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<p>I sound like a broken record when I start new games, but this time around I think I have what I'm looking for to start my new promotion. Still going on the basis of WWE/TNA underused and axed wrestlers, this one has decided to take only a few of my favorites from those promotions and let the majority of my favorites and their 'stars' stay on their own promotion to allow more room for competition between promotions. </p><p> </p><p>

This has allowed enough room for one brand, when for the longest time, I would stick to 2 or 3 brands. I may do something like that for fun, but for now, my main focus will be the current one I'm starting. This one is also more 'true to life' in the business: Lesnar and Mark Copani are out of the business doing their own things, but Lashley, who appears to be back in wrestling at this time in IGF, is still signed to my promotion and I'm looking to make him one of the company's top guys. The official roster is set:</p><p> </p><p>

MAIN EVENTERS and UPPER MIDCARDERS(since these tend to go hand in hand with only a few points between each other in popularity):</p><p>

AJ Styles</p><p>

Alberto Del Rio</p><p>

Alexander Kozlov</p><p>


Giant Bernard</p><p>

Kenzo Suzuki</p><p>


Shelton Benjamin</p><p>

Bobby Lashley</p><p>

Brent Albright</p><p>

Carlito Colon</p><p>

Daniel Bryan</p><p>

Jack Swagger</p><p>


Rene Dupree</p><p>

Seven Thorn</p><p>

Ted Dibiase Jr</p><p> </p><p>


Colt Cabana</p><p>

Drew McIntyre</p><p>

Elijah Burke</p><p>

Joe Doering</p><p>

John Morrison</p><p>

Ken Doane</p><p>

Kofi Kingston</p><p>

Mark Jindrak</p><p>

Joe Hennig</p><p>

Petey Williams</p><p>

Samoa Joe</p><p>

Seth Rollins</p><p>

Shawn Spears</p><p>

Steve Corino</p><p>

Alex Shelley</p><p>

Chris Sabin</p><p>

Eric Young</p><p>

Harry Smith</p><p>



Santino Marella</p><p> </p><p>


Charlie Haas</p><p>

Davey Richards</p><p>


Paul London</p><p>

Sonjay Dutt</p><p>

Dakota Darsow</p><p>

Jay Briscoe</p><p>

Mark Briscoe</p>

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<p>Midway through September of 2010 (aka my first re-signing period) and things are getting kind of wild for me in RMW. Can't seem to hold onto my jump to Small. Fallen back down to Local for the second time and getting into some talent binds.</p><p> </p><p>

New "world" champion in Running Wolf dumping Rex Reeves after 25 defenses. Bit of a shorter reign for one of my inaugural champs. But Reeves isn't taking the loss lying down. I'm currently having Wolf play Chief Wahoo McDaniel and taking Reeves toward a big Indian Strap match to settle things. Well, at least for the time being.</p><p> </p><p>

Robertson and Garrido are in the middle of Sonfaro's version of the McGuiness/Rave feud in RoH. But I've changed the ending plans. I was going to point Wolf at Garrido once things were settled with Reeves. But Garrido priced himself so high when I went to re-sign him that I'm now shooting to get him noticed by a lucha fed so they can "steal" him from me. So Robertson will win the feud. While I try to find a cheaper option to replace Garrido.</p><p> </p><p>

And the tag team division I've been trying to develop so I can get those belts going is already in turmoil. Signed three computer gens and Antix to fill out the division. But my Japanese gen, Iemistu Shidehara, already has the eye of RAW because he's like a demigod on the mic and could be stolen out from under me at any time. And last card, I found out that Antix and would-be partner The Toronto Terror have poor chemistry as a team. So there's my Cross-Canadian Chaos Crew down the drain. Leaves me The Soviet Bloc (Kiriyakin & Big Bad) and Dos Hombres (comp-gens Alfredo Pastor and Raul Medina) for tag teams. I suppose I could try Antix with Big Boss Kotoku who starting to decline. Chikafusa Tadeshi's okay with him. But I'd prefer to find a better chemistry match if I can and I'm thinking about finding another younger Japanese guy who can develop more than Kotoku has been. I know I'll get it sorted. But quite the shakeup to not even have crowned a first champion team yet.</p>

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Didn't want to double post in this thread. But seeing as nobody else has done anything exciting and I've just completed my first year with Rocky Mountain Wrestling I guess I might as well. Especially since the end of the year means my yearly evaluation ritual is complete.


No major creative changes. No new champions. No new blood feuds started. None of that. The Robertson/Garrido feud is over and I just started an Annoying Rookie story with new signee Vicki Victoria in the title role. But that's about it.


