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It's January 2012. I'm playing CZCW but that's irrelevant to the story.


In July 2011, Christian Faith leaves SWF after winning the belt in his final match with the company. He takes half a year off, and the world waits to see if he'll sign with TCW or retire.


Faith shocks everyone six months later when, instead, he signs with NOTBPW and makes the statement that he intends to go out wrestling.


It's a big miscalculation. The Faith underestimates the Canadian fed's intense physical style and, in his debut match at the January 2012 PPV, he dumps R.K. Hayes on his neck and breaks it.


One match in and he's broken the neck of a respected veteran.

It's been nearly two months since then, and NOTBPW has wisely decided to keep Faith offscreen. I imagine Faith isn't popular in the locker room or with the fans right now.


God I love this game. :D

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I've done it with Acid and Matthew Keith.


Do you mean that a $500 contract was expensive or that you were going out of business? If I recall correctly you were Cult and going bankrupt, but I may be waaaaaay off base here, haha. My meaning was that, y'know, at the point where you're going "$500 dollars!? Jeez!" (so Local) I don't think you're going to be able to get A*s

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Do you mean that a $500 contract was expensive or that you were going out of business? If I recall correctly you were Cult and going bankrupt, but I may be waaaaaay off base here, haha. My meaning was that, y'know, at the point where you're going "$500 dollars!? Jeez!" (so Local) I don't think you're going to be able to get A*s


Yeah, really. When I start a new training game and I'm at Local a D- is like an A* to me.

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Man, it's almost like I'm down in the Mafia section. Having to double post because I can't edit my last one. Anyway, heading into the dog days of summer 2011 in BLW.


Not much to report on the title front. Still have the Homeland Title on La Criatura Roja and the Tag belts on the Temple of Pain. Although both are in stories that should change that. LCR is doing Daniels/Styles/Samoa Joe triangle feud with Bob Casey and El Ladron. And I'm pretty sure one of them will walk away with the belt. Casey's deemed my top face and Ladron my top heel in the Creative Meeting. So one of them should prevail.


Meanwhile The Temple of Pain is doing a Dirtiest Tag Team storyline. I figure Brother Oda (Yakuta) will supply the the foreign object that accidentally lets World Of Surf recapture the belts and starts the big controversy. Thereby planting the seed for Brother Haruhiro (Tsumemasa) to excommunicate him and going for the Homeland title while Oda suffers in the wilderness for being a bad influence. Question is whether that wilderness will be ultimately be found on our roster or not.


The Loose Cannon storyline went well for young Wayne Foster even though he eventually lost to Bob Casey. D- minus heat for the story means he got some pretty good exposure. What's next for him I haven't decided yet. But considering he plays the lunatic and Oda Yakuta plays a religious acolyte sidekick, maybe Wayne could try to warp Oda's mind after Tsumemasa dumps him.


Pat Rigsby is getting some decent heat in his And Eat It Too storyline. So part of me is debating about having his firing at the end be kayfabe only and playing him as a Letter Person jobber afterward. But I still think I want to fire him to make him quite grousing about his gimmicks.


Oh and I pulling a big recruiting coup for my last show. Thanks to a working agreement with WEXXV I was able to borrow an SWF alumnus on the cheap to headline my last show. Former Samoan Wildboy Akima Brave. Had him try to take the BLW Homeland Title from La Criatura Roja. But typical of my experience with big name guys, he didn't make it easy. I had to invoke the rule of a title not being able to change hands on a disqualification. Akima insisted on using his creative control to win even though he was on a one shot deal. And I only managed an E+ match rating out of him. I had gotten a better title match out of a Mystery Mask or Cal Sanders than Akima. But at tleast I only had to pay him 200something since I was getting him at the WEXXV rate.


But the biggest news of all is that DIW went under. So I'm hoping I can pick somebody off their scrap heap. They had some guys who've done well for me in the past. Rahmel Goode's always done well for me in talent trades. Tombstone and Wez Dobberly have had good tag team showing for me in the past. And The Bad Truckers intrigue me as potential thugs for a stable. So plenty of ways to go now that The Comedian's gotten the hook.

