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Let's see after 2 years with NYCW and 2 years with 5SSW in which I took them to Cult and the 5th most prestigious promotion in the world, I finally got the SWF job when they fell to Cult in November 2013.


About a month and a half in right now and I've lost both television deals, I'm on the verge of losing my pay-per-view deal, my popularity has fallen 3-4 pts in each region since I took over and my highest rated event has been a 75. Also, nobody will re-sign with a written deal since I'm at Cult and I can't steal anybody from TCW, NOTBPW (the #1 & #2 promotions in the world) or USPW.


So, everything's just peachy.


Edit To Add:


I have 6 storylines running right now...


1.Jack Bruce (w/Eric Eisen) vs. Angry Gilmore (SWF World Heavyweight Champion)


Gilmore beat Money at my 2nd pay-per-view and Bruce won a #1 Contender's Match. They've been going back and forth with interviews and attacks. Plan on having Gilmore beat Bruce and then introduce Joe Sexy (2nd most popular worker) into the feud. Eisen is helping Bruce since both are considered the "cornerstones" of SWF


2.Rich Money vs Remo


Strictly a blood feud. Remo attacked Money before #1 Contender's Match and took his spot. Since then, he's gone out of his way to humiliate his former friend/partner to prove he deserves it more than Rich.


3.Brandon James vs The Chase Agency (Emma, Chance Fortune, Frederique, Marc DuBois)


Basically, Emma turned on James and sicked her new boy toy Chance on him, but before James could get a match with him, he had to beat F.A.G. and DuBois. Spencer Spade will be involved soon on James' side after Emma screwed him out of a spot in the Agency.


4.Vengeance vs Cult of Vengeance (John Greed/Remmy Skye/Mystery Man)


Basically, Greed & Skye formed a tag team devoted to the spirit of Vengeance and set about trying to turn him back into an evil bastard. Vengeance refused and has gotten Lobster Warrior and Valiant on his side. Mystery Man will debut in a 3 v 3 for the "Vengeance" name which the Mystery Man will win with Vengeance re-becoming Skull DeBones.


And then two other minor storylines with Enforcer Roberts/Primus Allen/Lassuna Makutsi versus Big Smack Scott and Steven Parker (SWF North American Championship) and Team Greatness (Retro & Brett Biggz) versus Generation Next (Matty Keith/Jay Chord/Bret Starr) versus Ash Campbell & Ricky DeColt and a team that hasn't gotten involved yet (a heel Bart Biggz & Zimmy Bumfhole)


Doesn't seem to matter though.

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Right now in April of 1987 I'm doing the following.


Ending all the WM3 feuds and transitioning to something more to my liking.


Hogan will continue his storyline vs Bobby Heenan's family against Paul Orendorf. After this program I plan on having Andre return for a Summerslam "Special Attraction" cage match vs Hogan.


Ricky Steamboat will then start a feud with King Kong Bundy and Harley Race.


Randy Savage will feud with Roddy Piper while the new and improved Adrian Adonis will start attacking Jake Roberts.


The Hart Foundation barely squeezed by the British Bulldogs at WM3 so I'm planning on continuing this program while I build up Demolition.

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Sam Strong and Bruce the Giant tensions are rising in my game. About to start building towards a final match between the 2 this year.


Enygma is continueing to carry the promotion with great title matches. He refuses to give in to the violence that T-Rex is trying to pull out of him. Mustafa wants Rex to continue to attack Enygma for 2 reasons. Either Enygma won't be able to focus when facing Tyson Baine or Rex will get a title shot.


The tag title run of Forces of America is going strong. Enjoying giving them wins they wouldn't normally get. Captain USA continues to thank Force for teaming with him for what is his most memorable and favorite title run so far.


Andre Jones gets matches every couple weeks and is still the TV champion. I want to do big things with him but am restricted by my hour and a half show for now. Planning to have him feud with Des Davids and Datsun soon.

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Warriors of the New Age's 8th Anniversary Show:


Six-Way Match: Scott Hadley d. Diamond Deuce, Kinuye Mushashibo, Matt Hocking, Nomad and Bradley Blaze; pinning Deuce with a lariat.


Scott Hadley is from Florida (which is WOTNA's base) and a strong style guy so he fits right in with the promotion. Building him up while giving everyone ring time here.


Choke Out Match: Irwin Gutmann d. Cobra with a Tiger Sleeper in the ropes


The former Team Tap or Nap collides here, the two not getting along after losing the Southern Tag Titles leading to Choke Out match, the rules being the only way to win is to make someone pass out from a submission hold.


Team Colossus (Giant Brody and Larry Wood) d. Freak Nation members Pretty Richie and Blackfire (w/Miss J and Mutant) when Larry Wood boots Blackfire's head off.


Giant Brody has been feuding with Mutant and his Freak Nation, and in December lost to Mutant in a #1 contender match due to rampant interference. This brought Brody's mentor and WOTNA owner Larry Wood back from retirement from one night only. Pretty Richie is Richie Riggins in a goth crossdresser gimmick, Miss J is Pettle in a dominatrix getup.


WOTNA Southern Tag Team Titles: Love From The Islands (Island Boy Apollo and Valentine, w/ Buttercup) d. Law and Disorder © (Marshall Dillon and Buck Winchester) after Valentine pinned Dillon after the Heart Stopper (Atomic Drop/Codebreaker combo)


Love From The Islands have tried to win the Southern Tag belts since their inception but never got to close. Fellow premier team Law and Disorder have been three-time champs and now it's LFTI's time to shine.