The big development is that getting a tag team division together may be getting even tougher than I thought. Do have two new potential teams: Lion Genji and Chikafusa Tadeshi as The Pride of Youth and possibly Latin Lion Jr with Vicki Victoria as The Royal Couple. But neither team has the chemistry to bind them together like The Soviet Bloc does. Neutral chem for both. If better options with more chemistry arise, both squads may find themselves dissolved.


But the worst news is that my most established face squad, Dos Hombres has been stagnating in their development despite being rookies. Their contracts run for another three months so they have a little time to get it together. But if they don't that could set my tag goals back even further as I'd want The Pride of Youth and The Royal Couple to be my job teams in the near term. I do have The Apocolypse Riders (Spirit of the Lizard/Shark) on my shortlist. So I might be able to turn to them if Dos Hombres don't get it together. Just feels odd I'm having this much trouble getting the division set up. Usually falls right into place for me.

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Didn't want to double post in this thread. But seeing as nobody else has done anything exciting and I've just completed my first year with Rocky Mountain Wrestling I guess I might as well. Especially since the end of the year means my yearly evaluation ritual is complete.


No major creative changes. No new champions. No new blood feuds started. None of that. The Robertson/Garrido feud is over and I just started an Annoying Rookie story with new signee Vicki Victoria in the title role. But that's about it.


The big development is that getting a tag team division together may be getting even tougher than I thought. Do have two new potential teams: Lion Genji and Chikafusa Tadeshi as The Pride of Youth and possibly Latin Lion Jr with Vicki Victoria as The Royal Couple. But neither team has the chemistry to bind them together like The Soviet Bloc does. Neutral chem for both. If better options with more chemistry arise, both squads may find themselves dissolved.


But the worst news is that my most established face squad, Dos Hombres has been stagnating in their development despite being rookies. Their contracts run for another three months so they have a little time to get it together. But if they don't that could set my tag goals back even further as I'd want The Pride of Youth and The Royal Couple to be my job teams in the near term. I do have The Apocolypse Riders (Spirit of the Lizard/Shark) on my shortlist. So I might be able to turn to them if Dos Hombres don't get it together. Just feels odd I'm having this much trouble getting the division set up. Usually falls right into place for me.


Always enjoy reading over your developmental games. Out of curiosity, and I may have asked this before and forgotten, how often do you run shows in your developmental games?

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I was in the middle of WCW 2001 when I decided to "split" the scenario.


My champions at the time were:

World: Benoit (stole)

US: Shane Douglas

Tag: Kidman/Mysterio

TV: Lance Storm

Hardcore: Rhyno

Cruiser: Tajiri


But I felt like I could try something else. So I've copied the save and quit in the second one, starting a new promotion. I've decided to give myself five wrestlers from WCW and three from the WWF to start me up and figured I could try to make something cool happen. Wish me luck.

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Always enjoy reading over your developmental games. Out of curiosity, and I may have asked this before and forgotten, how often do you run shows in your developmental games?


Weekly. That's one of the reasons I overfund my developmental games. So can I afford to run shows so often. And thank you. I enjoy running them. When I get the right talent mix together as I feel I have in this game, it's a real blast seeing how the guys progress.

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Have hired John Elliot(Johnny Riggs/Dylan Klein) and am looking for him to move him up for bigger and better things, but will gradually give him a good push as the 2012 year goes on and hopefully by the end of the year make him the main eventer I would like.

Not that he's my favorite wrestler at the moment, but would like to try to push random new guys I happen to come across in the game. He was once signed to our developmental territory, but we brought him over and we're making him to be our promotion's Miz, irritating middleweight guy you love to hate who thinks he's all that and a bag of potato chips who just keeps getting opportunity after opportunity. Saw him in FCW vids from a few years ago and thought minus the skunk-head he had a Miz-look about him.

In his debut in the big promotion, he is starting off on a winning streak and even pulled a Carlito/WWE and won a midcarder title in his debut match. This only helps pump his ego and heat more. He claims 2012 is not the end of the world, but the beginning of him..cheesy, but I'm trying to come up with a catchy ring name for him that would go good with 'the beginning of (John Elliot) like you can imagine Miz being like 'The beginning of the Miz' in one of his promos....

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A while back I commented on the fact that in my 0/0/0/0 game, I cloned the save in order to get the SWF job. In that alternate save I just played through up to the first PPV - The World is Watching 2016.


The situation I inherited was a complete mess; although SWF was at Bs and B-s across the entire world, they'd slipped to the number two spot behind TCW, and they were shot through with old men and workers with (far) more popularity than ability. And that's not saying much for their popularity. Seriously, I checked in and (including a couple of new signings), I had fifteen guys in time decline. Half of the roster had stale gimmicks. I had absolutely nobody in development. Jim Force was world heavyweight champion. I'll let that sink in.





World champion.


Although I suppose he has a lot of merchandise to shift...



Overall there was a lot of talent, but not enough popularity, and a lot of people being held down by workers far over the hill.



