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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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It's booking for the Alzheimers generation!


Wow, awesome, what happened last week? Ah yeah... no wait that didn't, who am I now? No one panick! We can...wait, hold on Nasty Boys! Saviours.... oooooh.... wait? Bischoff make Jeff flip burgers.... never has a storyline been more intense! "Best burgers last week"... well stick to it Jarrett because me and Hogan wanna screw this promotion up.... wait.... scrap that! I'm gonna put my efforts into a midget promotion... screw TNA... Hogan, we need you to be booked on say 1 hour 15 of our 2 hour show.... that should block the holes.... no! Abyss is on the booking team! Better team him with you Terry as... well it makes no sense.... just give him your Hall of Fame ring. Yeah cos that's where the powers been all these years brother.... anybody seen Kendrick? Ric... can you get really pissed about it... what the hell?!?! Where'd this Chelsea bird come from? Jason Statham... sorry Desmond Wolfe, lets chuck you into the mix as well. I know it makes no sense, but hell most of these idiots will watch any crap we put in front of them.... Anyone seen Kendrick? What do you mean there's a tag team called Motor City Machine Guns? Never heard of them. You guys here for tryouts? Seriously, any sign of Kendrick? No? Ok Shannon Moore, get in there for no reason other than you're around the same weight... hey Doug, you don't mind if Shannon... hold on where the hell has Pope gone? Damn people just keep disappearing around this place! Angle, think you could trust Hogan? Hey no... now that we think of it, I know you were working some sort of program with Hogan and the Band, but we figured Anderson would be better... the fans won't notice! They're a bunch of inbred morons... Hogans going to team with Abyss for no reason other than, well Chris needs him. What about AJ? He's got Flair making him look like a piece of crap? Yeah we know but we're already throwing Desmond into the mix... just do some armed forces angle... yeah, ummmm... where the hell is Homicide? My god it's like a black hole around here! Wrestlers keep getting sucked into oblivion.... talking of Oblivion, Brutus Magnus, you can get some fingers crunched by Big Rob Terry... Rob you can destroy Andersons momentum by pinning him... hell no we're not pushing you... Angles gonna mess him up with a chair first... you keep the belt, but that's it. Right what next? Jeff Hardy wants to run in again for no reason? Does the guy only work Mondays? Ok... run in for the monday main event for no reason... disappear.. Sting! you can return, but because Terry is a face, you're gonna have to be heel, we're also putting RVD over you in say 30 seconds? No you won't look weak cos you get to destroy him after the match... with a bat... but I don't think a Sting/RVD segement will get over so we'll put Hogan in it too... he wants revenge and the spotlight. You know what... we'll put this all out and if it don't stick, hell we'll just change everything next week. The fans will eat it up, we're not gonna beat WWE anyway o to hell with it, lets just throw **** at the wall and see what sticks... what do you mean that was what happened towards the end of WCW............


Booking meeting Closed.


Hey last word... we can change the initials! TNH: Total Nonstop Hogan!

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Um, no cappyboy, you kinda missed the point. You can't compare Anson Williams in this respect. Try his former castmate though. Ron became more known as a director than anything else due primarily to the fact that the audience at large (read: younger people) are familiar with him primarily in that capacity. Likewise, few people remember Jerry O'Connell for what used to be his best known role ('Stand by Me'). He's known as 'Jerry O'Connell' not as 'the fat kid from Stand by Me'. Fred Savage hasn't gotten there yet. To be fair though, neither has his little brother. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he can't get there but to suggest that people remember him NOW for anything other than The Wonder Years, is a bit of a stretch. No one brings up Happy Days when Ron Howard pitches a film project. Film directors being FAR more hyped and promoted than TV directors (especially CHILDREN'S TV directors) contributes to that.


And you seem to have missed at least a part of mine, Remi. I wasn't talking about transcending what Joe Blow knows. Ron Howard is so far above what I was saying that HE is the one that's out of place. Precisely because he has transcended Opie Taylor and Richie Cunningham with his directing.


