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Accidentally messed with my KYR2010 database to try to manipulate Katie Lea into starting for my fed. Gonna do a 0/0/0/0 RW game, except with 2500 money and 10 pop in EAustralia (as if I had started a new fed).


So...yeah. Katie Lea is now SEX and Shaun White (avatar) is a god on the desk. That's it. Everything else will be by the book. ish.

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This is using MrCanada's awesome and much appreciated December release real data. This is my first PPV, WWE TLC. I really hate completely changing everything when I start a new game, tending to finish up whatever storylines are going on in the real-world, then moving onto my own things. So I'm keeping the already announced matches from the real world. So it's really not going to be a special card. So I will also include my plan for Royal Rumble, though that can change, but my current plans for it, I will include aswell.


I'm having Orton face Miz again at the Rumble, because my plan is to have Miz win at TLC due to Riley interference, causing Miz to be goaded into a match with Orton, where Riley isn't at ring-side, so Miz can prove he's champion material on his own, but has to resort to getting himself DQ'd to retain the title, which really would serve Orton right, having done it himself so many times in the past ;). My plan is to have him retain fair and square at Elmination Chamber, so he can face Morrison at 'Mania.



WWE TLC 2010



Edge vs Kane ©



Randy Orton vs The Miz ©



Kofi Kingston vs Chris Masters vs "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler ©



David Otunga vs Daniel Bryan ©



Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs LayCool



John Morrison vs Sheamus



Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio






Current Plan is to have John Morrison win , and face The Miz at 'Mania.



Randy Orton vs The Miz ©



Kane vs Edge ©



The King of Kings Triple H vs The King of the Ring Sheamus



Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Masters ©



Kofi Kingston & Kaval vs Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel ©



Beth Phoenix vs Michelle McCool vs Layla vs Natalya ©






Eh, since I'm continuing my planning, I'm gonna also throw in the planned Elmination Chamber and WrestleMania cards, too. Because, why not? Lol. These two, except the World title matches are probably going to change a lot.





Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan vs Triple H vs The Miz ©



Kane vs Jack Swagger vs Big Show vs Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio vs Edge ©



"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs Chris Masters ©



Mark Henry & Evan Bourne vs Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater ©



R-Truth vs David Otunga



Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre


WWE WrestleMania XXVII



John Morrison vs The Miz ©



Big Show vs Edge ©



Kane vs The Undertaker



Wade Barrett vs John Cena



Triple H vs Sheamus



Kofi Kingston & Kaval vs Mark Henry & Evan Bourne vs Jimmy & Jey Uso vs Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel ©



David Hart Smith vs Tyson Kidd ©



Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters ©



Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan vs Ted DiBiase Jr vs Ezekiel Jackson



Beth Phoenix vs Natalya ©
















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I am about to restart my TCW game. I got bored with the direction of the storylines, and want to start again while completely shaking up the roster, so I am going to launch a new show. I'm gonna run a TCW version of NXT by snapping up the 6 or 7 best young talent on the indies. I plan to then god push them as a TCW Nexus. That angle had such massive promise but WWE have completely killed it, so why not do it properly? I have some ideas about who to use but would be very open to other suggestions beyond DWN, Frankie Perez and the Keiths.
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I am about to restart my TCW game. I got bored with the direction of the storylines, and want to start again while completely shaking up the roster, so I am going to launch a new show. I'm gonna run a TCW version of NXT by snapping up the 6 or 7 best young talent on the indies. I plan to then god push them as a TCW Nexus. That angle had such massive promise but WWE have completely killed it, so why not do it properly? I have some ideas about who to use but would be very open to other suggestions beyond DWN, Frankie Perez and the Keiths.


I like Nelson Callum, Steven Parker and Maurice Jackson in a sort of Nexus type role.

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I am about to restart my TCW game. I got bored with the direction of the storylines, and want to start again while completely shaking up the roster, so I am going to launch a new show. I'm gonna run a TCW version of NXT by snapping up the 6 or 7 best young talent on the indies. I plan to then god push them as a TCW Nexus. That angle had such massive promise but WWE have completely killed it, so why not do it properly? I have some ideas about who to use but would be very open to other suggestions beyond DWN, Frankie Perez and the Keiths.


