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Ok so I began a 2001 two player game by myself as WCW and WWF. I removed all narratives that force WCW and ECW to close down... or aid in them closing down. I imported Rambo, and the Terminator from Genadi's other mod for user characters. Rambo for WCW and Terminator for WWF as my user characters.


I have a lot of funky owner goals that restrict me a lot.


As WCW I set Shane McMahon as owner. Brought Stephanie in and am using those 2 with Eric Bischoff as a trio of owners.


WWF is building towards a big Wrestlemania.


WCW is just trying to get the roster sorted out but they are now at cult level which hurts. Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig are on a written deal though. I set them in the editor pre game.


Hoping to try and turn this into a diary game after my gf and I get moved.

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Playing the CVerse 97 game that I pick at occasionally.


I just got The Hype off drugs.


Well, mostly off them, but still.


Hard drugs down to 26% from 68% (iirc), and reformed. Soft drugs down to 15% from 50%. He's still a drunk and smokes like a chimney, but I'm pleased as punch about the above. Maybe he can get a happy ending for once.

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WWF vs WCW 2001 My Own Two Player Game


As WWF...


I don't put much thought into booking for. Seems to be a little easier and my main event consists of a tag team match with Austin and Rock sometimes teaming up and Triple H and Rikishi teaming up sometimes. I have Rikishi really over now.


Jeff Hardy won the Hardcore Title off Raven as I fired him for his drug use. He accepted it well though and may get a chance to return to the WWF down the line.


Christian is suspended for steroid use which puts a damper on my Royal Rumble PPV coming up. The tag titles won't be getting defended at the Rumble.


The rules that are hurting my as WWF are... must be under 35 years old. Above 53 selling, and above 71 basics.


As WCW...


I love trying to turn WCW around at this time. It's so difficult which makes it fun. I'm trying to fix Curt Hennig, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, and some others drug use.


Scott Steiner is dominating the World Title picture so far with wins over Sid, Road Warrior Animal, and then a 5 way at Sin. I don't plan on him dropping the belt just yet but plans may change as I don't want his ego getting any bigger.


Ric Flair has had a win over Goldberg, Sting, and will probably lose to Sting at Super Brawl.


Nash and DDP are the dominant tag team but Scott Hall being back in WCW has started problems as Hall distracts Nash during matches. DDP is tired of Hall and at Super Brawl DDP vs Hall with Nash as guest referee.


Hugh Morrus has picked up wins over Hennig, and Lance Storm to retain the US Title.


Chavo has been an impressive Cruiserweight Champion. No plans to lose the title for a bit.


Crowbar is holding the Hardcore Title proudly. He isn't someone I have any real plans for so the Hardcore belt works for him.


Considering bringing back the Television Title soon. No plans for who would hold it though. Going to bring Raven in now that he has more overness and hopefully cleaned up his drug addiction. He could rise to the main event in my WCW.

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Just about to continue my WWf 1999 game using Gandi's mod..


a few months into the game I bought out WcW and I've given WcW Smackdown... my plan is to do what Vince originally planned to have WcW separate from WWF.


Shane is going to the one in control of WcW trying to compete for rating against his dad with an eventual show down which will lead to the winner having control of both and doing a brand split to mix up the rosters.




In terms of the titles, there will be set titles for each brand but every so often there will be a WWF Champion v a WCW Champ of some variety


Current champs




World Heavyweight: Shawn Michaels


Intercontinental: Chris Jericho


Tag team: Edge and Christian





World Title: Kevin Nash- That will change at the next PPV


U.S Title: Scott Hall- not sure how long he will keep it... may put it on someone else.


X Division: Rey Mysterio (yes i stole the name XD wanted to bring prestige to the light weight divisions in America... the best high fliers and young talent will compete for the title.)


Thinking off adding another title to WCW or WWF but not sure what kind... perhaps i'll introduce a womans division/ middleweight or International division.

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August 1988 in The Golden Era Mod

Company: Total Championship Wrestling (Imported from the C-verse; no stats changed)

Based In: Tri-State

Size: Cult (I started barely Regional from the beginning)

Money: 5,087,480 (Started with a flat 5,000,000)

World Influence: 4th

World Importance: 4th

Owner/Booker: Rik Raines (User Character)


TV Show

TCW Presents Total Wrestling - 90 minutes - Airs in Tri State and Great Lakes - Thursday Early Evenings (South West will be added next)



None; but I do currently hold a Super Show once a month


Main Eventers

Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Bobby Eaton, Bret Hart, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk, Sgt Slaughter


Upper Midcard

Mark Callous, Mike Rotundo, Rick Martel, Shawn Michaels, Stan Lane, Sting, Vader



Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, Kendall Windham, Meng, Mick Foley, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, The Barbarian, The Warlord