WOTNA Next Gen Crown: Mutant (w/ The Freak Nation) d. Nick Booth © after knocking Booth out with a superplex onto the apron then dragging Booth into the center after he recovered


Nick Booth has been champion for an amazing stretch, racking up 16 defenses (shattering the record of 7 set by Nomad). He's SWF bound however, so this is his final match for us. Mutant has been given a Mark Henry style monster push while having a Goldust-like gimmick of just plain being weird.


$10,000 Ladder Match: Jack Griffith d. American Elemental II, Jack Miracle and Remmy Honeyman


Unfortunately not nearly as good as I hoped it would be, but basically top four workers being showcased for a strong main event. Griffith and Miracle (Avatar) are former tag champs as A Pair of Jacks, and used their tag team skills in a temporary alliance including hitting their "Jacks Are Wild" (Griffith firemans carry gutbuster followed up by a Miracle running Yakuza to the side of the head) on AmElII. In the end Griffith shoved Miracle off the ladder (and into a recovering Remmy Honeyman) to win the cash.


Dissapointing main event lead to a 67 rating which is kinda meh for me at the moment, but with Griffith apparently staying with us and not coming to SWF with Nick Booth things look to be doing fine.


Nick Booth going to Eisenland is going to be a kick in the balls though.

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So, I decided to take up a new game with TCW, to give my long-term USPW game a break. About 8 or 9 months in, Tommy goes down with a major injury. Shattered knee or some such, I'd have to check. Point is, he's down for a while, and while that isn't exactly a crippling thing with TCW's uber-roster, it does hurt.


But then I had an inspired idea. I went to the editer, and made Jenn Cornell an active personality, with reasonable skills (on par with a high-average manager.) I introduced her in a story where, due to Tommy's injury, she was temporarily in charge of the company. She was also very upset with Tommy for being reckless and getting himself injured. So she decides to piss away large quantities of his money.


First she gives everyone raises. (I considered actually editing all the contracts to reflect this, but then decided to just keep it kayfabe, and not totally screw myself.) She starts bringing in foreign talent at extremely high costs. After a few weeks of this, I really made her evil. She started paying people to lose matches. No rhyme or reason, other than that she's looking to blow a ton of Tommy's cash.


The final stroke was the "Golden Challenge" Tournament: a round-robin style tourney, with wins earning money instead of points. Pins get you 10 grand, submissions get you 5 grand. A loss costs you half of your total earnings, which go to the person who defeated you. The winner of the Challege was the person with the most money at the end of the tournament. For his victory, he earn an $50,000 bonus and a contract to face the World Heavyweight Champion.


Jeremy Finch won the tournament due to a late round victory over the previously unbeaten Rocky Golden, taking half his winnings and earning Jeremy enough money to win the tournement despite having lost several early matches. He went on to face the champion, Wolf Hawkins, but lost after Jenn paid the referee to allow Wolf to cheat.


Shortly after the tournament, Tommy made his return. He was informed by Jenn that she'd spent all his money, and that the company was "bankrupt."


This lead to a story I've always wanted to do, but never had the right set of circumstances for: The stars of TCW pool their money and buy the company from Tommy. After the "buyout" TCW will is run by the Warrior's Council made up of 5 members of the TCW roster. This positions were initially held by long-standing, active TCW stars as voted on by the fans. The Council was allowed to make the rules for the company, assign matches and punish workers, and were allowed to remain active. The only limit they had was that they were not allowed to challenge for any title while on the Council, and all decisions had be be via majority vote.


Down the road, it change so that others could challenge for someone's spot on the Council. Right now, only one of the original coucil members (Joel Bryant) still remains, as all the others have been defeated and replaced, or have stepped down to challenge for various titles.


As for Tommy and Jenn...I kept them at odds for the rest of the year, with Jenn allying herself with Tommy's former protege Wolf Hawkins and his "New Syndicate" consisting of himself, Rick Law, Edd Stone, and Thom Borrowman (who turned on Jeremy Finch during the Golden Challenge.) Tommy found allies in Sam Keith, Troy Tornado, and the recently debuted Johnny Bloodstone. I intend this feud to last a while, and be the core of the promotion until I can start getting some of my younger talents over and start in with a younger generation vs old guard type thing.


Hopefully that will keep me interested enough to keep playing. TCW tends to get boring pretty quickly for me.

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Playing in Genadi's 2001 mod. WCW dropped to cult(January) and then went straight back to Global(July). ECW wasn't so lucky. They went bankrupt in July of 2001.


I created my own promotion in January of 01 called Full Throttle Wrestling(FTW :p). I created it on Rock Hard, but gave myself a bit of money(1 million).


The first few shows held a tournament to crown the first ever FTW Champion. The finals pitted CM Punk(face) against Lance Storm(heel) with Lance coming out on top. By the time the next show rolled around, WCW released Chavo and I was able to sign him. He immediately jumped into a feud with Lance Storm. In June of 2001 I held Goldrush where the main event was my version of MitB was taken place in Ultimate X setting(TNA isn't around yet). ECW loaned me RVD. I decided to have RVD win the Goldrush briefcase. The following show, RVD and Chavo faced Lance Storm and Rellik(Lance's enforcer). RVD and Chavo came out on top. I'm about to book RVD's third and final appearance(gonna hopefully resign him after the loan contract his up.) Yes, ECW is defunct, but I still have RVD onloan lol.


