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Gonna try and get a few games going and be the booker for WWE and TNA, perhaps even Shimmer(or a promotion like Shimmer) just because I've never really controlled a game that is strictly women's wrestling. Going to hold on to my other game with my created promotion as well. May do other promotions as well, but I think that'll do it for a while :D
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As a cult I signed a year long TV show with some network in Mexico. I was paid more than any US company, but when it came time to renew they wanted all the money. My ratings never went up even if my popularity shot up from 29 to 39 in that year. Some of my workers were even hired by Mexican companies they got so over.


I'm not resigning a new deal. I need to expand in the US, not Mexico. Especially because they won't cut us in on any money.

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I started a new game in Hive's Clash of the Titans mod as a Local Promotion called Titan Wrestling Entertainment.


I have The Fallen Saints(Christopher Daniels and Ace Steel) feuding with the Hardy Boys and the Dudleyz over the tag titles.


Juventud is feuding with Billy Kidman, Jerry Lynn and every other cruiser in my promotion. I'm booking him a sneaky heel who keeps barely retaining his X Division title.


I'm a Small promotion, but I just beat out a Regional promotion in the Regional Battles. I only ranked Third, but I feel like I'm climbing the ranks.


I was able to sign Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Benoit defeated Douglas Williams for the TWE Championship and then entered a short face vs face feud with my user character, Randy Robinson while I build Jericho up some to take the belt off Benoit.


Only ECW and Smoky Mountain rank higher than me in the Great Lakes Region, so they're my next target.

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Running a new WCW '94 game... trying something different with the whole Hogan / Flair feud. Flair starts off champ and completely heel. Arn Anderson is a babyface as is Hogan. I'm having Flair really freak out about Hogan "moving in on my turf, pal... " just a long crazy bloody campaign to "rid WCW of your red and yellow bullcrap, brother... " establishing Flair as a hypocrite (left WCW and wrestled for WWF just a few years ago) but also a bit of a defender of WCW's honor in a weird way. Flair's longtime friend bites the bullet and starts defending Hogan, I'm really building Hogan as an honorable guy wanting to create a better legacy for himself, lots of matches against solid opponents like Funk and Sting and Vader.


Months of this, Flair and his array of hired goons pecking at Hogan... lots of beat downs and inconclusive matches. When they finally get in the ring I'm going to have Hogan go over in questionable fashion. I'm thinking a group of golden age WWF guys and real life Hogan groupies "doing Hogan a favor... " The Nasty Boys, Beefcake, Jimmy Hart, maybe Piper, whomever. Hogan plays dumb at first, Flair freaks the hell out, Arn is caught in the middle. Eventually Hogan challenges Flair to a cage match "we're doin' this right brother, winner take all... "


Hogan's doing the honorable thing right? After months finally we'll get an unquestioned winner to the Clash of the Titans, Hogan or Flair. Hogan goes full on heel mode. After a bloody match Hogan's goons make their entrance... Flair is trapped in the cage with a grinning Hogan calling the shots and the invaders just beat the ever loving snot out of The Nature Boy.


Enter WCW! The Steiners, Sting, Cactus Jack and Sullivan, whomever all lead by a furious Arn Anderson all storm the cage and have a "holy crap send in the rent-a-cops" brawl and save Flair. Ric and Arn embrace. Boom. Heel Hogan, face Flair each with their respective factions... better than the real life NWO feud because A. don't have to screw with Nash and Hall and B. this puts WCW over and doesn't bury the brand like the NWO angle did.



I love TEW...

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I started a new game with ZEN and I’m now in June 2012.


I’ve created a bunch of matches for the game like first blood cage matches, overhead wire matches, TLC Death matches, etc. and it’s a lot of fun!


I’ve only signed three guys outside of the rookies coming out of the ZEN dojo:


1. Felix Harding was a jobber with some good performance skills that I used throughout 2011 before I released him in December.


2. I just signed Boo Smithson to have another technician and planning on having a best of seven series between him and Cyanide since he’s a technician too. *Fingers crossed that they have chemistry!*


3. I also signed Mark Misery and he came in with an Outbacker gimmick… even though he’s an English dude. So he’s basically a confused Englishman that thinks he’s Australian… sounds funny in my head so not sure if it comes across that way.


