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<p>In January of 2007 in my WWE 2006 game and the last few months have been hectic, here are my 3 main storylines right now.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Whose The Boss? </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

First off, Vince McMahon has been thrown out of the company since he once again tried to have a Dictator rule over the WWE by amassing a Stable that took over both brands, but was brought to a halt at No Mercy when Hulk Hogan returned to help the Resistance put them away. The next night the Board of Directors decided that none of the McMahon's could be trusted with running the company since they put their own interests before the companies and put Stone Cold Steve Austin in power since he has always been out for the good of the WWE. While Austin has been fair, he has had to deal with criticism from Vince Russo. Russo has been going on for the past couple of months claiming that Austin is killing the company and begging the Board of Directors to put McMahon back into power as well as amassing a group of workers who also believe McMahon should be back. While Austin has been calm about this so far, he does seem to be annoyed by it and The Rattlesnake has an infamous temper.... </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Test has it out for Triple H.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ever since Triple H stole Stephanie McMahon from him, Test claims he has wanted his revenge but could never act on it. Finally at Survivor Series, Test got his chance to get his revenge and succeeded after he used Stephanie as a human shield in order to catch Triple H off guard. Triple H of course wanted a rematch but Test called him pathetic and not worth his time. Triple H is still trying to get that match, but Test has moved on and has since gotten himself a World Title match this month at The Royal Rumble... </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Smackdown World Title Triangle</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Goldberg and Shawn Michaels have a mutual respect for each other, Kane on the other hand hates them both and has made their lives miserable at any given opportunity. While Goldberg has taken it in stride, Shawn is starting to question his self worth and whether he should hang his boots up or not...</p>

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<p>I am now simmed to January 2024, there have been some... interesting results:</p><p>

Golden Scorpion is now a Burning Junior Championship contender (finally <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p>

Marat Khoklov seems to have improved drastically in his time in BHOTWG and is now pulling out 92 rated matches to defend his King of Fighters title.</p><p>

CZCW had a 90 rated match between Donnie J and Remmy Skye.</p><p>

GCG are in financial trouble, after finding out that Eisaku Hoshino is now too old to always have great matches.</p><p>

NOTBPW might go down from Global for the first time since 2012, after Hugh Ancrie is not as impressive as they hoped.</p><p>

MPWF, OLLIE and SOTBPW are now ALL cult size, but SOTBPW occasionally go National and then Global for a few months.</p><p>

Nigel Svensson defeated Kozue Kawashima got a 99 rating in PGHW in 2021.</p><p>

SWF are regularly holding C rated shows, and have been Cult for 9 years...</p><p>

The last two TCW (who are the best promotion in the world right now) champions have been Joshua Taylor and Logan Wolfsbaine.</p><p> </p><p>

And now to WLW, the most impressive promotion of this sim. They have risen to national, and constantly have a momentum of around 88. They now have The Amazing Bumfholes, and Angry Gilmore. Previous WLW Universal title holders have included: Mr Lucha III, Marc DuBois (who had a fantastic feud with El Mitico Jr, producing many 90+ matches), Xavi Ferrera, Soul Taker (thanks to a very long run at GCG, in which he held the Openweight title four times) and the current holder is Randy Bumfhole.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Angry Gilmore won the WLW Universal title in his 7th match...</p>

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<p>Just over 9 years into my Southern Pro Wrestling game in the effganic mod. All the workers are random gens aside from the 7 you start with, so as I talk, I'll give some background.</p><p> </p><p>

"Mr. Ratings" Yoshi Amori is an amazing Japanese brawler who is about to take my main (only) title. He's got 47 overness in my home region, highest among my workers and as a heel has pulled in a 48 match or better with every face on the roster, even the jobbers, so I figure it's time to pull the string on his title run.</p><p> </p><p>

He'll be taking the title from "Canadian Machine" Daniel Loiselle, who is one of the workers you start with. He's got 80 Psychology and was involved in my best match of the game, a startling 65, but being over a year into his title run, I'm ready for him to drop and start training people, especially because he's 7 years into time decline (at 39 <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> ).</p><p> </p><p>

He pulled the 65 against his longtime nemesis "Mexican Mayhem" Gregorio Pardo, who he has great chemistry with. Pardo is someone I'm struggling with because, while he is one of my top heels, his ratings vary from mid-50s against good workers to mid-30s when he has to carry the match.</p><p> </p><p>

