow Sting self though.


I disagree about RVD vs Angle. Angle will make Roode look good at BFG. That will be seen as the highlight of Roodes career if he wins the title for the 1st time over Angle at BFG.


BFG is looking like a good card. AJ vs Daniels, Roode vs Angle, Sting vs Hogan (novelty match), Joe vs Crimson, and Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick. Those are all going to be entertaining matches.


Hogan saying that this is it and that he will be done with wrestling was good except for Sting ruining it.

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I liked the show as well. Love how they are establishing Roode as a credible main eventer. I also dislike joker Sting. I am thinking after BFG he will resort back to his crow Sting self though.


I disagree about RVD vs Angle. Angle will make Roode look good at BFG. That will be seen as the highlight of Roodes career if he wins the title for the 1st time over Angle at BFG.


BFG is looking like a good card. AJ vs Daniels, Roode vs Angle, Sting vs Hogan (novelty match), Joe vs Crimson, and Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick. Those are all going to be entertaining matches.


Hogan saying that this is it and that he will be done with wrestling was good except for Sting ruining it.



Yea my only reasoning for saying it was a bad idea was because of buyrate and mainstrema interest. Personally, I'm happy they did it. I feel like it would have been better for the PPV to go with a big name. They instead chose to do the slightly less profitable yet way more creative decision of elevating robert roode as a new face in the main event picture. I'm happy that they did it.

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Yea my only reasoning for saying it was a bad idea was because of buyrate and mainstrema interest. Personally, I'm happy they did it. I feel like it would have been better for the PPV to go with a big name. They instead chose to do the slightly less profitable yet way more creative decision of elevating robert roode as a new face in the main event picture. I'm happy that they did it.


Your reasoning for a big name makes sense but I don't feel like RVD is a big name really. RVD was one of my favorite wrestlers from 96-2003 too. I wanted him to win the WWE title for that whole time.


He never was a big name if you ask me. They treat Mr. Anderson as a big name and I don't he is either. The biggest names TNA has are Angle, Sting, Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and Jeff Hardy I think. Angle, Sting, and Hardy are the only real draws out of those I feel though.

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Yea my only reasoning for saying it was a bad idea was because of buyrate and mainstrema interest. Personally, I'm happy they did it. I feel like it would have been better for the PPV to go with a big name. They instead chose to do the slightly less profitable yet way more creative decision of elevating robert roode as a new face in the main event picture. I'm happy that they did it.


Your reasoning for a big name makes sense but I don't feel like RVD is a big name really. RVD was one of my favorite wrestlers from 96-2003 too. I wanted him to win the WWE title for that whole time.


He never was a big name if you ask me. They treat Mr. Anderson as a big name and I don't he is either. The biggest names TNA has are Angle, Sting, Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and Jeff Hardy I think. Angle, Sting, and Hardy are the only real draws out of those I feel though.

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Your reasoning for a big name makes sense but I don't feel like RVD is a big name really. RVD was one of my favorite wrestlers from 96-2003 too. I wanted him to win the WWE title for that whole time.


He never was a big name if you ask me. They treat Mr. Anderson as a big name and I don't he is either. The biggest names TNA has are Angle, Sting, Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and Jeff Hardy I think. Angle, Sting, and Hardy are the only real draws out of those I feel though.


I would say that a main event in 2011 with RVD draws better than one with scott steiner or jeff jarrett, but why bicker over such petty things?


I like RVD and he has gotten over everywhere he's been. I also like Roode alot and I think he and Angle are going to have a fantastic match at BFG.

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I would say that a main event in 2011 with RVD draws better than one with scott steiner or jeff jarrett, but why bicker over such petty things?


I like RVD and he has gotten over everywhere he's been. I also like Roode alot and I think he and Angle are going to have a fantastic match at BFG.


I am not trying to bicker. Just stating my own opinion. I think we both agree Angle and Roode will put on a great match and we are both looking forward to it.

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Bobby Roode has charisma? I honestly don't know anything about Bobby Roode's character. At one time he was rich or something but they don't even reference that other than "I need my beer and he needs his money" or something like that.


To me James Storm is the charasmatic one of the group and their over as a tag team for the same reason America's Most Wanted was. There are very few every day tag teams in either promotion that if you give a tag team like that a main event like push, with a decent gimmick they're going to be hailed as great. I think Bobby Roode is pretty bland and boring. James Storm has enough character to be on his own but drinking cowboy isn't enough to main event either they need to add more to it.


With Bobby Roode they kind of just said "here you go" they didn't push him the entire tournament. The entire tournament had two stories. Joe losing and Crimson winning. They should have had Crimson and Joe face off in the finals with Crimson beating Joe or Joe ending the streak whatever and went from there. Instead its like "oh yeah we kind of ignored Roode the whole tournament and just gave him random wins and now he's in the biggest match of our year".


