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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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That show didn't sound terrible. However I don't like Hogan and Fortune being a group. Hopefully Fortune breaks away from Hogans group soon.


Sounds like a show that clears some stuff up and keeps certain things going.


Think about it for a minute though... Who is Fortune? Who is H&B's group? They are all "Heel" right, but who are they going up against?


Nash? Sting? Angle? EV2 (who is supposed to have limited time, leading one to believe they are their to "Put Over" certain people).


Looks to me like they are taking the "New Generation" and pitting them against the "Old Generation"? I guess it's hard to see, since they are being led by Bischoff, Hogan, and Flair.


Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks pretty good to me, lol.

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Think about it for a minute though... Who is Fortune? Who is H&B's group? They are all "Heel" right, but who are they going up against?


Nash? Sting? Angle? EV2 (who is supposed to have limited time, leading one to believe they are their to "Put Over" certain people).


Looks to me like they are taking the "New Generation" and pitting them against the "Old Generation"? I guess it's hard to see, since they are being led by Bischoff, Hogan, and Flair.


Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks pretty good to me, lol.


I have no idea how you came up with the new generation vs the old generation.


The major heel group has half old and half young and the face group has at the very least pope and joe which are young and sting and angle which are old so really there is no old vs. new here which is great because aren't you sick of that storyline. Haven't you had enough of New Blood vs. Millionaires club storylines in TNA. Aren't you sick of the word originals and front line and Main Event Mafia? Aren't you ready for something new?


Anyway yeah there is no old vs. new and old and new vs. old and new.

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well rest assured DJ, some people did actually hate it.


Impact just came off my DVR list and it's going to take some seriously mind blowing shows being talked about here to get me to watch another one.


I'm done TNA, i tap out.


As for the "wow this is the new generation vs. the old!"


They did that stroyline already, it was called the Main Event Mafia vs every young babyface in the company.


It was alright at best, and i'm really not moved to watch the EXACT same setup again.


pass on NW2.0...mabey if it was 2002 or so i'd care.

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THIS! <------


I really think that this wasn't half as bad as everyone is making it sound. I didn't watch the PPV, but I'm not gonna act like I didn't think something like this was going to happen. Fact is, most of the review's I've read have been all positive untill they talk about "THEY". Well, here is my thoughts.


Although it's not what most people wanted, included yours truly here, it is something that has the whole internet buzzing. Will Hogan and Bischoff "Destroy" TNA as they did WCW? Will TNA ever get smart? How long can they keep doing crap like this? Hogan can't even "Walk"! What's going on here? This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen! Way to blow it AGAIN, TNA!!


Now, remember we are talking about people that think even "Bad" Publicity is good publicity. I really don't think it did the job they were hoping for, and I don't think it's anything like what people thought they were hoping for... I really think they are looking for this "Climatic Moment" to be so "HATED" that even more people will here about TNA and toon in. Although this theory of "Bad" publicity has been shown to fail at times, I dont' think it's going to be this big failure everyone thinks its going to be today.


How many people did reviews for this years, as compared to last years? I mean, this is being talked about probably 10 times more then any event that TNA has ever done... I really think although it's all negative, that they actually did do what they wanted to, just to a much lesser degree. IF TNA wasn't the Internet Darling it is today, for example... if it was more of a mainstream entity then an internet hero, it would probably have payed off more then it will... However, I do think it's going to pay off alot more then this .5 rating people are claiming they won't reach on the next Impact.


I won't and I won't spend any money or a real amount of attention on TNA untill they get their act together. And I don't think I will be alone. Temporary rating's increase? Sure. Long term rating increase? Unlikely. Same old same old? Likely. Long term decrease? Possibly.


Personally my interest for now is gone.