Wait till Killer Shark debuts, so he can be their monster.

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Kevin Steen & El Generico was already standing in the ring. Brisco's music hit and out running came the former champs. They got started at once, punding eachother. «its a New York Streetfight» Dave Prazack noted, it showed. The Brisco Brothers wanted revenge. Its a slugfest!.

Kevin Steen gained the advantage on Mark Brisco as he trew him out of the ring, following him to the outside, brawling out the entranceway of the arena.


El Generico and Jay Brisco where left in the ring. Some actual wrestling took place as Jay Brisco took the early advantage working the headlock. Fundemental wrestling was actuly shown as a series of reverses followed. Jay went for a hip toss, generico countered, went for a body slam, Jay countered. The fans actuly showed apresiation of this, giving them a standing ovasion. El Generico was more seasoned in singles wrestling, and as time went on, gained the advantage with a bodyslam, a suplex and a inside cradle for false counts. The older brisco showed irritation of this, giving generico a low blow, before hitting him with a kne to the face followed by a neckbreaker.


Brisco played to the fans, the new york fans loved the Brisco Brothers. He went back to the headlock, as suddently, Kevin Steen and Mark Brisco came brawling out in the CROWD!. The crowd was in a frenzy, dualing chants started for both teams. Jay in the ring was still in advantage, hitting a nice string of moves, a hip toss, a closeline and a back elbow. He noticed his partner in truble on the outside. This gave Generico the oppertunity, and he grabed it, pummeling Brisco with elbows and strikes as Kevin and Mark had reached the front row. Jay Brisco quicly countered making Generico taste buckle as he came charning.


Jay Brisco, a vetaran of over 10 years, but that was 10 years of tag team wrestling. He was exousted and backed into the corner, gasping for air. On the outside, Mark Brisco hit a suplex in the crowd, making Kevin Steen land on multiple chairs, hurting his back even more. Mark stood in the barricade between the crowd and the ring, looking for support, the crowd was going nuts.


Suddently out of nowhere in the ring, El Generico ran up, kicked Jay Brisco in the head with the Ole! Kick, in a fluid motion, he turned around, running towards the ropes, hitting them and then hit an HUGE tope con helo over the top rope onto Mark Brisco on the guardrail, crashing them both down into the crowd.


All Four men where out cold as the crowd began chanting «that was Awsome».

Kevin Steen, who had argubly taken the least damage, was not suprisengly the first one up. He looked around, and nothing but carnage sourended him. The crazy Canadian know what he should do. He jumped the barricade, and disapared under the ring, resurficing with a table, promting in on the outside, next to the announce table. Steen, went under the ring, but just as he came up, Jay Brisco went for a heat seaking missle out from the ring. He meet nothing but steel, as Steen swung a chair in the head of the older brother from delawhere. Steen had a sick look in his eyes.


Generico and Mark where also up now, and they continued the wild brawl. Mark hit a cannonball dive of the barricade towards Steen, but steen moved. Mark proseded to hit the table stacked on the ground. Steen grabed Jay and hurled him into the ring, where he took controll with a Suplex, powerbomb and a neckbreaker on the knee. Generico followed, and they dobble teamed jay with their usual sommersoult leg drop / holding him down combo.


Steen went for the kill,hoisting Jay into the package Piledriver, hitting it. He then rolled him toward Generico, who hit a brainbuster. Reffere was there, going for the count.



Mark Brisco to the rescue!.


Steen and Generico where shocked. Mark quickly took Steen out with a superkick, and taking El generico over the top rope with a mad man closeline. Jay was up, but still effected by the moves he had just been hit with. As Mark and El Generico went over the top rope, he hocked and hit the jay driller, his finisher. One....two....KICKOUT!. Steen was not giving up.


On the outside, Mark and generico was on the ground, Mark going for the Mark out, but Generico reversed, hitting a BRAINBUSTER on the floor. He reacted fast, signaling to Steen. Steen hit a bodyslam, followed by a swanton bomb. Generico hurled Mark Brisco on the announce table, and entered the ring.


