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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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You should make Esther a manager playing a bodyguard role, like have a heel with a weasel gimmick use her to stand in people's way, and they back off, not wanting to hit a poor lady. ;)


What's her Menace at? :rolleyes:


C. Not bad for a female worker. She's the largest female in the CV by two sizes.


I have no plans for her and she probably never makes it out of development. But I couldn't help myself from signing the big lady.

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Just, for the record, with 2008 I saw a SUPER Heavyweight woman debut in Mexico.


No, seriously.


Also, I have to think Ryland might wanna consider fixing this already... it seems far more over-sized women debut at random than those that are half realistic. Thank god Donna Marino popped out in Europe with here B Sex Appeal and not being ginormous...

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C. Not bad for a female worker. She's the largest female in the CV by two sizes.


I have no plans for her and she probably never makes it out of development. But I couldn't help myself from signing the big lady.


Just leave her in development for a couple years, then unleash her upon the indy feds.


She'd eat them all alive. How else did she get so big?


Just, for the record, with 2008 I saw a SUPER Heavyweight woman debut in Mexico.


No, seriously.


Also, I have to think Ryland might wanna consider fixing this already... it seems far more over-sized women debut at random than those that are half realistic. Thank god Donna Marino popped out in Europe with here B Sex Appeal and not being ginormous...


You need to sign her, now. And give her a monster gimmick, and have her demolish your entire roster, under the name Big Bertha. Super Heavyweight... the help file says thats 380+ LBS....

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Just, for the record, with 2008 I saw a SUPER Heavyweight woman debut in Mexico.


No, seriously.


Also, I have to think Ryland might wanna consider fixing this already... it seems far more over-sized women debut at random than those that are half realistic. Thank god Donna Marino popped out in Europe with here B Sex Appeal and not being ginormous...


A super heavyweight woman with A* sex appeal... brings a whole new meaning to the term "Amazon" ;)

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What is with all the Jeff Hardy hate? If he doesn't have charisma then how did he become a main event star in WWE? You know, the fed where talent in the ring means very little.


Yeah, Chris Benoit was never a Main Eventer in WWE. Either that, or he was loaded with Charisma and his in-ring talent meant very little.

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Had to Post This


Hey guys, Five+ Year Lurker, First Day to Register and Comment.......


I'm not highly computer-literate, so I have no screen grab, but I had to register after YEARS of reading and loosely following the forums to post this from the in-game web page, late March 2011 on the Default database (playing as VWA).



"Spotlight Falls on BHOTWG"

- - - - - a drug-related death


"Sessue Kawate Retiring"

- - - - - Retirement staring him in the face, looking forward to starting a new life behind the scenes


"Sessue Kawate in Drugs Death"

- - - - - ...................


You know, it's probably just a coincidence that the "retiring" notice posted on the same day as the "death" notice........ but it just seemed tragic. Here was this guy, looking forward to the next phase in his life, and BLAM - dead from drug abuse. I could imagine his family & friends saying, "he was just talking about how he was going to slow down and get comfortable in the gorilla position or be a fine road agent... remember him saying that?" That thought went through my head in a flash.


Later, I realized I had a sympathetic feeling of tragedy for a fictional character in a virtual simulation of a fake sport.






THAT is the power of story-telling. Even if unintentional, I say, "Well Done, TEW!"

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This is a little off-topic, but reading through the past two pages there's some alarmingly incorrect stuff being said.




In other news, the sky is blue.


It really is saddening that, after all these years of TEW, modmakers still grossly over-inflate stats in real world mods.


Folks should do everything in their power to go, look at the C-Verse, and base their workers' stats accordingly. There's no reason that Jeff Hardy should be much better than, say, Brett Biggz.


I like how you balance a true statement with a hilariously false statement: the transition makes for good comic irony. Wait, you're not serious, are you? You seriously think Brett Biggz is an analogue for Jeff Hardy? In a mod not set in 1995? I think I could agree that when he was a jobber for Razor Ramon and Owen Hart and the 1-2-3 Kid Hardy's skills were about there, but unlike Brett Biggz, Hardy went on to win pretty much every singles title out there and got incredibly over despite pretty poor mic skills. That just won't happen if you give Jeff Hardy Brett Biggz-level stats.


