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Diary Preview Thread

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Welcome to the year 2012...

...where the United States, Mexico and Japan have experienced horrible economic losses. The United States and Japan have had the worst losses as banks have recently had to be bailed out by the U.S. government and Japan suffered the effects of a tsunami. Both of these events brought the economies down from both of these countries. But there is a spark shining somwhere within the U.S.


The wrestling world has grown and expanded. Two promotions, SWF and TCW, have gone global. One promotion, NOTBPW, is now international. SWF has also seen another television show come up: SWF Uprising. But there is one area of the United States that has not seen a major promotion in years. That area is the North West. This is going to change.


Gil Thomas and Jack Avatar Present...


...Coming Soon...


like the start.

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I awoke in a daze. A heavy weight on my left leg. A dark figure is sitting near me. I've been kidnapped.



Me, Jack




???: "...what?"


Jack: "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BAD! Okay, okay. That one red light, but...I NEEDED TO RETURN THE MOVIE!"


???: "Jack, calm down. You're acting stupid."




???: "Snap out of it man!"


The figure stands and delivers a sharp crack across my face. Suddenly the daze vanishes and I see I'm in a hospital room. The weight on my leg was a white cast with various signatures in black marker.


Jack: "Thanks. I needed that. Uh, what happened? And more importantly, who are you?"


???: "It's a long story."


Jack: "I got time, clearly."


???: "You broke your leg during a match."


Jack: "That wasn't long at all."


???: "I lied."


Jack: "You...why...you."



Halloween Knight


???: "Anyways, I'm Frankie Bendis, otherwise known as, Halloween Knight, owner of ZEN!"


Jack: "How did I end up in Australia?"


Knight: "New Zealand."


Jack: "Oh God, what did I do?"


Knight: "Apparently you were doing some independent tour or something with some company that had some shows with some wrestlers and some of them wrestled, like you, but unlike some, you broke your leg. Said company also left you here."


Jack: "Oh...that's not good."


Knight: "Well, for you, no. For me? Yes."




I struggle to get up from this evil bed holding me down, but really the cast is holding me down. DAMN YOU MODERN MEDICINE! With no hope left, I lay still, if I pretend I'm dead, my captor will think I'm dead.


Knight: "What are you doing?"


Jack: "Being dead."


Knight: "You...okay. I see why they left...anyways. I want you to help me. As you may or may not know, Cyanide, our head booker for ZEN, wants to step down from that role to focus on, and I quote 'not being head booker.' While hurts us, I've decided to put all my faith into an American who I've never seen wrestle and a person I don't really know."


Jack: "What are you trying to say?"


Knight: "You got the job."


Jack: "I didn't apply for the job."


Knight: "You. Got. The. Job."


Jack: "Okay?"


Knight: "Great! Great! Indeed! Amazing! Super! Fantastic. Now, let's get you out of this bed here."


Knight waves for someone and a brute of a man walks in with a wheelchair, wearing a black, menacing mask.







Knight: "Why...why would you wear that here?"


Massacre: "Character."


Knight: "Well, can't argue with that. Good job. Now Jack, let's se...he fainted. Right. Well, load him up."


Something I've been...trying to work on. Don't know if this will ever materialize, but I'm currently stuck on the first show and I didn't want this to go to waste. First shows always seem to be my weak point.

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Hope you can work through the first show block Huntman, would be great to see a ZEN dynasty around .. It's been sooo loong since we've had one ... Plus i'm feeling pretty lonely in Australia.... Sorry Australia/New Zealand!
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Perhaps the most famous individual in the wrestling world who has never actually stepped foot in the ring – at least in a competitive capacity – is Turner Paige. The multi-billionaire who in 1984 bought the only wrestling promotion in the United States, World Wide Wrestling Entertainment, and, despite its existing monopoly, took the company to new heights. By 1997 those heights had become nothing but a distant memory and in a spectacular downward spiral the next four years saw the wrestling industry of North America brought to its knees. World Wide Wrestling Entertainment closed its doors in 2001 and many thought that wrestling was finished. That, we now know, was not to be the case. In fact, if anything, the failure of the WWWE was a blessing in disguise. The destruction of a monopoly left the industry open to innovation, creativity and originality and the US is filled with new and exciting promotions, with equally exciting ideas. Still, despite all the industry’s growth Turner Paige remains the pantomime villain – the man every US wrestling fan loves to hate.