My remaining main eventer is "Knockout Artist" Joe Boone, another worker I start with. He's got 67 Psychology, second-best on the roster, and I'm mostly using him as a gatekeeper since his skills are no longer improving but he can still have mid-40 or better matches with just about everyone.</p><p> </p><p>

Other major players on the roster right now are Leon Martin, Cecil Howard and Kyle Clark in my Upper Midcard. These guys regularly pull 70s against each other in Canada, but for me they're in the 50s. Martin in particular I want more from, as he hasn't lost more than 2 matches in a year since his first year, and he had a record-setting 2+ year, 26 defense title reign, but fell a little bit after I had him drop the belt. Martin had a 39 in one of my main events a couple shows ago facing "Ladies Man" Timothy Stones, my other upper midcarder, who got exhausted in a 17 minute slow built match, since I keep forgetting his stamina is 42 (which seems like he should be able to pull that off).</p><p> </p><p>

In the midcard are 35 year old former kickboxer, Peter McCarthy who I gave a brief push to, but have since soured on, Milton Hart, who has the best Psychology of any worker I didn't start with, Antonio Sanchez who has been known to surprise me with 50s out of the blue, Toyoshige Sanda, who is frequently voted "Best Overall Worker" and "Best Young Prospect" but hasn't gotten above a 42 for me except against "Mr. Ratings" Yoshi Amori (see first paragraph), Sir Anthony Henry, another of the starting workers and my current owner, Shawn Fitch who was my first dojo graduate and thus, someone I want to at least turn into a decent worker, and Mario Hall who I can usually count on for a medium to good match but is nothing special.</p><p> </p><p>

The guys at the bottom of the card are either recent debuts paying their dues (Jesus Simmons, Jerome Baroni, Sam Garner) or guys who have decent skills but not good enough to push (Domingo Saez, Pascual Hidalgo, Derek Franklin, Sebastian Pascual). Garner and Baroni I'm particularly high on, especially Garner as he's only 2 months out of my dojo and has a 55 under his belt (albeit against Yoshi Amori (see why I like him so much?)).</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Just ran the next show, it went like this:</p><p>

Joe Boone d. Cecil Howard.....58</p><p>

Gregorio Pardo d. Domingo Saez.....41</p><p>

Timothy Stones d. Pascual Hidalgo.....37</p><p>

Antonio Sanchez d. Milton Hart.....46</p><p>

Sir Anthony Henry d. Sam Garner.....37</p><p>

Leon Martin d. Kyle Clark.....51</p><p>

Yoshi Amori d. Daniel Loiselle for the Southern Heavyweight Title.....64</p><p>

Overall Show.....59</p>

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Is there any chance you could upload this save at some point please? Sounds awesome :)


I'm kind of a noob, could you tell me how to do that? :p

Also, I'm in 2027 now, and WLW now always have match of the year and show of the year, but never improve past national. SOTBPW are global again... Jack Bruce was just defeated by Aaron Andrews for the TCW Heavyweight title. Casey Valentine Vs Soul Taker was match of the year 2024, and Casey Valentine Vs William Hayes was match of the year 2025 (both WLW)

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Two weeks before my second biggest show of the year, and my #1 worker, Thea Davis, got a Major Concussion and is out for 14 months. Meaning that I also have to rebook the main event to my biggest show.


Good news is, I have a decent backup plan readily available as I have to fill title contracts anyway...

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Just having a sneaky chuckle to myself after seeing that WLW is now the only National Promotion in Japan :D I always loved WLW, I just could never book well with them :(

Just laughed even more after seeing that SWF were only #4 worldwide for importance, they aren't even in top 10 for influence :D


EDIT, just found Tommy Cornell Jr's stats:

87 Rumble

87 Technical

84 Flying

95 Entertainment

93 Performance (94 basics, 92 psychology, 88 safety, 85 consistency and 98 selling)

93 Physical

97 Camera

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Cody Rhodes cashed in money in the bank on CM Punk and is now champion meanwhile his brother. Goldust has vowed to beat his younger brother and show him how a real heavyweight champion should act


Jericho is feuding with John Cena(im basically just making sure that Cena stays out of the HW title picture as long as possible)




Ziggler has money in the bank


Daniel Bryan is World Heavyweight champion and feuding with the Miz, Sheamus and a returning John Morrison are going at it.


HHH is now wrestling and his first fued back is with current MITB winner Dolph Ziggler.