RVD is going to cash in his Goldrush case on Lance Storm and he's going to lose by shady fashion(Probably Rellik interfering) or it ending in no contest.





annndd of course something goes wrong. I get to Bound for Glory I and even though in the AM part of the day it said no one is working elsewhere, I go to PM part of day and Lance Storm is working else where...Thanks for the warning...not


Canceled the show and rescheduled for a day later in the week...hopefully it doesn't screw me again.

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I'm torn between building my own stars or picking and prodding from WWE/TNA. Would you guys say Brent Albright would be a pretty good suitable replacement for Daniel Bryan, not really all just in the looks department, but more about the skills. Bryan Danielson is certainly better in skills, but Brent is in the independent circuits and has some very good technical skills: which is certainly a plus for the kind of promotion I wanna get goin.
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This lead to a story I've always wanted to do, but never had the right set of circumstances for: The stars of TCW pool their money and buy the company from Tommy. After the "buyout" TCW will is run by the Warrior's Council made up of 5 members of the TCW roster. This positions were initially held by long-standing, active TCW stars as voted on by the fans. The Council was allowed to make the rules for the company, assign matches and punish workers, and were allowed to remain active. The only limit they had was that they were not allowed to challenge for any title while on the Council, and all decisions had be be via majority vote.


I have to say, that's bloody genius.

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As USPW in 2010 still. I've improved a lot of workers overness. Really happy with this game.


Workers 90-100 overness...


Bruce the Giant


Sam Strong

Tyson Baine


Workers 80-89 overness...


Chris Caulfield

James Justice

Nicky Champion

The Force



Workers 70-79 overness...


Jumbo Jackson

Freddie Datsun


Just with these workers being at the top like this I can put on shows 84 overall. My promotion prestige is 69 and momentum is 90. My World title prestige is 91. Really starting to feel like this game will be my most successful.

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Alpha I love that TCW storyline. Seems like it would work really well (though I wouldn't call TCW's roster 'uber'... it's pretty good but there's room for improvement. Losing Tommy would be nasty at any point). I hope you keep updating us on it.





Careful not to get people too over, Jugg (or try and regulate them when it comes to re-signing time), or you might not be able to re-sign them. The AI's USPW seems to have a recurring problem with that.





In my 0/0/0/0 game (currently at Cult, August 2017), WLW just dropped to Cult mid tour again. They and OLLIE only lasted a single active month at National before getting wrecked in the battles and dropping again. The timing of this kinda sucks, as it comes AFTER they snagged one of my favourite gen prospects (Teddy Edwards, regen of Alex Braun) to a written deal.


Buuuuut. It DOES mean that my prestige is now higher than theirs, which means I have KC Glenn for my weekly TV shows again!


It's awkward. I had to take my main title off of KC because he was putting WLW in front of me, and there was no way I was having a champion who could only make my events (I'm yet to make PPV, which kinda sucks). It was a real hot shot though, and I'm disappointed his first major run had to end after only one defence - and he's wound up being available again full time after just a month. I could've managed a month without him onscreen.


Oh well. Keep looking forward: KC Glenn full time again. Whoop. Now I just have to run through those ... 21 shows I need to complete to hit 200 booked and get to 7 points in negotiating. I need some more writtens!

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Careful not to get people too over, Jugg (or try and regulate them when it comes to re-signing time), or you might not be able to re-sign them. The AI's USPW seems to have a recurring problem with that.


Yeah I am running the risk of being poached. I am racing to National though which will mean I can sign my guys to written deals then.


One of the things I did to get me there faster was I shuffled days of the week for my events and began a weekly PPV on Saturdays. So with that show and doing well with tv shows I think I can do it.


I have been using more and more midcarders in angles with my big name stars. Guys I will be upset if I lose are James Prudence, Nicky Champion, Davis Wayne Newton, the Big Problem, and Andre Jones. I'd love to build around them for the future. Them with Enygma should be good. Enygma is locked up for a long time though so I am not worried too much.


Once I hit National I have a place for when I lose my 1st big name guy. I will then try to get Swoop McCarthy on a written deal. There are other guys I want to go after as back up plans for when I lose big name guys. Leper Messiah is one of the back up guys to go after and it works for USPW as he is an alumni.


So I am pretty excited and not too worried about losing guys. If I can hit National and get some guys on written deals I will be very happy.

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I've just booked and run Supreme Challenge IV in my SWF game using the 70's CV mod which has reached July 1982, taking me onto 522 shows booked in total so far.


