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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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...Samoa Joe, AJ, Beer Money, Hernandez,x-division, etc. are all doing things that WWE doesn't give you. They really are the key to TNA's success in my opinion.


IF TNA sticks to that, they can put a compelling product out there that appeals to people who are sick of PG-era WWE.


Agree with you here (well maybe not on Hernandez but), however, this is a "slow growth" strategy that requires a long slow development of a whole roster that can put on great shows and eventually gets over with the mainstream wrestling public...


Roode/Storm are main eventing (they deserve it)


But they have hurt/buried/ruined so much of their home grown roster that they may have to start all over again...8 years after opening the promotion...that's not good



Plus they signed these former WWE names to bring attention to their promotion, only to have fans tune in to see what Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy are up to and the fans get...

A Jeff Jarrett MMA challenge...

A Knock Out's Lock Box Challenge...

or Eric Bischoff feuding with his son...




I'm one of those fans who has been rooting for TNA to 'make it' since their weekly PPV days, but is it any wonder they seem stuck in the same place they were in 2006?

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Hernandez does pretty good stuff in the ring, man. You guys gotta check out some of the stuff he was doing down in Mexico. Really cool. For a guy his size he's actually very impressive.


Dont get me wrong, I dont think he's the lynchpin to TNA's success or anything crazy like that.


But he's part (albeit a rather small and insignificant part - but a part) of a group of guys on their roster who offer fans something WWE doesn't. Thats what my point was.

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Hernandez does pretty good stuff in the ring, man. You guys gotta check out some of the stuff he was doing down in Mexico. Really cool. For a guy his size he's actually very impressive.


Dont get me wrong, I dont think he's the lynchpin to TNA's success or anything crazy like that.


But he's part (albeit a rather small and insignificant part - but a part) of a group of guys on their roster who offer fans something WWE doesn't. Thats what my point was.


He walks on his toes, can't talk on the mic at all, can't act at all, he can't even get facial expressions to look real, and after Homicide and him broke up all his flaws came running out of the wood work.


He needs a partner to hide his flaws and that partner isn't "I wanna be Chavo" Anarqia

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He walks on his toes, can't talk on the mic at all, can't act at all, he can't even get facial expressions to look real, and after Homicide and him broke up all his flaws came running out of the wood work.


He needs a partner to hide his flaws and that partner isn't "I wanna be Chavo" Anarqia


I agree with some of what you say here.


He can play 1 role and that is a hard thug. That is it though. He is very one dimensional and needs to be surrounded by better workers. He can be a valuable asset though to TNA if they don't expose his flaws.

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What happened with Elijah Burke/The Pope and the pretty decent push he was given a while back? Why did they drop the ball on that? He seemed like a guy for whom the skies were the limit.


Yes good point. LOL I forgot about him haha. He did seem to be getting a huge push and I really like the Pope character too.

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What happened with Elijah Burke/The Pope and the pretty decent push he was given a while back? Why did they drop the ball on that? He seemed like a guy for whom the skies were the limit.


Got injured when it looked like he was on the verge of something and then never recovered from losing to Anderson if IIRC. Burke a strange one as it's not the first time he's been on fire, got injured and then floundered (I was a really big fan of his when he was starting out in ECW).


Got to say, I really like the Roode / Storm storyline. Having only just seen how it played out on TV I think Roode's turn was fantastic and one of the best I've seen in recent times. He got a lot of heat from that match, it's now up to TNA to keep it going.


Hope they realise they can ditch PPVs and just focus on running TV supershows soon...

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What happened with Elijah Burke/The Pope and the pretty decent push he was given a while back? Why did they drop the ball on that? He seemed like a guy for whom the skies were the limit.


He got hurt and lost all momentum.


Then they never tried to regain it. Burke is one of my absolute favorites and has been since the moment he walked out on Smackdown. I can't even explain why I instantly loved the guy. Might have something to do with his above average charisma.


and after meeting him, he's one of the nicest guys I have ever had the pleasure and honor of meeting.


I really hope they try and do something with him again, but there's a problem in TNA right now where there are so many people that SHOULD be in the main event, and there's just not enough space for them all. Sadly, there are some people in the main event that don't belong there. Luckily some of them have been weeded out(Jeff Jarrett I'm lookin at you buddy even though you're nice as hell)

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Hope they realise they can ditch PPVs and just focus on running TV supershows soon...


They probably wouldn't stop running ppvs because its got to be a huge source of Revenue for them and not running pay per views would be dumb. Plus if they did that then they wouldn't be a legitimate company anymore IMO even though I don't consider them a legitimate company because I hate a lot of their business decisions. If you want an example they should have just given the belt to Robert Roode at Bound For Glory instead of having James Storm win it, hold it for eight days, and then loose it to Roode last week on Impact Wrestling.


If this was TEW their World Title's prestige would be in the toilet.