Now instead of saying ok we got Roode lets build him up over the next five weeks as a sympathetic underdog to Angle instead they got him wrestling members of Fortune. If this was a build to a regular ppv then fine but you need something a bit more epic other than all his friends saying he'll be world champion.


I checked out of this show a long time ago. I was most interested in this show in March of last year with Pope, Lethal, Wolfe, Fortune, RVD, Jeff Hardy all getting involved in the main event scene and it felt like they were building to something. Now their top heel faction is full of nobody mid carders and their top "guy" outside of Sting and Hogan is clearly Anderson who switches between face, heel, super heel, every week or so. I guess they're doing stuff with the X Division and once again they're wasting AJ Styles. This guy should always be the focus, he should be their John Cena. I'm not saying he's got the mic skills Cena has (although Cena tells jokes that four year olds laugh at its not like he's selling ppv's to adults anyway). But the guys in ring originality and his in ring charisma set him apart. He's proven several times if you hand him a mic he's more than comfortable with it. Although instead of him being the focus of the shows we got Hogan, Sting, Anderson, Bully Ray and others. While he wrestles Daniels in a match that'll be good but thats why we got the X Division for "good" matches. We've seen Daniels/AJ how many times? I'll go watch in 2005 when they did that match with a better storyline when it involved the undefeated Joe.

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To tell you the truth the show wasn't all that bad, the only thing that I really didn't like about it was the match between Madison Rayne and Tara because they involved the referee way to much and it took a lot away from the match.


That was the whole point of the match though, she was using her feminine wiles on Earl to get an advantage in the match.


I liked the show as well. Love how they are establishing Roode as a credible main eventer. I also dislike joker Sting. I am thinking after BFG he will resort back to his crow Sting self though.


I am not even a fan of Crow Sting either. I liked the original Sting when he was a member of The Police...oh wait...when he was Surfer Sting.

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This kinda confuses me then, since I always thought Hogan and Bischoff had final say on creative direction over Russo...?


I was always under the impression that the last time we saw Russo as the guy making all the calls was in late '09, right before Hogan and Bischoff came in. Which was, in my opinion, one of TNA's best periods...

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Didn't catch the whole show just caught the end of Storm-Roode which wasn't the greatest match and the ending was weird as per usual. That last segment however was perfect. 5 minutes was all it needed to be. And that's all it was. Hogan's little kid "oh ****!" face was hilarious


I have to agree with that. It looked almost genuine, and the whole thing was pretty much done to perfection by both him and Sting.


I have to say, I really found the "video" entertaining.

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I really disliked how they did the fake retirement thing. What if people did spend tons of money to see Hogan one last time in Knoxville and then to see that? Don't you think that would leave a bad taste in their mouths? If that happened to me I would be so put off by TNA.


Now really looking forward to life in TNA without Russo as the head writer. Apparently Bruce Prichard is the new head writer. What do you guys think of that? Is he good?

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I really disliked how they did the fake retirement thing. What if people did spend tons of money to see Hogan one last time in Knoxville and then to see that? Don't you think that would leave a bad taste in their mouths? If that happened to me I would be so put off by TNA.


Now really looking forward to life in TNA without Russo as the head writer. Apparently Bruce Prichard is the new head writer. What do you guys think of that? Is he good?


Russo is still head writer, Pritchard just has final say of what actually gets used. The places I've read about this whole thing is that Pritchard is a politician backstage majorly. So hopefully that doesn't really happen.


Russo's biggest issue is having no one to filter through his crap to find the good. So hopefully, Prichard can at least do that.

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Russo is still head writer, Pritchard just has final say of what actually gets used. The places I've read about this whole thing is that Pritchard is a politician backstage majorly. So hopefully that doesn't really happen.


Russo's biggest issue is having no one to filter through his crap to find the good. So hopefully, Prichard can at least do that.


Oh maybe I misunderstood their titles. I like how they have built the Roode vs Angle match and hope to see more things like that. They are working hard to put Roode over and I think it has benefited James Storm as well.


I just hope they continue doing what they have the last few months.

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Color me excited, but we are just a couple of days away from the beginning of the TNA/Impact Wrestling Fan Interaction, which I will be a part of in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I will definitely be taking pictures and getting autographs and the like! Won the trip to Philly and hotel room and Bound For Glory tickets free in a contest thanks to TNA/Impact Wrestling and Circle K Southeast!
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Color me excited, but we are just a couple of days away from the beginning of the TNA/Impact Wrestling Fan Interaction, which I will be a part of in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I will definitely be taking pictures and getting autographs and the like! Won the trip to Philly and hotel room and Bound For Glory tickets free in a contest thanks to TNA/Impact Wrestling and Circle K Southeast!


Please tell us about the whole experience when you can. Sounds like a lot of fun!

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