SWF Supreme Challenge IV

The Chase Dome (Mid South)

Attendance: 58,105

PPV Buyrate: 2.67


(Pre Show) Wild Man Sullivan won a 30 man battle royal 62


SWF Television

Nemesis © def. Cheatin' Mike Barstow, Clint Wayne, Eric Tyler, Joshua Barris and No Way Jose 50


The Young Guns (Dusty Streets & Pistol Pete Hall) def. Double Disaster (Eruption & Tsunami), Men Of Our Dreams (Darrin Dreamweaver & Gavin Stardale) and The American Blondes (Alex Pierce & Bobby Linquist) 80


SWF Golden Briefcase (Ladder)

Rick Horn def. Dread, Kenny Maynward, Jason Jackson, Ricky Han and The Warlord Of Pain 74


SWF World Tag Team

Team Supremacy (Ben Michaelson & Crippler Ray Kingman) © def. The Hollywood Studs (Hollywood Mike Kinsey & Wade Morris), The Party Animalz (Chase Allen & Dirk Bonell) and The Wild Hunters (Croup & Vandemar) 81


Angus McCloud and Chief Two Eagles def. Brutal Domination (Identity Black & Mighty Thor SWF Golden Briefcase 90


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. def. Micky Starr 83


Corporal Doom def. Extraordinario 82


SWF United States

Sam Keith def. Teddy Flame ©84


Sam Strong def. Rip Chord 96


SWF World Heavyweight

Luis Montero © def. Johnny Boy Tucker 99


Overall Show Rating: 92


My main storyline for well over a year has been Richard Eisen leading a stable called Supremacy to dominate the SWF. Eisen first recruited the SWF World Heavyweight champion Luis Montero after helping him retain the title and then using his powers as the SWF owner and interfering at ringside to make sure he's stayed as champion.


Next up for recruitment was Sam Keith who had quickly risen up the ranks and Eisen spotting his potential brought him into Supremacy, having a helping hand in Keith taking the SWF United States title from Flame. Wanting to have control over every title, Eisen targetted recruiting a tag team to take the tag team titles which ended up being Ben Michaelson and Crippler Ray Kingman who had teamed up after a series of impressive matches between them.


Supreme Challenge IV saw the completion of Eisen's dream, the rest of the year will see things turn against them, ending up with Keith turning face and facing Montero to finally dethrone and end his reign as SWF World Heavyweight champion.

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Okay. Maybe this time I can fill you in without pointless interruption. I'm into April of 2011 and things are really swirling.


Especially around Frankie Robertson. I have so many ways I could go with him. Frankie is now loyal to me following an incident with Salty Larry. Larry was taking crap about Frankie backstage and nearly started a fight so I sacked him. Had been a pattern of behavior with the Salty One and I was sick of it. I wasn't about to have him goading a young talent who's not only a contender to be King Of the Mountains but also showing real promise backstage as an associate road agent. Frankie's far more valuable than some talking head.


Besides, I'd hired on Martin Theocott in January seeing that this move might be necessary. So when Larry went too far, I moved Theocott over to first chair from third and went about my merry way. The firing hurts my booth some. Larry had some good broadcast chemistry with Charlene where Theocott's with her is neutral. But oh well. We'll live.


But now with Frankie loyal to me I'm in a creative pickle. The plan going into my Winter of Garrido story was to have Running Wolf win and revive his feud with jealous archnemesis Rex Reeves. But now I'm wondering if maybe I want Frankie in that face spot instead. His Loose Cannon story as blocker to Wrecking Bull just ended and has D- heat thanks to a great blowoff match. So I could make a war of that. Bull has gotten over since signing in January. But he's expensive. Both he and Frankie are getting $600 per. Which leads to me to wonder if I want to bleed off some of Frankie's overness and job him out in the short term. His contract comes due in eight weeks and while I'd like to think the newfound loyalty will make Frankie more helpful at the negotiating table, I don't want to have to turn him down for financial reasons.


Valentine's losing streak is over and I'd love to get him a new story. Maybe he could get under Reeves' skin if Frankie wars with Wrecking Bull. Mystery Mask is still at it with Toronto Terror and Vikki Victoria. They are doing Standard Singles Feud 1 from the default story file with Valentine and Wrecking Bull rounding out the cast. And I'm about to get my tag titles tourney started which will go at long last to The Soviet Bloc of Big Bad and Kiriyakin. Just gotta figure out that last story slot and what to do with it.


Thought I might be losing Dos Hombres because their contracts came due and the Performance skills didn't seem to be going anywhere. But closer inspection showed me what gains they have made have been since the calendar turned. So I re-upped with them in hopes that recent gain inspires them to more and quicker growth. And while I would like to find him a regular partner, I'm thinking Toronto Terror may be short for the fed. I'd kind of like to get someone younger and more in need of my help in his roster spot.


Finances are still loss heavy. But the big jump in Sponsorship money when I grew in size is helping and I doubled ticket sales in February. A jump in audience with is maintaining itself so far. Getting 200+ per show these days. So I don't know when it will happen exactly but a tipping point in my financial favor should be coming. Club X and I should be looking at sellouts before long. Which should really kickstart my books if I can find more wiggle room in the payroll. Dumping Salty Larry and just using Theocott means I'm only giving half of what I was before to my lead announcer. $150 for Theocott vs $300 for Salty Larry. I'm thinking Garrido walks when his storyline is over. Dude gets $800. Let him walk and get some raw meat to experiment with getting Terror that tag partner. Unless Terror gets greedy and wants more than his current $350 when his contract comes due. Yes, we're really getting to the spot where things get interesting.

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I've just booked and run Supreme Challenge IV in my SWF game using the 70's CV mod which has reached July 1982, taking me onto 522 shows booked in total so far.


My main storyline for well over a year has been Richard Eisen leading a stable called Supremacy to dominate the SWF. Eisen first recruited the SWF World Heavyweight champion Luis Montero after helping him retain the title and then using his powers as the SWF owner and interfering at ringside to make sure he's stayed as champion.


