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Freaking hell. I tore him aprat, though; my head was the only thing below 50% and he had everything at 0%.

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Just started my latest training game using Rocky Mountain Wrestling. My roster looks thusly.




Boris Kiriyakin

Masked Avatar (as Mystery Mask [standard name change])

Rex Reeves

The Big Bad




El Jefe Militar

Frankie Robertson

Hugo Garrido

Running Wolf

The Toronto Terror




Valentine (as Andy Valentine)

Big BOSS Kotoku




Chikafusa Tadeshi




Salty Larry

Felix Sevven





Alan Gray


I'd imagine I'll get some Comradebot love for supporting the big lummox Russians. Who incidentially already have tag team chemistry and have worked together some as The Soviet Bloc. Only title so far is my World title known as The King Of The Mountains. Which is the local boy Rex Reeves. Not that the people are happy about it. He's playing heel. I have him gimmicked as a sneaky geek who resents the fact he hasn't gotten a hero's welcome for returning home to wrestle. He's currently feuding with the man he screwed out of the KotM in Running Wolf.


Mystery Mask is playing Grappling Samartian against El Jefe Militar who's trying to get Reeves' belt by eliminating the title contenders in front of him. And Hugo Garrido is in a Snidely Whiplash Returns storyline from DOTT with Frankie Robertson over Big Boss Kotoku.


And in a wacky situation that probably won't last long, my broadcast team and referee are more over than practically everybody on the roster. Only non-UC that is as over as the non-competitors is Big Bad. But the talent will get over eventually. It's only been a couple game months.

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(Sorry, long post again.)


The Alliance: USPW September 2019 (International size)


The three prominent stables of USPW for most of the last decade had been Sam Strong's Gentleman's Club, Troy Tornado's Youth Movement, and Steve Frehley/Travis Century lead Black Nation. As of the beginning of 2019, each stable has disbanded for various reasons, leaving a power vacuum looking to be filled.


The Alliance slowly started forming over most the previous year, though nothing was formalized at the time. The main premise of the group is that they are each very successful on their own, but do to various decisions in their past have no one to watch their backs. They came together after realizing that, though they have no love for each other, they each respect the other's accomplishments. And while not friends, they have traveled the world together, found battles with and against each other time and again. They consider themselves to be "blood brothers", as each has shed blood in at least 3 countries during their tenure in USPW.


The first part of the Alliance was forged at the end of the two-year feud between Damon Oro (the former Enygma) and Nicky Champion. The feud was amazing, and neither man able to decisively finish off the other. In the end they decided that new each other too well to ever be able to truly end the feud, and decided to pursue other goals. Several months later, Nicky saved Oro from a beat down at the hands of T-Rex, without ever giving a reason for his actions. Oro later returned the favor, helping Nicky capture the USPW International title.


About another month down the line, Oro was forced into tag match against Secret Service (formerly the New Wave). But his partner was injured before the match could get started. At that time, Nicky came down to the ring, and agreed to stand in as Oro's partner for the match. Afterwards, the two met face to face, to discuss the situation. The mutually decided that, while they didn't like each other, they could trust each other because of their earlier realization that they were practically equal in every way.


It would be three months before a third member to the Alliance was to be found. I was running a smaller storyline during the build up for Oro and Nicky, where Jay Chord (who I acquired back in 2014 when MAW went under) was struggling to be taken seriously. Jay's main issue is that, when he was first brought in, he faced many easy opponents, and frequently avoided real competition. When he was forced to face anyone that was a real threat, he would either cheat or get himself disqualified. He’s the USPW Mid-Atlantic champion (obviously the MAW championship, which I also acquired, but set as a floating title) and has been pretty much since I brought him in, but he's never won a decisive, clean victory over anyone to defend that title.


Recently he realized that it was time for him to grow up and get serious, which resulted in face turn, and a more serious attitude about becoming a real player in the USPW. The problem is that none of the other workers take him seriously, and the fans don't want to get behind him. Many of the top-tier stars that he'd avoided in the past are now gunning for him, and Jay was left with no friends. The story culminated with an "American Street Fight" against Chris Caufield and Mean Jean Cattley.