Steen and Generico faced eachother with visius looks in their eyes, both their compeditors out.

Generico and Steen, like machines turned away from eachother. Steen hooked Jay for the Package Piledriver, while Generico prepared for a dive. Simultaniusly as Generico hit a diving splash on Mark, putting them both trough the announce table, Steen hit the package piledriver.

Reffere made the count.





Steen and Generico finaly beat the Brisco Brothers!, on PPV non the less. Not only that, they became nr.1 contenders in the prosess!.

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I wish Jack Bruce didn't suck so much. Eric Eisen defended the world title in the first three PPVs of the year, against Christian Faith, Rich Money and then Rich Money again. The match ratings were 92, 93 and 91. Then in the April PPV (The World Is Watching), Bruce wins the world title from Eisen. The match rating between a 96 overness Eisen and a 97 overness Bruce.. 77.


Even Squeeky McClean vs Bart Biggz got an 82. :(

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In my latest game, TCW, NOTBPW, and SOTBPW are all Global, while the SWF has fallen down to Cult and USPW hasn't really done much of anything. Surprisingly, Sammy Bach floundered in TCW, but seemed to really hit his niche when he jumped to SOTBPW. He was a main eventer for a couple of years there, but now that he's hit 40, he's slid down to the upper midcard. In what HAS to be seen as an act of Total betrayal, Eric Eisen has become one of TCW's most popular stars, and Giant Khoklov is the current TCW Champion. BHOTWG were facing a crisis a couple of years ago, but they seem to have come through it somehow, and are still in power in Japan.


NOTBPW can do no wrong. They seem to be consistently GREAT. They could pretty much rule the roost in any country on Earth at this point, and they almost inevitably win the Promotion Of The Year Award every single time. TCW also drew about 50,000 to a show in Japan not long ago.


Michael Bull, Nemesis, Solomon Gold, The Steamroller, and Trance are dead. Solomon Gold was only 21. Lots of folks have left the industry, most notably Dan Stone, Sam Strong, and Rip Chord.


The big story though is a young man by the name of Quentin Queen. At the age of 25, he's an International Star and 89% of the way to a guaranteed place in the Hall Of Immortals. 2017 Young Wrestler Of The Year, 2018 Wrestler Of The Year, a former TCW World Champion and TCW All Action Champion, and he was ranked Number 1 on the 2018 Power 100. Just in case all that isn't enough, his in-ring record boasts an impressive 20 wins over Tommy Cornell, (compared to only 11 losses).


Long story short, The Queen Is King.

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APWF are proud to announce the first ever ACCW developmental class! The following men, all identified as potential future stars (or, at the very least, productive members of the APWF family), have all gladly accepted the privilege to train at ACCW, so that they may one day be the future of APWF:


Buster Arrington

Captain USA (sent down from APWF)

Dave Wylde

Horse Svenson

Magnum Johnson (former APWF worker in the mid-70s)

Shaud The Bod

The Aryan Barbarian (sent down from APWF)

Thomas Boone (random gen, ****y middleweight from Mississippi & star graduate of the Raleigh Wrestling Dojo)


These men are joined by the timeless Nicholas Slade (45, no sign of decline!!!) and the retired General Kaos, who will act as their teachers.


Gotta say, I like my little group here. I've had my eyes on Svenson ever sense I saw articles tipping him for success, and knew it was a matter of time until he expanded out to America (unlikely he saw any employment in Australia or Europe). Honestly, I'd love to see if I can push him all the way to the top of APWF someday. Thomas Boone is one of my favorite random gens ever, and as such I sometimes forget he is one. Guy looks like he'll be great. And Dave Wylde? Well, shucks, it's not secret I'm a mark for small, fireplug brawlers. He seems to have the lowest potential of the group (still a Hot Prospect, though), but... I dunno. I like his look and I like his apparent in-ring style. If nothing else, a long stint in development will insure his regular employment somewhere.