Elsewhere, Super Zero turned on Vertigo after they lost the tag titles to X-War (X-Calibre and Man O’ War) at the beginning of the year. They had a grudge match the following show and will probably keep feuding for the rest of the year.


After Halloween Knight lost the ZEN Master title to Lone Shark, he and Necromancer vowed to take both the Master title and Conceptual title away from Shark and Devilfish respectfully no matter what! Knight and Devilfish just had an excellent hardcore lucha libre match but Knight came up short 2 falls to 1. Necromancer competed in a three way dance (elimination rules) for the ZEN master title with Mark Misery and Lone Shark and he also came up short as Shark retained.


Mirror Universe John Gordon had a confrontation with his manager Guru Vishni and his tag partner C-W-A (aptly named Mirror Attitude ;)). Gordon attacked Guru solidifying his face turn and then faced C-W-A managed by Guru in a grudge match the following show. In the end, Guru tried to attack Gordon but hit C-W-A with a chair accidentally which allowed Gordon to get the win with a Goatee Driver.


The longest title reign was done by Shaolin who defended the Conceptual Title all of 2010 and finally lost it to Devilfish in August 2011. During his reign, he turned heel on his partner Quicksilver and was later released about two months after losing the Conceptual title. (I'm forcing myself to do longer title reigns in this game. Shark has had the Master title for over a year and half now!)


HalloWarped and SubUrban Legend are the only two ZEN graduates I kept (believe me I actually tried to do something with guys like Killer B and Toady but it was hopeless) since Warped is Halloween Knight’s protégé I’d like to keep him around long enough so I can do a Knight/Warped program. Legend I’m being careful with and am building up slowly,hoping that he can get better and eventually be a future star and ZEN master champion especially when I get ZEN to regional.


This company is fun to play! :D

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Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake just died of a drug overdose in my '87 WWF game. I know it's just a game but I was still sad. I never used him really even though he was a main eventer and now I feel like I caused the "death". Like he didn't have anything to look forward to but his drugs.
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Running a new WCW '94 game... trying something different with the whole Hogan / Flair feud. Flair starts off champ and completely heel. Arn Anderson is a babyface as is Hogan. I'm having Flair really freak out about Hogan "moving in on my turf, pal... " just a long crazy bloody campaign to "rid WCW of your red and yellow bullcrap, brother... " establishing Flair as a hypocrite (left WCW and wrestled for WWF just a few years ago) but also a bit of a defender of WCW's honor in a weird way. Flair's longtime friend bites the bullet and starts defending Hogan, I'm really building Hogan as an honorable guy wanting to create a better legacy for himself, lots of matches against solid opponents like Funk and Sting and Vader.


Months of this, Flair and his array of hired goons pecking at Hogan... lots of beat downs and inconclusive matches. When they finally get in the ring I'm going to have Hogan go over in questionable fashion. I'm thinking a group of golden age WWF guys and real life Hogan groupies "doing Hogan a favor... " The Nasty Boys, Beefcake, Jimmy Hart, maybe Piper, whomever. Hogan plays dumb at first, Flair freaks the hell out, Arn is caught in the middle. Eventually Hogan challenges Flair to a cage match "we're doin' this right brother, winner take all... "


Hogan's doing the honorable thing right? After months finally we'll get an unquestioned winner to the Clash of the Titans, Hogan or Flair. Hogan goes full on heel mode. After a bloody match Hogan's goons make their entrance... Flair is trapped in the cage with a grinning Hogan calling the shots and the invaders just beat the ever loving snot out of The Nature Boy.


Enter WCW! The Steiners, Sting, Cactus Jack and Sullivan, whomever all lead by a furious Arn Anderson all storm the cage and have a "holy crap send in the rent-a-cops" brawl and save Flair. Ric and Arn embrace. Boom. Heel Hogan, face Flair each with their respective factions... better than the real life NWO feud because A. don't have to screw with Nash and Hall and B. this puts WCW over and doesn't bury the brand like the NWO angle did.



I love TEW...


Sounds great! Are you gonna keep it real and bury Flair? Hahaha.