During the match, Nicky and Oro also came down to the ring. It was assumed that they would go after Jay, as he'd previously beat Nicky in a non-title match by cheating, and had avoided a proper title unification bout with Oro for some time. Nicky and Oro surprised everyone by attacking Caufield and Cattley, completely destroying them and helping Jay pick up the victory.


Since then, the Alliance has built up a lot of momentum, and is currently the dominant force in USPW. Oro is still reining World Champion; Nicky is still the International Champion, and Jay still the Mid-Atlantic Champion. No member has suffered a loss since the inception of the Alliance. The members only interfere in each other's matches when necessary, usually to prevent their allies from being ganged up on or attacked from behind.


I've been slowly building up to a fourth member, but haven't actually decided on whom just yet. It's very specific criteria to qualify, needing to be someone who's been with USPW for several years, has competed in our tours outside the US, and who has a history with at least one of the current three members. I'm thinking internationally, perhaps using someone on my roster who is not actually American, to help diversify the group.


Thing is, I think I may have booked them too strong. Each has an individual or two that they consider to be a "rival", but there is no logic to throwing these rivals together to form an opposing group to the Alliance. It's also weird booking a dominant babyface stable. Typically, my stables have been heel groups, or loose associations of babyfaces that have banded together to take down a heel stable. I thought about reviving the NAC (National Athletic Commission) that I used as a foil for my Sam Strong heel story some time back, but I'd be hard-pressed to find a reason the NAC would want to get involved against the Alliance. Technically, after that storyline, the NAC "runs" USPW, but it's not really much of a hands-on type thing these days.



Interesting side note, the concept for this stable was actually comes from the song "Alliance" by Samael.

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(Sorry, long post again.)


The Alliance: USPW September 2019 (International size)


Nice update.


If you need something to go horribly nasty in USPW theres always the old standby - A Strong turn.


If Sam has retired then you can always reveal Alicia has been playing everyone all along and manipuating the company behind her pretence of face-ness.

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Nice update.


If you need something to go horribly nasty in USPW theres always the old standby - A Strong turn.


If Sam has retired then you can always reveal Alicia has been playing everyone all along and manipuating the company behind her pretence of face-ness.


I did the Strong turn several years ago, leading to his departure from the company when he finally retired, and the company is kayfabe run by the National Athletic Commission, which is in turn headed by my user character, and Alicia is the owner, but for story purposes has no real power.


I've thought about bringing in someone from outside who could be a threat to the "sanctity" of USPW. TCW went under years ago, and Tommy Cornell would be perfect, but he's been locked up by Golden Canvas in Japan for the last 4-5 years (he's been champion there 3 times, so I doubt he'd logically leave.)


I'm big enough these days to actually potentially steal a big name from SWF or NOTBPW, but the question becomes who would work best? My short-list of potential outsiders consists of Eric Eisen, Sean McFly, Jack Bruce, Angry Gilmore. Problem is that I can't match what SWF pays Eric, Sean is loyal to NOTBPW (also their head booker) and Jack Bruce is rubbish as a heel. Gilmore would be great, because he's got great entertainment skill and legit talent to spare. But again, I can't match what SWF pays him.


I've been toying with the idea of using Danny Jillefski as a head for a new stable. The concept would be that he's unhappy with the direction of USPW, the company that he founded. But I still run into the same problem of who he would use as his stable.

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Having my first real go with the british scene. Opened my own promotion (performance/pop equal product) Ive only ran 2 shows but ive found 4 chemistries already



Arthur T. Turtle has great chemistry against Axl Grease

Davey Celtic has great chemistry against Keith Adams

Puffy The Sand Iron Player has good chemistry against Hugh De Aske

and Ripper LeStat has poor chemistry against Chris Everton... but that as a squash match anyways.


I gave myself an absurd amount of money and opened dojos in various locations: 3 in japan, 2 in europe, 6 in the uk(one in each UK location +1 womens exclusive dojo), one in canada, one in mexico, and 2 in the states.

My current franchise players are: Herschel the hammer, Keith Adams, Mr. Evilnes, and Davey Celtic. I have a next big thing in Arthur T. Turtle (but that might be due to the fact that im playing my "high potential" data)


I think im going to be building my company around Ripper LeStat as the top heel and Arthur T. Turtle as the top face.


When Ricky Storm debuts I think ill be signing him.