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My Learning Curve (my NXT/Tough Enough sort of)


Jesus Chavez - Rick Law

Roger Cage - Robert Oxford

Sammy The Shark - Dark (Steve) Flash

Rudy Velasquez - Jack Gierdoyc

The Shooter (Sean Deeley) - The Marksman (Kirk Jameson)

Ant Man - Chris Caulfield

Danny (Patterson) McWade - The McWades

Hollywood Brett (Starr) - GM Joe (Sexy)

Nelson Callum - Nicky Champion

Gino Montero - Champagne Lover

James Prudence - Jim (James/Liberty) Justice

Jeff(erson) Stardust - Eric Eisen

Acid 2 - Acid


'Hosted' by Carl Batch, Anna Garcia interviews and Announced by Duane Fry, as well as rookie commentator Davis Ditterich, and Sam Keith

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About to enter what I tentatively call “Tournament Month” with my national promotion, One Nation Elite (O.N.E.) The past few years have only featured three tournaments:


The Young Lion’s Cup: An eight-man double-elimination tournament featuring only workers under 25, who have never held a title. Typically most workers are lower mid-card, but occasionally I have to round out the numbers with openers. The winner of this tournament gets a shot at the O.N.E. Primetime Championship (my company’s primary mid-card title.)


The Tag Team Invitational: As the name would imply, this tournament is for tag teams, usually featuring only mid-card workers. Typically only one or two of the teams involved are from my promotion; the others tend to be pair from various other feds that I have a working agreement with. (Teams are named for their promotion, i.e.: Team O.N.E., Team PSW, Team NYCW, etc.) My tag champions are usually picked to represent my promotion, but the titles are not on the line.


The National Grand Pix: This is an eight-man tournament featuring only upper mid-card or main event workers. The All-Regional Champion (my promotions only main event title) is required to participate, and must defend his title in each match. The winner of the tournament is therefore also the main champion of my promotion, no matter who wins. (Special note: I use this to sometimes fulfill contractual obligations for people who demand title runs, since I can have the title change hands in each round of the tournament; I tend to take a hit to prestige, but not noticeable in the long run.)


This year, I’m planning to add a fourth tournament, one that will actually take place over the course of the whole month instead of at specific events, and therefore can allow people involved in the other tournaments to participate in this one as well. What I’ve got planned so far is that it will be a round-robin tag team tournament, where one Veteran (upper mid-card or main event) will team up with one Rookie/Young Lion (lower mid-card workers only). My hope is that I can use this tournament to help younger workers get more experience, and see who might be a potential break out start for later on. I am having the damnedest time figuring out what to call this tournament though.

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So, playing around with XFW in CVerse 1997...


Stole Vengeance/Skull DeBones away from DAVE, and the moment I did? HGC (who employs him as Ares) starts jobbing him out hard. Still my most over worker, but he's taken a step back across the USA in overness. It's like "Okay, so you took stole one of the best workers in the East Coast Wars away from a rival. But oh, look, now he's not as popular as he was because J.K. Stallings is a jerkface!"


Meh, oh well. Him and Aurthur Salvadore Simpson still pulled out a rocking C in a Barbed Wire Hell match, after which Vengeance and the rest of the Church of Caliginosity (Travis Century and The Insane Heat) tied A.S.S. to the side of the cage in a crucified position.

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Just started a new game playing as TNA in the December mod this was my Final Resoloution card.


Kazarian defeated Jay Lethal for the X-Division championship C-


AJ Styles defeated Matt Morgan to retain the TNA Television championship B-


Bear Money defeated MCMG and Gen Me for the TNA Tag Team championship in a ladder match C-


Abyss defeated D'Angelo Dinero in a Tables match C


Jeff Jarrett defeated Samoa Joe B-


Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James Tara and Angelina Love to retain the TNA Knockouts championship C-


Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Hardy for the TNA Championship but Hulk Hogan reversed the decision due to RVD's interference.

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Just started a new game playing as TNA in the December mod this was my Final Resoloution card.