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I'm pretty thrilled with some of the chemistry notes in my new TCW game,

Hawkins has positive chemistry with RDJ and Joey Minnesota; Cornell has positive chemistry versus Vessey and to top it off, Cornell and Tornado have postive chemistry as tag teammates.


Hurray for things!!!

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My women's hardcore promotion's #2 event, Bloody X-Mas:


First was an announcement from Eve Grunge, saying that ARIHYOSHI's combination of vicious kendo stick shots, clinching knees, and her seated roundhouse kick, Thea Davis has a serious concussion and won't be wrestling for at least a year. Davis actually was injured, but we used a reference to their match as a hook for Davis' eventual comeback.


First match was a four-way tag match between Team DRAC (Debbie Rose and Alison Capone), the J-Kween Crew (GypZ aka Gypsy Rose and Joy Ryder w/ Joanna Silver and Queen Sister (Militia Sister), the Original Sinners (Darla Knight and Power Girl, w/ Calamity Joan) and the Great White North Express (Roz Larren and Sandra Shine, w/ Kammy Ling). It was a wild clusterfreak of a match that would end with Team DRAC hitting their DRACula Special finisher on Sandra Shine for the win.


Joanna Silver of the J-Kween Crew entered the ring, making an open challenge to anyone in the back. Cue "Double Vision" by Foreigner as Kathy Neptune came down with Jen!


Kathy Neptune would beat Joanna Silver clean with a Trident Kick.


Suddenly the show took a darker turn as "Thirteen Autumns And A Widow" by Cradle of Filth played and a newcomer looking like a cosplayer of the Buffy character Spike, identified as "Black Rayne" entered the ring, doing a fantastic job of getting the crowd's attention (this is a regen with AMAZING entertainment skills, everything but Announcer is in the 90s).


Black Rayne would decimate Selina Svelte, finishing her off with a sitout version of the Regal Cutter.


The Death Junkies (Natalie DiMarco and Christy Higgins) would now defend the LEW North American Tag champions with another one of the premier tag teams of the company, the reunited Brute Force Alliance (Deborah Young and Juliette King). King nearly fell victim to the Death Junkies' High on Violence finisher, but Young got on the apron, grabbed Natalie DiMarco from the top rope, and hitting her with a powerbomb to the the floor through a table! Higgins hit the other half of High on Violence but only got a two count. Deborah Young then blasted Higgins with a lariat, and then King would recover so they could hit their Gigaton Bomb finisher to capture the titles.


Next was the LEW title match, between champion Laura Flame and ARIHYOSHI. This was a wonderful match due to their chemistry as opponents. The finish came when ARIHYOSHI went for her finishing sequence, with clinching knees to drop Flame to a knee, throwing a roundhouse but! Laura evades it, looking for Flame Fire Kick, but ARIHYOSHI rolls away, grabs a chair, Laura gets to a knee, ARIHYOSHI throws the chair at Laura, who catches it... ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE CHAIR! ARIHYOSHI then puts her in the Arihyoshi Lockdown, and Laura passes out in the hold, and we have a new champion!


Last was the X-Treme X-Mas Battle Royal, with every active wrestler in the company, including special guests Calamity Joan and Jen Neptune. Eliminations involve going over the top rope and into tables with weapons and other hazards on them. The finish came with Debbie Rose and Deborah Young being the final two, Young looking to powerbomb Rose over the ropes, but Young ranas her over instead, holding onto the ropes to keep from being eliminated! Debbie Rose now has the right to challenge ARIHYOSHI for the LEW Title at the LEW Anniversary Show!

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Canadian Golden Combat






I am currently in May of 2014 and I have held 388 shows, here is what has happened in the game from the beginning of 2014 up until the end of April. Joey Poison is still the CGC World Champion having won it back in September of 2013 he has made ten defenses so far. I plan on having him lose the title to Johnny Bloodstone later on in the year. I am trying to keep it traditional meaning the game started with a face champion then when to a heel then to a face then to a heel and back to a face. So logically the next champion will be a heel so I can keep that face heel pattern going.


Freddie Datsun is still the CGC Canadian Champion he is going to lose the title to Zeus Maxmillion (Zeus needs a title run as he was promised one in his last contract) so Zeus will be the next champion for the Canadian title.


The Cali Dragons (Frankie Perez and Mikey James) are the current CGC World Tag Team Champions having defeated James Prudence and Donnie J in December of 2013.