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The order of importance right now in TNA:


1. Nostalgia acts. Hogan, Sting, Nash, EV2, Jarrett etc


2. Guys who are still relevant but got most of their exposure elsewhere. Angle, Hardy, RVD, Anderson





3. Guys who are relevant and got their most exposure in TNA. AJ, Joe, Abyss.




4. Up and coming talented guys. Morgan, Pope, Kaz, Terry (crap).




5. Women's division. Within division sex appeal and ex e rule.


6. Tag division.




7. Gimmicky/sympathy stuff. OJ, EY, Ink Inc, Robbie E etc




8. X Division.



How it should be and how I would like it.


1. Still relevant and exposure elsewhere


2. Relevent and exposure in TNA.


Small gap.


3. Up and coming talents and head-liners different divisions.


4. Tag division


5. X Division


6. Women, with focus on in ring skill and sex appeal secondary and as anti what the division is about.




7. Nostalgia


8. Gimmicky sympathy stuff jobbers.

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Haven't you had enough of New Blood vs. Millionaires club storylines in TNA. Aren't you sick of the word originals and front line and Main Event Mafia? Aren't you ready for something new?


Anyway yeah there is no old vs. new and old and new vs. old and new.


Yeah. That's what we had last year and the payoff got taken out to the trash after only a two and half months for in favor of Hogan/Bischoff

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Although it's not what most people wanted, included yours truly here, it is something that has the whole internet buzzing. Will Hogan and Bischoff "Destroy" TNA as they did WCW? Will TNA ever get smart? How long can they keep doing crap like this? Hogan can't even "Walk"! What's going on here? This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen! Way to blow it AGAIN, TNA!!


Now, remember we are talking about people that think even "Bad" Publicity is good publicity. I really don't think it did the job they were hoping for, and I don't think it's anything like what people thought they were hoping for... I really think they are looking for this "Climatic Moment" to be so "HATED" that even more people will here about TNA and toon in. Although this theory of "Bad" publicity has been shown to fail at times, I dont' think it's going to be this big failure everyone thinks its going to be today.



I get what you're saying but I really think you're clutching at straws. Chris Benoit's weekend from Hell gave the WWE publicity, almost 100% of it was negative. WCW crumbled under 'all publicity is good publicity' with crap like Rodman, Leno and then Arquette being champion.


This is not good publicity, the only people talking about it are wrestling fans. It's not drawing new people in, it's just turning people away that are already aware of TNA. The WWE could achieve the same level of publicity by bringing back Colin Delaney and putting the WWE title on him in his first match. It's largely the same thing, people who would be aware of it and would care would be people already in the know and they would probably all hate it.


If it worked for you, fair enough, I hope you enjoy it and I'm sure some people will tune in to see what happens this week, I just don't think it will work in the long term.


I dunno, I don't really care about TNA. I don't really care about Hogan, Bischoff or Hardy. I stopped caring a long time ago and this sort of negative press is doing nothing to pull me back in. I don't want to keep trotting out the same TNA cliches but the talent is there to have a real go at the WWE, it's just so sad what's happening.

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I get what you're saying but I really think you're clutching at straws. Chris Benoit's weekend from Hell gave the WWE publicity, almost 100% of it was negative. WCW crumbled under 'all publicity is good publicity' with crap like Rodman, Leno and then Arquette being champion.


Rodman and Leno didn't hurt WCW, and both were involved during the absolute height of the company. WCW didn't "crumble" because of their involvement. As dumb as Arquette as champion was, it wasn't even a top 5 reason WCW no longer exists as a wrestling promotion.

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Using it to demonstrate a point, however I disagree with you on Arquette. I'd say he was in the top 5 reasons why WCW failed. Along with backstage politics that meant constant rewrites of the script forced WCW to go live and have to wing it. That's a broad enough point that you could also take other factors from it such as refusal to put younger guys over, the dragging on of expired stories like the nWo and the cost of flying out the entire roster to every show because the shows weren't written and they had no idea who they needed.


But yeah Arquette brought the credibility of the WCW championship to an all time low - I can't be bothered to argue why that is so important because I think most people know what we're talking about and have their own opinion already.

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Yeah. That's what we had last year and the payoff got taken out to the trash after only a two and half months for in favor of Hogan/Bischoff


If they get any new viewers at all, the new viewers won't know.


