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Note: Yes, I do restart to get a better grade in my matches/switch around participants/find a good gimmick.


Also, this is a tag team experiment. So no 1-on-1 matches (except possibly dark/post-match).


The last two shows of USPW have been 57s, dropping my popularity. yes, that is with the above. I'm really bad.


Now my history:


57, 57, 55. I better get a 65 on this PPV.



It doesn't help matters that my Peter Valentine/Valentine tag team has...sorry, got distracted by a shakeweight commercial. It's...*sigh* so obviously not a workout for women. Or rather, it should be mandatory for BSC women.






ANYWAYS: Peter Valentine/Valentine has no talent. Peter sucks hard, and Valentine, if he doesn't suck, needs massive amounts of work. So that pairing's useless.


The fact that I have a lot of inexperienced teams doesn't help stuff (shoot, I forgot to make Mountains of Power vs. ...er...Tribal Warrior/Java. Two 100 chem teams). I have some excellent chemistry, but my issue is that I easily hit low 50s. I need 10 more points on average.

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The fact that I have a lot of inexperienced teams doesn't help stuff (shoot, I forgot to make Mountains of Power vs. ...er...Tribal Warrior/Java. Two 100 chem teams). I have some excellent chemistry, but my issue is that I easily hit low 50s. I need 10 more points on average.




You're USPW, popularity is important and, with Sam Strong around, easy to create. Once your angles have everyone within the company more over you'll start pulling popularity up something chronic.

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decided to start again and play with my own created promotion C.L.A.W which i stole the logos from the gds-mod, the fed is mostly hardcore wrestling


started at regional with my created wrestler Mr Grimwood, an old school wrestler who has a bit of an ego


along with created stars The Horror and The Fury, a more hardcore version of the Legion of Doom, The Korean Zombie who is a martial arts movie star turned wrestler and Valimir Krasnov a russian born wrestler who plays an anti-american gimmick


did my first show which was called American Garbage,


Main Event

CLAW Arena Championship Match

CLAW Garbage Match (deathmatch but named this for the event)

Mr Grimwood vs Papa Voodoo


Papa Voodoo is pretty much going to be heel Undertaker, and seem almost unstoppable, and picked up the win from Grimwood


Russian Roulette Match

Valimir Krasnov vs The Korean Zombie

Valimir did a segment saying he would take on anyone to prove his homeland is number one in a Russian Roulette Match(he spins his wheel with six different match options) , with that The Korean Zombie accepted the challenge, and the wheel spin was a submission match, in which The Zombie won


Hawaiian Joe and Sam Strong vs Lords of War

not a special match, a filler for the main event, Strong picked up the win


Lord William Lancaster vs Mark The Lariat Krogan

Lord Lancaster is part of The Gentlemen's Club and are playing the rude, superior stable, The Lariat looked to win, until Vandemar and Alasi Tua interfered and are The Club's official bodyguards


All Action Championship match

Hardcore Rules

Rampage vs Charlie Homicide

jsut an excuse for another hardcore match, Rampage won


CLAW Tag Team

The Gentlemens Club vs Luis Montero and Pable Gutierres

Othello Dawson and Edward Monroe picked up the win, cheating thier way to the win


plans are for Valimir to create an anti-american group, joining forces with The Gentlemens Club eventually leading to a big match in the next couple of months


Papa Voodoo will gain more strenght eventually taking over the groups forming a sort of ministry stable

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Got a 60 on Stars and Stripes. Now at 63 pop (from 65) in my main area.






Planning on starting a new WWE game and god-pushing Daniel Bryan. As in, winning every title the first...RAW. And being part of every segment. EVERY.




Guess who gets to host bikinissssssS???




Wow. Midcarder to Main Event in one show. Admittedly, I got a 66 or show due to Bryan's overuse, but I DON'T THINK THAT WILL BE A PROBLEM ANYMORE! (I am wrong. >_>)


Bryan now has like...8 championships or something. And there's more to get. He...that's going to be a ****ton of defences per month for him.


About that: I'm going to have to give him a week off every now and then so that he doesn't, y'know, DIE.


Oh, he went from ~70 pop in the US to ~85 >_> After one show. >_> I think there were similar jumps across the world.


Also also also, Bryan is known to be (kayfabe) dating Ashley Valence, and there might (according to Vince who walked in on them. Twice.) be something between him and Jillian.

And now him and K2 are dating after Smackdown. And hey, Rosa might be getting in on the party. >_____________>




Update on Bryan:

Uh, 56.9% fatigued. <________________<

Pop jumped to upper-80s in the US, including one 90 :D





With...no buildup, aside from both having segments with Bryan, Cena vs. Punk has 100 heat. 4 days until a lot of fans are going to be very, very unsatisfied.