For one wrestling fan, that hatred is too much to bear. That wrestling fan is Chase Paige. The son of Turner Paige grew up in a wrestling industry at its highest and lowest points – he spent more time with wrestlers than he did with his grandparents and to see his father’s name, his own name, dragged through the dirt in every wrestling promotion still appals him ten years on.


Even the most casual look at a list of wrestling promotions across America reveals that each has its own purpose. The formation of the AWF in 2005 offered sports entertainment for the first time since 2001, PWI offers a competitive product a world away from the glitz and glamour of the WWWE. DRAGON offers a unique Japanese twist to American fans, and CWT keeps on as the country’s biggest old-school ‘rasslin’ promotion.


In 2012 Chase Paige did something few people could ever have imagined. In 2012 Chase Paige did something that enraged his parents and his friends. In 2012 Chase Paige gambled everything he owned on one dream – rescuing his name from a history book that likened it to a curse, a joke and a metaphor for all things wrong with a sport he loved. In 2012 Chase Paige became the proud owner of the Impact Wrestling Corporation – a promotion whose sole purpose was to prove to the world once and for all that the Paige name did not destroy the wrestling world...it made it.



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A little peek at the idea behind the style of my WLW diary's matches:


Everything is going to be described as a transcript; all main-show promos will be word-for-word. The matches? You'll get the announcer's desk. No weirdly-typed action sequences; you'll just get what the announcer's call. The tv's on in the other room; this is the best you'll get.


Will it be successful? Almost assuredly not. But has this been done before?




No, seriously, has anyone done this before?

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A little peek at the idea behind the style of my WLW diary's matches:


Everything is going to be described as a transcript; all main-show promos will be word-for-word. The matches? You'll get the announcer's desk. No weirdly-typed action sequences; you'll just get what the announcer's call. The tv's on in the other room; this is the best you'll get.


Will it be successful? Almost assuredly not. But has this been done before?




No, seriously, has anyone done this before?


Sorta. The first two Destined to Fail diaries used a comedy version of that format.


It's more work than it feels like.

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Well, I doubt I'll ever actually get this one off the ground due to time constraints and my inability to maintain creative narrative over the long term, but here's the intro to X-Rev (Extreme Revolution):


In it’s heyday, the pace had been known as The Alibi, and at one time it was among the more popular clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Just a stone’s throw from the beach, The Alibi had once been a gathering place for the trendy set and the well to do, and for many of the tourists who visited the bay every year.


But like any such place, eventually the trends shifted, and the Alibi lost favor with the locals and tourists alike. Funding fell through, and like so many clubs before it, the Alibi quietly passed into obscurity.


It didn’t really look much like a once-popular nightspot anymore. The neon lights had long since died away or been smashed by the local hoods, the glass was boarded over; with no reason to maintain the look of the place, the steel had faded under the constant exposure to sand the salty water of the bay. It didn’t look trendy and it didn’t look fun, but if you knew what to look at you could see the signs of a still-beating heart, evidence that something was still on offer here. Those who were in a position to know said that crowds flocked to this place…but that it was a whole different type of people this time around.


I approached slowly, unsure of myself. I knew I had come to the right place…I’d been hearing rumors of The Alibi for almost a year now, and even before I got the call to come by I had been planning to come see it. I had to know if what they said about what went on there was true.


As I came closer to the front door I noticed the one thing that stood out through the grime and accumulated filth. Something that didn’t really belong, and yet somehow was exactly what I expected to see: a bronze plaque with black lacquered lettering. In bold letters it said “LIVE FOR THE COMPANY” and nothing else, though beneath that someone had hastily scrawled more words in black permanent marker, right onto the wood of the door itself.


It said… “Abandon all hope, ye who enters here.” Somehow, I took comfort in those words, and without further hesitation, I walked through the door and into my future….


Once inside, it was like I was possessed. I somehow knew where I was going, despite having never set foot in this place before. It was dark, with much of the light coming in through the filthy skylights overhead. There was dust everywhere, but it was clearly pattered with finger and handprints, showing me that there was indeed life here, somewhere.


I followed the hall for a short distance, and began to hear the sound of voices shouting. I followed the sound and eventually came to a set of double doors. It was clear that the angry sounds were coming from beyond, and I knew that this is where I needed to go. I could feel the heat of the room beyond; feel the burning desires of all who were on the other side.


I opened the door to the main hall and was washed with the sound of voices screaming in anger and rage, yelling profanities. My brain seemed to stall out. What I was seeing couldn’t be real…it was simply too bizarre.