Here's the roster I inherited (pushes approximate):


Main Event:

Eric Eisen

Joe Sexy

Kurt Laramee

Lobster Warrior

Marc DuBois


Runaway Train

The Force (World Champion)


Upper Midcard:

Brandon James

Dead Pool

Freddy Huggins

Gregory Black (Tag Champ)

Jack Giedroyc (Tag Champ)

James Prudence (North American Champ)

Jungle Lord

Paul Huntingdon




Aaron Andrews

Robbie Ryder (Retro)

American Machine

Enforcer Roberts


Greg Gauge

John Greed

Lassana Makutsi

Mick Muscles

Murlough Strock (Edited gen)


Lower Midcard:


Nick Booth

Bart Biggz

KC Glenn

Travis Michaels (Pretty good gen)





Brett Biggz

Jason Shelby (Awesome gen)

Zachary Power (Enygma regen, poor dude died in the first month of this save)


Enhancement Talent:

The Charger

Dane Pounce (Edited gen)

Xavi Ferrera


Women's Division: (Installed at the beginning of the save to prevent my female talent in the 0/0/0/0 from being untouchable)

Claire Chambers (Vixen regen)

Lauren Easter

Nadia Snow

Stephanie Wade

Suzanne Brazzle (retiring soon)

Sarah Hackney (Gen)



Duane Fry

Jerry Eisen


Colour Commentators:

Ana Garcia

Captain USA



Dawn the Cheerleader

Emma Chase


Kristen Pierce



Road Agents:

Lee Wright

Demon Anger

Tribal Warrior

Marcus McKing



Darren Smith

Francis Long

Jay Fair

Ray Johnson



The Biggz Boys

Team D.O.A (Michaels and Makutsi, who at time of taking over, were of opposite alignments)

Style and Substance (Giedroyc and Black)

Hardcore Freaks (Strock and Ranger)


Needless to say, not the most inspiring roster out there, although there are genuinely talented workers in amongst all of that. ...Just not in the right places on the card. Remember also that this is 2016. Runaway Train in 2016 is 51 years old. Joe Sexy is 44. Kurt Laramee is 39. AKA: Why are these guys legitimate main eventers?


(This locker room, by the way, had a standing morale of less than 65%)


In one of the most bizarre turns I've ever seen though, Eric Eisen is the best worker in that main event. I kid you not. His performance skills are comparable to Lobby's.


In order to overhaul this sorry state of affairs, I made a gigantic raft of signings and shifted some people around a little bit. Charger, Chill, Nick Booth, Ranger, Scythe, Lee Wright and Captain USA were duly shipped off to development, as none of the wrestlers were ready to be on the main roster, Wright isn't good enough a road agent to justify getting in the way, and Captain USA... same really.


I proceeded to bring in the following, with an eye for talent as well as popularity, and the desire to begin to reconstruct SWF's tag team division:

Adrian Garcia (Stolen from USPW as their head booker)

Alicia Strong (Stolen from USPW as their women's champion)

Art Reed (unemployed but very popular in Canada and Japan, and decently so in the US)

Bobby Thomas (unemployed, popular in Canada. Intended as a trainer but he refused)

Brent Allen (Gen announcer, very promising)

Bruce the Giant (Stolen from USPW)

Craig Prince

D.C Rayne and Eddie Howard

Elmo Benson (Unemployed, Bs across the US and auto-pushed main event)

Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson, AKA Youth Energy

Mario Alessio (an excellent young gen, stolen from USPW)

Ross Henry (Stolen from USPW as their champion... to add insult to injury subsequently put into development)

Samson Barclay (Not technically a signing as he's my user character... but a good worker anyway)

Zeke Prowl (Dane Pounce's brother, ideally he'd get developmental polish but I need the backstage boost and C-experience tag team)


-- as well as a bunch of guys and girls for development. (Including Steve Frehley, who is going to be there for about three months whilst I reshuffle the roster in the interests of not flooding the company with new guys).


As you can see, when my avatar is in a war with a company, he takes it seriously. The steals from them (which on a developmental front include their best young prospect and half the rest of their women's division) virtually cripple USPW at this point.


I shifted Dawn the Cheerleader into colour commentary (because her managing a heel Jack Giedroyc made no sense), finding she had great chemistry with both Duane Fry and Ana Garcia and probably saving Ana's job in the process.


Tribal Warrior, Suzanne Brazzle and Everest will be leaving within the month through contract expiry (I'd really really like to keep Brazzle, but she unfortunately declared she'd be retiring recently so there's really no point), the lattermost of which I'm trying to see how hard I can job before he goes since he's got a horrible attitude and is a terrible worker anyway, and some of the undercard guys can really benefit from stealing his popularity. In the slightly longer term, Laramee is also on the way out, as he's not nearly good enough to be holding a main event spot, is past his best and has a bad attitude. Mick Muscles will be gone in four months or so when his deal expires (40 years old, not that good a worker) and the jury is somewhat out on Jungle Lord too (Also 40 and somewhat limited at this stage, though still has fairly good performance skills).