Bound For Glory is in about two weeks. I am given a Written contract to EVERYONE on the starting TNA roster. That's quite a few people, including, say, The Beautiful People, MCMG, Gen Me, Dudleys...


They're going to have Joe, AJ, Morgan, Abyss...Hogan...Flair...Sting...Nash...


Huh. I guess they'll run stuff like they are in the real world ;)

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On my WWE game, KYR mod. 2nd week of December:




After Teddy's win on the show he gets on the mic bragging about his (now ended) long feud with John Cena in which he got the better of Cena defeating Cena twice for the title and defending it a number of times against him and that now he should be considered the top dog in the company. Orton comes down saying he taught Teddy everything he knows and that he will have no problem wiping that smug expression off his face. Teddy replies saying he owes nothing to Orton, stare down occurs with a Quick fire RKO out the blue from Orton on Teddy, Orton gets half way out the ring before pausing with an evil expression on his face, he gets back in the ring, throws Teddy out and puts Teddy through the announce table.


This will start there feud that will culminate at Wrestlemania


Continuation of the HBK v Wade Barret feud occurs, Barret trying to get into his head on the show trying to show HBK over the hill and past it in a video that barret has put together, unable to compete with the new generation of WWE superstars etc. There segment ends when Barrets video package ends and HBK appearing behind him giving him a Super kick.


Daniel Bryan celebrates his Indie title defence over Asain Fury when William Regal comes down and attacks him knocking him to the mat, Evan Bourne soon follows attacking Regal and gets up on top rope to so the Air Bourne on Bryan, Bryan gets up quick and kicks Bourne off the top rope and applies the Le-Belle Lock. segment ends when officials drag Bryan off Bourne. The segments continues the Daniel Bryan v William Regal v Even Bourne feud




After My Avatars win over Jack Swagger, Kane hits the ring and attacks him, attempting to destroy him. the officials come down and pulls My avatar out the ring before Kane can finish the job. This continued the new feud between My Avatar and Kane which started when Kane wanted to make an impression on someone after he eventually lost the feud against Undertaker at the last PPV .



Drew Mcintyre bragging on a promo about how he can defeat the Undertaker and that he is going to use him to elevate himself to be the WWE world Champion, but first he's going to show everyone what he's made of by being victorious in his match. He beats Batista in a hard fought match only for the lights to go out while he's celebrating, smoke fills the ring, you hear a scream , the light comes back on and Mcintyre is gone.


The Christian v Edge v Chris Jericho feud continued when Edge attacked Jericho in the middle of the Undertaker v Jericho Number one contenders match, with Edge leaving the ring before Taker got his hands on him. Only to get to the top of the ramp to find Christian there with a chair, Edge receives a Chair shot, Christian Stands over him smiling.






Kurt Angle cuts promo about him having no receiving no respect when he returned to WWE a couple months ago and that if no one will give him the respect he deserves he'll have to take it. He then makes his mark by beating the Big show then attacking him after the match is finished.


MCMG defeat Bryan Kendrick and London defending there Tag titles, while Harlem Thunder (Booker T and Shelton Benjamin) defeat Celtic Warriors (Sheamus and Red Vinny).


The Rocks cuts a promo slating the Miz and where he's come from, showing embarrassing clips of him when he was on "I love New York" and all the other MTV shows he was in. The Miz goes looking for the Rock for revenge and almost costs the rock his match over Brock Lesnar,


CM Punk v John Morrison feud continues when CM Punk tied Morrison up in the ropes after Morrison's win over Lance storm and pours Alcohol over him, shouting at him and beating him down calling him Weak, the show finishes while Punk is getting massive Boo's from the crowd while he's looking smug.

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now in May of my CLAW game, can't get enough of it


Papa Voodoo is still dominating the main event, playing his supernatural role, his manager Ms Nevergood (the made up manager for the promotion) by his side, Papa Voodoo has claimed that The Korean Zombie was created by him and wants him by his side, The Zombie reacted by challenging him with a match


at Caged America April wk 3 Friday


Main Event

Arean Championship Match

Buried Alive Match

Papa Voodoo vs The Korea Zombie

Papa Voodoo wins, burying his "creation, don't know how this will play out, but Voodoo is getting messages saying "i'm coming home", this may turn out to be Zombie doing a heel turn and joining Voodoo or someone's contract that comes up, that fits the bill