Next up for recruitment was Sam Keith who had quickly risen up the ranks and Eisen spotting his potential brought him into Supremacy, having a helping hand in Keith taking the SWF United States title from Flame. Wanting to have control over every title, Eisen targetted recruiting a tag team to take the tag team titles which ended up being Ben Michaelson and Crippler Ray Kingman who had teamed up after a series of impressive matches between them.


Supreme Challenge IV saw the completion of Eisen's dream, the rest of the year will see things turn against them, ending up with Keith turning face and facing Montero to finally dethrone and end his reign as SWF World Heavyweight champion.


Nice man, big respects for getting that many shows and years in. When you finally find the big game it's so much fun to be honest. Something you can always return to.


Also, I would love to hear more about Luis Montero in your save game. I mean, how exactly is he the World champion while Doom, Strong and Chord the SWF ME usuals of the period are fighting below him in the card? But a positive surprise for sure, as well as including Extraordinario in your roster.

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My initial plans for Luis Montero was in a tag team called Dos Mexicanos with Extraordinario, with them winning the SWF World Tag Team titles. This was going well but I needed another heel Main Eventer and Montero fitted the bill.


After he turned on Extraordinario, he's gone on to win the SWF United States title and the SWF Golden Briefcase, which he cashed in to take the SWF World Heavyweight title from Sam Strong.


He's been champion for about 18 months and consistently puts on great matches with everyone I put up against him, with most being in the high 90's to 100. He can also talk and has a knack of keeping his popularity extremely high.


Rip Chord is a difficult one to know what to do with as his drink problems mean I can't let him talk, despite his matches being good. Sam Strong is a two time SWF World Heavyweight champion and Corporal Doom is finally fulfilling his promise but with 14 main eventers, it's hard to juggle keeping everyone strong and keeping things fresh.

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I have decided to fire up my long term game where I am only in November 2018. I have just debuted a new tag team to feud with La Maniarquia called the Can-Am Colony. They consist of Americ-Ant (aka Green Ant) and Canadi-Ant (a regen character). Just to also pad out a Tag Division that is slipping into obscurity too.


My promotion is kind of a Chikara/ROH cross breed set up - colourful characters, but in ring ability plays a huge part with most of my TV show concentrating on matches rather than skits and my PPV shows being 100% about the matches. My previous PPV show was as follows:



Kamen Rangers NEO def. Akira Raijin & Minoru Tanaka C+

Extreme Tiger def. Dios Dorado to retain NWA Juniorweight Title C

Delirious def. Val Venis B-

The Briscoes def. Kings of Wrestling to retain Tag Titles B

Katsuhiko Nakajima def. Colt Cabana and SJK to become the new NJ Television Champion C+

Adam Pearce def. El Mesias B-

Naomichi Marufuji def. Richie Steamboat B

Tyler Black def. Chris Jericho to retain the Heavyweight Title (Jericho was the mystery opponent on a one show deal) B+


Show got a B overall. Which for a low end Cult Promotion I didn't think was too bad.

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My Local to Global game, July 2018.


My company (Warriors of the New Age, which is a workrate-centralized, hard hitting promotion based in Florida) has been expanding with "Warrior's Invasion" shows while making most of it's money with monthly shows in our home region.


July's event is "Patriot Games", named after a 5-on-5, Survivor Series Meets War Games style contest. This year's theme is tag teams partnered up against each other, with Now 4-time WOTNA Southern Tag Team champions, Law and Disorder (Marshall Dillon and Cowboy Buck Winchester) as captains.


Unfortunately, Jack Miracle (Avatar) is out with a ruptured spleen and American Elemental II is touring with GCG on the same day as Patriot Games. This means their respective teams (A Pair of Jacks with Jack Griffith and American Werewolves in Miami with Remmy Honeyman respectively) are out.


So the other teams participating are:


Freak Nation members Mutant and "Pretty" Richie Riggins

Blazing Deuces: Bradley Blaze and Diamond Deuce

Former champs Love From The Islands: Island Boy Apollo and Valentine

Team Colossus: Giant Brody and the retired Larry Wood.


The teams get paired off by a coin flip; one member from each team flips a coin; heads and that member goes to Marshall Dillon's team, tails and that member goes to Buck's team, and his partner goes to the opposite side.


Here's how the show went down:


*Blackfire (w/ Freak Nation) and Cobra d Matt Hocking and Scott Hadley (52)

Tag match to get everyone on the card, Hadley is working with an injury so Hocking does most of the work here.


*Nomad d. Kinuye Mushashibo 62

Nomad is hard for me to book in WOTNA. He's hugely over and is the second most charismatic guy I have (apart from Miracle), but doesn't put on good matches consistently enough to be a long-term main eventer. It doesn't help that he's at odds with Irwin Gutmann, my de facto main villain (theres no clear cut heels or faces, but Gutmann's more or less a heel, more on that later)


*Jack Griffith d. Remmy Honeyman (74)

Jack is an old guy in a young guy's promotion and has a hard time putting anyone over, and my main title has an age cap of 35. Basically a match with the guys whose partners couldn't make it to the event.


*Patriot Games: Team Law (Marshall Dillon, Bradley Blaze, Mutant, Valentine, and Larry Wood) (w/ Freak Nation's Miss J and Blackfire) d Team Disorder (Cowboy Buck Winchester, Diamond Deuce, Pretty Richie, Island Boy Apollo, and Giant Brody) (w/ Love From The Islands' valet Buttercup) 56

Not bad considering I had to make some drastic changes to the match with people who really had no business being in a big name bout like this.