I was able to sign Christian Faith on Sunday Week 2, January 2014 to a two-year contract. Surprisingly he was unemployed and I negotiated with him thinking nothing of it. I was shocked when he actually signed with the company and since his signing he has had a match rated over a 90 with Shooter Sean Deeley. Once Johnny Bloodstone wins the World Title he is going to lose the belt to Christian Faith at some point.


So if you are following…


Current Champion Joey Poison

Will lose the title to Johnny Bloodstone

Bloodstone will lose the title to Christian Faith


I don’t normally plan out who is going to win the belt I usually just wing it but I want to give both Johnny and Christian title reigns before their contracts run up because I am pretty sure that they both will not resign with me.


Finally my current feuds look like this…


Alex DeColt vs. Chris Caulfield

Heat: 62

Started: October 2013

They are having their final match at Chaos In the Cage after that their feud is going to end.


Eddie Chandler vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Heat: 96

Started: February 2014


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Title feud

Heat: 96

Started: February 2014


Thats it for this update I am going to start posting updates on this save after every four monthes of game time completed. So this one was on the first of May next one will be when I reach the first of September and the third will be after I get to January of the next year.

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So I'm running Pro Wrestling WAVE and have Yumi Ohka as my owner. I goofed and now it's biting me in the arse.


I tend to set up working agreements with all the promotions that could hurt me in regional battles. So as soon as I started the game, I set up working agreements with SENDAI, JWP, Stardom, Ice Ribbon, and Oz Academy. Then I set up some actually useful working agreements with SHIMMER, SHINE, PWA, WSU, EVE, and so forth. But now I'm stuck. I've been winning battles left and right, but my competitors also get protected from the damage of losing battles (just like I intended for us to be). So I go to end the working agreements so I can really smash the other regional/small promotions and what do I get? A nice little pop up box that says:


"Yumi Ohka has stepped in and blocked you from doing this, as she wants the relationship to remain exactly as it is."


She doesn't understand the strategy! But now that presents quite the challenge for me. Because of those working agreements, when I hit National (and I'll be the first of the promotions that didn't start at Cult+ to do so, most likely), I can't sign most of my talent to writtens. Heck, right now I'm trying to beat Impact to National so I can keep Gail Kim. Hmm, wait, nevermind. She's loyal to my user character after I "fired" Melina for starting a fight with her.


I'll post some of my best matchups to date. This product is ridiculously good and I'm wondering why it took me so long to figure it out. :(

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Started another game (again!) little while ago, this time it´s 0/0/0/0 game in Australia with performance and popularity being equally important. I made few bad mistakes early on including putting match ratio at 90% (angles get big penalty) and choosing Central Australia as my base of operation only to find out that no-one lives there (I have held actual shows in Western Australia).:p I also decided to go in war with every Australian promotion (even ZEN) from the start just to make sure that I would use unempoyed wrestlers until I´m big enough to steal guys from other companies. I wanted to run shows every month so I decided to only sign guys who ask 200$ or less (non-wrestlers asked and received more expect managers of course) in a month. This is how my starting roster looked:


Adgee Cross

Blood Brother

Francis Burke

Kenny Poulter

Lance Lott


Nicky Gilbert

Pat Rigsby

Reed Buckfield

Rod Sullivan


Warren Lydecker


Bill Olliver (announcer)

Ceri Dordevich (manages Poulter)

Delbert DeGeorge (manages Sinner and Mercenary)

Glen Lee (referee)

Jansen Belvedere (road agent + color commentator)


I started the first show with four three way qualifying matches for King of the Network title (main event belt) where winner would advance to next round. Blood Brother, Nicky Gilbert, Sinner and Kenny Poulter where the four guys who did go forward with Blood Brother evetually winning the title beating Nicky Gilbert in the finals.


Kenny Poulter became Brother´s first challenger by beating Sinner in number one contenter match. That feud proved to be an ugly one with Brother getting himself disqualified in their first encounter (or second since Brother beat Poulter via low-blow in his way to tournament finals) after hitting repeated chair shots on Poulter while the referee was watching. When Ceri demanded re-match next month Brother did not only decline but also attacked Ceri putting him of the show from month. After that attack Poulter was hellbend to get revenge and finally got the re-match after costing Brother a tag match against Donovan Boon and Rod Sullivan. However Poulter didn´t manage to get his revenge as Blood Brother retained and is now moving to face Rod Sullivan.