CLAW Caged Hell

Mr Grimwood vs Sid Streets

I managed to get Sid Streets at the beginning of the month, and said that a company like this needs a star like him to survive, he challenged Mr Grimwood for control of CLAW, but lost


CLAW Tag Titles

The Gentlemen's Club vs Brick Fantana and Wade Morris

The Gentlemen's club won after Vandemar and Tua once again attacking The Club's opponents, and Brick and Wade won by DQ


All Arena Title

Luis Montero vs Cheatin Mike Barstow

Rampage was a failure as my champion, so after a month Luis Montero claimed it, Cheatin Barstow beat Montero, after using knuckle dusters to take him out


Flag Match

Chief Two Eagles vs Valimir Krasnov

Valimir has made Chief's life hell, and after two months they finally had a match, whoever lost thier flag would be burned, Chief lost, but Grimwood stopped the burning and helped Chief take out Valimir


hopefully The Gentlemen's Club will be high up soon and start thier own take over of the promotion, also hoping that Papa Voodoo doesn't get stolen as he's pretty much the star of the show

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Daniel Bryan is now mid 90s across the US. Was in a 98-rated segment with Jericho, his partner. Jericho's gimmick is only a 66, so this...was cool.


PunkvCena delivered well. Two EXCELLENT promos and an 80 match.


Oh, Bryan's 38% to Hall of Immortals. He currently (co-)holds 14 of 16 eligible titles.


I just checked:

After about 4 days, TNA will have these as their knockouts:

Christy Hemme

Dixie Carter



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As WCW in 2002 I just had my biggest sellout ever with selling out the 100,000 seat Arena I held the show at. It was headlined by Brock Lesnar V. Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight title other matches included RVD V. Kurt Angle, John Cena V. Kanyon, and Steve Austin V. Sean O'Haire
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As WCW in 2002 I just had my biggest sellout ever with selling out the 100,000 seat Arena I held the show at. It was headlined by Brock Lesnar V. Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight title other matches included RVD V. Kurt Angle, John Cena V. Kanyon, and Steve Austin V. Sean O'Haire


What was the economy/industry at?

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Playing with Royal Highlands Wrestling, my 0/0/0/0 company (that's now Small!!!)...


And something fun just popped up in my hidden gems: an Australian worker! Apparently, poor Anguish had a pair of F+ matches at some point (against Joe Zucco and Sulphur), but after that hasn't done jack.


Safe to say, I think I'll take the Aussie knockoff of Skull DeBones under my wing.

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Playing with Royal Highlands Wrestling, my 0/0/0/0 company (that's now Small!!!)...


And something fun just popped up in my hidden gems: an Australian worker! Apparently, poor Anguish had a pair of F+ matches at some point (against Joe Zucco and Sulphur), but after that hasn't done jack.


Safe to say, I think I'll take the Aussie knockoff of Skull DeBones under my wing.


Turns out he's a NBT. Silly Aussies.

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Pro Wrestling: Respect just declared war on me.


I'm the WWE. Global. #1 in the world, period.




As opposed to raiding their roster, I'll try to end the war. If they refuse, I'm going to hire EVERYONE ON THEIR ROSTER. CONSTANTLY.



Oh, it got better.


I check their roster. Mostly dev contracts, interesting. Who's their parent?




So ROH is at war with me? No, just TNA and PWR now. Didn't I send a pact to ROH?


I did.




So my, essentially, grandchild company is at war with me. HEAD.



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Double post, first one was getting too big.




Granted, it still is going to lower my US popularity, but I stuck it to TNA and TNA's BFG got an 87 :(. I had a 100, 97, and 100 rated segment. Current WM plans:


CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

The Rock vs. Stone Cold (gonna be a dud)


I've given two weeks vacation to Miz, who was buried alive (and will be missing Survivor Series >_>). I've given a week off each to Daniel Bryan (see if that lets his body heal) and Chris Jericho. Note: there are now two championships in all of WWE that have an active champion. That's Trish Stratus. Would give her time off, but her pic is too hawt.




Wait a second.


Where: Pre Show




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd,

^Sheamus/Bryan, 86, same show. Got an 83 overall.


Bryan's 100 in USA. 79% HoI. I think I can get him to 99% with title wins...

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APWF Update time!!!



The IWL's reign of foreign terror continues!!!