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The first ever Coastal Zone Trios Championship Cup is taking place soon and for this year it will only be a four trios tourney. Next year there will likely be eight, but as of right now the four trios are:


Team Coastal Pride-Jeremiah Moose, California Love Machine and Brendan Idol- The team is based of Coastal Zone Babyfaces who the crowd can really get behind.


The International Trio- Tigre Salvaje Jr., Stan Manna and Air Attack Weasel- This team has an American,Mexican and Canadian team member and are cocky heels.


The Future Now Trio- Jonnie Perez,Jackpot and Jake Idol- The future now Trio is the most cocky and crowd offending Trio in the tourney, they all believe they are main eventers although they are not.


The Masked Trio- Masked Cougar, American Flash, and Snap Dragon- This trio is made of American's who wrestle in the Coastal Zone who happen to wear masks and wrestle the lucha style.

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Do you mean that a $500 contract was expensive or that you were going out of business? If I recall correctly you were Cult and going bankrupt, but I may be waaaaaay off base here, haha. My meaning was that, y'know, at the point where you're going "$500 dollars!? Jeez!" (so Local) I don't think you're going to be able to get A*s


Well from the sound of it you're at Cult now but yeah...


Also, I'm a bit more generous with my worker budgets at local. 1,000 is my cutoff, once they ask for more after that I typically walk.


Even then I make it a point not to have many of the $1,000 guys of course, but the way I see it, the more quality on your roster, the sooner you'll be Small. Case in point, my LEW game, where it took me SEVEN YEARS to get to Small because I had the likes of Militia Sister and Power Girl on my roster (that was on purpose though, because they were willing to do deathmatches).

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I remember you reporting on that game, was always interesting. Seven years to small though... wowza. That's insane. I should try book a hardcore promotion sometime.


My original roster was like... Idol at $500, a couple at $400 and then it went down from there. There are a lot of surprisingly good workers that can come for cheap.


On an incidental note, Idol's on $3000 per month right now, but that's because he's nearing the end of an ~18 month written deal. If he renegotiated right now, I don't think I could actually re-sign him.

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I am obsessed with this game at the moment. I am up to October 1996 in my 1987 game.


My RL version of 21CW is very close to national now after great matches between HBK, Ricky Steamboat, Jerry Lawler, Austin, Sting and Juventud. The two triple threats between HBK, Steamboat and Lawler got 87 and 88.


I have managed to sign Shawn, JBL, Brian Adams and the Hardyz to written contracts so they are obviously letting massive pushes. I have decided to bury The Big Show because he won't sign a written with me and he would be gold for the WWF.


My big feud at the moment is between HBK and my user character and Sting. My UC never made it as a talent (top row topped out at 40, 42, 43 :( ) but I have great mic skills and I am slowing working my way to having Shawn as the corporate champ.


Elsewhere the WWF reigns supreme despite still having Hogan, Slaughter etc on top. Muraco held the title until he died. I can't wait to start breaking down this old mans club.

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I'm running an SWF game in the 1977 module. It's the first week of April and I'm following a simple formula:


Micky Starr in every main event (often teaming with Rick Rumble and/or Masked Patriot) against Ares Aegaleus, Hagar Erikson, Identity Black and/or Deadly Gamble. Micky's record: 10 wins, 3 draws, no losses. Successful title defenses against Ares, Hagar and (in a face vs. face contest) Rumble.


Show ratings have been good and we've been growing steadily, though probably not fast enough to beat CWF at getting to National. Not sure what to do about that. We (re)debuted Masked Patriot at the King Of The Squared Circle tournament, where he beat Ace McQueen, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. and then Hagar Erikson in the finals to win the tourney. Good pickup for us as he's got nifty tag chemistry teaming with Micky Starr. Meanwhile, the undercard has been solid if not particularly dynamic, Streets Of Rage holding onto the tag titles and Richie Pangrazzio Jr. keeping the U.S. title. APWF stole Mayhem Midden and Wade Morris from us. I'll probably sign Midden back when we go National.


I've just signed Sam Strong and I'm not sure how best to use him. Could use your help, '77 mod players...


Strong could, of course, join Team Supreme but it's already crowded there what with Starr, Rumble, Patriot and Blazin' Flames. I could create some space by having Rumble turn heel, perhaps feeling jealousy over Patriot becoming Starr's regular tag partner. I'd turn Babette heel, too, in this scenario, since she's got bad chemistry with Teddy Flame.