My Roster is thus:

Main Eventers:

Davey Celtic

Herschel The Hammer

Keith Adams

Leo Tyson (My Avatar... which is a younger clone of Jack Avatar because I forgot to alter stats pre-game)

Mr Evilness



Genocide Agent

Suicide Agent

Hugh De Aske


Ripper LeStat



Arthur T. Turtle

Axl Grease

Beast Bantom (gonna be feuding with Leo Tyson pretty soon)

Jon Michael Sharp

Nigel Svensson

Red Dragon

Stardust Phil Cox


Low Midcard

Bali Daljit

Chris Everton

Curtis Jenkins

Jeff Amazon

Martin Heath



Issac Van Riper (Dutch Gen from one of the european dojos)

Samuel Franklin (Gen from the australian dojo)

The Minor Annoyance



Oh and im currently doing a 16 man tournament (both my current shows held half of the opening round matches) to crown the first champion. After the first rounds it looks like this:


Qualifiers from the first show

Mr Evilness

Stardust Phil Cox

Arthur T. Turtle

Leo Tyson


Qualifiers from 2nd show

Davey Celtic

Ripper LeStat

Hugh DeAske

Herschel The Hammer

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I don't know much about the British scene, never played there myself, but that looks like a fun game. Tournaments are always fun in smaller promotions. Hugh DeAske is the man by the way, push him to the top!


I started a game from Derek B's Road To Glory save upload. It begins April 2014 and SWF have dropped to Cult and have lost their booker. Storyline wise, the drop to cult rendered every worker's contract voidable, so I went into the editor and let a few people go because the SWF roster was massive. Richard Eisen appointed Conor Kane (me, an edited version of Derek's own user character, sorry Derek) as head booker. On screen I am an authority figure with full power over the day to day running of SWF. SO much has happend but here is a run down of my main activities.


It's now September 2014 and I am month away from the end of the cooling down period and going back to global. SWF lost their prime time television deals in the USA and the UK but I have since managed to negotiate slots on smaller networks. I am looking to expand back into Canada at the next round of negotiations and I have PPV coverage in every game region except Australia. Can't see that happening for a while as I have almost no popularity there and I don't know what regions overspill into Australia. The economy and industry were in the toilet when I took over but they appear to once again be on the rise.


The main feud was between my World Champion Marc Dubois and a heel Jack Bruce (yes he shocked the world and turned after being face of the company for over 5 years) which culminated in Dubois retaining in a bloody match at Supreme Challenge which earned an A* rating. Bruce had won the belt in controversial fashion in May at Master of Puppets with the help of his protege Matthew Keith. He then spent the next few months avoiding Dubois and using his influence to prevent a rematch. However, Dubois won the 30 man Battle Royal at Welcome to the Jungle and earned the right to headline Supreme Challenge against Bruce for the World Championship.


Rich Money and Remo feuded for a few months after Remo cost Money his chance at a title shot, costing him in a match against Jack Bruce. Remo interfered in many of Money's matches and won a few questionable victories over the course of a few months. The feud culminated in a Steel Cell match at Supreme Challenge which saw Rich Money scrape a win by the skin of his teeth and both men left bloody and battered. Rich Money has now set his sights on winning his first World Championship, but so have other main eventers such as Jack Giedroyc and Brandon James. This could get ugly.


Rising star Mainstream Hernandez cemented his place in the upper card when he won a Loser Leaves Town against Lobster Warrior, who at this stage had evolved his character into a crazy heel hellbent on causing destruction and anarchy in the SWF. Jealous of Hernandez' rising stock, Lobby began interfering in his matches and attacking him backstage. He even cost him his newly won North American championship against Matthew Keith. Lobby won the first two meetings but Hernandez won with a shock roll up on Supreme TV to set up the loser leaves town match at Times of Trouble. In reality, Lobby's contract was up and he wouldn't resign with SWF due to our cult status and a better offer from USPW.


The tag team division was in terrible condition but I have spent time trying to rebuild it and it is coming along nicely with a good mix of youth and veteran teams, adding credibility to the division once again. My current champions are The Upstarts (Jungle Lord and James Prudence).