As I said, I don't think this will be anywhere near what they hoped for, but I think everyone is being a little "self worthy" to believe just because a few internet/long time TNA fans are turned off, that other's won't turn it on.


I would make this SAME EXACT debate in the WWE discussion thread. We are not THAT important in the overall picture. I hate what happened, for example... that doesn't mean the whole city where I live is going to watch something different... Most people don't even watch TNA PPV's.... and most don't ever see spoiler's... but us... the mighty few, believe we will change the course of TNA by turning to a different channel.


I bet this does more good then bad, and if it lasts depends on who leaves TNA and who doesn't (meaning, if all the main players leave... it could die fast).


Maybe saying New vs. Old is wrong, but let me expand on what I'm saying.

I have no idea how you came up with the new generation vs the old generation.
You have Flair's group, which is relatively 'young' which is part of it. You have Hardy, debatebly the most popular guy on the roster... then you have all these established (as far as TNA is concerned) stars against this.. Sting, Angle, Joe, etc.


Somoa Joe isn't well known with the WWE crowd, but he is as far as TNA is concerned, and I believe Pope was "Huge" before all the newer faces started popping into the company, at least by TNA standards.


Now, that's not to say I mean fully Young vs. Old, but maybe a better word would have been Established vs. Less Established. Yes, you have Hardy, Hogan, Abyss, Flair and AJ (Established), but I agree with splitting it up a little, as you have to have people that are going to draw on both sides of the scale. Although I wouldn't have gone this route, If someone said to make a storyline like this, using these people, it's somewhat how I would do it. So now AJ get's the rub from Flair, Hogan, Bishoff, and Hardy... IF that doesn't make him a household name (in combination with his in ring performance), I'm not sure anything TNA does (at this popularity) ever will. This brings an awesome amount of talent that can be concentrated on...although we know TNA will mess that up by concentrating on a dozen per every one that they should concentrate on, lol. Just saying, it's not a bad set-up to go from for the future, just bad it was on their number one PPV.


So here we are, the aftermath of the PPV, with a year untill the next one to work something up that might work in entirely the opposite way this one did (meaning, something everyone will love, rather then hate). SO I'm a little more optimistic about TNA then most, which is rather weird since I can barely sit through the dang show.

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I get what you're saying but I really think you're clutching at straws. Chris Benoit's weekend from Hell gave the WWE publicity, almost 100% of it was negative. WCW crumbled under 'all publicity is good publicity' with crap like Rodman, Leno and then Arquette being champion.


This is not good publicity, the only people talking about it are wrestling fans. It's not drawing new people in, it's just turning people away that are already aware of TNA. The WWE could achieve the same level of publicity by bringing back Colin Delaney and putting the WWE title on him in his first match. It's largely the same thing, people who would be aware of it and would care would be people already in the know and they would probably all hate it.


If it worked for you, fair enough, I hope you enjoy it and I'm sure some people will tune in to see what happens this week, I just don't think it will work in the long term.


I dunno, I don't really care about TNA. I don't really care about Hogan, Bischoff or Hardy. I stopped caring a long time ago and this sort of negative press is doing nothing to pull me back in. I don't want to keep trotting out the same TNA cliches but the talent is there to have a real go at the WWE, it's just so sad what's happening.


It could potentially end up just like this as well.


I don't really like TNA, and haven't since the first time I watched it. This isn't a "I'm a TNA fan and so everything they do I will be for" thing for me. I can understand your feeling on the matter, and everyone else's for that matter.


The main thing I agree with in your post though, is the bolded. They have MORE TALENT, and MORE NAMES then WWE has right now.. but WWE keeps creating credible opponants for the long term stars in people like Miz, Shaemus, even Daniels to an extent... is made to look like he could make anyone tap if the right situations present themselves. Not to mention Nexxus.