Following the brutal assault Bill Popinowski laid upon The Masked Patriot, Burt Selleck took it upon himself to be the next All-American to stand up to his evil Communist ways. First, though, Selleck was forced to beat the majority of the International Wrestling League (no relation to cappyboy's IWL!), facing a member every night until APWF Iron Will (namely, Sheik Mustafa, The Irish Republic Avenger, The Aryan Barbarian, and Kenzo Isozaki). Unfortunately, the weariness suffered throughout the month from the brutal matches with the IWL took their tool, and Burt Selleck found himself out of gas against the mostly well rested Bill Popinowski. A Polish Hammer later, and Selleck found himself the next failed challenger having the Soviet flag draped over his prone and batter body. It would seem America is on the break of defeat...


Meanwhile, Marcus McKing has shockingly joined the Lambert Family! The "other" top heel in the company, and a former member of The Crew with the other two top heels (Terry Lambert and The Brooklyn Punk, of course!), McKing was originally turned on by Terry Lambert in 1977, as his removal was seen as a necessity by Franco Lambert in order to form his vision, the newly formed (and totally legitimate) Lambert Family. But McKing, having lost everyone who he's called an ally, found a way to proove his worth to Franco and re-unite with the men who helped him reach the top: get rid of Brutus McBride, the man once forced into joining the Lambert Family through a deal with Franco who later turned his back on the Don. In one of the most shocking moments so far of the decade, McKing made an offer FRANCO couldn't refuse: McKing would take on McBride, and whoever lost would be fired on the spot, but whoever won could make any request of their choosing! McKing defeated Brutus McBride on television, who didn't mind in the least when The Brooklyn Punk and Terry Lambert joined him in giving McBride a "sending off party", brutally beating one of APWF's good guys.


Pleased with McKing's ability (and for getting rid of that McBride, finally!) and with New York's Finest recent defeat of The Masters Of Wrestling (Terry Carmen & The Minnesota Mauler) to retain the APWF Tag Team titles, Don Franco Lambert continued to feel a bit generous... and offered all three men whatever they wanted at the next big APWF event, Iron Will. Terry Lambert and The Brooklyn Punk wanted to face a tag team a little lower down the ranks, The Straight Shooters (Jacoby Jones & Roper Williams), as they felt it'd be an easy title defense. Meanwhile, McKing had bigger plans... he wanted to face off with his former lackey-turned nemesis, The Minnesota Mauler, and have it be the Main Event no less!!! It took far more effort than they expected, but New York's Finest were triumphant in their "easy" tag match (wasn't that easy, truth be told), and McKing managed to The Minnesota Mauler, brutally beating him after the match to drive home the point that The King of APWF has returned!!!




But BIG NEWS out of the APWF front office!!!


How much big news?




Triple big news, to be exact.


First, after Iron Will, the fans around the nation had to (mostly) do without APWF, save for house shows. Why? Because APWF All-Pro Wrestling was busy moving from the Graveyard on Saturdays to the Late Evening, insuring more fans will be able to watch some of America's biggest stars in wrestling compete every week!



Second, a man considered by some the hottest young prospect in all of pro-wrestling, a five time SWF Tag Team champion, and a son of SWF's head booker, the incredibly talented Dusty Streets has been rumoured to be plotting an invasion APWF! It's unknown what Dusty's intentions are, but clearly no good can come from SWF's "Supreme Son", as he likely looks to find a way to sabatoge APWF. Rumours that he has actually been offered a contract by APWF have so far been vehemently denied by APWF's front office, which is clearly a sign that Dusty's actions are an act of aggression on behalf of the SWF, and not the makings of some APWF fabricated story. Yup. Clearly.



Third, and last... APWF are proudest to announce...


Atlantic Coast Championship Wrestling, the newest member of the APWF family! What IS Atlantic Coast Championship Wrestling, or ACCW, you ask? Based out of Baltimore in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA, ACCW is APWF's second experiment with the idea of a "developmental territory", or, to be put simply, a place where young and unproven wrestlers can train to one day become one of APWF's wrestling stars! ACCW is still in the "formation" process, and information regarding staffing and a roster is mostly unavailable at this time. The only names released so far are APWF wrestlers Captain USA and The Aryan Barbarian, who have been announced as both heading to ACCW so that they may help the young company establish itself, and maybe prepare themselves to return to APWF even deadlier than they were before.


Stay tuned for more APWF news and updates, ONLY on the GDS forums!!!

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speaking of commo's...

'El Comunista' (the masked avatar) - complete with the big fat red star on his forehead - has taken MPWF by storm. He's already informed the despairing mexican public that they're going to be overun by his brand of redness and he's already recruited former MPWFee Guillermo Marx (Marcos), who in turn has recruited his former tag partner Heavy Metal Anarchy, now simply Anarchy. But for now thats all midcard action...