Yes, but he has significantly less Charisma, so it balances out. Seriously, I think the highest charisma I"d give Jeff Hardy would be a C-, and only with even lower acting and microphone abilities, and the C- would be there JUST so he can avoid falling under owner goals for charisma.


In-ring he's improved, but on the microphone it's really hard to call going from "completly god awful" to just "god awful" improved. IT'd be like if a midget had a growth spurt and grew two inches. Congrats, now you're 4'2".


Charisma=/ Mic Skills. There's a whole stat for that. A lot of guys in the wrestling business have great charisma but couldn't cut a promo. Ultimate Warrior. Sting. Rhino. Seriously the stats were separated following EWR for a reason. Hardy connects with the crowd: they respond to whatever he does. He has charisma. He does not have good mic skills though.


And this is how stats get inflated.


Yes, legitimate comparisons to C-verse equivalents is the root cause of stat inflations. Wait, what? Next you'll be telling me that copying Sam Strong's stats grossly inflates Hulk Hogan. Seriously strong C-Verse comparisons are exactly where I'd start for getting stats like Hardy, and I would actually improve his performance skills over Remmy Skye because his time with TNA and his return to WWE have given him the experience that he's not nearly as spotty as he was circa 2001. Also since he came back to WWE he's been an entertainer, whereas before that I think he could somewhat fairly be called a spot monkey.


Jeff Hardy is a prime example of a unique look (at the time: it was so popular it ended up inspiring a lot of copycats) and good charisma get someone over. Think about it from a playability stand-point: a lot of mod-makers, because they either have never seen the Hardy Boyz perform or don't understand how the game works give Matt Hardy higher star quality and/or higher charisma. With those attributes, Matt Hardy will get more over more quickly. Now, was there ever a time when Matt Hardy got a bigger reaction than Jeff?


The moral of the story is: don't let personal bias or your opinion about a guy's work 10 years ago prevent you from recognizing his stats.

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How much does good chemistry raise a match? Cause Santino and Regal had pretty good chemistry in that screenshot.


Not sure if it'd make it an A match, though


"Pretty good chemistry" would only bump it up by a couple of points, maybe a single grade. Unless you've gotten Regal and Santino into main event-level popularity, there's no way they should be generating those sorts of scores.

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"Pretty good chemistry" would only bump it up by a couple of points, maybe a single grade. Unless you've gotten Regal and Santino into main event-level popularity, there's no way they should be generating those sorts of scores.


It's possible they've got over on angles and beaten somebody with high momentum.

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Yes, but he has significantly less Charisma, so it balances out. Seriously, I think the highest charisma I"d give Jeff Hardy would be a C-, and only with even lower acting and microphone abilities, and the C- would be there JUST so he can avoid falling under owner goals for charisma.


In-ring he's improved, but on the microphone it's really hard to call going from "completly god awful" to just "god awful" improved. IT'd be like if a midget had a growth spurt and grew two inches. Congrats, now you're 4'2".


I'm willing to believe low mic and low acting, maybe a C for Charisma at most, but give him like a B in sex appeal and B+ in Star Quality. Pulling off his top and getting a pop from the ladies in the crowd isn't charisma, that's having a good look, and that can help a worker get over. Charisma certainly helps get a worker over too if they're skills aren't too hot.


He's certainly improved in recent years, as back in the day using the "takes his shirt off and gets a pop" example didn't really involve charisma at all. He never really acknowledged the crowd, and always seemed a bit awkward. Years later obviously he was flailing around, gesturing to the crowd, so there'd been an improvement in charisma, but I'd hardly say B+ or anything


Playing Devil's Advocate here, but I trust C-Bot when it comes to stats. If someone's favourite wrestler had low stats in a real world mod, doesn't mean you can't get them over. How long did it take Jeff Hardy to get to the top? Nearly 10 years? That's a long time in TEW terms. I'm sure with C- charisma in TEW you could get him to A* all over the world if you booked it right


Matt having more charisma or star quality is wrong, I'll give you that. He'd have a lot more mic skills, but he's hardly what we call charismatic. Reliable maybe

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I think I could agree that when he was a jobber for Razor Ramon and Owen Hart and the 1-2-3 Kid Hardy's skills were about there, but unlike Brett Biggz, Hardy went on to win pretty much every singles title out there and got incredibly over despite pretty poor mic skills.