These are things that TNA just don't do... You never see a one on one thing that doesn't end up being a "Pile On" thing... Which ruins the whole thing, too many people to concentrate on at one time. I wish they would learn that. You have to concentrate on ONE person at a TIME... not the whole show, you can concentrate on as many people as you want (limited by your time allotment), but to get people interested in one person, that person has to have the spotlight on them and only them during their time in the light.

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Know what I was just thinking.... Take out, Jarrett and Hogan... and I would've really liked this. You have to leave Bischoff as the one who got it started. Bring in James Mitchell and a couple of other "twisted" individuals... Have hardy play a dark character.... and I'd be down. I dont wanna see Jarrett on my screen unless he's putting over people.


I don't actually mind Jarrett being involved. It's Hogan's presence that bothers me (and not from an anti-Hogan perspective). If Bischoff had turned heel with Jarrett, yet Hogan remained face, that would have given us a different dynamic - sell it as Jarrett and Bischoff using Hogan and his 'name' to get what they want - Jarrett gets back control of TNA from Dixie and Bischoff gets true power in a promotion, something he hasn't had since WCW folded. Hogan then becomes an isolated figure as people accuse him of being 'in on it', etc, expecting him to turn later, whatever, struggling to rally and organise those who oppose the new oppressive 'they' regime. That still wouldn't be great, but it's better than seeing them both in played out roles that really don't have anywhere left to go. Even heel Hogan and face Bischoff would provide some sort of new dynamic to get my teeth into.


Apparently Bischoff is promising this storyline has a load of twists the fans won't see coming, but my problem with TNA is that you don't see the twists coming because they're either a) illogical or b) the angle is so convoluted that I don't really know what's going on, lessening the impact of said twist.


Like for instance the 'twist' is that Sting and Pope were all along the good guys in the story, despite the former deliberately acting as heelish as humanly possible and being sold by everyone else and their mother on Impact as a heel. That's force-feeding me something and then telling me further down the line that I'm wrong. That's not a twist. That's not a character with 'shades of gray'. That just leaves me feeling that I've wasted my time investing any interest in the first place, not enjoying an unexpected turn of events.


These are things that TNA just don't do... You never see a one on one thing that doesn't end up being a "Pile On" thing... Which ruins the whole thing, too many people to concentrate on at one time. I wish they would learn that. You have to concentrate on ONE person at a TIME... not the whole show, you can concentrate on as many people as you want (limited by your time allotment), but to get people interested in one person, that person has to have the spotlight on them and only them during their time in the light.


In fairness TNA can do this, but they seem to lack any long term direction/focus. For instance, they did a GREAT job in pushing Jay Lethal recently, but after going over in his fued with Flair, he's jobbed out a couple of times and is now trading the X-Division title with Amazing Red at house shows. Matt Morgan is another example, had a good thing going, then gets lumped into Fourtune as the bodyguard and while not wasted, he lacks any real exposure as an individual character in the group. For all that Morgan is doing now, you might as well have stuck Rob Terry in there instead.

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In fairness TNA can do this, but they seem to lack any long term direction/focus. For instance, they did a GREAT job in pushing Jay Lethal recently, but after going over in his fued with Flair, he's jobbed out a couple of times and is now trading the X-Division title with Amazing Red at house shows. Matt Morgan is another example, had a good thing going, then gets lumped into Fourtune as the bodyguard and while not wasted, he lacks any real exposure as an individual character in the group. For all that Morgan is doing now, you might as well have stuck Rob Terry in there instead.


That's true. They always leave things undone... You can't "Make a Star" then feed them to the wolves... Now that they have reached a certain peak, they should be in the same playground... unless you have a good reason why they are not... Otherwise the audience just goes, ah... guess it was fluke.

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If they get any new viewers at all, the new viewers won't know.


As I said, I don't think this will be anywhere near what they hoped for, but I think everyone is being a little "self worthy" to believe just because a few internet/long time TNA fans are turned off, that other's won't turn it on.


I would make this SAME EXACT debate in the WWE discussion thread. We are not THAT important in the overall picture. I hate what happened, for example... that doesn't mean the whole city where I live is going to watch something different... Most people don't even watch TNA PPV's.... and most don't ever see spoiler's... but us... the mighty few, believe we will change the course of TNA by turning to a different channel.