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Playing a 1987 real life mod as the WWF. Starting in March '87, I'm now in July '88 on route to King of the Ring. During all this time, I've had 3 WWF World Champions: Hogan (who started the game as champ), Ricky Steamboat and Roddy Piper (My current).


Piper is feuding with Randy Savage over the WWF World Championship, which will conclude at SummerSlam, possibly in a Cage Match.


Steamboat won the IC Championship from Savage at 'Mania, but lost it to Ted DBiase a few months later. He then entered the World title picture and defeated Hogan and Piper in a three-way match for the title. He then lost the title to Piper after an awesome feud.

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And I'm getting ready to resume my RMW game after having been badly distracted and throwing all my game energy into the Cappy Pack. Going into November of 2011 and getting ready to wind down what's been a solid year of talent making.


King of The Mountains (World Title) is Running Wolf and he's half way through the Booker T/Scott Steiner feud with El Jefe Militar. Not quite sure who's ultimately winning the belt yet but leaning toward El Jefe. Wolf should have trumped Rex Reeves for most defenses by the time the end of the storyline ends. Wolf has 17 so far this reign as compared to Reeves record of 25.


The Soviet Bloc (Boris Kiriyakin & The Big Bad) are the current and so far only tag champions. But they are doing a Dirtiest Tag Team storyline that's slated to result in a change to Frankie Robertson & Mystery Mask (The Masked Avatar) becoming champs. The Soviets are pushing higher up the roster than I'd like so I want to depush them a bit. Plus with the tag gold on my my UC, I can guarantee there will be no balking when it's time for the tag gold to change hands again.


My top contending tag teams, The Pride of Youth (Chikafusa Tadeshi and Lion Genji) and The Range Riders (Pat Rigsby and Bradley Blaze) are feuding essentially for the number 1 contendership. Thinking I will go with the heels in The Range Riders for the alignment balance


And Vikki Victoria is going tweener having just split from his tag partner, Latin Lion Jr. Vikki's about to find himself thrust into the Rex Reeves/ (Andy) Valentine rivalry. Essentially trying to transition into a Reeves/Victoria tiff as I'm starting to worry about Valentine's further value and his contract comes up at the end of January. If he is to stay around I don't know I can afford him to ask for more money. So need to depush him. He's D- over. He can take the hit for a bit.


Have my jobber tag team, Dos Hombres (computer gens Alberto Pastor & Raul Medina) coming due in mid December and last I looked their process in the basics was looking good. So I'll probably keep them around.


Could probably stand to give finances a good hard look. Losses have been on a build the last three months although they are down compared to the beginning of 2011. Nothing terribly unusual there and no threat as I still have 700k or so of my original seed money. But I do like to try and play things reasonably when it comes to finances. Most of my contracts come due in January and February so will see who wants what then. Would be nice if somebody bigger would notice some of my guys and "steal" them between now and then. I always let those guys go seeing my job with them being done. Should be fun at any rate.

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I'm playing the Golden Age 1987 mod, as WWE. We just went Global, I came to an agreement with Central States Wrestling where they would be my child promotion. I snatched up a lot of young free agents to send there so they have something to do, as it seems like the other federations are shy to snatch up talent.


I'm in September 1987, and ran a Saturday Night's Main Event with a double main event of Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage in a cage, and Ricky Steamboat defending the World Heavyweight Championship(won in a three way match with Hogan/Savage) vs. Harley Race. I never had a 100 match, then again I honestly haven't really dug into the CornellVerse.




Argh! So close! Hogan vs. Savage got a 93. The show itself had an 88. Gonna use this show to set up Ricky Steamboat vs. Andre the Giant at the Royal Rumble, with a nice slow build.

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Playing a RW '97 mod as the WWF. Only a month in and here's the breakdown so far:


-I'm beating WCW on a show per show basis, easily getting about 10 pts higher in show ratings.

-Shortlisted all major WCW talent so that i can go in and steal some of their big guns.

-Signed Warrior, Tatanka, Sid Vicious, Hardys, and Teddy Hart.

-Heading into a title unification match with the European and Intercontinental titles. I don't like the European championship and never did.