And while you and I may not know him for that as such, the people who need to know to get their shows made do.


Here's the part you appear to be rushing past. To the average person, Fred Savage may be typecast as Kevin Arnold just as Anson Williams is as Potsie Webber and Peter Bonerz is as Jerry the dentist. But they are still above Goldberg and Baby Brent because those who need to know of their work behind the camera do know about it and take advantage. You and I don't need to know that as much. So it doesn't play in to their public profile like it does a Ron Howard. How many TV directors can the average person name? Few to none. And why is that? Because rarely is anything made of them the way it is a film director like Howard. Heck, I wouldn't even know about Savage, Williams, or Bonerz if I weren't a lifelong credits junkie.

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While I have calmed down and tried to be more optimistic this just made me laugh. I go to pwinsider for news and I read the guys article on Impact. he starts it by saying how it was the best impact since the new year and before that, yet he goes on to not like 9 of the segments, likes 4 of them, and says 2 are okay, lol is that really a "best show"? I think someone is overusing best


edit: I emailed him and he emailed back saying he didn't like 90% of the past Impacts and it was his favorite since the Nash books Impact episode. So it seems someone doesn't like TNA :p


Nah you just have very different tastes. I liked this Impact a hell of a lot better then the two before it for instance.

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Hmm nice dichotomy here sometimes. We don't want the predictable stale boring storylines of the E but when TNA does unexpected things its also bad. I agree TNA is maybe doing too much unexpected things but at least they are actually DOING something!


Oh and on the Abyss hater, first off the power ring was done a bit overboard beyond symbolism but is in essence still a symbolism also expect Hogan to tell him that in the future. Abyss =not Mankind ffs. He is a Kane/Mankind/Chriss Parks mix which makes him an unique personality in the wrestling world. Much more unique then 80 percent of the competitions roster. Just as the Pope =not the Rock he just also refers to himself in the third person and cuts great promo's, for the rest he is a unique character.


Am I saying TNA was/is perfect hells no! Was this a good and entertaining show! Hell yes. Was it flawed in some places? Yeps. Was it way better then boring same old RAW? The only show better atm is Smackdown because of the higher amount of wrestling and the better personalities and logic on the show. Still its not as exciting too me.

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Hmm nice dichotomy here sometimes. We don't want the predictable stale boring storylines of the E but when TNA does unexpected things its also bad. I agree TNA is maybe doing too much unexpected things but at least they are actually DOING something!


Oh and on the Abyss hater, first off the power ring was done a bit overboard beyond symbolism but is in essence still a symbolism also expect Hogan to tell him that in the future. Abyss =not Mankind ffs. He is a Kane/Mankind/Chriss Parks mix which makes him an unique personality in the wrestling world. Much more unique then 80 percent of the competitions roster. Just as the Pope =not the Rock he just also refers to himself in the third person and cuts great promo's, for the rest he is a unique character.


Am I saying TNA was/is perfect hells no! Was this a good and entertaining show! Hell yes. Was it flawed in some places? Yeps. Was it way better then boring same old RAW? The only show better atm is Smackdown because of the higher amount of wrestling and the better personalities and logic on the show. Still its not as exciting too me.


I don't think the guy was hating on Abyss, just the stupid HOF ring storyline. Yeah Hogan we get it, you're in the Hall of Fame. Time how long Hogan get's on Camera in a single episode of Impact, then compare it to actual decent in ring performers and other peoples exposure on screen.


I don't know what "dichotomy" has to do with anything. Just because people want something different, doesn't mean they HAVE to like what TNA is throwing out. Yes it's a little different and doing some different things, but they're crap at the minute as well! The minute Dixie Carter told Sting he'd have a match with a mystery opponent, only a blind, deaf kid chewing a crayon didn't know who that was going to be! For the record, until Hogan showed up I thought the Sting/RVD bit was going to save the show, but Hogan just has to be in on everything on screen and it's a piss poor attempt to get people thinking it's him that is drawing. I've said it time and time again, Hogan has done alot for Sports Entertainment, but how many more times are people going to cheer for "point, punch, clothesline, leg drop" seriously.