Twenty men and five women stood around a well-used wrestling ring. There were rows of chairs on two sides and even bleachers one a third, but no one sat. Instead, they all just stood, staring and angrily shouting at the one item that was in the ring: a giant poster of SWF founder/owner Richard Eisen.


Orwell was a mad genius, I remember thinking to myself. But this is reality. This sort of thing just doesn’t exist…


I stood there for ten full minutes, watching silently as the group continued to shout abuse at a picture. I seemed in a dream, an insane dream, yet I knew this was real.


“You’re here.” said a voice from behind me, startling me. I turned to see whom I was speaking with, but he stood in the shadows. I could make out nothing of his features. But though I could see nothing of his face, I had no doubt he was staring intently at me, assessing me. “Are you ready?”


I nodded, unable to speak, unwilling to break the eerie dreamlike landscape that had formed around me.


“Good,” said the liquid voice from the shadows. “Welcome to the Extreme Revolution.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Punches, Kicks, Chairs, Chains.....there doesn't seem to be a lot of rules in professorial wrestling. In fact there are six important major groups in professional wrestilng. A tight knit group of owners, their families and other businessmen who have agreed that there is in fact just ONE rule in professional wrestling......stay in your territory.


Pro Wrestling is bigger than ever, hotter, more popular and making more money than anyone ever imagined it was capable of. Much of the business is ran in secret and those truly in the know don't talk about it.....however there is another group out there that operates the same way. They make money off of secrecy and their very survival depends on it.


With professorial wrestling and this other group running side by side. What would would happen if they clashed, or even joined into business with one another?


On a chilly night three days before Thanksgiving in November of 1976 Pro Wrestling and the Italian Mafia did just that....







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Would people read an infinitywpi style TCW dynasty. Short, quick match write ups (5 sentences tops more than likely) that focuses as much on the backstage stuff as the keyfabe stuff?


I would every now and then. I've fallen out of following diaries on a regular basis. This is the type of diary I would enjoy the most though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
More of a question than a preview, but how do people feel about 'recap' rather than word-for-word diaries? I'm thinking of (possibly) starting up a jhdVerse diary, but if I do get the time to write one it would have to be much more brief than my earlier diaries. It would probably be closest to the last few shows of Under Pressure in style - it'd still feature every show but you'd get the general idea of what was said without any direct quotes. With the jhdVerse in particular, I wonder whether it will struggle to get the new characters across. Any thoughts?
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More of a question than a preview, but how do people feel about 'recap' rather than word-for-word diaries? I'm thinking of (possibly) starting up a jhdVerse diary, but if I do get the time to write one it would have to be much more brief than my earlier diaries. It would probably be closest to the last few shows of Under Pressure in style - it'd still feature every show but you'd get the general idea of what was said without any direct quotes. With the jhdVerse in particular, I wonder whether it will struggle to get the new characters across. Any thoughts?


I'm a fan of the approach when its done well. I think its a bit easier with real world workers than in other 'verses - whether C-Verse of jhd-verse. You're correct in that I also think it would probably take some work to get across the characters of given workers to readers, which is what seems most likely to really grab readers. I think its doable, though. Just gotta make sure to focus on that aspect. I would expect you can make it work and I, for one, would read.

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More of a question than a preview, but how do people feel about 'recap' rather than word-for-word diaries? I'm thinking of (possibly) starting up a jhdVerse diary, but if I do get the time to write one it would have to be much more brief than my earlier diaries. It would probably be closest to the last few shows of Under Pressure in style - it'd still feature every show but you'd get the general idea of what was said without any direct quotes. With the jhdVerse in particular, I wonder whether it will struggle to get the new characters across. Any thoughts?


I can understand time restraints of course, but as I am sure part of it besides being fun would be to showcase your awesome mod as others have done. I think your mod is amazing and would love to play it but have been unsuccessful. Others may not play TEW as much and have no idea about it yet or what it entails. Point being, if you are going to just recap shows have you considered just a watchers diary and recapping the AI? I will be doing something similar to this soon as a dojo is opened. You could just showcase each show and recap/comment when ya choose too. It would be interesting and would showcase your entire mod every promotion in every region. Still a lot of work, but I would look at it often.

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  • 4 weeks later...

January 1st marked the begging of a new year in 2012. While WWE and TNA were moving along some would say a downward slope due to poor management and a missing piece in the creative department, little would we know that the wrestling world as we knew it would get a shake up from a man who has not been seen in the public eye for some time. It would be in New York where the ball would get rolling again…


Shane McMahon: “Hey man how you doing?”