Current Date: Monday, week 3, January 1998


WWF Heavyweight Champion: Vader(December week 3, 1997-present)

WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock(December week 1, 1997-present)

WWF European Champion: Owen Hart(December week 3, 1997-present)

WWF Tag Team Champions: New Age Outlaws(November week 4, 1997-present)

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Aguila(December week 2, 1997-present)


Leading into the Royal Rumble with the following card


WWF World Heavyweight Championship

©Vader vs Stone Cold Steve Austin


#1 Contendership for WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Royal Rumble(30 Participants)


WWF Tag Team Championship

©New Age Outlaws vs The Legion of Doom


WWF Intercontinental Championship

©Rock vs Ken Shamrock

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First game since my laptop "smoked out"


Decided to go with the SWF, with a modified dataset of course(the lack of people who could call in ring was WAAAAAAAAY to restricting to me. I always ended up moon pushing Gilmore).


Got a B-Show.

Threw a ton of people in dev... y'know the basic stuff.


Decided to book till the supreme challenge with the b-show, and after the supreme challenge im gonna turn the b-show into a 2nd brand.


At this moment, this moment starting now, during this moment my plans for the Supreme Challenge are:


Eric Eisen© vs Runaway Train for the world title.


Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance vs Gilmore to determine who will be the first world champion of the new brand.


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith in a last man standing match


Roberts vs Retro© for the NA Belt.


Brandon James vs Buddy Garner Grudge Match


Scott/Laramee© vs Biggz for the tag belts

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Month 1 is done!!

Not many brand switches just a few on the midcard

SWF only ran with one PPV which was TCW Malice in Wonderland which was headlined by Rocky Golden vs Vengeance for TCW title in which Golden Retained in a C rated match. The PPV only scored a C+ and in the semi main event had Runaway Train beat Cornell.

It also saw the Tag Team Titles change hands with Vailiant and Giedroyc take the belts from New Wave.


Everyones fav wrestler Big Smack Scott has endured a terrible month of 3 losses and 1 win.

The win coming in a tag match on PPV.

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Month 1 is done!!

Not many brand switches just a few on the midcard

SWF only ran with one PPV which was TCW Malice in Wonderland which was headlined by Rocky Golden vs Vengeance for TCW title in which Golden Retained in a C rated match. The PPV only scored a C+ and in the semi main event had Runaway Train beat Cornell.

It also saw the Tag Team Titles change hands with Vailiant and Giedroyc take the belts from New Wave.


Everyones fav wrestler Big Smack Scott has endured a terrible month of 3 losses and 1 win.

The win coming in a tag match on PPV.


Hey, that's rather interesting to know. Keep 'em coming ;)

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Just gone into December of 2011 in my RMW game and because of the layoff, I've done the end of year assessment a month early.


Been finding some very interesting things as I do the assessment this time around. Vikki Victoria has shot through my ranks like a rocket. From not having been in the business a year ago to being auto-pushed as a main eventer. While inaugural champ Rex Reeves is now down to being a Midcarder. And right now I'm doing The One And The Other from SvR 07 with them and (Andy) Valentine to transition Reeves from feuding with Andy to Vikki. I've been starting to question how much more Valentine can get out of us. So the feud switch needed to be made. But the question is do I go whole hog and let Vikki's star grow or do I let the hometown villian get his mojo back so Vikki's head doesn't swell? And yes I said "hometown villian." Reeves' shtick has been that he holds his Rocky Mountain roots against the rest of the roster.


Made the tag title switch from The Soviet Bloc to Frankie Robertson and Mystery Mask (UC). But that creates an interesting situation for the Soviets. I want to depush them. But the EOY assessment suggests the team might not be able to survive that. Big Bad hasn't been growing in the ways I'd typically want a guy pushing 40 to. I.E. building up his road agent skills. So I'm left questioning if I want him back when his contract expires in a couple months. He hasn't hit time decline yet. But he now speaks English better than his mother Central European. I'm thinking I should let him go home and tend to fixing that cultural anomaly.


And my world title picture just got cloudier too. My big feud has been Running Wolf and El Jefe Militar with the thought of putting the gold on El Jefe since Wolf's held it since the summer and is on his way to eclipsing Rex Reeves' defense record of 25. But Militar's development has been disappointing me and I'm now wondering if I want the gold on him for any length of time. Or if I'd rather he get "stolen" from me by a fed in his native country.