*WOTNA Next Gen Crown: The Pilgrim d Irwin Gutmann (w/ Eva Berlin) 67

Billed as a mystery opponent, The Pilgrim makes his shocking return to WOTNA to become a two-time champion. Irwin Gutmann brought in Eva Berlin as his personal ring announcer/translator, having renounced his Canadian citizenship as he wants to show the domination of European technicians, even refusing to speak English.


Overall: 64. Probably would have been on the sunnier side of 60 if not for roster problems.

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USPW in June 2010


Nicky Champion lost the National Title back to Peter Valentine when the Masked Superstar (Masked Avatar) attacked.


The Forces of America may be in the final stages of their tag title run. I'm about to pull the trigger on a title change I think.


Teddy Powell signed with us and I am not sure what I am going to do with him yet. Maybe a tag team with James Prudence.


I finally gave in and decided to hire more women for the womens division. I have pending offers out to about 4 or 5 right now. That would inflate the division to 8 or 9 women if I signed them all.


I am sort of hoping a couple of guys will get signed by bigger promotions to force me into pushing new guys.

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Gonna post a history of my recent USPW game's main event picture. :) From Jan 2010-Apr 2011:


Tyson Baine defeated Enygma for the World title at Stars, Stripes and Slams. Justice saved Enygma from a beating following the match and a triple threat ensued at Red, White, and Blue, which saw Baine retain the title.


For the last two months Chris Caulfield had been feuding with Bruce the Giant, losing at SS&S but winning a cage match at RWB. Well, Tyson Baine's contract was up and I couldn't re-sign him (poor play on my part I realize, live and learn), and Caulfield was white-hot with popularity from his feud with Bruce. I had Caulfield win the World title on American Wrestling 2 weeks following RWB.


At Liberty and Justice, Caulfield would defeat Tyson Baine to retain his title, as Baine moved on to SWF. Caulfield would defend his title against Tyson once more on TV, as well as Bruce The Giant. He then drew with Enygma at Freedom Fight, as T-Rex rushed the ring causing a double DQ.


T-Rex would earn a title shot against Caulfield after defeating Engyma on TV, and defeating Caulfield in a count-out victory as well. However as Enygma never lost his title match, the match at DoI became a triple threat. At Declaration of Independence, Caulfield would retain his title.


Despite being on a tear on American Wrestling, Enygma would fail in two subsequent title shots against Caulfield at Americana! and a cage match at The Independence Day Slam! (A-quality match, best of my promotion to that point) The following night on American Wrestling Enygma's frustrations boiled over as he assaulted Chris Caulfield following a match.


James Justice had gotten involved now, saving Caulfield from multiple assaults by Enygma. Justice and Enygma faced off in a #1 contender's bout which ended in a draw. At Apple Pie and Wrestling, there would be a triple threat. Enygma brought a chair into the match, but saw it wrestled away by Caulfield. However, Caulfield missed a swing with the chair at Enygma and accidentally blasted Justice with it instead. Enygma capitalized on the distraction and rolled up Caulfield to win the USPW World title back after 7 long months.


Caulfield was shaken by the events that transpired, and temporarily withdrew from active competition following Apple Pie and Wrestling. Justice would go on to lose a title match against Enygma at United States of Pain. Caulfield re-entered the scene, supporting Justice against Enygma. At Born in the USA Justice scored a count-out victory as Enygma fled with the title following a hot rally by Justice.


Enygma would go the divide-and-conquer route at Thanksgiving Thunder, facing off against Caulfield and Justice in another triple threat match, and once again capitalizing on Caulfield and Justice's awkward in-ring exchanges to retain his title.


The next night on American Wrestling, Caulfield would secure a one-on-one title match with Enygma, his first since he defeated Enygma at Independence Day Slam. This match would be a ladder match.


At Made in America, Caulfield was on his way to winning the ladder match when suddenly James Justice, whom had been off of TV for 3 weeks, ran into the ring and superkicked Caulfield unconscious to the outside. As he berated Caulfield, blaming him for his failed title aspirations, Enygma would climb the ladder and retain his title.


The following night on American Wrestling, James Justice would come out dressed in black attire and a crossbones headband and dark shades, proclaiming himself reborn as "Virgil", a man who was going to do everything it took to become top dog in USPW once again. He introduced his protege "Nightshade", also donned in similar black and white attire. They proclaimed themselves the VWO, Virgil's World Order. (Nightshade is independent wrestler Acid, whom had been wrestling in USPW for several months as Demon Fox).


As the VWO ran amuck on American Wrestling, ruining match finishes and even stealing Jack Kennedy (Jack Avatar)'s USPW National Title, Caulfield challenged Virgil to a match at Stars, Stripes, and Slams. Caulfield vs. Virgil would end in a double count-out as both men brawled to the outside, no longer caring about the rules of the match, but instead on their intense personal animosity. This feud would continue. The Red, White, and Blue PPV saw Virgil defeating Chris Caulfield in a cage match as Nightshade entered the cage and Caulfield fell to the 2-on-1 odds.