Benefit of having played a save using the same data up until mid 2017... I know that Stephanie Wade and Enforcer Roberts are going to retire in this next year, both of which are kind've unfortunate as they're two of my better workers from a performance standpoint.


As for the booking...




Current storylines:


Dead Pool vs Kurt Laramee, which is basically the vehicle for getting Bach over and Laramee out, as Sammy is way WAY more talented. Bach is the heel and has been making himself a thorn in Laramee's side, will eventually get more cerebral (once his entertainment skills increase ever so slightly) and get him to make a rash 'Loser Leaves Town' challenge match.


'Driving Out Train'. The combination of Freddy Huggins, Paul Huntingdon and Robbie Ryder (his gimmick is basically acting like a goofball a la Zack Ryder) have formed a stable called 'New Age', and are working towards establishing a legacy. Their first target has been Runaway Train, and they've constantly been attacking him backstage and so on. This feud has a view to move Train down the card a little, pass on some performance skills (They've got... surprisingly good, for Train) and get some guys who should be moving into their prime (they're all 30-32 years old) into position for a decent push.


What I've labelled 'Eisen in the Shadows'... basically to give Eric something to do, he's been cutting a lot of interviews with new backstage interviewer Adrian Garcia. He's very subtly targeting a couple of workers, but I'm honestly not sure where it's going. Possibly he'll turn out to be manipulating one of the other storylines from behind the scenes.


Money Enterprises (which I'm SURE is a phrase I've stolen) are expanding - Emma Chase bulldozing the objections of Brandon James. They've held out a few try-outs so far, with the long term objective being that whoever Emma chooses will eventually usurp James as Emma's main client and backstab him.


Remo has been on a complete and utter rampage, attacking people indiscriminately and seemingly without rhyme or reason (insomuch as he actually needs a reason beyond being Remo). In any case, Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge took objection to this, and are trying to put a stop to them. They won't succeed, but their valiant effort will hopefully boost them up the card a little. In the long run, I'm looking for Steve Frehley to make a shock return to rekindle their old feud.


Elmo Benson made his return at the PPV and is trying to make Greg Black 'see the light', and move away from the corrupting influence of his new tag team partner, Jack Giedroyc. Benson will try to remind Greg of the 'good old days' of High Concept and tell him that he's betrayed all the things they once stood for. Not sure how'll it go in the long run, but Greg will definitely be tugged both ways (I think he'll eventually reject Elmo and continue on with his current team, though he might cost them the tag titles at some point)


And finally... Marc DuBois vs The Force. AKA dear god get the title OFF THAT MAN.



The World is Watching Card:


Angle: Emma Chase introduces the officially sanctioned 'Prove Yourself' Battle Royal, a ten man mayhem match that will take place at the start of every PPV for an undefined length of time (AKA a way to give undercarders some time).

Grade: A


Match: Mario Alessio won a battle royal.

Grade: B-


Match: Runaway Train def. Paul Huntingdon

Grade: B


Angle: Alicia Strong makes a shock debut as the mystery opponent for Women's Champion Claire Chambers!

Grade: B


Match: Alicia Strong def. Claire Chambers for the SWF Vixxen's Title

Grade: B


Angle: Eric Eisen cuts an interview about his upcoming match with Lobster Warrior.

Grade: B+


Match: Remo def. Aaron Andrews

Grade: B+


Match: Styles and Substance def. Youth Energy to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles

Grade: B


Angle: Elmo Benson debuts to cut a disparaging promo on the champions, especially Greg.

Grade: B


Match: Kurt Laramee def. Dead Pool

Grade: B


Match: James Prudence def. Robbie Ryder to retain the SWF North American title

Grade: B-


Match: Eric Eisen def. Lobster Warrior

Grade: B+


Angle: The Force and DuBois have a back and forth promo battle.

Grade: A


Match: Marc DuBois def. The Force to win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Grade: A


Overall Rating: B+


-- I was terrified the main event would bomb (every show I'd booked up to this point had hurt popularity) as neither Marc nor Force had the psychology to carry it... and then I got the gem of a note which said they have great chemistry - chemistry and popularity carried the day!


In-universe, I kind've see this as a declaration of intent by my avatar. From here on, he's pushing youth and talent, not look and not experience - either you carry your weight or you're out on your ear (or down the card, at the very least). Marc is crazy talented (apart from only a B- in psychology), and with that title win, he's 94% of the way towards being in the Hall of Immortals at 28. I'm really hoping his first title reign will be a marquee one. I think I'll move him onto a feud with Lobster Warrior backed by Bruce the Giant, leading up to a Bruce vs. Marc match at the Supreme Challenge 36... because how's that for a historic Past vs. Future contest?