Because, as we know, Goldberg is noted for his promos.


No? Oh, he's an in-ring ability guy?




...Hm. How about we go back to the C-Verse?


Yeah, the C-verse. No one with less-than-brilliant stats and low mic skills would hold the SWF's...


Wait, what?


Runaway Train?




Guess there are exceptions to every rule, then.

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Because, as we know, Goldberg is noted for his promos.


No? Oh, he's an in-ring ability guy?




...Hm. How about we go back to the C-Verse?


Yeah, the C-verse. No one with less-than-brilliant stats and low mic skills would hold the SWF's...


Wait, what?


Runaway Train?




Guess there are exceptions to every rule, then.


Goldberg got over because of his look, presence and in ring domination. Make of that what you will.

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Hey guys, Five+ Year Lurker, First Day to Register and Comment.......


I'm not highly computer-literate, so I have no screen grab, but I had to register after YEARS of reading and loosely following the forums to post this from the in-game web page, late March 2011 on the Default database (playing as VWA).



"Spotlight Falls on BHOTWG"

- - - - - a drug-related death


"Sessue Kawate Retiring"

- - - - - Retirement staring him in the face, looking forward to starting a new life behind the scenes


"Sessue Kawate in Drugs Death"

- - - - - ...................


This exact same thing happened to Scott Hall in one game for me, and again to Jake Roberts in another. :(

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Star Quality? To begin with he looked like a scrawny teenager who had been to one-too-many raves.


We'll just agree to disagree, but the way you see Jeff Hardy's SQ, is how mods REALLY become oversaturated. :D


You just made the opposing point for them - Superstar Quality is supposed to represent the intangible difference between someone who is very talented, and someone who is a star. Jeff Hardy survived a mediocre look, god-awful mic skills and ropey work-rate (at least, when he was younger, when he was a spot monkey) primarily because of immense innate charisma and because he exudes more star quality than arguably anyone in his generation of workers.

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Now, was there ever a time when Matt Hardy got a bigger reaction than Jeff?


During the whole Edge/Lita thing, Matt was getting just about as big a reaction as anyone on the entire roster. Shame he/WWE couldn't capitalise on that properly.


But yeah, generally speaking, Jeff has always been the star of the team. He just has "it" while Matt... doesn't. Just a matter of defining "it"; mostly star quality, I'd say.


As for Goldberg, well, there's Menace, Power, Star Quality... perhaps a dose of charisma, but really you can't compare his success with Jeff's. They got over for very different reasons, at very different stages of their careers, taking very different paths.

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Playing Devil's Advocate here, but I trust C-Bot when it comes to stats. If someone's favourite wrestler had low stats in a real world mod, doesn't mean you can't get them over. How long did it take Jeff Hardy to get to the top? Nearly 10 years? That's a long time in TEW terms. I'm sure with C- charisma in TEW you could get him to A* all over the world if you booked it right


Matt having more charisma or star quality is wrong, I'll give you that. He'd have a lot more mic skills, but he's hardly what we call charismatic. Reliable maybe


I would ordinarily, but then he said something absurd like Jeff Hardy's stats should be based on a guy that gets booed by a significant portion of the crowd every time he is on television, and that is not only inaccurate, it's humorously inaccurate. Second, saying that it took Hardy ten years (actually more then that) to go from jobber to champion does not mean he was booked super strongly or that he didn't get main event level pops in 2000 or 2001. Yes, you can "Goldberg-push" anyone, but someone that gets massively over by themselves need stats that back that up. He was getting big reactions from 2000 on; the fact that he wasn't made a champion then had more to do with management and the fact that he didn't have the tools to be champion, not overness. In fact, his hiatus from WWE can be seen as the result of the company being unwilling to push him as a main eventer despite his popularity.