I'm glad you enjoyed the show, but a hell of alot of us didn't and that doesn't make you right and us wrong, or us right and you wrong, it's about preference and seeing a form of entertainment I've loved since the late 80's end up in the ****ter. I'm not saying, "hey man Impact was ****, you are stupid for liking it" merely saying that people don't have to like it because it's different. Marmalade is different to Marmite, but I still don't like either! :p

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Yep I get the whole different tastes for different people but sometimes people tend to go overboard with the negativity in my opinion. Also sometimes the lines seem to get blurred between what people want personally and what they think would be best for TNA to do as there is a big difference there. I am not calling out anyone in particular its just a general observation.
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Hmm nice dichotomy here sometimes. We don't want the predictable stale boring storylines of the E but when TNA does unexpected things its also bad. I agree TNA is maybe doing too much unexpected things but at least they are actually DOING something!



Doing something does not = better. Doing something that people care about, makes sense, and gives you something to think about is good. Doing things that no one cares about, doesn't make sense, and no one is going to think about anything other then how bad it was is bad.- This is just a comment for the quoted, the rest is general conversation not necessarily meant for anyone in particular.


I liked this show, but Hogan's storyline took too much from the show. The Knockouts should probably drop the tag team division, and concentrate on just the single's title.


I understand why Hogan was used, and I don't fault them for it... He was used because he is the biggest draw on their roster. This was done in hopes of keeping people tuned in, and that is all there is to that. I don't think this will be the norm though, as it was just for the "first" night.


I look at Ric/AJ as Flair teaching Styles how to be a better heel, more then anything. Perhaps it was something Styles wanted for all I know. It's also a way to associate Styles and Abyss with established stars, where they are not. I know some people would like to dissagree with me, and say AJ, Joe, Abyss, etc.. are all established stars, and to a "TNA" degree your correct. However, you have two well established stars rubbing elbows with them right now, and these two are known all around the world, weather or not your a wrestling fan or not. Rubbing elbows with them, and as Hogan said, Abyss actually "Protecting" him, should have a desirable effect in the future.


I actually don't see it anywhere near as hectic and unfocused as they were "before" Hogan showed up, but they are not what I would call "Focused" either... Just not as bad.

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Yep I get the whole different tastes for different people but sometimes people tend to go overboard with the negativity in my opinion. Also sometimes the lines seem to get blurred between what people want personally and what they think would be best for TNA to do as there is a big difference there. I am not calling out anyone in particular its just a general observation.


You wrote this while I was typing. I have to agree 100% here. I felt like certain "Legends" were way over-used, but I understand why. I also understand that it might have actually worked, we will find out when the numbers come out I guess.


I agree though, I think alot of people are complaining about the product changing, as if it's for the worse, but all the while Impact has picked up their ratings. Does AJ need Flair? No... But Flair IS giving him the rub, and I believe it's working. Abyss to me is a bigger star now then I can ever remember thinking of him in the past. People like Angle, Sting, etc.. don't need it, but Abyss and AJ are looking "bigger" to me.

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Doing something does not = better. Doing something that people care about, makes sense, and gives you something to think about is good. Doing things that no one cares about, doesn't make sense, and no one is going to think about anything other then how bad it was is bad.- This is just a comment for the quoted, the rest is general conversation not necessarily meant for anyone in particular.


We are in agreement there but of the things TNA are doing the majority are not that bad. The Sting heel turn is good, the Anderson/Angle storyline is good, the two mentor programs have their flaws but are somewhat interesting especially for marks, Dinero and Wolf getting a lot of exposure is good, The Band storyline while not my cup of tea hasn't been extremely bad. I was more saying I would prefer 1 good thing 2 mediocre thing and 2 bad things then 4 mediocre things and 1 bad thing. If you catch my drift. Also fully agree with the rest of your points.