As well as Lobster Warrior I have also lost Angry Gilmore and Squeaky McClean who put over Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge respectively on their way out. Since then I have brought in quite a few new workers and my main goal over the next year or so is to push those guys toward my very bereft upper card. Currently my main event consists of Marc Dubois, Nicky Champion, Rich Money, Jack Bruce and Remo. There are a few guys who look as if they are main event material e.g. Gregory Black, Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker, Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith, but they just need that extra push.


All in all SWF are in a huge state of transition. They've lost most of old guard over the last few years. Title prestige across the board is shocking, lackluster booking being the main reason for this. They paid the price for keeping the World Title on guys like Vengeance, Runaway Train and Khoklov (who they didn't even get the belt off before he left to PHGW!) instead of deserving workers like Rich Money, Jack Bruce and even Remo who has developed into a world class brawler. They did shock everyone and give the belt to Marc Dubois who has developed into a wonderful worker in his own right but this was not enough to save them from the dreaded drop to cult. His run was initially quite underwhelming as he was stuck in a never ending feud with Lobster Warrior, a feud which did not produce great results match wise.


This is all going to change though. With the right planning and some luck, a new caliber of main eventers should emerge. We have our TV show back (although 90 mins a week is nowhere near enough to showcase all of our talent, Global cannot come soon enough!). With the economy and industry back on the rise I hope to eventually get a B show and expand into new areas. I have many plans for the future and I might even give Rich Money his much deserved World Title run. I'm thinking of turning him heel and sending him after Dubois as they have good chemistry (I found at from house shows). All in all, one of my more exciting saves in a long time!

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August 2009 in my TCW game:


SWF have officially lost the plot – having Steven Parker (31 popularity) beat Brandon James (84 popularity) for the North American Title


WTF? :eek:


How much did his popularity go up after the win? Maybe they wanted to move James into the World title picture. Hahaha. I love how the computer books sometimes. Sean McFly has jobbed clean to Steve DeColt 14 times in two years in one of my saves, and poor Johnny Bloodstone has fell victim to one of the Stone Siblings on no less than 40 occasions over that same time period.

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Trying to save WCW in Genadi's 2001 mod.


I gave myself some money though considering I couldn't even book a venue. I fired a ton of people and some contracts in WWF came up so I signed them right away.


Was able to snag Jeff Hardy, Edge, Christian, Kurt Angle, Kane(renamed Doomsday), Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho.


I have a storyline going right now where Abyss and Rellik are destroying jobbers left and right and working their way up the card. They keep telling people Doomsday is coming and then in my head a clock is on the Nitro Tron. It's counting down to Starrcade where Doomsday will debut costing whoever my world champ is at the time the title.


Right now Angle is feuding with Sting, but they're both faces.


Jeff Hardy is feuding with Flair at the moment. Flair is bashing Hardy's reckless lifestyle and wrestling style. I'm mostly using Flair to build up Jeff's entertainment skills.


Originally Jeff was gonna feud with Scott Steiner, but I chose Flair instead.

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Trying to save WCW in Genadi's 2001 mod.


I gave myself some money though considering I couldn't even book a venue. I fired a ton of people and some contracts in WWF came up so I signed them right away.


Was able to snag Jeff Hardy, Edge, Christian, Kurt Angle, Kane(renamed Doomsday), Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho.


I have a storyline going right now where Abyss and Rellik are destroying jobbers left and right and working their way up the card. They keep telling people Doomsday is coming and then in my head a clock is on the Nitro Tron. It's counting down to Starrcade where Doomsday will debut costing whoever my world champ is at the time the title.


Right now Angle is feuding with Sting, but they're both faces.


Jeff Hardy is feuding with Flair at the moment. Flair is bashing Hardy's reckless lifestyle and wrestling style. I'm mostly using Flair to build up Jeff's entertainment skills.


Originally Jeff was gonna feud with Scott Steiner, but I chose Flair instead.


That sounds like a fun game! Doomsday is coming. Kane, Abyss, and Rellik would be sweet.

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How much did his popularity go up after the win? Maybe they wanted to move James into the World title picture. Hahaha. I love how the computer books sometimes. Sean McFly has jobbed clean to Steve DeColt 14 times in two years in one of my saves, and poor Johnny Bloodstone has fell victim to one of the Stone Siblings on no less than 40 occasions over that same time period.


Weirdly it didn't go up at all. James' fell from 84 to 81.