Lower Midcard

Brad Armstrong, Joe Malenko, Lanny Poffo, Steven Regal, Taz



Al Snow, Jerry Lynn, Raven


Enhancement Talent

Bob Holly, Ultimo Dragon



Jim Ross


Color Commentary

Jim Cornette



Bill Alfonso, Earl Hebner, Nick Patrick


Road Agents

Boris Malenko, Rik Raines (forgot to resign Larry Hennig, so put myself there for now)



TCW World Heavyweight: Bret Hart

TCW World Tag Team: Road Warriors

TCW International: Barry Windham

TCW Television: Arn Anderson


Tag Teams

Foley & Slaughter - Mick Foley/Sgt Slaughter (they had GREAT Chemistry)

Guerreron & Malenko - Eddie Guerrero/Dean Malenko

Powers of Pain - The Barbarian/The Warlord

Road Warriors - Road Warrior Animal/Road Warrior Hawk

The Midnight Express - Bobby Eaton/Stan Lane

The Rock 'N Roll Express - Robert Gibson/Ricky Morton


User Character Relationships:

Loyalty to Sting (Got him off Drugs/Steroids)

Loyalty to Chris Benoit (Got him off Drugs/Steroids)

Loyalty to Bret Hart (Defended him against Scott Steiner in a Fight)

Loyalty to Shawn Michaels (See Bret Hart; happened same night. Steiner was fired)

Loyalty to Arn Anderson (Defended him against Kevin Sullivan in a Fight)

Simmering Tension with Scott Levy (Raven; working on getting him clean still hopefully)

Strong Dislike of Rick Steiner (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Scott Steiner (Fight with Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels same night)

Hatred of Curt Hennig (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Terry Gordy (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Scott Hall (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Marty Jannetty (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Kevin Sullivan (Fight with Arn Anderson)

Hatred of Shane Douglas (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of 2 Cold Scorpio (Refuse to get off drugs)

Hatred of Brian Pillman (Refuse to get off drugs)


Other Noteable Relationships (genned in game)

Bret Hart Loyal to Sting

Shawn Michaels Loyal to Bret Hart



I'm looking to save up to 7,000,000 right now and not as worried as pushing National. My roster is a bit bloated at the moment as well, but just three months previously I was the last priority company for all my workers; now I'm number 1. As soon as I can start tossing out written contracts, I plan on opening my own Developmental Promotion; thinning out my current roster a bit and picking up some other guys I have shortlisted that I want. That or I want to take down AWA, JCP, WCWA, and other some promotions with Takeovers!


Sadly I am in a bit of a rut with Writer's Block for the last week or so and I'm not sure what direction I want to take next with my game. I have the potential to be feuding with Vince and the WWF within the next 18 months if I REALLY wanted to push.

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<p>Ran some shows last night in my WWF vs WCW 2001 Game where I am playing as both promotions.</p><p> </p><p>

=========================================</p><p> </p><p>

WWF</p><p> </p><p>

Triple H is the top heel but Rikishi is quickly gaining on him with a series of attacks on the Rock, Undertaker, and Austin.</p><p> </p><p>

Austin vs Triple H will headline my Royal Rumble PPV with the actual Rumble will be the co main event.</p><p> </p><p>

Angle vs Big Show vs Rikishi vs Undertaker will be the match before the Rumble.</p><p> </p><p>

Edge and Rock vs Hardy Boyz for the Tag Team Titles. (Christian is suspended for steroids)</p><p> </p><p>

Benoit vs Gunn for the IC Belt.</p><p> </p><p>

Ivory vs Chyna for the Women's Title</p><p> </p><p>

William Regal vs K-Kwik for the European Title</p><p> </p><p>

Vampiro will debut at the Royal Rumble too.</p><p> </p><p>

=========================================</p><p> </p><p>

WCW</p><p> </p><p>

Sting vs Ric Flair continue their feud. Ric Flair has quite an ego but gains overness easily.</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Steiner and Goldberg need to get their egos in check. I feel like if I put them in a tag team together and have them lose to Sting and Sid or something I may be able to tame them somewhat.</p><p> </p><p>

I am consistently putting on good shows now that I think will get me back to International soon.</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lynn debuted as Shane Douglas' tag partner. Claudio Castagnoli and Bob Backlund came in as a tag team as well. Both teams are heel teams though. I plan on sending Palumbo, O'Haire, and Jindrak down to develop more.</p>