Poll on PWI atm btw:


TNA IMPACT - What did you think of the show? (1344 votes)

Excellent - 454 votes (33.8%)


Good - 505 votes (37.6%)


Average - 128 votes (9.5%)


Fair - 65 votes (4.8%)


Poor - 110 votes (8.2%)


Didn't watch it. - 82 votes (6.1%)




WWE RAW - What did you think of the show? (1277 votes)

Excellent - 108 votes (8.5%)


Good - 188 votes (14.7%)


Average - 415 votes (32.5%)


Fair - 171 votes (13.4%)


Poor - 171 votes (13.4%)


Didn't watch it. - 224 votes (17.5%)


Read into it what you will.

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On the Hogan used to much part I would have sped up the Sting, RVD and him bit and removed Bubba. Him being involved wasn't so bad. Yes it took away from the RVD debut but it helped cement Sting's heel turn. RVD is the big time Smark babyface, Hogan atm is the big time Mark babyface and he beat down both. Would have also removed the backstage segment with Brook and Hogans girlfriend and the Hogan with Bubba and Hebner bit. Would have used that to build up the Jarrett vs Beer Money deal a bit more which felt a bit rushed.


Does would be the only changes I would have made if I wanted to do what TNA was intending storyline etc wise.

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We are in agreement there but of the things TNA are doing the majority are not that bad. The Sting heel turn is good, the Anderson/Angle storyline is good, the two mentor programs have their flaws but are somewhat interesting especially for marks, Dinero and Wolf getting a lot of exposure is good, The Band storyline while not my cup of tea hasn't been extremely bad. I was more saying I would prefer 1 good thing 2 mediocre thing and 2 bad things then 4 mediocre things and 1 bad thing. If you catch my drift. Also fully agree with the rest of your points.


Poll on PWI atm btw:


TNA IMPACT - What did you think of the show? (1344 votes)

Excellent - 454 votes (33.8%)


Good - 505 votes (37.6%)


Average - 128 votes (9.5%)


Fair - 65 votes (4.8%)


Poor - 110 votes (8.2%)


Didn't watch it. - 82 votes (6.1%)




WWE RAW - What did you think of the show? (1277 votes)

Excellent - 108 votes (8.5%)


Good - 188 votes (14.7%)


Average - 415 votes (32.5%)


Fair - 171 votes (13.4%)


Poor - 171 votes (13.4%)


Didn't watch it. - 224 votes (17.5%)


Read into it what you will.


You can't read anything into that really, except that TNA marks still watch WWE. For one thing, you have more folks that voted on TNA then WWE, which there in and by itself tells another story.... especially when you know that WWE probably had twice as much viewers (or close). So that to me looks as if it was a poll mostly addressed by TNA marks, with a few trying to be "Fair".


EDIT: To make it clear, I liked Impact better then Raw Monday Night, just in case that isnt' clear. I'm not trying to put down TNA, just trying to be somewhat objective.

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Hmm the poll wasn't adressed to anyone specificly and had a direct link on both the RAW and Impact recap and one of its own. If you are arguing that the TNA fans are more IWC and more passionate then you could be right. Still its a big difference from other polls on the same site with a TNA vs WWE scenario.
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Hmm the poll wasn't adressed to anyone specificly and had a direct link on both the RAW and Impact recap and one of its own. If you are arguing that the TNA fans are more IWC and more passionate then you could be right. Still its a big difference from other polls on the same site with a TNA vs WWE scenario.


Or they got their first, knew about it moreso, etc... All kinds of reasons. Specifically what I'm saying is that it looks like alot of folks that watched Impact, went ahead and filled out both (not all of them, but alot of them).


Not too many WWE fans actually voted, is what I'm saying. I have no idea if I'm right, but it's how it looks to me. I also think more TNA fans are into the internet then WWE fans. Just saying, as just about anywhere you see any type of forums about wrestling (even on Youtube), you always see more TNA fans lurking around then WWE fans (or that's how it seems).