They realised their mistake the following week and hotshotted the title to Squeeky McClean.

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Weirdly it didn't go up at all. James' fell from 84 to 81.

They realised their mistake the following week and hotshotted the title to Squeeky McClean.


I suppose Parker was just to get the belt onto McClean. Maybe James didn't want to do the job to McClean himself!

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Into July of 2010 at Rocky Mountain Wrestling and the weirdest thing just happened. When the news came out after our end of month supershow for June, we had grown to Small. Woo hoo. So I hit next day to go into July, do my growth analysis on the guys and start shopping for tag teams. Small is where I like to start my tag team belts. The extra roster requirements make it feel natural. Eight singles for the "World" title and four teams to start contesting the tag belt. But when July 1 arrived, we were back down to Local again. I've fallen from Small before but never THAT quickly.


Rex Reeves is dominating the King Of The Mountains belt (our world title) and just successfully finished an Evil Genius storyline with his arch-nemesis Running Wolf. Haven't decided how to proceed there yet. But I will. Reeves has had 18 successful defenses so far and somewhere in the 30-40 range is typical for my charter champ in these games.


I also have a blood feud going between Mystery Mask (UC) and El Jefe Militar. MM got the best of him last storyline so El Jefe's making him pay for it by eliminating MM's pet project, Andy Valentine. Well sort of. Valentine's been wrestling under a mask as Cyrano while he's supposed to be "out" and apparently nobody's fooled. He's gained overness since adopting the Cyrano persona.


And after a rough start, Hugo Garrido has a pretty good rivalry going with Frankie Robertson. Garrido's currently D+ over and the top man in the entire promotion based on overness. Hugo's been playing Snidely Whiplash to Big BOSS Kotoku in the storyline from DOTT with Robertson trying to save Kotoku from Garrido. But things haven't run totally smooth. The game's spit the bit on me with several angles and combined with his age, that has me reconsidering Kotoku's place in the company. Dude's 40 and I'm thinking I could do better to give his roster spot to a younger tag talent. Maybe a partner for Chikafusa Tadeshi. But Kotoku's one of my most charismatic guys and despite language problems he's started to show real growth on the mic.


And the promotion's seen our first talent trade acquistion in Zeshin Makioka from WEXXV. Sent them Kotoku in return although I was hoping they'd take Valentine. Wanted the talent trade to cover his absence during his storyline injury. But it was not to be. And Makioka's gotten better matches in WEXXV. Although he wouldn't get the world title match there we gave him and he got good ones by our standards. The loan ends after his next show and for his send off, he gets to face Mystery Mask. And since he's comported himself well, I could see him getting invited back. Maybe in the fall when WEXXV isn't touring.

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Well, the lucha renaissance down in Mexico, particularly SOTBPW becoming big enough to hand out written contracts, continues to take it's toll on Wrestling Without Borders. We are still profitable and seeing some growth, but it's slowed to a crawl. The roster is far from it's 2011/2012 glory days when it seemed like I was constantly rotating exciting, young lucha talent into the main event scene. Bringing in guys like Gino Montero on loan helps a little to keep things fresh, but it's hard to feel like I'm gaining any momentum as a promotion. The road to cult size has become something of a slog.


Roster as of March 2013:


Main Event

El Exportacion (user character)

El Mitico Jr.

Mario Heroic

Snap Dragon

Burning EXILE


Upper Midcard

Acid II

Amo Del Gato

Marcos Flores

Spanish Superfly

UK Dragon



La Sombra Jr.

Panda Mask II

Canadian Dragon

Mexican Beast

Rafael Ruiz

Chess Maniac


Lower Midcard

Edward Cornell

El Medico

Dragon Americano




Simon Ice

Rolling Johnny Stones

Surfeador California


Enhancement Talent



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Well, the lucha renaissance down in Mexico, particularly SOTBPW becoming big enough to hand out written contracts, continues to take it's toll on Wrestling Without Borders. We are still profitable and seeing some growth, but it's slowed to a crawl. The roster is far from it's 2011/2012 glory days when it seemed like I was constantly rotating exciting, young lucha talent into the main event scene. Bringing in guys like Gino Montero on loan helps a little to keep things fresh, but it's hard to feel like I'm gaining any momentum as a promotion. The road to cult size has become something of a slog.