Finally, right after the PPV I stole Nicky Champion from USPW (I like doing that, can you tell?) He's a decent worker, not great, but he'll slot nicely into the midcard. I'm going to reform Champion Force to prop up the tag division (and give Force something to do whilst I sap his popularity). I also managed to outbid TCW for the services of Rick Law, which is slightly depressing because he was midcarding for them at 84 pop... which puts him squarely in my main event. Oh well, one of my favourite workers, so I'll relish the opportunity to book him.




This has been fun so far. I've never booked Popularity > Performance before and it's making for a unique challenge, especially considering the pretty rubbish position they started in.

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Playing as one of my all-time favorite promotions, Ring Of Fire. Finally playing the game again after not for...a long time and I'm currently in July 2010. I managed to snag Greg Gauge and I'm looking forward to, hopefully, having him stay the rest of the year with ROF. My current champions look like...


Ring Of Fire #1 Contender: Billy Robinson (3)

Previous Holder: Walter Morgan (2)


Ring Of Fire Tag Team Championship: Absolutely Flawless (2)

Previous Holders: Future X (2)


Ring Of Fire Championship: British Samurai

Previous Holder: Merle O'Curle (2)


In December, I have a tournament set up called "Wrestler of the Year" to crown...the wrestler of the year. I haven't decided a winner yet or even a possible one. The idea behind the tournament is that the winner will be given a title shot whenever he wants (think Money in the Bank) and if a current champ wins, he will not have to defend his title for a month of his choosing.


As of now, I plan on having Merle win the title back before the year is done, and toss him into a feud with Billy Robinson, which I hope will be pretty lengthy. I may tweak ROF's product to make the match ratio to 90% in order to make the feud not just matches only. Billy may end up winning the Wrestler of the Year, but it's still ongoing.


I'm hoping to build Greg Gauge up for 2011 and have him become a successful upper midcarder, possibly throwing him into a feud with Don Henderson, Walter Morgan, or UK Dragon. I'd love to get Matthew, but he signed a dev with SWF, so I could possibly find a good second, but he'll run single for the time being.


And speaking of tag teams, I'm also looking forward to building a strong tag team division in 2011, having a credible team challenge Absolutely Flawless. Maybe Future X or Your New Favourite Team. I'm also looking forward to pushing Nigel to the moon.


Fingers crossed for 2011 being a great year and I'm able to get a PPV deal. Or rise to regional. The highest rating for an event I have is a 58%, which saw Merle successfully defend his title against Charles Avatar for a 63% (Which is also the best match in the promotion).

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Alexander Kozlov


Is this the cruiserweight Alex Koslov or Oleg Prudius?


It's frustrating to me that Oleg(Vladimir) chose the name Alexander for his new ring name when there's already a pretty talented guy working under the name Alex Koslov(known as Peter Orlov in FCW)

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CSCAN August 2015, just held my best show rated B-

Still small sized,

Current Champions:

CSCAN World Heavyweight: Buff Martinez (1 defence bt Don Henderson)

CSCAN International: Ricky Storm (2 defence bt Pit Bull Brown)

CSCAN World Tag Team: War Machine & Jay B (3 defence bt Team Victory)

CSCAN No Mercy Battle Royal: 2015 Winner: Billy Robinson


Main Eventers:

Billy Robinson, Buff Martinez, Don Henderson, Jonathan Faust, Rolling Johnny Stones


Jay B, Michael Gregory, Rafael Vega, Ricky Storm, War Machine


Genocide Agent, Griffin, Jasper January, Josh Jones, Matty Macks, Pit Bull Brown, Razor Valentine, Suicide Agent


Adam Matravers, Charlie Paul, Notorious F.R.E.A.K, Petey Barnes, Ruud Van Anger


Dwayne Dark, El Toro De Oro Jr, Eric Future

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CSCAN August 2015, just held my best show rated B-

Still small sized,

Current Champions:

CSCAN World Heavyweight: Buff Martinez (1 defence bt Don Henderson)

CSCAN International: Ricky Storm (2 defence bt Pit Bull Brown)

CSCAN World Tag Team: War Machine & Jay B (3 defence bt Team Victory)

CSCAN No Mercy Battle Royal: 2015 Winner: Billy Robinson


Main Eventers:

Billy Robinson, Buff Martinez, Don Henderson, Jonathan Faust, Rolling Johnny Stones


Jay B, Michael Gregory, Rafael Vega, Ricky Storm, War Machine


Genocide Agent, Griffin, Jasper January, Josh Jones, Matty Macks, Pit Bull Brown, Razor Valentine, Suicide Agent


Adam Matravers, Charlie Paul, Notorious F.R.E.A.K, Petey Barnes, Ruud Van Anger


Dwayne Dark, El Toro De Oro Jr, Eric Future


Nice game. How come Matravers is so low?