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just wanted to throw this out there, what all do you think the policy on spoilers should be since TNA will be taping every other Tuesday now? The argument of if you dont want to see spoilers dont read the TNA thread doesnt really work since people could be discussing TNA w/o wanting to know the spoilers and the white font only works if people dont quote it.
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Opening Match


To me this is where it all started. It was one of my theories as to the "5 minutes" and all excitment I had just went down hill. My gf was actually "watching" while reading her magazine (shes never watched TNA with me before but since The Bachelor is over she was content in having it on and reading) and as soon as the show started I said "This sucks already!" and she was like "What?" but anyways, I digress, point is I was vocally upset, I actually switched over to RAW to see if Undertaker would be anybetter.


I switched back with the match still going on then Sting comes in, I'm like sweet they're doing something righ! EEHHHH! Wrong! it isn't enough to just have one of the biggest stars in wrestling return, he has to have a heel turn, vintage Bischoff/Russo. This ruined it AGAIN for me. If they want to turn Sting go for it, but cant you wait until next week or the end of the show and let us enjoy it and say haha WWE never got Sting?


After all this big to do, we get to see the match I initially switched off later in the show in the main event, *sarcastic* yaaaay.


You know I didn't care for this much at first either. I was wondering what they thinking putting the main event first. Struck me a bit little annoying old saw about eating dessert first. I was so glad when they announced the continuation. Without it, I probably would have bailed on the show on the basis of how could anything follow Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/Styles?


20 minutes later, here is Kaz


Promos weren't the best but hey we got a real match! Action was actually a little dissapointed to me as none of the guys hit their big moves until Williams at the end, who's move I love, so in TEW terms "This match lifted the crowd" Oh Shannon Moore? NVM, this match did not lift the crowd, I would have rather had one of the other X division wrestlers (you know, who has been with the company) come in, Moore cant even bring in WWE fans since he is SO different now (and has been) go Hardy...


Tend to agree but I'm not sure I really buy into Kazarian. The last time he was himself and not Suicide my cable company was still treating Spike TV as caviar for the digital crowd. As such I have no loyalty to his character and no great desire to see him hotshotted into immediate X Division contention.


Will be rooting hard for Williams to retain at Destination X and hoping for him to move on to someone else. Besides, musclebound lump though Rob Terry may be, he owes Williams one for snatching the X Division title case out from under him. And that would be best done while Williams is still champ. A nice title vs title match maybe. Then once Terry has fully settled up with Williams and gotten the belt that should have been his all along (story-wise) maybe he can be out-quicked for the belt by either Kazarian or Daniels and life can go on as usual.


Did love how Bischoff described the X Division in setting up this match though

If we're supposed to look at him as a face or tweener type, this is the kind of deal that will put it over rather than some of the other stuff he's tried. For all the smarm and grease in his personality, Bischoff can make a compelling case when he doesn't try to oversell it. I don't say this often. But bravura, Easy E.


Women's Tag Match


Really?...really? This is the first Live Monday "War" show and this is what we get? I've been consistent all along and while I dont hate womens wrestling, history has shown it doesnt draw and I think TNA needs to focus on other things. This match took the place of a MCMG type match so that upsets me. Match was too long given who was involved then the BP get that long victory angle? WTF? We get it writers, you like getting sucked


I'll give you the fact that a MCMG vs Generation Me match of some type would have been good here. But the Knockouts are one of the trademarks of the TNA undercard and The Beautiful People have been the belles of that ball lately. If that hadn't gotten some kind of recognition on this show, I would have been deeming that a mark against the show. You give the Knockout Tag belts a reason to be again after being a recent afterthought. You reinforce the division's most prominent storyline and build up the singles feud between Tara and Daffney. I'd say they got a lot done for folks who care about the Knockouts and applied Perfect Show theory by giving those who don't a cool-down. So I'm not about to complain about this segment. It achieved everything you could asked for given your historical perspective.


Of course I am a fan of women's wrestling. So I suppose you can throw some bias in to temper what I'm saying if you really must.




Okay, this is fun, we get a Pope promo which is entertaining, then we see he is going to face Wolfe, cool should be fun, OH NO! Wolfe attacks Pope no match. Once again, another way to p*ss me off... I watched the BP wrestle I deserve a real match now and they just took it off.