Also at this time Bruce the Giant had announced his retirement from professional wrestling. He had declared his final match would be him winning the USPW World title at SS&S. This dream almost became realized as he won a #1 contendership bout, but he ultimately failed to capture the title at the event. Bruce the Giant received a standing ovation as he bid farewell to USPW's fans and marked the end of a great career. He is a future member of the Hall of Immortals.


At this time T-Rex had become a big star in USPW, turning his attention on those he and the fans determined to be cowards. He would go after "the biggest coward of them all" Enygma at Red, White, and Blue. Enygma lived up to T-Rex's accusations as he delivered a low blow to T-Rex, getting himself DQ'd from a match he was being dominated in.


During all of this a feud between two bright future stars had developed in Nicky Champion vs Fantastic Frederick (Freddie Huggins). Fantastic Frederick debuted billing himself as a man too good for the company and it's "low IQ, drunken, possibly inbred" fanbase. Although Champion would secure 3 Pay-per-view victories over Frederick at Made in America, SS&S, and RW&B, Frederick had gained a large amount of notoriety for his extravagant assaults to the USPW fanbase's intelligence, and cowardly attacks on Nicky Champion.


Following Champion's rise to stardom, he earned a World title shot against Enygma on American Wrestling, but saw it stolen away as the VWO stormed the ring and ended the match. The following week Chris Caulfield would join forces with Nicky Champion against a common enemy, the VWO. At Liberty and Justice, Nicky Champion defeated Nightshade one-on-one, and with Nightshade taken out of action, Caulfield was able to take on Virgil with no outside help at last. Caulfield defeated Virgil after 3 long months of being made a fool of, much to the jubilation of the USPW's fans. Sam Strong then booked the VWO in a tag match against Caulfield and Champion at Freedom Fight, with the stipulation that if VWO lost, they would be forced to disband.


The Engyma/T-Rex feud took a new change in direction at Liberty and Justice, when it appeared that T-Rex had the match won, Enygma would be assaulted by none other than a man whom hadn't been seen in a month, Fantastic Frederick. This gave Enygma the DQ victory. The following night, Enygma valiantly declared that the only way to ensure a fair one-on-one match with T-Rex would be to give Fantastic Frederick what he wanted, a title shot at the next PPV. However, Sam Strong, detecting the ruse at work (Enygma delaying a match against T-Rex as long as possible), instead made the match at Freedom Fight a triple threat.


So yeah, that's what I've done so far. My Freedom Fight Card is:


Chris Caulfield & Nicky Champion vs Virgil and Nightshade (VWO), with the stipulation that should VWO lose they must disband.


Engyma vs. T-Rex vs. Fantastic Frederick for the USPW World Title.


The VWO will go over as a mystery superstar appears (or I might say returns) to USPW.


Enygma will retain and T-Rex/Frederick will feud for a while after this.


Sam Strong has been involved in storylines recently by setting wrongs right (his VWO match stipulation, putting Engyma and Frederick's little plan to ashes), and it's going to lead to a one-night in-ring return against Enygma. The plan is for Nicky Champion to come to his mentor's defense and ultimately win the World title at Independence Day Slam.


USPW is National (knocking on International's door), all of my main eventers (Caulfield, T-Rex, Champion, Enygma, Virgil, Frederick) are at A-popularity and even Nightshade is at A-popularity but his being a lightweight seems to preclude him from main event status, which is fine with me as I don't see him as a main eventer in a fed like USPW anyway. His current role suits him perfectly.


I also have Matthew Keith and Darryl Devine knocking on the door of main event status as their tag team The East Coast Blondes really took off and got both guys super over. Trying to hold this off though as Keith is still young and I don't want him getting a big head.


So yeah. :p Long post is long.

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Gonna post a history of my recent USPW game's main event picture. :) From Jan 2010-Apr 2011:


Your game sounds like a lot of fun. One guy I made a point not to sign was Acid because he is really good and works well in most storylines.


Although I signed other guys I said I wouldn't like Davis Wayne Newton for example. For the future of my USPW though I am hoping to build around Nicky Champion much like you.


Caulfield, Baine, Enygma, T-Rex, Bruce the Giant, and James Justice are not going to be phased out though until they are snagged by another promotion or they retire in my game.

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Summer's in the air in Rocky Mountain Wrestling as we head into June of 2011. And what fine air it is.


Contract season is over and everybody we wanted back is resigned for another nine months. The Seasons of Garrido are over thanks to Running Wolf. Who is King of the Mountains (world champ) for the second time. Garrido will be gone in about a week and a half. But he's been so good for us he will be welcome back if his $800 per paycheck becomes more reasonable for us down the road. Toronto Terror decided it would take almost double his prior 350 to resign. So he's next out the door. But since he's in a storyline with Mystery Mask at the moment he'll be drawing those 600 per paychecks for a couple months or so.


And Wrecking Bull has become a real whiny baby to use a Cappy family chestnut. So instead of using him and paying him, I've made trade bait out of him. So far I've used him to bring in Cameron Jones from MAW for a couple shows and Morgan Malone from 4c for a one-off. Technically two matches and a post-match assault. I like using my loaners on both pre-show and regular show.


Throw in a home town discount from Rex Reeves and Frankie Robertson's loyalty freezing his pay request and I should be happy in the payroll department for awhile. Oh and I added a couple guys. Hired Bradley Blaze fresh out of school to team with Pat Rigsby as The Range Riders and El Ladron came in to take Hugo Garrido's job of insuring El Jefe Militar isn't isolated by the language barrier.