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I've decided to advance book Sam Strong vs. To Be Announced - USPW Thanksgiving Thunder! (99 heat) as of April 2012. I have no idea who he'll face or how the match will even happen considering Strong is 65-years old. I know he'll be leaving soon and I have to capitalize on his popularity and momentum before he retires. Some young heel will skyrocket to the top in November of 2012. The question is who?! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LoganRodzen" data-cite="LoganRodzen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've decided to advance book Sam Strong vs. To Be Announced - USPW Thanksgiving Thunder! (99 heat) as of April 2012. I have no idea who he'll face or how the match will even happen considering Strong is 65-years old. I know he'll be leaving soon and I have to capitalize on his popularity and momentum before he retires. Some young heel will skyrocket to the top in November of 2012. The question is who?! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> only one possibility...</p><p> </p><p> A Nicky Champion heel turn</p>
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Just completed my 17th year with my FCW/MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2027

With $5,732,159

204 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Antonio Del Veccio

Prestige: 70

5 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matt Hocking


MSWA Regional: Derek Frost

Prestige: 69

8 Defenses made so far

Defeated Ford Gumble


MSWA Tag Team: The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez)

Prestige: 40

Defeated King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon




Carlos Gonzalez vs. Antonio Del Veccio ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


King Kong Kennedy vs. Derek Frost ©

MSWA Regional Championship Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2027 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Carlos Gonzalez vs. Antonio Del Veccio ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match


Jesus Chavez vs. Ace Youngblood


King Kong Kennedy vs. Derek Frost ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Hector Galindo vs. Ox Mastadon

Eddie Howard vs. Matt Hocking

Matty Faith vs. Chris Kaladaro



Ford Gumble

DC Rayne

Brady Prince - Released after retired





New Signings

Swipe Romero

Jimmy Bach

Carlos Gonzalez


I was actually surprised that I was able to resign Carlos Gonzalez because he walked out of the promotion a few years ago. Hopefully that won't happen again but if it does I am not going to bring him back after that.

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SWF's main event scene is crumbling away.


It's January 2012 and they've lost Christian Faith and Steve Frehley to me in back to back months.


They've got an aging Vengeance as their champion, and his ratings aren't anything to write home about. Lobster Warrior, Bruce the Giant, Joe Sexy and Jack Bruce are all decaying (in both overness and stats), Marat Khoklov is stagnant. Rich Money and Angry Gilmore are holding up their ratings pretty much single-handedly.


Their upper midcard isn't too promising either. Eric Eisen has dropped down the pecking order and is still nothing more than solid. Brandon James, Squaky McClean and Joshua Taylor (stolen from me) are doing alright, yet are barely wrestling. Runaway train is in massive decline, and their other prime steal - Ricky Dale Johnson, is hardly setting the world alight either (and is also past his best). Remo is the only shining light for them at this level.


Not only that, but they're also without a good chunk of their 'future stars', since I've pilfered both the Bumfholes, Zimmy for longer (and he's been delivering fantastically in the ring, as well).


A couple more talent raids, or even perhaps a retirement or two, and I think it might be the decisive blow in the TCW/SWF war.

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Playing as PSW, only in July 2010.


Fumihiro Ota is my champion, the newest member of The Untouchables after Steven Parker left for SWF. He's facing now-former tag champ Ash Campbell next.


Primal Rage has been turned face after Dead Bolt attacked him due to being the source of their losing streak. Might pair him up with Tank Bradley. Right now still trying to get in the swing of things, but I'm trying like crazy to give Evil Spirit a megapush. Not seeming to work much though.

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Seeming as tho my favorite saved have crashed i started a 2006 game as WWE.


Current rebuilding the roster... got road of half the starting roster like "the dicks" "The Harthrobs", snitsky , heidenrike, Jim duggen etc etc a load of them and brought a few people up from development like Punk, Miz etc and brining in the top indie stars like AJ Styles, MCMG, Bryan Danielson.


Plan is to build up a solid Tag and Cruiserweight division.


Brining in a few to go down to development like Harry Smith, Tyson Kid, Drew Mcintyre, shamus etc

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I copied the save and took some screenshots (will upload later).


So what's the funny thing(s)?


  • NOTBPW is now the most influential promotion in the world.
  • However, NOTBPW is the 8th most important. It has only ever dropped, never risen, in importance.
  • NOTBPW has little popularity aside from Canada and the US.


Oh, and I suck at managing overness.

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Just completed my eighteenth year in my MSWA game so here is an update!