(is there an echo in here?)


Can't be as strong about it as you are. But can't deny I was disappointed to see this match not happen as well. At least it continues the fued and will make Pope's victory sweeter when they do finally cross paths.


Sting vs. ???


Here we go folks! Best part of the night! I was truely psyched, we all knew it was going to be RVD as an opponent, they stretch out Stings entrance, I am getting butterflies thinking "this is why TNA is good, forget the other stuff" RVD appears on the screen, YES! they didnt throw a curve ball!, Wait, RVD is coming out of the crowd to ambush Sting? Kicks him, splashes him, yay go RVD beat him up!...its over? WTF!!!!!! This followed by a 15 minuted bat angle where nothing happens, he doesnt focus on breaking RVD's leg, just walks back and forth and oh here comes Hogan! Because he hasn't been on my TV enough tonight...what just went from the best part of the night went to easily the worst "This match was going to bring the crowd down but it couldnt go any lower"


I don't know about best part of the night. I definitely liked the set up and the quick squash was some good poetic justice for Dixie. But I really questioned using RVD here. I'm sorry but I don't get how having to face a debuting RVD is punishment. I'd heard Dixie say that about Sting would find out when everyone else did and was thinking they'd signed a Big Show or Great Khali type that had snuck under the radar due to RVD signing. That's a guy you use as a punishment opponent more so than a RVD. He's more a "Oh you don't feel you're getting competition do ya? Try this on for size" type of guy.


And while the extended beating did solidify Sting as a heel and sold RVD's heart as a face, I felt it went on entirely too long. Sting struck RVD so many times it kinda pulled me out of the illusion. It went from good old fashioned markish outrage to "Okay we get it already" territory.


As for Hogan showing up to save the day, on many other days, I would have been ticked off and seen it as scenery chewing. But on this particular show, it worked for me. It distracted me from wondering why RVD wasn't getting stretchered out and allowed me to refocus on the moment.


The Band


Oh boy, here comes the band. Just sit through it and will be done soon, nash gets time then we go to commerical...and its still goin. Nash/Waltman take their time getting to the ring, blah blah Hey Yo I'm old, blah blah oh a match! And seriously, can the annoucners at least stop questioning how Nash and Walman get in? We get it, you've said it every Impact for the last three months now, theyre sneaky. Match was decent for what it was, would have liked it to turn into an outside of the ring brawl but it could have been worse. At the same, why did this storyline get such a long angle and match?


Again, I'm okay with it. But it feels like it's getting time to fish or cut bait with The Band storyline. Either Nash and Young defeat them and run them out of TNA for good or Nash has to turn and reveal he's been playing EY and by extension all of us from the beginning of this rivalry. If it's going to continue being worthwhile enduring Hall (especially) and Waltman, the dynamic has to change somehow. They've run their course as it is. As such I consider this match the first real signpost as to whether this Hogan experiment is going to be worth seeing through over the long haul.


Captain Angle


So now Angle is hugely army, honestly it was a little much. This whole bit went on long for what it was, positive is it moved the storyline along being something different which is what I've said I have enjoyed about this feud. It was just too long and seeing the Army assault a TNA contracted worker was a bit dumb, oh but Angle poses with the flag, lame.


And here we disagree mightily. I found this even better than the Sting/RVD segment. While I question if Angle's on solid enough face ground to be doing this right now, it did sell the connection being Angle and our troops quite well. What else says "you can just forget about getting the drop on me tonight" like encircling the ring with Army troops? And this humiliation for Anderson beats Rob Terry wrestling him in unconscious form all to pieces. I can see your point about having Army troops attacking a wrestler. But seeing as it was Anderson, I went with it and had a blast watching him get the lumberjack match treatment every time Angle pitched him out of the ring. Between that beating and flag pose by Angle, Anderson officially has his work cut out for him. I feel like Angle's final feel-good victory is going to have to come sooner rather than later now. I question if a mimic like Anderson can come up with creative enough a response to get back on equal footing and keep this feud alive.