?: “I’m great how’s life Shane?”


Shane: “Great actually I have a proposition for you.”


?: “Oh?”


Shane: “I’m getting something off the ground a revival if you will. I respect the hell out of what you have done in wrestling and have always admired your body of work. You know I’m not like my dad. I deliver on my promises and have the financial means to make this successful.”


?: “Well if you know so much about me then you know what I want.”


Shane: “Oh believe me I know. Look I will do the business aspect of this you just use that brain of yours to bring in fans and make this company profitable once again. You are not dealing with the others that plagued this place you are dealing with me. What do you say?”


?: “I say we have ourselves a deal.”


Shane: “Excellent, you will not regret this I promise. I have some phone calls to make. We will be in touch Paul…”





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Pending the fixing of my computer I give you...

Supreme Championship Wrestling: '97 just got hotter!


Windy City Wrestling having just settled out of court with World Championship Wrestling over the use of the acronym WCW, looks to expand beyond Chicago and eventually go Global. Once just a little indy fed, the money from the settlment has given the promotion the shot in the arm to finally make some waves...

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  • 3 weeks later...
What kind of interest, if any, would there be in an NWA diary based on the No Holds Barred 1989 mod? I would be using the Grand Avatar as my user character so that it would not have any affect on the roster, perse. But I would like to gauge the interest this type of diary would bring.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone needs to run with this; it'll be me if/when one of my other diaries finish (if ever <_<):


A diary solely telling the story of the ZEN Conceptual Championship. Like a dvd release or whatever. All the matches, feuds, times that people got nailed in a match from the non-existent title, etc.


Including when the champ finds it stolen from his locker.


And the time it's slid into the ring by the champ's manager. The champion gets DDTed onto the belt. The ref calls for the bell; the challenger, not having seen the belt, gets angry. Ref shows him the belt; challenger goes nuts, etc.

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Or, if you're feeling weird, run 5 diaries at the same time, trying to juggle these diaries at once.




Well, I started the game and messed around with some hires. I'm definitely not going to run it concurrently, (having enough trouble keeping four; three seems manageable) but I'm considering pre-writing it in my freetime.

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In one world, DAVE died in April of 2007.


In another, it fought on.




Basically, I had an idea stuck in my head: What if DAVE didn’t die?


I mean, let’s say it took one hell of a beating entering 2007. Lost it’s PPV, it’s television show, and it’s about to lose a few of it’s top talents to SWF and TCW and elsewhere. Phil Vibert sees the writing on the wall (or thinks he sees it) and plans to cash out.


But Mitch Naess steps in. Naess is canonically stated to have been preparing for DAVE’s demise for a number of months, and opened up PSW pretty quickly with a core of DAVE talents after it death. So let’s say he took it up a notch, found a couple of investors interested in the company (I’m thinking a silent loan from Stallings), a few months on the internet before shifting back to television (thanks to Arcadia).


Now, the only difficult I’m having is whether or not to go at it from the 2008 database conversion, or the 2010 default database and get it updated for that. I’m leaning to using the 2008 database, since very few dynasties use it these days.

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I've got some basic data for just that kind of dynasty. I converted the 2007 data into 2008 data and then into 2010 data. Then I made some tweaks here and there as well as importing workers from the 2010 data.


It's far from prefect but it's playable and workable enough for a DAVE dynasty. In fact without any tweaks to the product or their pop, DAVE actually don't even lose money every month (although I did give them starting PPV and put Danger Zone TV on one of the small cult national stations, because like you I like to play as a surviving DAVE).


I can send it to you sometime if you're interested in it.

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I've got some basic data for just that kind of dynasty. I converted the 2007 data into 2008 data and then into 2010 data. Then I made some tweaks here and there as well as importing workers from the 2010 data.


It's far from prefect but it's playable and workable enough for a DAVE dynasty. In fact without any tweaks to the product or their pop, DAVE actually don't even lose money every month (although I did give them starting PPV and put Danger Zone TV on one of the small cult national stations, because like you I like to play as a surviving DAVE).


I can send it to you sometime if you're interested in it.

Sure, send it over. I was going to just work with the 08 data and transition from an 07 roster to an 08 roster by cutting out those most likely to leave and replace them, but a few days work on that kind of data might just be the creative boost needed.


Which reminds me, I need to get back to the 2015 data. I recall promising it being in beta by the summer. :p

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