Another way to go: debut Strong as an unstoppable heel, maybe brought in by Ares as a "Starr-killer." Have him run roughshod over the Flames, Rumble and Patriot. Micky Starr vs. Sam Strong at the 1977 SWF Challenge sounds like a fun main event.


Or I suppose I could make Strong more of a Goldberg type, a loner face with a Superman push, never teaming with Team Supreme but not targeting them either, and slow build the eventual Starr vs. Strong main event until 1978 when I can put it on PPV.


Also, I just picked up Pat Deacon. He's listed as an Upper Midcarder now and I could move him into the Heavyweight title picture but in what capacity I don't know.

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I'm running an SWF game in the 1977 module. It's the first week of April and I'm following a simple formula:


Micky Starr in every main event (often teaming with Rick Rumble and/or Masked Patriot) against Ares Aegaleus, Hagar Erikson, Identity Black and/or Deadly Gamble. Micky's record: 10 wins, 3 draws, no losses. Successful title defenses against Ares, Hagar and (in a face vs. face contest) Rumble.


Show ratings have been good and we've been growing steadily, though probably not fast enough to beat CWF at getting to National. Not sure what to do about that. We (re)debuted Masked Patriot at the King Of The Squared Circle tournament, where he beat Ace McQueen, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. and then Hagar Erikson in the finals to win the tourney. Good pickup for us as he's got nifty tag chemistry teaming with Micky Starr. Meanwhile, the undercard has been solid if not particularly dynamic, Streets Of Rage holding onto the tag titles and Richie Pangrazzio Jr. keeping the U.S. title. APWF stole Mayhem Midden and Wade Morris from us. I'll probably sign Midden back when we go National.


I've just signed Sam Strong and I'm not sure how best to use him. Could use your help, '77 mod players...


Strong could, of course, join Team Supreme but it's already crowded there what with Starr, Rumble, Patriot and Blazin' Flames. I could create some space by having Rumble turn heel, perhaps feeling jealousy over Patriot becoming Starr's regular tag partner. I'd turn Babette heel, too, in this scenario, since she's got bad chemistry with Teddy Flame.


Another way to go: debut Strong as an unstoppable heel, maybe brought in by Ares as a "Starr-killer." Have him run roughshod over the Flames, Rumble and Patriot. Micky Starr vs. Sam Strong at the 1977 SWF Challenge sounds like a fun main event.


Or I suppose I could make Strong more of a Goldberg type, a loner face with a Superman push, never teaming with Team Supreme but not targeting them either, and slow build the eventual Starr vs. Strong main event until 1978 when I can put it on PPV.


Also, I just picked up Pat Deacon. He's listed as an Upper Midcarder now and I could move him into the Heavyweight title picture but in what capacity I don't know.


Bring in Strong as a Super Babyface type, kissing babies, playing to the crowd, etc and Starr gets jealous and turns heel? Team Supreme defaults to Rick Rumble as leader who also has a score to settle with Strong, leading to a Triple Threat?

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I have just started a save with 2006 ROH which has the roster that is ever indies fans wet dream....


....AJ Styles,Daniels, Bryan Danielson,Alex Shelley,Jimmy Jacobs,Austin Aries,Samoa Joe, Roderick Strong, Homicide,Matt Sydal,Colt Cabana,Delirious, Nigel McGuiness and Steve Corino.


Along with that loaded roster I got a bunch of prospects that I, plan on building- Harry Smith,Kofi Kingston,Drew McIntyre,Chuck Taylor,Frankie Kazarian and Eddie Colon(Primo in WWE)


There's so much talent in this roster, that every card I make I genuinely have fun making, the biggest fueds I have right now is Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jimmy Jacobs and every partner he tries to recruit to fight these guys. The other one is for the ROH World Title, which is Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels

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I started my first 0/0/0/0 game 2 days ago, using Hive's 1994 mod. I created ROH. After going bankrupt twice, I adjusted my product (still "much more" biased towards performance, but favorable to sponsorships) and just exploded.