Bubba/Hogan, wait, this doesn't warrant its on part


To me it does. Because I really feel like the stuff with Bubba and with Brooke added to the mood of the night. Both added to the spectacle feeling of the evening and in that regard I enjoyed this element of the show.




Started watching this then changed to Family Guy b/c it was awful and of course didnt make sense (big surprise folks!) and instead of seeing Beer Money vs. a tag team in a REAL match, we get another angle which is now a synonym for match. Flipped in on family guy commercials and the same stupid thing was going on, Foley who is the ref/boss (hes still part owner or something w/JJ isnt' he?) gives JJ a bat then the ref goes against two of his bosses to take the obviously plastic barbed wire bat away, and big surprise JJ loses. Waste of time, glad I missed most of it.


Not really a big fan of the Beer Money turn. Felt a bit sudden. Nor can I say I blame them given how they've been pushed to the background lately. So that really hurts the effect. I mean come on Jeff, all the stuff you said to appeal to their decency may be well and true. But you've known from Day One that these guys had a mercenary streak. Even when they got on the crowd's good side by showing respect for Team 3D as opponents, everyone knew it. It does no good to be shocked now.


Here it is folks we promised you a great main event tonight...


Didnt watch it. Had no interest in it when it was announced, had no interested when my TNA support meter was at 0 last night. Flipped in and out, same stuff, blah blah, then Jeff Hardy. If Hardy was there, where was he at the beginning of the show? Blah, I dont care about Jeff anyway, the dude has never been a big draw for either promotion and hasnt worked 6 months straight in years. He will flake and be out of TNA by the end of the year (either back to WWE for just back to nothing like usual)


And I enjoyed it. This show was all about spectacle and on that level the show delivered. If I had been expecting a workrate classic, I'd have been sorely disappointed. But I knew this wasn't going to be that going in, so I tempered my expectations and tried to go with what they gave me.


And before you give me the stuff about Styles and Abyss being overshadowed by the old guys, riddle me this. When was the last match AJ or Abyss has been in that has been as pure a spectacle as this match was? Even if you can make the case they were played as flunkies in this scenario, it was big for AJ and Abyss to get the chance to show they could do spectacle. For where it appears that TNA wants to go, that's huge for both AJ and Abyss.


Plus you had the attack from Desmond Wolfe to thicken the plot and the arrival of Jeff Hardy to give people hope at the end. I amazed they "gave this show away." This is as close to PPV as I've ever seen on free TV and really wish I'd thought to tape this show last night. I can see it being right there with the old Saturday night's Main Events as far as wanting to revisit it in years to come.

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just wanted to throw this out there, what all do you think the policy on spoilers should be since TNA will be taping every other Tuesday now? The argument of if you dont want to see spoilers dont read the TNA thread doesnt really work since people could be discussing TNA w/o wanting to know the spoilers and the white font only works if people dont quote it.


Well that is the best way the white front and don't quote system. Is it flawed? Yep. Can I think of something better? Nope.



On that note spoilers in white highlight to read:



Kenny Dykstra/Doane and Spike Dudley are backstage at Impact and are reportedly going to be used. Kenny has some long term potential, Spike not so much maybe a squash by Moore to build him up some? Still at this time I hope they are both one shot deals as the roster is over stacked as is.

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Besides, musclebound lump though Rob Terry may be, he owes Williams one for snatching the X Division title case out from under him. And that would be best done while Williams is still champ. A nice title vs title match maybe.


Ehm happened on last weeks Impact non title match-up Terry basically squashed him in what I thought was bad booking. Not the idea of the match itself but the Squash part.

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To be fair, this is the first 'normal' week of the New Monday Night War. The January 4th shows had all of the Bret/Hogan returning hullaballoo, so are obviously bloated from the norm. 1.0 is fine. They went opposite RAW and only went down a little. In fact, it could be argued that they stole 0.4 from RAW... Although you could also put the blame for that on Criss Angel.
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