In fact, the disappointing pace of development has been the theme in general in RMW in 2011. The vast majority of gains have been single steps. Like from E- to E. By that standard, we've had a very off year. So I'm left thinking a roster shakeup may be in order. Get a bunch of fresh talent in and see if they can light a fire under the holdovers.


Do have some positives though. El Ladron's looking up for a guy who was hired based on a mistaken assumption. In addition to his expected skill gains, he made rare jumps in both Sex Appeal and Star Quality. Had thought he might be part of the purge because of his accident status and just getting thrown into jobber tag teams. But now, I've gotten some juice to want to push him.


As well as greater excitement for the potential of my other tag teams The Pride of Youth (Chikafusa Tadeshi & Lion Genji) and The Range Riders (Pat Rigsby & Bradley Blaze). Tadeshi and Genji may especially benefit from the fall of the Soviets as i like to deal the new guys in at the bottom to start off. All in all, should be a hot 2012 coming up.

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First game since my laptop "smoked out"


Decided to go with the SWF, with a modified dataset of course(the lack of people who could call in ring was WAAAAAAAAY to restricting to me. I always ended up moon pushing Gilmore).


Got a B-Show.

Threw a ton of people in dev... y'know the basic stuff.


Decided to book till the supreme challenge with the b-show, and after the supreme challenge im gonna turn the b-show into a 2nd brand.


At this moment, this moment starting now, during this moment my plans for the Supreme Challenge are:


Eric Eisen© vs Runaway Train for the world title.


Frehley vs Remo vs Vengeance vs Gilmore to determine who will be the first world champion of the new brand.


Marat Khoklov vs Christian Faith in a last man standing match


Roberts vs Retro© for the NA Belt.


Brandon James vs Buddy Garner Grudge Match


Scott/Laramee© vs Biggz for the tag belts


Short update:

I realized that I accidentally had Buddy Garner set as a heel, so I might turn Brandon James face, or scrap that match from TSC altogether, when I get to that ppv.



I had nemesis make his debut in a promo talking about a coming revolution(foreshadowing the brand split).

Next day? Chris Caulfield's USPW contract is up for renewal.... yeah. Im gonna enjoy this game.


Also managed to steal Joey Minnesota, Texas Pete, and Lead Belly.


Im also finding USPWs booking HILARIOUS right now. Before the start I bumped a fair few of there guys to 85+ psychology AND gave them Sean McFly. I wanted USPW to actually do something... but for some reason they insist on NEVER putting any of the 85+ guys in the main event, or when they do they do it against T-REX.... so they have alot of pre-main-event matches in the 80's but the main event tends to be in the high 60s/low 70s... except for once when mcfly/bruce the giant got an 82 for the main event.

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Short update:

I realized that I accidentally had Buddy Garner set as a heel, so I might turn Brandon James face, or scrap that match from TSC altogether, when I get to that ppv.



I had nemesis make his debut in a promo talking about a coming revolution(foreshadowing the brand split).

Next day? Chris Caulfield's USPW contract is up for renewal.... yeah. Im gonna enjoy this game.


Also managed to steal Joey Minnesota, Texas Pete, and Lead Belly.


Im also finding USPWs booking HILARIOUS right now. Before the start I bumped a fair few of there guys to 85+ psychology AND gave them Sean McFly. I wanted USPW to actually do something... but for some reason they insist on NEVER putting any of the 85+ guys in the main event, or when they do they do it against T-REX.... so they have alot of pre-main-event matches in the 80's but the main event tends to be in the high 60s/low 70s... except for once when mcfly/bruce the giant got an 82 for the main event.


Sounds like a fun game you have there. Keep the the updates coming. MK vs Faith in last man standing would be awesome to watch.

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So, from time to time, I have this recurring 'fun game' idea.


These days I have to tweak the SWF product slightly (Risque and Cult both go down a bit) to get him to sign, but I start a SWF game and I work at it until Steve Flash can become World Champion and have a good run of it.