I'm 3 and a half years in (first day of 1998), I'm regional (34 in Tri State) and currently have over $280,000 in the bank, making over $20,000 per month. My best show was Glory by Honor III in September 1997, headlined by an epic double main event, where Curt Hennig returned to wrestling after a 3 year absence to defeat reigning ROH Champion Johnny Ace, and Chris Jericho defeated Dean Malenko (on loan from NJPW). That match got a 78, bringing the event's overall grade to a 72! And I won Most Improved Promotion of the Year!


This is the most fun I've ever had playing this game, and by far my longest run ever.


Side notes, Shawn Michaels passed away in September 1997, along with Ken Patera (July 1997) and Konnan (April 1996).


Oh, and 1997's Wrestler of the Year? Norman Smiley. Seriously.

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Bring in Strong as a Super Babyface type, kissing babies, playing to the crowd, etc and Starr gets jealous and turns heel? Team Supreme defaults to Rick Rumble as leader who also has a score to settle with Strong, leading to a Triple Threat?
Starr's not a good heel (F+) but that's such a fun way to go, I'm inclined to try it.
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I am still obsessed with my 1987 game, this thing is taking over my life.


I hit national and managed to sign Rey Misterio. He is getting a big push along with Finlay. I signed The Rock and Goldberg and they are in my new development fed to try and get their stats high enough for a 50/50 pop/performance product. I don't think The Rock is going to get much better so I am planning to bring him up ready for..


..my new TV show on TNN!


HBK is still champion after fighting off Sting, Steamboat etc.


I also signed JJ Dillon and stole Arn Anderson from the WWF so I am going to buy the NWA belt and have a nice little storyline around that.


The WWF are a bit of a sinking ship at the moment. They just put the title on Bobby Eaton (it is 1997!) in a 58 match. Once I hit international it will be time for war.

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Getting into October of 2011 in my BLW game and I'm finding myself at a crossroads. I'm at creative odds with myself and I don't know whether I want to plow through or start anew.


Both titles changed hands at my last show. La Criatura Roja dropped the Homeland title to his nemesis, El Ladron, in a triple threat match that also involved Bob Casey. LCR had 16 successful defenses over a five month reign before Ladron took the belt. And Criatura was lucky to hold the belt that long. His title matches were pretty sad. Even my modest standards. But while Ladron was top heel in my promotion when I made the decision to give him the gold, he's now not even in the top three in my Creative Meeting screen. My top three players according to the Meeting are Fuzzy Freeman, Brother Haruhiro (Tsumemasa) and Ryan Death. All tag guys. Although I have been thinking of splitting Brother Haruhiro's tag team, the Temple of Pain, so he could run solo.


But if I do what the Creative Meeting is currently suggesting, I'd be busting up the whole division and I don't really feel like doing that. I suppose I could graduate the Tag belts to main event status for a while and de-emphasize the Homeland belt. But that's meant to be my equivalent of the world title and I'm sorry. I'm old school. I believe the World Title is meant to be the top prize. End of story.


Problem with that is the only contender that's above Midcard push and overness is the freshly deposed La Criatura Roja. And his feud with El Ladron has proven not to be main event worthy. I want badly to de-push him. Maybe get him a tag partner and have him help me that way. But then I don't feel I really have anybody to put him into a feud with. Bob Casey has fallen to Midcard and I feel like I could be okay with that if I could find someone to replace him at the top. My user character, Mystery Mask (aka Masked Avatar), would work here except I have him and Cal Sanders in an open challenge feud with Midnight Demise (Ryan Death and Dwayne Dark) that will lead to a cage match and I badly want that blow-off if I'm able to keep going. So my best contenders for World Title barring roster shakeup are a fading Bob Casey and a talented by fairly green and unready computer-gen, Wayne Foster.


Meanwhile in the tag ranks, Emilio Surfeador (Californiano) and Fuzzy Freeman, World of Surf, have just taken the tag titles from the Temple of Pain as part of a Dirtiest Tag Team storyline. So it's not officially settled where those belts are going. They would ultimately stay with World of Surf so I could split Temple of Pain with the excuse that setting up the loss and the title vcacation was all Brother Oda's fault. I have number 1 contenders in Midnight Demise who are doing the open challenge story to stay busy while the belts get settled on World of Surf.