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TNA could have gotten to this point with the world title picture with better booking.


Roode beats Angle for the title at BFG.


1st Impact after BFG is Roode celebrating with Fortune in the main event. (Angle is hurt anyways)


2nd Impact after BFG Roode vs James Storm. Bobby Roode fearing losing the belt turns on James Storm.


3rd Impact after BFG Roode vs James Storm II. James Storm is too hurt to wrestle and Roode takes advantage of it showing just how greedy he is and how bad he wants the belt. AJ challenges Roode for Turning Point.


Now the only downfall of this scenario is that Storm isn't a former TNA World Champion. However if they were smart and that was a goal of TNA's have Storm win the belt at the next PPV after a 2 month reign for Roode.


Roode and Storm could be TNA's version of Rock vs Austin back in the late 90s. Obviously not as over in the main stream but it could be big among their fans. It's obviously not too late to do something like that either.

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But with retarded booking, it makes the shows so unpredictable! You won't be able to see the big picture, brother.


It's ok to do what they did with Roode winning on Impact once every 5 or 6 years to give the promotion a feel of unpredictability.


The fact they do stuff like this so often though makes counter productive though.


I don't think I would be a great booker but I think I could book TNA better if I had complete control.

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- Below is the final card for Sunday's TNA Turning Point pay-per-view: (COURTESY OF NODQ.com)


TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode


TNA Tag Team Title Match

Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America


TNA X Division Title Match

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries


TNA Knockouts Title Match

Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky


TNA TV Title Match

Robbie E. vs. Eric Young


No DQ Match

Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam


Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy


Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


Mr. Anderson and Abyss vs. Scott Steiner and Bully Ray


My thoughts of it are that it is decent. The tag match between Immortal and Anderson is kinda blah. Crimson vs Morgan has an ok build.


For once though it looks like they are trying to get the focus off of the veterans in TNA and that is the right thing.

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TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode


TNA Tag Team Title Match

Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America


TNA X Division Title Match

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries


TNA Knockouts Title Match

Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky


TNA TV Title Match

Robbie E. vs. Eric Young


No DQ Match

Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam


Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy


Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


Mr. Anderson and Abyss vs. Scott Steiner and Bully Ray

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TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode


TNA Tag Team Title Match

Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America


TNA X Division Title Match

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries


TNA Knockouts Title Match

Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky


TNA TV Title Match

Robbie E. vs. Eric Young


No DQ Match

Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam


Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy


Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


Mr. Anderson and Abyss vs. Scott Steiner and Bully Ray

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TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode


TNA Tag Team Title Match

Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America


TNA X Division Title Match

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries


TNA Knockouts Title Match

Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky


TNA TV Title Match

Robbie E. vs. Eric Young


No DQ Match

Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam


Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy


Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


Mr. Anderson and Abyss vs. Scott Steiner and Bully Ray

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I watched most of the PPV stream. It wasn't horrible but I just don't get a PPV feel from TNA like you do watching some WWE PPV's (not all).


The Daniels vs RVD and AJ vs Roode matches were good. The rest I could care less about. I just don't get why they have those three in the x division on a PPV. You can't tell me those are even 3 of the top 10 X Division workers they have. I would say Austin Aries is fine. I am not a big fan but he is good. The other two are horribad. Kash is 10 years past his time. Instead of having Robbie E (I liek the tandem with Rob Terry) and Eric Young fighting over some useless title like the TV title I wouldn't of minded this be the X Division title match. They fit that division if you ask me. Also I think Kaz and Daniels need to be in the X Division.

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I watched most of the PPV stream. It wasn't horrible but I just don't get a PPV feel from TNA like you do watching some WWE PPV's (not all).


The Daniels vs RVD and AJ vs Roode matches were good. The rest I could care less about. I just don't get why they have those three in the x division on a PPV. You can't tell me those are even 3 of the top 10 X Division workers they have. I would say Austin Aries is fine. I am not a big fan but he is good. The other two are horribad. Kash is 10 years past his time. Instead of having Robbie E (I liek the tandem with Rob Terry) and Eric Young fighting over some useless title like the TV title I wouldn't of minded this be the X Division title match. They fit that division if you ask me. Also I think Kaz and Daniels need to be in the X Division.


I did not see the PPV at all but I read about it, leading up to the PPV itself I felt like the show was just sort of thrown together. So, I had a funny feeling that the PPV would end up decent at best.


What are they even doing with Kaz? The only time he seems to be on T.V. is to come out and rescue other wrestlers. I can't even remember the last time he had an actual match on television. So yeah I agree with you, I think he should be more involved in the X Division.

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It was a decent PPV, i mean, it was certainly better than some they've done in the past. I know that doesn't exactly sound like a ringing endorsement, but at least they're improving? :p


Steiner was crazy over in his match. I mean, ridiculously. He told them to shut up and they chanted his name even more!

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