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Is this the cruiserweight Alex Koslov or Oleg Prudius?


It's frustrating to me that Oleg(Vladimir) chose the name Alexander for his new ring name when there's already a pretty talented guy working under the name Alex Koslov(known as Peter Orlov in FCW)


When you say 'the cruiserweight Alex Koslov', do you mean former CMLL/AAA Alex Koslov? He was awesome. Didn't know he signed for the WWE... they really did sign half of Mexico in 2010 huh? ¬_¬




This has been fun so far. I've never booked Popularity > Performance before and it's making for a unique challenge, especially considering the pretty rubbish position they started in.


Love your updates. It's practically a dynasty. :p You seem to be doing pretty well considering the crap you inherited, too. Although I did laugh at you complaining about your terrible, untalented, ageing main event scene, shortly before hiring Bruce The Giant. ¬_¬


The raping and pillaging of USPW is always fun (how did you get Garcia though, if he was head booker?) and I cracked up at you signing their champion and sending him to development. But on the other hand, you hired a TCW midcarder straight into your main event, so turnabout is fair play :p

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Looks like a fun game! Back in 05, the UK scene was all I really played, so I'm quite fond of a fair amount of the British guys. I think if I ever got into it again, ROF would be my choice.


(Just remember that 90% matches means that the fans will grumble at anything less than excellent angles, only use your most over guys if you can get away it!)


Love your updates. It's practically a dynasty. :p You seem to be doing pretty well considering the crap you inherited, too. Although I did laugh at you complaining about your terrible, untalented, ageing main event scene, shortly before hiring Bruce The Giant. ¬_¬


The raping and pillaging of USPW is always fun (how did you get Garcia though, if he was head booker?) and I cracked up at you signing their champion and sending him to development. But on the other hand, you hired a TCW midcarder straight into your main event, so turnabout is fair play :p


Haha, I'm glad you enjoy reading about it - I just have a lot of fun sharing my games (especially a game world which has changed so much). If I were better disciplined I'd love to make a diary of it, but generally speaking I don't do so well with them.


As for Bruce... well I don't object in principle to having older guys around, it just becomes a problem when there are only two guys younger than 35 in your main event and one of those is 3-4 years past his best (Remo is quite heavily into time decline in spite of only being 33, which upsets me as I really like him and this is the first chance I've had to book him). Bruce has value because even though he's not great in the ring, he has the psychology that 9/10s of the rest of my roster lack and is more popular than most. Admittedly I signed him more to hurt USPW than because I thought he'd be valuable, though.


Garcia I'm not quite sure how happened from a game mechanics perspective. For some reason the "Does not want to give up a position of power" - "Does not want a PPA contract" loop didn't kick in. Possibly because we're at war? In any case, he took the PPA, left them, and then I nabbed him to a written right away.


I really like Ross Henry as a worker - he's got a great attitude, he's physically good, he has natural charisma and star quality, and for a dude with such terrible psychology and selling, his basics, consistency and safety are really good, and his brawling is semi-decent too. He would've pushed to the top end of the midcard no problem, but he could really really gain from development. I think if he learns some good psychology, he could be a huge name in the future.

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Jan 2017 in my 0/0/0/0 game, and my promotion's 7th Anniversary Show:


Mutant d. Richie Riggins: Mutant has been unbeaten in WOTNA, but nowhere near main event caliber. Richie has huge potential but really hasn't proven himself to be worthy of a top slot yet.


Blonde Destiny II (Claire Winters and Amber Allen) def The R and R Express (Remmy Honeymoon and Rocky Weatherfield). Blonde Destiny I is Winters and Kinuye Mushashibo, but Kinuye is away with 5SSW. R and R was a pairing that tearned out to have amazing chemistry. This was a REALLY good match for WOTNA standards.

Three On One Over The Top Rope Challenge: Giant Brody def. Bradley Blaze, Matt Hocking, and Nomad: This is the first part of my new gimmick with Giant Brody promising $100,000 to anyone who can successfully throw him over the top rope with both feet touching the floor. Three men step up, and three men fall, ending with Bradley Blaze eating a chokeslam before being thrown Spike Dudley style into the third row.


Jack Griffith def. Cowboy Buck Winchester: Basically a hard knuckle, knock down drag ot brawl. Griffin is basically in WOTNA to help people with their psychology skills.