Kazarian defeated Jay Lethal for the X-Division championship C-


AJ Styles defeated Matt Morgan to retain the TNA Television championship B-


Bear Money defeated MCMG and Gen Me for the TNA Tag Team championship in a ladder match C-


Abyss defeated D'Angelo Dinero in a Tables match C


Jeff Jarrett defeated Samoa Joe B-


Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James Tara and Angelina Love to retain the TNA Knockouts championship C-


Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Hardy for the TNA Championship but Hulk Hogan reversed the decision due to RVD's interference.


A bit heavy on heel wins. Or was that the plan?

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In my NOTBPW game (currently in February 2013 almost March) I just got a new owner goal saying that I needed to be at least National by the time the goal expires. The goal expires in 31 monthes 3 weeks but unfortunately I don't think that I will be able to get there in the time I need to. My popularity hasn't budged in the region I am trying to raise to get to national in quite some time.
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I'm planning on doing an SWF diary where I never decide who wins (no victor, draw, loser notes, nor double countout, double dq, etc. Keep Strong et al. is okay). Just started the game, copied it, and testing stuff out. Making relationships, hiring out the butt...oh yeah. Hiring >_>


I've decided to only hire wrestlers with at least 80 basics. I'd prefer them to have at least 70 in some other stat, too. It curbs my usual hire-happy nature.

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So, I'm approaching January 2012 in my MPWF game...we've grown quite a bit, and are firmly ahead of OLLIE for second in Mexico, but are currently just trying to ride out an incredibly stagnant Mexican Economy (F-) and Industry (E+) until we can make a legitimate run at Cult.


As far as storylines go -


In the main event Electrico managed to end El Bandido's nearly year long reign with the World Title in a heated, B-rated, cage match at Dia de los Muertos. The next night on our TV show, Evento Principal de la Lucha, Bandido demanded a rematch. Electrico agreed, but only if Bandido's protege, La Estrella could beat him in a non-title, one-on-one match. Estrella and Bandido proceeded to attack Electrico back stage, and when it came time for the match Estrella was expecting to win by forfeit, when Marcos Flores, formerly of OLLIE, who had spent the better part of the year touring with GCG in Japan showed up, and announced that he would wrestle Estrella on Electrico's behalf.


Flores bested Estrella in a good match, when Mario Moreno (Heroic) emerged and attacked Flores. As Electrico hobbled to the ring to try and help Flores, Sammy Bach showed up and attacked Electrico, delivering a martinete piledriver, much to the crowd's chagrin.


At the moment, the motives of Mario Moreno and Sammy Bach are unknown, but things are certainly shaken up at the top of MPWF.


In the upper-midcard,


Soul Taker, alongside his Dark Cult of Travis Century, Hijo del Mephisto, Genio Verde, Chess Maniac, and Hombre de la Energia, has made it his mission to steal the Mayan Calendar from Mayan Idol before 2012. Taker believes that the power of the Calendar can bring about the end of MPWF, which is the ultimate goal of the evil Dark Cult. Mayan Idol seems to be fighting an uphill battle, but MPWF veteran Atlantis Jr. and his roided out clone Ultra Atlantis have emerged to aid Mayan Idol in attempting to prevent the assured destruction of the company.


There are various other mini-feuds going on in the mid and lower card, but these are the primary stories of the company at the moment.

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As SWF (in my pre-game warmup), I've stolen...pretty much the top of your card >_>


So yeah, I might be hiring fewer people than usual. Instead of having a roster of...200, it's nearer to 100. And I'm sure that's off.


As usual, I have like 10 developmental companies :D:D:D:D I've figured out that, aside from horrendously bankrupting SWF, I could hire, then send to development, the whole starting cast of every one of my dev territories.


Speaking of, the only Mexican dev I have is...MPWF. My favorite, as it would happen. Going to send Soul Taker and Mayan Idol down there for awhile to...uh..."train people"?