And somewhere along the way I'd like to do a stable. But none of my heels feel like the right kind of character to take on full time henchmen. In short, it feels like I may have painted myself into a corner in this game. So annoying. But maybe starting a fresh game and revisiting this one another time is the way to go for now.

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My Full Card for Survivor Series

CM Punk,Brock Lesnar,Dean Ambrose and the Rhodes Scholars vs John Cena, Team Hell No, Ryback and Zack Ryder

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler

Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger vs Miz

Prime Time Playas vs Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Brodus Clay vs Tensai

Antonio Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel

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My first TV show was not a success :(


I booked Steamboat v Juve (80) and HBK v Sting (80) but the show was dragged down massively by a horrific major angle from JJ Dillion. That is the last time he gets a major angle.


I ended up with a 74 and I am on the verge of dropping back to cult. Shawn just doesn't have the psychology to be the champion of a national company. I have Arn Anderson, Bob Backlund and Rey Misterio who could do it.


I also have Steamboat but I don't want to give him the belt as he is also working for the WWF and he is only on a short term contract

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Playing 1 final SWF game before '13 arrives.


So far, I'm pushing Big Smack Scott by having him as some muscle for Eric Eisen's 'Supremacy' stable. Also in Supremacy are Kurt Laramee, Runaway Train, Enforcer Robers & Marc DuBois. I'm getting Smack over by basically having him feature in angles which Eisen / Bruce / Money.


Eisen has been running the show (being Dick's kid, he can do what he wants) and tried to avoid a match with either Bruce or Money. That was until Nemesis returned, saying Dick Eisen was sick of seeing Eric do things his own way and wanted some order. Nemesis' first bit of business was to book Eisen in a Three Way against the men he'd been avoiding. Eisen will retain but this will be the start of the Nemesis / Eisen feud, SWF's big story of the year.


Elsewhere, Jack Bruce will be turning heel and feuding with Rich Money. I've called Primus up from development who will be built-up during this feud using his Menace and having him feature heavily in angles with Bruce & Money. Primus will squash some jobbers, go undefeated and eventually turn face. His unbeaten run will continue until he's over enough to face his biggest challenge ever...Marat Khoklov.


I've got some other thing going on such as Hunter Richards (Paul Huntington) trying to retire Christian Faith. Faith loses to Marat at When Hell Freezes Over after a brutal match. This leads Faith to announce his reitrement but not before Hunter Richards can attack him, saying Faith will not retire, he will end his career.

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My computer froze and I lost all my data, including my long running Cult promotion :(. So I'm just enjoying a round with TCW until the new game comes out.


First and foremost, I will admit I cheated a bit and turned off the Owner Goals and turned them back on to get off the one Owner Goal about not signing wrestlers from promotions Cult or Above. Don't mean to be rude, but that is a stupid rule. If you can get a very talented guy from SWF or USPW, why the hell wouldn't you jump at that? Makes no sense to me.


Any who, it's been a busy first half-year. It didn't take long to go International. Got Saturday Night Showcase back up and running immediately and made a development deal with MPWF. Yeah it's Mexico, but they have a TV Deal so it means my guys will get plenty of work. No other promotion was willing to be a child company and had such a schedule. I got MPWF so loaded with development stars, they dang near dumped their whole roster.


I immediately had Rocky Golden drop the TCW World Title to Tommy Cornell. I look at Golden's stats, and he just isn't ready for me. The Syndicate meanwhile was immediately revived with Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, & Sammy Bach (current International Champ) as the big triple threat.


BUT, I lost my top face Joey Minnesota to SWF, thanks to Tommy Cornell being a cheapskate (even though I'm making money every month, thanks Tommy!). So I had to rush Cornell's face turn, which I was gonna do soon anyway. Wolf Hawkins takes over the Syndicate in a gigantic youth movement by destroying Cornell after Tommy retained his title in Joey Minnesota's final TCW match. With the help of Sammy Bach of course, and the newest Syndicate members and new Tag Champions, the Backseat Boyz (Freddy Huggins and newly acquired Marc DuBois).


So yeah, Cornell vs The New Syndicate will be my major storyline for months to come while I build up new stars. My big goal before TEW2013 comes out is to make the likes of Jay Chord, Matthew Keith, & Joss Thompson huge international stars. Can't wait to see how it works out. Should be fun!

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