WOTNA Southern Tag Team: Team Tap or Snap (Cobra and Irwin Gutmann) © def. Love From The Islands (Island Boy Apollo and Valentine): Seth Whitehead was fired for not having enough psychology, so Cobra teamed up with Irwin Gutmann and eventually took the tag belts from Jack Miracle (Avatar) and Jack Griffith (collectively known as A Pair of Jacks). This was their first defense.

Ladder match for the WOTNA Next Gen Crown: Nick Booth © def. Jack Miracle and Marshall Dilon: Best match in WOTNA history (77). This is Booth's 8th title defense, which is setting the record for most successful defense.

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WWE Week 2, May (Started on November)




-Barret(WHchamp)Christian(ICchamp)and Awesome Truth(TagChamps) are going to feud for his titles against CM Punk,Scotty Goldman(Colt Cabana),Antonio Cesaro(Claudio Castagnoli) and Cristobal Heoico(Chris Hero) and the Indy stable will win all the gold on Summerslam


-Orton and Del Rio: They will have a long feud but still being included in WHC matches eventually


-Kane and The Big Show: After feuding with Awesome Truth for the Tag Titles, Big Show will turn on Kane and they will feud


-Brodus Clay: Impressive winning streak, he won't be defeated until he fights a main eventer on a PPV


-Derrick Bateman: He was the NXT redemption runner up and he debutet on RAW as face. Very long losing streak storyline, he is always punished by Otunga, the man who he will defeat


-Heath Slater: IC champion Christian's protegee. He will get the title away from Scotty Goldman at the future


-Midcard: Dibiase,Ezekiel Jackson,Riley,Mason Ryan(faces), Mcintyre,Primo,Epico,Sheffield(heels)


No plans for:Usos and Johnny Curtis




-Dolph Ziggler: He is the WWE champion, he will successfully defend the title agains people like Mysterio,Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, and after that he will have a big feud with Daniel Bryan


-Mark Henry and John Cena: They are feuding, Chris Jericho will return and he will help Henry to go over Cena


-Daniel Bryan: Currently in a small feud with Swagger, after that he will help Cena against Mark Henry and Jericho, Jericho will put him over and he will get the WWE title away from Dolph Ziggler in the main event of Summerslam in a ironman match


-Rhodes and Sheamus: Currently feuding, Rhodes will win the feud and after that he will have a long time feud against Cena. Sheamus will be another WWE title contender


-Zack Ryder: US champion, currently feuding with Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks, he will have the help of Trent Barreta. All of them will have title matches, but Ryder will go over


-Tyson Kidd: He will be booked strongly, winning against midcarders and losing to main eventers in open matches. He will be the one who beats Ryder for the title in the future


-Midcard:Justin Gabriel(face)Hunico,Darren Young,Jinder Mahal and Michael McGillicutty(heels)


-No plans for:Yoshi Tatsu and Santino Marella(comic relief)




Seth Rollins(pro:Ryder): Booked strongly, he will win NXT in a ladder match for a championship contract, after that, he will challenge Ziggler but Ambrose will cost him the match


Dean Ambrose(pro:McIntyre): after being undefeated during all the NXT season, he will be defeated by Rollins in the final NXT match. After that he will go to Smackdown and he will cost Rollins his champioship opportunity


Boxer Harris(pro:Ezekiel Jackson): He is Bo Rotundo. He will be 3º on this season of NXT, after that, he will be soon called up with Husky Harris to form a face tag team


Antonio Cesaro(pro:Jack Swagger): He started as heel getting big wins over all the announcers(Striker,Regal,Lawler and Booker) but after that Swagger got jealous of his success and will cost him the NXT post. Cesaro turned face attacking Swagger when he was eliminated, and now he will be teaming on RAW with Cristobal Heroico


Other NXT rookies: Richie Steamboat(pro:Santino) and Peter Orlov(pro:Otunga) they will be on the next season of NXT and they will be booked stronger


Abraham Washington: He hosts a talk show on NXT, helping rookies to get over


Jobbers: Corey Graves,Xavier Woods and Percy Watson (they job on dark matches)




-Kharma returned and he will go for Beth Phoenix title, but she have a strong stable formed with Natalya,Layla and Maxine,and Kharma will have to defeat them all to get a title shot

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I've finally found something to do with Richie Riggins. Turns out he's got good chemistry teaming with Mutant.


So I've started a storyline that Richie Riggins tried Giant Brody's Over the Top Rope Challenge but when he lost he hit the apron really hard and Mutant comes to his aid. Richie Riggins will debut his gimmick of "Pretty Richie", dressing in Marilyn Manson like goth crossdresser fashion.


This will be the start of Mutant making a stable called Freak Nation, with Mutant already being a bit of a weirdo as it is.

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I'm in December 2013 now and feeling much more positive about the direction of my Wrestling Without Borders game. I put my main event belt on El Mitico Jr. towards the end of the summer and he has been a revelation as champion. Acid II has also improved significantly and joined the main event ranks, so the top of the card is feeling fairly fresh for the first time since SOTBPW's national signing binge.