Other than the main title feud there was another feud going between Rod Sullivan and Mercenary that started on the very first show when they cost each other´s a change to advance in the tournament (they were in a same match alogside Blood Brother). That feud draw their tag partners (Nicky Gilbert and Sinner) into it too or that was the plan but Nicky got hurt in July and is out for 13 months (Donovan Boon was hired as replacement, I only skipped him and Rusty Mills originally because I have used them before and because I felt that they would be too similar with Nicky and Rod). The feud continued with Rod getting the upperhand at the end by beating Mercenary in their third and final encounter for the number one contenter spot.


I´m now in January 2011 and things haven´t been pretty but on plus side I am making progress with E- to E shows and I had managed to run shows every month as I either gain or lose few hundreds dollars per month depending on how much I sell mercandise. Unfortunately it´s also time to re-negotiate the contracts and my top guys are likely going to ask a pay raise which means that I will start loosing money and likely have to let few guys go too. I already hired Rusty Mills and Toady to help me fill the roster and to give fresh match-ups.

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Canadian Golden Combat






I am currently in September and have held 424 shows with Canadian Golden Combat, here is what has happened in the game from the start of May to the end of August of 2014. Johnny Bloodstone is the current World Heavyweight Champion having beat Joey Poison for the title back in July 2014. Johnny has made three defenses of his title since winning it.


Freddie Datsun lost the CGC Canadian Title to Zeus Maxmillion in May as Zeus was promised a mid card title run. Dan DaLay is likely to beat Zeus as Dan needs a midcard title promise and that keeps my face heel pattern going so it makes sense plus Dan is a midcarder since my main event picture is so stacked. Zeus has made 3 defense of the title so far.


The tag team champions are Shane Nelson and Thrill Seeker, having defeated Mikey James and Frankie Perez back in June they have made three defenses so far.


I have now had five events get a 90 or better rating, I also had three matches rated a 90 or above between my last update and this update all involving Christian Faith they are…


Christian Faith defeated Davis Wayne – Match Rating 97 - July

Christian Faith defeated Johnny Bloodstone – Match Rating 95 - June

Christian Faith defeated Ricky DeColt – Match Rating 94 -June

Christian Faith defeated Davis Wayne – Match Rating 94 -May

Christan Faith defeated Shooter Sean Deeley – Match Rating 93 - May


I think you guys know what I am going to say next, Johnny Bloodstone is going to lose the World Title to Christian Faith. After that I am not sure how long Christian will hold the title or whom I will push as the guy to defeat him for the belt. It will probably end up being someone who has held the title before so that I can have my first repeat champion in this save (as I have yet to have one for the World Title)


Finally my current feuds look like this…


Davis Wayne vs. Joey Poison vs. Alex DeColt

Heat: 89

Started: August 2014

The feud started when Joey Poison and Davis Wayne had a singles match during the match Alex ran in and attacked both guys causing a double disqualification.


Christian Faith vs. Jack DeColt

Heat: 100

Started: July 2014


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Bloodstone ©

CGC World Heavyweight Title feud

Heat: 93

Started: July 2014


That about does it for this update the next update I post will be when I reach the first day of January of 2015 after completing September-December of 2014.

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what is the product? And explain the working agreements negating the regional wars impact?


Help File says that's false, actually. Working agreements should negate the damage from National battles, (as in, beating them or being beaten has no effect) but Regional battles are unhindered.

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Help File says that's false, actually. Working agreements should negate the damage from National battles, (as in, beating them or being beaten has no effect) but Regional battles are unhindered.


But that would mean that... that... Remi got something wrong? :eek:



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But that would mean that... that... Remi got something wrong? :eek:




The [regional] battle takes the same “domino effect” format as the national battle. Unlike national battles, promotion relationships do not have any impact upon the damage done.






Come on Remi, read the help file before asking your questions and spreading your misinformation. It's stuff like that which is the reason you're a detriment to the online community.










I still think working agreements are a good idea in general, so it's not like he screwed himself in his game. Besides, if he does want to screw over the other promotions, injuring their workers is pretty much the best idea. War...doesn't seem to do much in my experience. Then again, since I have soooo much experience, I can reliably make that claim.



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Remi may have gotten something wrong but he's also the one on here answering more questions than anyone else and helping more people so if he gets 1 thing wrong you can let it slide because he's answered enough questions to still make him 99.9% correct. If it wasn't for Remi, I would never have figured out this game.


Christ, there were more sarcasm smilies than words in that post and you STILL took it seriously? Really?

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