I bet this does more good then bad, and if it lasts depends on who leaves TNA and who doesn't (meaning, if all the main players leave... it could die fast).


Maybe saying New vs. Old is wrong, but let me expand on what I'm saying. You have Flair's group, which is relatively 'young' which is part of it. You have Hardy, debatebly the most popular guy on the roster... then you have all these established (as far as TNA is concerned) stars against this.. Sting, Angle, Joe, etc.


Somoa Joe isn't well known with the WWE crowd, but he is as far as TNA is concerned, and I believe Pope was "Huge" before all the newer faces started popping into the company, at least by TNA standards.


Now, that's not to say I mean fully Young vs. Old, but maybe a better word would have been Established vs. Less Established. Yes, you have Hardy, Hogan, Abyss, Flair and AJ (Established), but I agree with splitting it up a little, as you have to have people that are going to draw on both sides of the scale. Although I wouldn't have gone this route, If someone said to make a storyline like this, using these people, it's somewhat how I would do it. So now AJ get's the rub from Flair, Hogan, Bishoff, and Hardy... IF that doesn't make him a household name (in combination with his in ring performance), I'm not sure anything TNA does (at this popularity) ever will. This brings an awesome amount of talent that can be concentrated on...although we know TNA will mess that up by concentrating on a dozen per every one that they should concentrate on, lol. Just saying, it's not a bad set-up to go from for the future, just bad it was on their number one PPV.


So here we are, the aftermath of the PPV, with a year untill the next one to work something up that might work in entirely the opposite way this one did (meaning, something everyone will love, rather then hate). SO I'm a little more optimistic about TNA then most, which is rather weird since I can barely sit through the dang show.


Actually pope was pretty low on the pecking order but getting a push and he got his main push under EB and H while all the new stars came in. Just clarifying not caring about TNA again. Pope's push was/is actually one of the good thing's they did booking wise.


PS If anyone is expecting a rant, I am not the type to do that and have cooled down enough. If anyone wants a review of EB and H era so far let me know. Not bothered to write it if anyone else isn't interested.

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If they get any new viewers at all, the new viewers won't know.


As I said, I don't think this will be anywhere near what they hoped for, but I think everyone is being a little "self worthy" to believe just because a few internet/long time TNA fans are turned off, that other's won't turn it on.


I would make this SAME EXACT debate in the WWE discussion thread. We are not THAT important in the overall picture. I hate what happened, for example... that doesn't mean the whole city where I live is going to watch something different... Most people don't even watch TNA PPV's.... and most don't ever see spoiler's... but us... the mighty few, believe we will change the course of TNA by turning to a different channel.


I bet this does more good then bad, and if it lasts depends on who leaves TNA and who doesn't (meaning, if all the main players leave... it could die fast).


Maybe saying New vs. Old is wrong, but let me expand on what I'm saying. You have Flair's group, which is relatively 'young' which is part of it. You have Hardy, debatebly the most popular guy on the roster... then you have all these established (as far as TNA is concerned) stars against this.. Sting, Angle, Joe, etc.


Somoa Joe isn't well known with the WWE crowd, but he is as far as TNA is concerned, and I believe Pope was "Huge" before all the newer faces started popping into the company, at least by TNA standards.


Now, that's not to say I mean fully Young vs. Old, but maybe a better word would have been Established vs. Less Established. Yes, you have Hardy, Hogan, Abyss, Flair and AJ (Established), but I agree with splitting it up a little, as you have to have people that are going to draw on both sides of the scale. Although I wouldn't have gone this route, If someone said to make a storyline like this, using these people, it's somewhat how I would do it. So now AJ get's the rub from Flair, Hogan, Bishoff, and Hardy... IF that doesn't make him a household name (in combination with his in ring performance), I'm not sure anything TNA does (at this popularity) ever will. This brings an awesome amount of talent that can be concentrated on...although we know TNA will mess that up by concentrating on a dozen per every one that they should concentrate on, lol. Just saying, it's not a bad set-up to go from for the future, just bad it was on their number one PPV.