January 2028

With $6,112,945

216 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Carlos Gonzalez

Prestige: 70

2 Defenses made so far

Defeated Antonio Del Veccio


MSWA Regional: King Kong Kennedy

Prestige: 67

4 Defenses made so far

Defeated Derek Frost


MSWA Tag Team: The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez)

Prestige: 40

3 Defenses made so far

Defeated King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon




Matt Hocking vs. Carlos Gonzalez ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


King Kong Kennedy vs. Derek Frost ©

MSWA Regional Championship Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2028 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Eddie Howard

Air Attack Weasel vs. Crockett Tubbs


The 937IB Express (King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon) vs. The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez) ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Ace Youngblood vs. Jesus Chavez


Derek Frost vs. Matt Hocking


Matty Faith vs. Carlos Gonzalez ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match



DC Rayne



DC Rayne – Released after retired


New Signings

Zel Quinn


At some point in this game (Probably this year) I am going to retire the tag team titles simply because I don't have a lot of tag teams and I hate throwing random teams together. So if by the next update I don't list the tag team titles in the Champions section don't be alarmed because chances are that I probably retired the tag titles. If I do retire them I might bring them back when I get more tag teams but right now the tag division in this save is kind of boring as there are only four tag teams and Rudy and DC are in two of them.

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Playing Burning Hamster's 1996 The War Begins mod. In February 1997 now.



World Heavyweight

Shawn Michaels defeated Psycho Sid at the 1997 Royal Rumble

WWF Intercontinental

Rick Steiner defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley at the 1997 Royal Rumble. Rick started rising a lot when I had The Steiners in a tag feud with Mankind and Goldust. Tentative plans have him defending the belt in a four way at Wrestlemania 13 to finish that feud.

WWF Tag Team

Owen Hart and The British Bulldog defeated The Smoking Gunns on a Raw in September 1996. Currently feuding with The Godwinns.


Other Notes

I haven't signed anyone from ECW, though Taz recently left and is sitting as a free agent. WCW rose to global and signed Raven (as Scotty Flamingo), Nelson Knight (Mabel), Wrath, Konnan, Shane Douglas, Terry Funk and Tonga Kid. I didn't fight them for Nash earlier in the game, I also wanted them to take Hall but didn't bite. Hall ended up on tour with CWA but was just recently resigned to combat WCW moving to global. WCW Champs are; Lex Luger (World), DDP (US), Booker T (TV) and Harlem Heat (Tag). ECW Champs are; Johnny Grunge (World), New Jack (TV) and The Eliminators (Tag).


From WCW I have signed; Alex Wright, The Road Warriors, Johnny B. Badd, Craig Pittman and Chris Kanyon. Just a few weeks ago I signed Hulk Hogan and had him debut at and win the 1997 Royal Rumble setting up Shawn vs Hulk at Wrestlemania 13.


Steve Austin won the 1996 King of the Ring. Shawn Michaels won the 1996 Royal Rumble.

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In my game with APW, I have had a few setbacks as of late with my loses of Captain Wrestling II, Dumfrey Pinn, and Frogue Element. Swoop would be my only saving grace but he is injured for about a year. Jack Avatar, Nathan McKenzie, and The Masters are my Main Event now and have yet to break my C-, D+, and D grade streak that I have had for a few months.


Jack Avatar(who I renamed to Jack Angels) and Harry Simonson have been feuding with The Network, the Main heel stable in APW. Victor Goliath is the head of the group as an executive from The Bloke Channel where I have my TV show. Captain Wrestling II joined the show before APW Aussie Rules was started and won the title, it was under the stipulation that he needed to win the belt to gain the TV show. The Cap held the belt for a few weeks then lost it when RAW hit Cult. Jack took the belt but lost it to Lanny Williams. Lanny should be the champ for awhile since I plan of turning him eventually. Jack is feuding with Debonair, Harry is feuding with Cole Taylor and Lanny Williams, and Nathan is plowing through the midcard and upper midcard currently against Boo Smithson.


I only hope I can get enough money to survive the jump to Cult which should come in a few months at the rate of our growth.


EDIT: I advance one day and look at what I see. :D


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Recently went back to my CZCW game and i'm starting to get back into it again, currently in to 2011 and getting a nice amount of money built up so far which is actually by other teams stealing the people i was paying over the odds for.. they inadvertently helped me save money.


in 2011 I took a punt and got my TV show coast to coast that shows in my home area as well as two regions of mexico. So i'm running my weekly shows in other regions of America to get the pop up while the TV show keeps my Home regions pop high.


I have two PPV's a month... going to keep that and see how I do.. see if it increases the pop or not.


Recently signed a working agreement with TCW and have traded some of there mid card workers who have a higher popularity then most of my guys with the aim of feeding the traded guys to my main eventers and upper midcarders. leaching popularity etc


hopefully the attraction of seeing workers who are on national TV appear on my shows will get a few more fans to watch my shows when i advance book there matches.

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