Ticket sales have been good too. As predicted the sellouts at Club X have begun. Sold out every show in May and crowd projections currently hover at around 400. Usually just a shade under like 390 or so.


Storyline wise I have started The Soviet Bloc playing the classic Evil Russian bit against Frankie Robertson and I'm looking for a new world title feud for Running Wolf. Rex Reeves is still tied up with (Andy) Valentine so his jealousy may or may not have to wait. Especially seeing that Creative says El Jefe Militar is my top heel at the moment and he hasn't had a juicy feud in a while. Looking like it should be a really hot summer for the boys of RMW.

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I am now mid-way through 2014 in my Wrestling Without Borders game. El Mitico Jr. continues to be a boon both to the prestige of the WWB International Heavyweight Title (B+) and my main event match ratings. His three-match series with Acid II, which I had hesitated to pull the trigger on for a long time, resulted in our first ever string of 3 consecutive B- shows this spring.


The rest of the main event scene consists of El Exportacion (user character), Snap Dragon, Mario Heroic, and Marcos Flores. The mid-card continues to be anchored by solid veterans like UK Dragon (whom I still feel I should give one solid ME push before he retires), Canadian Dragon and Spansih Superfly. The lower end of the card has been freshened up significantly with the likes of Nigel Svennson, Boriken Love Machine Jr., Felipe Caballero, Xavi Ferrara, and Australian Devil (ok, he might not last past his 1st contract).


I'm starting to see more progress in our efforts to expand in the Southwest. We're now popular enough to run shows at The Snake Pit. We also handily win our regional battle there since we have a NA pact with CZCW and AAA is struggling with the recent wave of female wrestler retirements.


It's a good period for the company and I've moved beyond being annoyed at not being able to sign any instant main eventers like Hell Monkey or Acid and have started to enjoy the long domninant reign of El Mitico Jr. and the likes of La Sombra Jr. and Sunburst improving and moving up the card.

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playing a game as RAW my first time as an Australian promotion


am only in February


Molakai Milk is the number one contender(pretending he won a number one contenders match a few weeks before)


Milk has ben beaten down and destroyed by Luke Steel in the run up to the monthly event The Stars of RAW, but Milk has come back and they have had beatdowns with each other for the four weeks


at The Stars of RAW, they finally met, Milk gave a speech about how he's finally reaching the top of RAW and will be the new champion, Steel beat Milk in a six minute match, Milk has since won another Number one contenders, but now has Spiffy Stan Standish to deal with first


Montgomery Croft is the main story of RAW, the owners have disappeared, and is claiming he is now rightful owner, Loxley Robbins claims Croft has kidnapped the owners and said he will prove it, Croft has now put a bounty of Loxley and after four weeks decided he will take out Loxley himself, beating him at the January Event


since then Croft has a pretty huge stable of heels, who do his bidding, with Luke Steel sort of in the stable but still sometimes destroys them as well


a strange promo keeps airing saying, change is coming, The Stars of RAW will fall, not sure what this will be yet but Croft and Loxley are the main two involved, might steal one of APW's best and one from DIW and say they are the new Stars of RAW


trying to keep it cheesy, as wrestling really isn't the strong point of this promotion

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Was gonna wait a bit to re-post about my SWF game but I got my first A* match ever, so I figure I oughtta brag a bit. :)


SWF Master of Puppets 2010

15,000 People (SOLD OUT)

From Oregon Gardens


Kings of the Wild (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) © d. The Enterprise (Frederique Antonio Garcia & Steve McClean) to retain the SWF Tag Team Titles....73

Steve Frehley d. Omar Brown.....79

Jack Bruce Promo About "Hollywood" Steve McClean.....89

Runaway Train d. Marat Khoklov.....80

Brandon James © d. American Machine to retain the SWF North American Title.....72

Christian Faith Promo About Vengeance.....100

Valiant d. John Greed.....79

"The Wrath" Jack Giedroyc Post-Match Attack on Valiant.....69

Christian Faith d. Vengeance.....100

Music Video Promo For The Fatal Fourway Main Event.....80

Eric Eisen © d. Angry Gilmore, Remo & Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Title.....95

Overall Grade.....86

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Was gonna wait a bit to re-post about my SWF game but I got my first A* match ever, so I figure I oughtta brag a bit. :)


SWF Master of Puppets 2010

15,000 People (SOLD OUT)

From Oregon Gardens


Kings of the Wild (Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord) © d. The Enterprise (Frederique Antonio Garcia & Steve McClean) to retain the SWF Tag Team Titles....73

Steve Frehley d. Omar Brown.....79

Jack Bruce Promo About "Hollywood" Steve McClean.....89

Runaway Train d. Marat Khoklov.....80

Brandon James © d. American Machine to retain the SWF North American Title.....72

Christian Faith Promo About Vengeance.....100

Valiant d. John Greed.....79

"The Wrath" Jack Giedroyc Post-Match Attack on Valiant.....69

Christian Faith d. Vengeance.....100

Music Video Promo For The Fatal Fourway Main Event.....80

Eric Eisen © d. Angry Gilmore, Remo & Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Title.....95

Overall Grade.....86


That looks like a very solid show. Too bad the 100 rating wasn't for your main event. May need to think about re-visiting that match in a couple of months in a main event. See what it does to a show grade.

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