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now in June 1978 of my CLAW game and i can't seem to stop playing


Papa Voodoo who was my main star left for SWF, but i replaced him with Crippler Ray Kingham, Sid Streets is now the top heel


i bought out Harlem Wrestling Alliance and had pretty much two brands, know i have a t.v deal the split has gone



Mr Grimwood - my user character, feuding with Sid Streets over ownership of CLAW, storyline wise, Streets is claiming that without him and the people he bought in from SWF, CLAW would be nothing


The Masked Avatar - current CLAW Arena Champion feuding against Valimir Krasnov and Crippler Ray Kingham, Chief Two Eagles is occasionally involved


Alasi Tua - feuding with Mitsugu the Wolf, they have awful chemistry, the match they were meant to have has been changed, Alasi was a former CLAW Arena champion, but lost it two months later and is now the All Action Champion, The Wolf is on the brink of becoming main event so this is his bg storyline to get him over


i mangaed to get General Kaos from SWF and is playing a paranoid ex-military face, pretty much he thinks everyone is out to get him and is reliving old battles in his head, feuding with Vandemar who is terrorising him


And in the tag division is The Cheating Kings the team of Cheatin Mike Barstow and Marcus McKing who are trying thier best to take the belts from Cpatain USA and Brick Fantana, after the feud is finished Marcus will be challenging for the CLAW Arena and Barstow after the HWA Cult Heavyweight, i belt i made for taking over HWA

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Alright so I just started up a new game for NYCW in the default C-V and a lot of different things are happening right off the bat. Ace Youngblood died (shark tanks man, the #1 causes of deaths in my games) I actually got Land Mass to Upper Mid-Card, and I manged to Robert Oxford.


My user character was feuding with Whistler but now is with Steve Flash after Whistler won a #1 contenders match. Black Hat has been holding onto the belt since the start from Flash and has been cheating to win against Whistler since but now will face him in a Steel Cage where he will drop the belt to Whistler. Oxford I had debut at a Royal Rumble-ish show called Yankee Rumble where he won a guaranteed title match whenever he wants and has been in a mini feud with Triple D which has been doing really quite well. After the cage match Oxford will cash in his match on Whistler and will pick up the belt setting up a triple threat with Black Hat, Whistler, and Oxford at Gang Wars.


On a side note, I've had 4 backstage chick fights with Fern and Nicki and they still don't hate each other.

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Just entered the summer of 2013 in the IWL.


No change at the top . Bob Shrunkle still hold the top gold. He just fueded with Mystery Mask (UC) because if I'm going to use Mask to shine up others he has to have overness to give. But Shrunkle skirted by the finale by DQ. Don't think I've done the last of that. Even though at the moment he needs to put Ted Brady in his place. Shrunkle's obsessed with proving he's nobody's flunky any more and Brady was the worst about using him.


Tag team gold just went back to Island Ink. Warrior Pride only got 3 official defenses before losing but they did a bit of cheating. Made the change because El Jefe Militar's getting quite popular out on the job market. First two time holders of the tag gold and might be only ones for a while as I'm thinking of splitting The British Bothers. Orson's getting over on his own and could shoot up the ranks on me if I could find the room.


The big thing for me is that money's starting to catch up with me. I'm not at risk of closing or anything. I still have three quarters of my original million. But my charter guys are starting to get expensive. Kinji Akamatsu's coming up for negotiation in the next month and is already getting $600 per. Bob Casey ditto. Alexander Knyazev and Bob Shrunkle are close on their heels and probably going to be looking for that kind of money. Klaus Blut just got it and Shrunkle probably will too as I have plans for him.


Among later arrivals, I have my ref getting $1500 per and probably close to a completed product since he just A level and announcer Davis Ditterich at $700. And Josh Jones, a midcarder, a MIDCARDER, getting $600. He's been climbing the ranks. But doing it like Blut did. Slowly. Of course, I'm running weekly as my training games always do. So you can imagine how my roster costs have been climbing.


I have guys climbing up the ranks. Ishino Mori, Zach Inkling, (Wade) Orson Heskey. Donte Dunn's been up there. So I can probably afford to let some guys lapse. Just have to sort the place out. As we've coming to a crossroads. Kinda feels good. Never had one of these games stretch this long before.

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