The stuff that's going on in the beginning this time around:


1. The Guardian of the SWF

One of the immediate big pushes from the midcard is famed superhero Lobster Warrior, who's mad as shell and not gonna take it anymore. (Sorry.) He'll be the man to watch interfering whenever beatdowns occur on the faces and inserting himself into other storylines, opening by saving Faith from a backstage attack by Khoklov on the first show of the year.


A part of this will be turning it into a sorta six man thing, with Khoklov and Angry Gilmore facing off against Faith, Lobby and Retro (who Angry is feuding with to start with), with K&A getting a rotating ally. I'll be switching Angry up to Faith's main antagonist soon, too.


And yes, Lobster Warrior remains Lobster Warrior. This is the SWF, dammit.


2. Haaaaave you met Fred?

I watch How I Met Your Mother entirely too much. At Where Hell Freezes Over, Buddy Garner shocks the world by debuting and thowing down an open challenge, which Frederique Antonio Garcia will answer. Freddy is rescued from an excruciating hold in a schmozz finish when Pecs runs in, saving and turning Freddy face. The duo return to being Flex & Pecs, with a gimmick patterned after the Stinson brothers in HIMYM - the ultimate ladies' man and the ultimate mans' man, with both men helping the other in their flirting ways.



3. The Main Event Mayhem/POWER

We literally open the first show of the year with Eric and Jack Bruce coming face to face and a bunch of younger wrasslers charging in to keep them separate.


Eric thus gets to the ring and announces his plan to keep the title: POWER. (A new three-man stable, Eric, Remo, and user character Jack Ketch, a lightweight mauler type under a mask. Remo, needless to say, will eventually turn on Eric to support Money.)


In the opening arc to the PPV, Money fails to back Bruce up at the end of the first show when Bruce and Faith are outnumbered against POWER, Khoklov, and Gilmore. In the second show, when POWER jump Money, Bruce returns the favour and goes one better; he persuades SWF authorities to make the main event Bruce/Eisen one on one at Where Hell Freezes Over, claiming Money is too injured to wrestle.


Also in the first show, Joe Sexy is trying to woo Emma CHase away from Brandon James on his talk segment Sexy Time when Rich Money crashes it to tell Eisen to enjoy his time with the belt, because it won't be long.


Bruce and Eisen at the PPV is in a steel cage in the main event, but Remo still gets involved, tearing off the steel cage door to use it as a weapon against Bruce.


4. The Dark Destroyer.

Bruce's first-show promo on having lost the belt last month got interrupted by Vengeance and Frehley brawling backstage, which led to more shenanigans and a Vengeance & Remo/Frehley & Lobster Warrior match at the PPV when Remo claimed to be the "real" Dark Destroyer. Remo pinned Lobby, but the questions in this contest are far from answered.


5. Sexy Time For Emma Chase

Joe is very much working on Emma, who rebuffs him initially - but Eric Tyler appears as the new face of SWF Management at When Hell Freezes Over, and he tells Brandon James he's hand-picking Brandon to be the face of the SWF period. Using interference runner Billy Russell, he costs Joe the tag match that could give him a title shot - leaving Emma uncertain about her role.


6. I Love Tag Teams

So we're building the division. I managed to sign Samoan Machine and RHino Umaga, who'll function as face Samoans under the name Mechanical Animals. In the meantime, the Breakdown Crew are Valiant & Giedroyc's new problem, earning a double-DQ against them on PPV. Who are the Breakdown Crew? Why, Enforcer Roberts and Runaway Train.


7. Faith Will Keep You Alive

Christian Faith's contract for his cage match against Marat Khoklov - the first half of a caged double main event for When Hell Freezes Over - was signed by Faith, and then signed or rather X'ed by Khoklov - but the Soviet Science Experiment made a statement when he did so, signing it in blood dripping from the forehead of Peter Michaels. Lobster Warrior is running out of chairs he hasn't bent around heads yet... Faith won the cage match, which demotes Marat from the top rank in the rolling feud that's coming. But a feud involving Faith and Gilmore is easily the best way to develop Khoklov, so he's gonna be very, very active.

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A little backstory on this tangent...


When Tomko was in OVW (As Travis Bane, early 2000s) I thought he was awesome. No idea why, but I thought his look was great. This was before Youtube also so I just assumed a big, jacked tatted guy was the next big thing.