So here we are, the aftermath of the PPV, with a year untill the next one to work something up that might work in entirely the opposite way this one did (meaning, something everyone will love, rather then hate). SO I'm a little more optimistic about TNA then most, which is rather weird since I can barely sit through the dang show.


Except my point isn't being "self-worthy" as such. Ever hear the old saw about the definition of insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? That's TNA in a nutshell. They are insane. They keep trying to change the world every few months and they can't see the time for theatrics has passed and that it's time to use what they've got. It's not like the cupboard is bare.


Any new viewers might not know it right away. But in a year, eighteen months time, they could very well come to figure it out. And at the end of that period when they are making the same point I am now, is their point to be brushed aside as well? TNA wants so badly to be a big boy they aren't willing to take the steps it takes to get there.


If guys like AJ and Pope and Joe and Abyss and so on are ever going to grow and be the talents the company has built them into, TNA has to get out of this idea of microwaved stars and let their base spread the gospel of the "originals" to the masses. If they don't, who's going to be there in ten, fifteen years when the page needs to turn again? Who's going to make the next generation look good if the current one never gets to run with the ball? What if no one had taken the chance on Hogan and Flair and RVD and Hardy and so on? Where would today's scene and that of the last decade or so have been? If TNA can't find a time to let the guys in/near the prime to do their thing, they don't DESERVE to exist in ten or fifteen years for that answer to develop naturally.

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Because I noticed something Hyde said about "no longer spending money", and y'all set me up with an opening line...


Let's talk some Self Worth!


How much have I spent on the TNA product over the years?


PPV Being in the UK, I couldn't buy them if I wanted to. . . . £0

Live Event Tickets I went to a show when they first came to the UK, and took a couple of friends. Good show, but once was enough, and there haven't been anyone coming in to make me go "Ooh! I gotta see him live" (except for Hogan, who doesn't make the trip) . . . . £70

DVD? I own 3. 'Best of AJ Styles', The Beer Money/MCMG Fandamonium, and the World X Cup. . . . £30

T-Shirts? Never seen one that tickles my fancy. . . . £0


So really I've only spent £100 on their product over the last 3 years. The argument could be made that I'm not of much value to them. However, how much COULD I spend?


PPV is a non-issue. Their booking isn't what's stopping me, rather their TV deal. I recently drove 5 hours to go to a Dragon Gate show, so I'm willing to face toil and hardship for good live entertainment featuring guys I like. I'll never buy PPV DVDs as typically I only like 1-3 matches on a card, but I dig wrestler specific compilations (Jericho's on it's way). I currently own 3 wrestling shirts (Bret Hart, Hardy Boyz & Dragon Gate) and would be interested in more... but I'm kinda picky on design. Nothing "too wrestling".


If I loved the product, I could see myself going to the annual UK tour, buying a t-shirt, and picking up a couple of DVD's throughout the year. Maybe £100 annually. That's my Self Worth, and thanks to TNA's booking, that's £100 less in their pockets. What's that $133?


Which I should add, they lost LONG before 'They' came about.

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I'm tempted to say that, too, but they DO still have the Machine Guns, who I love and who, hopefully, won't get caught up in the "They" garbage. Maybe I'll just read the show line-up each week, and if the Guns are set to appear, I'll DVR it so I can catch them.


The thought that they do have talent I like and its not all terrible kept me watching for awhile. But "They" turning out to be a takeoff of the NWO proved to me, as I feared from the day they arrived, that Hogan and Bischoff are incapable of being original or fresh whatsoever. I realize that seeing WCW 1996 play out in TNA in 2010 might appeal to some fans, and I can accept that. It does not appeal to me. I could send logical emails to Dixie, Bischoff, etc, and explain myself, but I have no faith I would be regarded as anything more than a "hater". So I'm going to express my displeasure by simply not giving them my time anymore.