Because, as we know, Goldberg is noted for his promos.


No? Oh, he's an in-ring ability guy?




...Hm. How about we go back to the C-Verse?


Yeah, the C-verse. No one with less-than-brilliant stats and low mic skills would hold the SWF's...


Wait, what?


Runaway Train?




Guess there are exceptions to every rule, then.


It's like... I mean, do people even read? I just said in the post quoted that mic skills are not equal to charisma JUST NOW. Yes, Goldberg has charisma. Again, in my own example I singled out Ultimate Warrior, who is an even better example of good charisma/ bad mic skills. Beyond that, on what planet is that a valid comparison? They work for different companies, were pushed completely differently, and really the only thing they have in common is they both would have high star quality and good (not amazing or excellent or perfect but good) charisma.



Seriously if you don't see the difference between a worker who is not booked all that strongly (his tag team loses every major match at big PPVs) that somehow gets over anyway and further gets more over than his partner who he works with every night, and Runaway Train, I don't know what to tell you.



I'm not saying Jeff Hardy needs to be identical to Remmy Skye's stats, but it does make a hell of a lot more sense to base where Jeff Hardy was in 1998 on where Remmy Skye is at the same age. Seriously look at Remmy Skye's stats: decent aerial but far more flashiness, pretty weak brawling and even worse chain work, and a 47 on the mic with 94 charisma. For those who go cross-eyed doing math, that's 2 times his mic skills. Skye has aerial and charisma above 90, and nothing else. Based on those stats you could see him get over as he puts over the Edge & Christian's of the world and improves his poor consistency and lack of psychology. In other words: he has an upside, but he wouldn't be anybody's first choice to make champion in a big promotion. Now, compare that to Brett Biggz, who is the same age as Hardy and yet has never won a singles title and never been a main event level guy ever, and his highest skill is athleticism at a 71, narrowly edging out a flashiness rating of 69. Brett Biggz is not going to get over just by being on TV every week. Brett Biggz is never going to main event unless he is pushed to never lose. Since Jeff Hardy was not pushed that way but did get over, what I'm saying is that it's a bad comparison to make.



As far as the Matt Hardy/Edge thing, I'll concede that right when Hardy re-debuted he was probably Jeff Hardy-level over, but poor booking and Matt Hardy's general ordinariness meant by the time the feud was over he was pretty much back where he started.

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It's like... I mean, do people even read? I just said in the post quoted that mic skills are not equal to charisma JUST NOW. Yes, Goldberg has charisma. Again, in my own example I singled out Ultimate Warrior, who is an even better example of good charisma/ bad mic skills. Beyond that, on what planet is that a valid comparison? They work for different companies, were pushed completely differently, and really the only thing they have in common is they both would have high star quality and good (not amazing or excellent or perfect but good) charisma.


Here's the thing, lazorbeak - your position, ultimately, seems to come down to "Jeff Hardy must have skill level X, as he's been a world champion, and therefore a Biggz is a bad idea".


And yet, y'know, world champions do not necessarily have those skills in real life. World champions do not necessarily have good mic skills.


(We'll set aside the notion that Jeff couldn't get the crowd involved. Enough other people have disagreed, as do I.)


I'm not sure that Star Quality is necessary, either - it's wanted. And yet, in prior games in the series, Don Henderson could rise to be the top man in a global company - if he got lucky on Destiny. We see, throughout threads like Strange Events, watcher games in which unlikely people rocket to the top.


There is no one thing you have to have to reach the top. Not in the game, not in real life. Actually, that's not true - you need at least a certain degree of overness.


But how you GET that over the course of the game varies radically - by worker, by promotion, by booking, by product, by sheer dumb luck, by something we might call a Destiny factor.


Why did I bring Train into this?


Because Train is someone whose stats are pretty poor, but who has main evented - and who can, with careful booking, be raised up and given a successful run at the top of a Global company even in the 2010 database.

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