I would always push him to the moon in EWR and that other game (which I actually cannot remember the name of). As I said, early 2000s.


Anyhow, when I launched the USWF (as discussed throughout this thread) I signed Tomko to team him with Lance Hoyt and Drew Deville (Luke Gallows) as the Biker Gang, the Sons of Anarchy (in the backstory to my fed, Fox Entertainment created a Wrestling Federation to broadcast and pair with their networks). This was January 2010 (Gametime).


The Sons of Anarchy were a decent midcard stable, but really weren't ever that huge. They did hold the Tag Titles twice, but ultimately Lance Hoyt left, and Drew Deville was stolen by TNA.


This left Tomko on the midcard to do, well, nothing. For almost a year I had very little for Tomko to do. I would use him to help my mid and upper midcard faces get over and that was about it.


September 2012... I'm thinking, ok, Tomko needs to do something. He looks like a street fighter, so I call up Michael Tarver (who had been doing midcard work for my development fed) and renamed Tarver, Kashus O'Neill (Yes, I stole the name idea from Chris Hero's new name, but whatever, it's my world, and Hero is already on my roster haha) (pushing him with a MMA Bad Ass gimmick).


In October of 2012, I formed the Tag Team, TKO (Tomko Kashus O'Neill). I spent all eight of my shows in October with TKO in the Dark Matches.


November 2012 rolls around and I notice TKO has low 80s momentum, hmm, ok time for them to make it to TV. I end up pushing them into a feud with the Young Bucks (Tag Champions) and in the end the Young Bucks managed to retain the tag titles at the month end PPV.


At the end of the month I always run through my roster and see who changed overness... much to my surprise, Tomko has exploded. He went from an overall around 70 in October of 2012 to an overall of 91, including a 100 in the Southeast, at the start of December.


Needless to say, he is about to start a program where he claims he is one of the true original members of the USWF (fact) and that he has never been respected. The fans clamor for the Indy Stars to come wrestle here, and yet they ignore the True Born stars. The USWF keeps bringing in talent the dirtsheets love, but they ignore the guys they've paid for three years... Main Event Tomko... Who'da thought.

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NWA game, year 2006 (12th).


The main feud has been CM Punk vs Samoa Joe.


Their first match was at the June PPV (I named it "Best in the World).

Before the match, Joe is undefeated since 3 years (only lost 3-Way or 4-Way without being pinned or battle royale).

Punk has ended a 2 years long feud with Raven.


This PPV has been awesome, my best ever on TEW (94) :

Adam Copeland & Rhino def. Chris Jericho & Lance Storm (88)

Christian Cage def. Sting (94)

Tag Team Championship, Ladder Match : AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © def. The Hardys (91)

Heavyweight Championship : CM Punk def. Samoa Joe (98)


Then, in the next PPV in August, simply called "Punk vs Joe II", the rematch as a Submission Match.

CM Punk won again (match 97, show 89).


Finally, in October, for the NWA Anniversary Show, a third match in an 60 Minutes IronMan Match.

Samoa Joe won (match 94, show 88).


In the last PPV of the year, CM Punk won the title back in King of the Mountain (against Joe, Christian Cage, Sting and Mr Aguila).


Now, I'm keeping the feud until Lethal Lockdown (and maybe a Best in the World II in June to end the feud 12 monthes after the first match).

Then, the winner should be against AJ Styles (just ended a 10 monthes long Tag Team title reign after being a 4 time X Division champion).

It could be against Joe or Punk. I don't know now. Maybe Joe to begin a second feud after the one for the X Division belt (AJ defeated Joe in a 3-Way) or something more "unique" between AJ and Punk.

Anyway, AJ Styles will become my 5th Triple Crown champion (after Christopher Daniels, Doug Williams, Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam).



In the "rest of the world".


Because I'm "better" than WWE since a few years, a lot of their champions has been wrestlers I had in the past.

Kurt Angle is the World Champion.

Colt Cabana has been Tag Team champion with Chris Benoit. Now the champions are Stevie Richards and Bobby Roode.

Michael Shane has been a 2 times Intercontinental champion.

Brian Kendrick is the European champion

Gail Kim is the Women's champion

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