I realize they will still produce some quality matches. And I'm certain that the IWC will make me aware of those matches, and I will find a way to view them if I am so inclined.

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I'm not entirely certain it's going to end up as another nWo just yet. Besides, wasn't it EB that was against WWE bringing back nWo as "some sort of stale retrend" when he debuted as GM?


I'm thinking there will be a few twists and turns to differntiate it, and I think that's the plan. It's not necessarily the creation of another supergoup that I think they want, but the mystery that will probably play out week to week regarding who is really a part of the group or looking to join it, that's what made the nWo successful. It's not just that you had Hogan and the outsiders, but the week to week accusations that a given person was about to join or that they announced they had a new member and you had to try to figure out who it was.


And having the group also gives guys like Joe and Pope a bunch of logical feuds in the upper card that that can use to build themselves up.


So I'm waiting to see how it plays out the next several weeks before I offically give it a FAIL.



Also, unless there is another surprise coming or that I missed, I'm confused on what Dixie's hype leading up to the event was for. On her end she wasn't supposed to know this was going to happen and I didn't see any other surprises or big things that could have been what she referred to the last several weeks in terms of big changes in TNA's direction at BFG. This is one of the more illogical things they've done recently in terms of storyline and marketing.

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See, to me its not the storyline itself. It could turn out that they steer it as far as possible away from NWO. But at this point, it sure feels like NWO. The swerve to end the PPV... the people involved... It all seems very intended to invoke images of the NWO to me. If it wasn't intended that way, they sure mucked up badly.


No, my concern comes down to the fact that Bishcoff & Hogan seem simply unable to do anything but look to the past. I'm not at all against reusing old storylines, as I said just a few pages ago, but I do like the promotion to at least make an attempt to have things feel fresh and not simply reptetition. TNA seems to go out of their way to make it feel like reptetition. And its not just "They". Its The Band, Fortune, EV2.0, the Sting-Nash stuff...


And as for Self's assessment (hah!), I agree. I have given precious little money to TNA in the two years plus that I've watched. But I have given them my time by watching Impact each week. I've added to those ratings. I've never felt inclined to buy the PPVs because TNA has never sold me on them. Its not money - I can more than afford them. But I'm not giving away my money - earn it. And TNA hasn't. As WWE has only rarely in the past few years.

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I'm thinking there will be a few twists and turns to differntiate it, and I think that's the plan. It's not necessarily the creation of another supergoup that I think they want, but the mystery that will probably play out week to week regarding who is really a part of the group or looking to join it, that's what made the nWo successful. It's not just that you had Hogan and the outsiders, but the week to week accusations that a given person was about to join or that they announced they had a new member and you had to try to figure out who it was.


You said something similar when you posted that incredibly baffling fantasy booking a few pages back. Let me ask you something:


1) Based on TNA's previous booking or these types of stories (i.e Joe feuding with MEM for months and then joining them for no apparent reason) what makes you think the 'twits and turns' would make any more sense or be any more compelling than what's happened up to this point?


2) How exactly would these 'clues' that were allegedly left behind be picked up by the average viewer?


3) Wouldn't that type of storyline STILL be an nWo rip off?


4) Does a storyline that includes that many convoluted twists and turns actually make for a more enjoyable wrestling program? I mean...unless you're a giant fan of something like Lost ..how does a convoluted storyline with a million clues that the average fan can't pick up on that goes nowhere and has no pay off make TNA better?


Was TNA better when the MEM was the central focus of the show?


So I'm waiting to see how it plays out the next several weeks before I offically give it a FAIL.


Good for you. As a longtime follower and viewer of TNA in all it's glorious ineptitude and as a longtime critic of Bischoff and Hogan and their inability to sacrifice their egos for the good of the company hey work for, I'm positivie that there's almost no way for this to go well.


I read the spoilers and it already sounds awful. But it's good you're openminded.


I just think that a lot of people reached the end of their ropes.