The preset Main Event storyline has Soul Taker w/ El Bandido trying to pry the belt away from Mayan Idol w/ Electrico. But ST has taken a respectful liking to the Mayan Idol, because he thinks in his gimmicky dark ways that Idol's Mayan mask possesses special tribal powers that he could harness for his soul-munching ways. So much so, that he actually stopped his ally El Bandido from beating him down at the Fantasma event.

This has dismayed Electrico, who can see Idol already wavering slightly at his mask's voodoo potential. Cue Electrico fueding with ST to save his buddy, while ST keeps trying to turn Mayan Idol.

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In NOTBPW done 2 shows, scrapped the womens division and introduced the NOTBPW Scramblers belt (it will be defended every show)

Harrison Hash is the Scrambler champ he turned heel attacking Dark Angel and there in a feud

Flash got a cheap roll up on Cavagnah and won't stop bragging about it, then in Flash's Scamber title shot (fatal four way elimination match) Cavanagh came out and got Flash eliminated first

Richie Blood (my avatar) is rising up the ranks defeating Frost

Opened NorthWest Championship Wrestling dev territory

Gonna bring in another face tag team probably a makeshift one of Antix and Jacob Jett.

Also had an A match between Steve DeColt and Jeremy Stone

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In NOTBPW done 2 shows, scrapped the womens division and introduced the NOTBPW Scramblers belt (it will be defended every show)

Harrison Hash is the Scrambler champ he turned heel attacking Dark Angel and there in a feud

Flash got a cheap roll up on Cavagnah and won't stop bragging about it, then in Flash's Scamber title shot (fatal four way elimination match) Cavanagh came out and got Flash eliminated first

Richie Blood (my avatar) is rising up the ranks defeating Frost

Opened NorthWest Championship Wrestling dev territory

Gonna bring in another face tag team probably a makeshift one of Antix and Jacob Jett.

Also had an A match between Steve DeColt and Jeremy Stone


Sounds good I just started as NOTBPW today but I'm doing the opposite, I'm expanding the women's division. they get great results!

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Kurt Angle/Abyss was rated 98. 9-FREAKING-8! I can't compete with that! Their show pulled an 83, too. Turning Point.


I'm taking Dinero from them, and I seem to be hitting my stride with low-80s shows. Cool.


What the hell, 86 rated Smackdown?!


blech, 75-rated RAW.


Daniel Bryan is 94% to HoI. He'll be 99% after Smackdown. I need him to pull a 95+ with Daniels at TLC. Hrm...




Got DB to 99. So Elijah Burke is with the 'E. I'm currently negotiating with Samoa Joe. $25k? He'd take it, but TNA's offering more. *10 seconds later* THEY'RE OFFERING MORE THAN 50K?


Oh. 55k does it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!1 I just need to take Abyss and I'll cripple them badly. I need Angle regardless, though. NEEDS HIM.

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I'm only into March with SWF and my "meta-mission" is to make peace in the wrestling world. I ended the war with USPW, but TCW refused my offer, twice. So, RDJ's contract just came up, Eisen let me go to $55k for his wages, and now he'll be debuting in a week on Supreme TV! Take that! :)


He dethroned Eric Eisen's title reign in the 0/0/0/0 game I was running, and is currently the SWF's franchise player in 2021.

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Main Event. RAW before TLC.


Daniel Bryan.




96 rating.




Main Event of TLC (with no TLC matches, actually >_>). John Cena. CM Punk.


99 RATING OH YEAH! AND NO NEGATIVE NOTES (unlike notes for Bryan's physical condition vs. Daniels).


Holy ****. Daniel Bryan celebrated post-show for 20 minutes. 20 GLORIOUS 100-RATED MINUTES.


90 rating. And that's with angles pulling the rating down. Awesome. Might have had a 92 on my hands.

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In 2013 in my TNA Game.


- The main title feud is between Bryan Danielson and Desmond Wolfe. Danielson held it for a lengthy period before Wolfe finally beat him and won his first ever World Title.


- The other main feud is essentially a WWE vs WWE feud. I managed to sign Shane McMahon who came in to TNA and informed Paul Heyman he was relieved of his duties (Heyman will be back). He started to put friction between friends Shawn Michaels and RVD which eventually lead to RVD turning on Shawn Michaels. McMahon then gave The Rock a choice - he's with them or against them and as RVD, Shane and new recruit Rhino were assaulting Michaels, Rock made his choice by making the save. McMahon has also now brought in Paul Burchill but Michaels/Rock have D'Angelo Dinero and Matt Morgan on their side.

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