Longer match lengths, especially in the main events, have prompted me to expand my main shows to 2 hours and my southwest expansion shows to 1-1/2 hours to try and get more guys on the card. I've also picked up some new undercard projects like Boriken Love Machine Jr. and El Hijo del Neutron to help bolster the undercard.


I also have a pretty legitimate tag scene going now, which is a rare for me in most of my games. My four full time teams are:


Marcos Flores & La Sombra Jr. (Legitimate backstage mentor/protege relationship)(Champions)

The Redcoats (UK Dragon & Rolling Johnny Stones)

The Thinking Man's Tag Team (Chess Maniac & Rafael Ruiz)

The Manchester Mastiffs (Edward Cornell & Simon Ice)

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Into February 2011 in Rocky Mountain Wrestling and got some changes coming. Oh and I've finally maintained my size jump to Small. Made it in October of 2010 and been Small ever since


That will be big for my tag team division. I can increase show size to medium and give my boys an extra 30 minutes of ring time. Time enough to properly put the tag teams in the match mix and extra mic time for some guys who need help on it as well.


New "world" champion in Hugo Garrido. I'm doing the original Summer of Punk with him hoping that all the exposure of being champion helps him get hired by someone else. Running Wolf had defended 16 times in a four month reign and is in position to get a second reign by defeateding Garrido. Which in return could re-ignite the Wolf/Reeves feud as Rex isn't one of the contenders in the Winter of Garrido story. The other two are Frankie Robertson & The Big Bad


In fact, Reeves doesn't have a story going at all right now. Along with Vikki Victoria making a nuisance of him/herself, I have (Andy) Valentine in a Losing Streak storyline with Boris Kiriyakin and new signing Wrecking Bull (Eric The Bull) playing Loose Cannon with Frankie Robertson being the one to stop his rampage.


El Jefe Militar is out until the end of the month with an ankle injury. Picked it up in a post-show training match where he and Toronto Terror were facing Mystery Mask and Alfredo Pastor. Was testing the idea of EJM and The Terror as a tag team which would have been known as The Shock Troops. The combination of no chemistry note and the injury suggests we won't be seeing that pairing any time soon. :)


Financial losses have grown again since the November low of -7915. But I still have over three quarters of a mil of my original seed money in the bank. Which means that's normal. Still lower than the losses I started off with. And small gains don't start happening for another six months to a year anyway. So no worries. Balance sheet may not look pretty but it's not meant to at this stage. We're getting the intended job done and the profits will come later.

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Doing a watcher gamer to try to get the feeling for a modified CVerse I wanted to do.


Dropped TCW to cult and moved RDJ, Troy Tornado and Rocky Golden out of the company. Moved USPW to national.


In 4 months time:


Sam Strong retired, giving USPW to the highest bidder instead of his daughter. Dean Daniels took over, bringing in Sean McFly and Dan Stone Jr with him. USPW also signed Elmo Benson away from TCW when they jumped to international.


TCW has been plugging along. They are set to lose people as written contracts become PPAs and SWF and USPW use predatory hiring to snatch stars. They regularly churn out the best graded shows though.


SWF is steady in the B/B+ range.


NotBPW has lost McFly and Stone Jr. They still compete with TCW for best shows, and have been pushing new guys over the departing McFly and Stone Jr. Steve DeColt is the lead face of the company. The future is still very uncertain there.


PGHW made it back to national too, and brought to my attention that my Japanese scene is exactly the same. I want to modify that. Any ideas to spice up Japan would be appreciated. Was thinking of forcing Bloodstone to go to Japan (as most of the Stones are gone).


Got ideas of how to help make Europe interesting to me, as well as Mexico and the UK. No idea for Australia, although I'm not sure much needs to be changed there.

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PGHW made it back to national too, and brought to my attention that my Japanese scene is exactly the same. I want to modify that. Any ideas to spice up Japan would be appreciated. Was thinking of forcing Bloodstone to go to Japan (as most of the Stones are gone).


Give BHOTWGs some competition for their juniors division by starting up BCG. They could get a lot of younger talent to be loyal to them. Guys like KC Glenn who are young and talented could bring them up pretty fast. Elemental is unemployed and as the company is said to be run by investor fans looking for an innovator one of the junior division innovators could be a great owner or head booker.

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Give BHOTWGs some competition for their juniors division by starting up BCG. They could get a lot of younger talent to be loyal to them. Guys like KC Glenn who are young and talented could bring them up pretty fast. Elemental is unemployed and as the company is said to be run by investor fans looking for an innovator one of the junior division innovators could be a great owner or head booker.


Thanks! May move Edd Stone there as well, he seems super juniory to me, and deserves to party in Japan.

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