Roster as of March 2013:


Main Event

El Exportacion (user character)

El Mitico Jr.

Mario Heroic

Snap Dragon

Burning EXILE


Upper Midcard

Acid II

Amo Del Gato

Marcos Flores

Spanish Superfly

UK Dragon



La Sombra Jr.

Panda Mask II

Canadian Dragon

Mexican Beast

Rafael Ruiz

Chess Maniac


Lower Midcard

Edward Cornell

El Medico

Dragon Americano




Simon Ice

Rolling Johnny Stones

Surfeador California


Enhancement Talent




I like your roster. I don't play lucha products but that would be a fun roster to work with I think.

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I like your roster. I don't play lucha products but that would be a fun roster to work with I think.


Yea, the whole conceit of my game is a US based promotion using all "international" workers. Early on it was a lot easier to have a quality roster with non-US guys but as the Extraordinario Jr.'s and Velocidad's have been snapped up by SOTBPW, I've had to resort to some "cheats" like Acid II and Canadian Dragon. They fit the spirit of the promotion, so I don't feel too bad about it, but my pool of available, quality guys to bring in to freshen things up is getting really shallow.

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Yea, the whole conceit of my game is a US based promotion using all "international" workers. Early on it was a lot easier to have a quality roster with non-US guys but as the Extraordinario Jr.'s and Velocidad's have been snapped up by SOTBPW, I've had to resort to some "cheats" like Acid II and Canadian Dragon. They fit the spirit of the promotion, so I don't feel too bad about it, but my pool of available, quality guys to bring in to freshen things up is getting really shallow.


If it gets really bad you could just change the concept to still incorporate as much international talent but also use local as well. It would be the next evolution of the product or something.

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Yea, the whole conceit of my game is a US based promotion using all "international" workers. Early on it was a lot easier to have a quality roster with non-US guys but as the Extraordinario Jr.'s and Velocidad's have been snapped up by SOTBPW, I've had to resort to some "cheats" like Acid II and Canadian Dragon. They fit the spirit of the promotion, so I don't feel too bad about it, but my pool of available, quality guys to bring in to freshen things up is getting really shallow.


You could always try the world market code in the remote access. Its kind of a double-edged sword tho. it makes all workers available in all regions, so youd have access to every PPA guy in the game, but the downside is every Japanese promotion has the same access to make them tour

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I have a few tricks up my sleeve yet. Angel de Mexico and Tigre Salvaje Jr. ended up leaving the roster a couple months back due to a contract oversight on my part. Once enough time has passed for them to sign back on, that will be a nice shot in the arm for my upper midcard. I've also got my eye on a few Japan and U.S.-based guys that constantly seem to be tied up in touring contracts. I'm not opposed to signing U.S./Canadian guys as long as they've spent time working abroad, I just don't want to turn into CZCW Junior (even made myself sign a non-aggression pact with them, although I should've tried to steal Masked Cougar first).
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WCW 1999 game 3 weeks out from Starrcade. Here's my card (I personally think the real life Starrcade 1999 looked better on paper but here it is)


Starrcade 1999:


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:


Bret Hart © Vs Chris Benoit Vs Jeff Jarrett


WCW No Disqualification Match:


Hulk Hogan Vs Sting


---If Hogan loses he must retire forever---


WCW United States Championship Match:


Goldberg © Vs Lex Luger


WCW Singles Match:


Rick Steiner Vs Sid Vicious


WCW Tag Team Match:


Ric Flair and Buff Bagwell Vs The Outsiders W/ Scott Steiner


WCW Singles Match:


Diamond Dallas Page W/ Kimberly Vs Roddy Piper


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:


Creative Control © Vs The Filthy Animals (Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr)


WCW Television Championship Match:


Booker T Vs Curt Hennig © W/ Creative Control


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:


Billy Kidman © Vs ??


WCW Singles Match:


Jake Roberts Vs Nick Dinsmore W/ Ted Dibiase and Big Ahmed


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Number 1 Contenders Match:


Disco Inferno Vs Juventud Guerrera Vs Psychosis




We're not even close to competing with the WWF. Nitro lost by 2 entire rating points last week and Thunder loses by about the same. WCW Worldwide (Our B Show) loses regularly to Heat aswell.

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