Also, unless there is another surprise coming or that I missed, I'm confused on what Dixie's hype leading up to the event was for. On her end she wasn't supposed to know this was going to happen and I didn't see any other surprises or big things that could have been what she referred to the last several weeks in terms of big changes in TNA's direction at BFG. This is one of the more illogical things they've done recently in terms of storyline and marketing.


Well, duh. It IS TNA. :p;)

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All this ownership talk is making my head heart.


First Jarrett was the owner, then Jarrett and Dixie, then we had a MILLION director's of authority. Erik freaking Watts was a Director of Authority, seriously.


After that they brought Foley in and HE was an owner, then Hogan came in and HE was an owner. Now Bischoff has "Control".


Seriously this is awful.


Hogan comes in and buys part of the company so it makes Foley and JJ's ownership null and void somehow? I thought Bischoff already had control since he was doing all the match making. Why was he allowed to be a heel with The Band and treating JJ that way if Dixie or Hogan could have stopped it at any time?


Why did they have to wait seven months to take "full control" from Dixie. Isn't Hogan part owner and wasn't Bischoff already "president" or whatever. I mean Bischoff was allowed to mis treat everyone from Jay Lethal to Foley to Jarett and Dixie didn't step in so why would she step in if Jeff Hardy joined him?


And now Flair JOINS Hogan so we have a stable of Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett, Abyss, Hardy, Flair, AJ, Beer Money, Kaz and Morgan? ELEVEN guys in one stable seriously? How in the hell are you going to get eleven guys booked relevently on a card? Are we going to get 2001 WWF where we would have random ten man tags between the Alliance and the WWF mid card jobbers because they had all these guys and nothing for them to do?


Wasn't the knock on the nWo was that they got too big and too many guys were left without anything to do other than come out and hang around while the main eventers cut promos? Isn't that what this is going to be? How are Matt Morgan, Kaz, Beer Money going to get ANY promo time when their lost in an eleven man shuffle?


Final Countdown mentioned that he liked MCMG so he might still watch. My question is who are they going to face now? Are you really interested in Team 3D vs. MCMG? We just had Gen Me vs. MCMG and we just got done with Beer Money vs. MCMG, their tag division is dead in the water.


Hyde your break down of what is important in TNA and the gaps and what not is SPOT on exactly how I see it (that feels weird to agree with you completely on something TNA related :D)


Finally Eric Bischoff ripping the WWF for re creating the nWo and a retrend was just him having a snarky, holier than thou attitude. He's most likely upset they didn't call him to be a part of it. If they would have brought in the nWo during the InVasion we could have had some classic match ups. Can you imagine Hogan vs. Austin, Hogan vs. The Rock, Outsiders vs. New Age Outlaws, nWo vs. DX. So if anything they should have done it a year earlier. I find it funny that Eric is talking about anything being a retrend when we just got done having Eric, Hogan, Sting, Nash and Jarrett feuding over stuff that went back to 1996 and WCW. Eric runs off at the mouth about a lot of things and I've given the guy credit. Hell I even bought his book when it came out. I thought the way he went about taking Vince down was brilliant. The guy knew what he was doing in 95 and 96.


Nitro was unpredictable, it was new, it was fresh, he was giving away results, he was on when the WWF went to commercial, he booked pay per view main events on Nitro. It was a lot more than just him buying up a lot of WWF talent he knew how to use them and did so brilliantly for two years before things just got too big and he had made too many promises to too many guys and nobody wanted to play together by 1997. Like others have said I think it was Peter maybe DJ or BP but someone said that Eric took one idea (nWo) and just beat it into the ground. His solution for a gimmick change was to make somebody the nWo or get them kicked out of the nWo. Then he created two nWo's. Then he created another nWo. Nearly up until the time the guy was let go there was some incarnation of the nWo out there and when he came back in 2000 guess what? The New Blood might as well have been nWo light. Eric's fresh ideas have been gone since 1996 which saddens me because he was the one guy I really thought knew what he was doing but clearly I see that either he never did or he's just there to collect a paycheck until he's fired and TNA latches onto their next booking messiah.

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