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Diary Preview Thread

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I don't ordinarily ask for advice like this, but I'm trying to nail down a solid opening and I just can't figure it out on my own. Here's the rough draft and some feedback points at the bottom of the post:


Two questions:


1) Is the "mysterious shadowy figure" working? I realized by the end that without a name, trying to describe him ended up getting a bit repetitive. I like the mystery angle as a hook but if it's not working, it's not nearly important enough to lower overall quality for


2) Too verbose? Too long? Should it be split up into a multi-part opening?



I'm thinking that mabye the two problems could be solved by splitting it up and doing a mid-way reveal like I did with Professor Nero in my RIPW diary. Any other feedback, whether here or through PM would be most appreciated.


If you are concerned about length you can put in a tl;dr at the end. But if you are generally going to be that verbose then it's just a way of getting the audience that will enjoy your writing. ^_^ The shadowy figure is ok, you'll need a reveal at some point though.

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I thought it was awesome. :)


Is the shadowy figure the obvious one, or a real surprise?


Thanks for all the feedback. The shadowy figure is supposed to represnt the Grand Avatar (forgot to have him smoking a cigar...)


But as for the Grand Avatar's true identity... that's going to be an early mystery.


Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to try and tweak it a bit and get started. I just need to get time to start playing the actual game and build up some shows and write ups first like a good little diary writer.

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At some point, once my '08 UWA dynasty comes to a close, I'd like to take another shot at doing a Tag Team League dynasty.


But I'd rather like to have help this time (maybe Astil?) because the first time I tried I had already botched the fixture list within the first couple of matchdays ("Matchday One/Two" anyone?) and 16 teams was about 4-6 too many in terms of the grind of setting up the previews and match results.


So one question is, is it even worth it with 10-12 teams? Maybe keep it at 16 teams and change the schedule somehow? Anyone else interested in the project? Maybe instead of letting the AI determine the results people could sponsor a team and RP them? Just throwing ideas out there, I'm not married to any idea except the idea that it was too much for me alone last time!

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This was my 2nd idea for a diary and i kinda prefer the idea over the NYCW one i posted earlier:


PWA - Episode 41

Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall on Monday 1st April 2011

Attendance: 1,000


Preshow Ratings: C & D

<hr>The show starts with Merle O'Curle coming out to the ring:


O'Curle: "Last night Stones managed to beat me in that ring. I know he isn't here tonight but im requesting a rematch next week in front of all you"


Rating: E-

Bookers Note: Better to get this out the way early. Knew it would stink


Match 1:

Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai VS Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin


Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai defeated Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin in 6:44 when Barry Griffin defeated Kelly Martin by pinfall.


Winner: Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: Considering all four more were technicians, i expected a better match than this. I have taken steps to correct my mistake.

<hr>Ancalagon storms to the ring:


Ancalagon: "You know what. Im the former Hardass Champion, and i havent been given my rematch clause thats in my contract. I have spoken to Adam B and guess what. Its now"


Rating: D


Match 2:

Ancalagon VS Menace

for the Hardass Championship


Menace defeated Ancalagon in 5:48 by submission.


Winner: Menace

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: While not the best match it serves to forward a storyline (hopefully)


Match 3:

DJ Reason VS Leo Price VS Ryu Willis VS Stevie Stoat

#1 Contendership for the Hardass Championship


Leo Price defeated DJ Reason, Ryu Willis and Stevie Stoat in 11:49 when Leo Price defeated DJ Reason by pinfall.


Winner: Leo Price

Match Rating: D

Bookers Note: Not such a bad match. I think Willis was stinking it up though. Another to advance a story

<hr>Joey Beauchamp is seen backstage, and its obvious to tell that he is pissed at his loss last night. He prowls around looking to vent and finds it with Arthur T Turtle.


Turtle: "Hey Joey, Whats up"


Beauchamp says nothing. He just grabs Turtle and hits the Breezeblock before stalking off


Rating: D-

Bookers Note: Hang tight. There was a reason.... Honest :)

<hr>Familar music plays and out walks Adam Matravers, without a cast on his arm


Matravers: "Ladies & Gentleman, im back. And i have come out here to apologise. I think i went about things the wrong way. I was trying to educate through force. But i think i have got it right now. Im going to educate through demonstration. Im going to get in the ring with people and show them how its SUPPOSED to be done. And i would like to start that off with a rematch with Rod Todd"


Match 4:

Geena (The Warrior Princess) VS Nina (The Pyscho Ballerina)


Geena The Warrior Princess defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina in 9:57 by submission.


Winner: Geena

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: Eugh. That left a bad taste in my mouth. After the PPV's excellent match i hoped for another. Damn you Stephanie for working elsewhere tonight


Final Show Rating: D- (Hurt Popularity)

Bookers Note: I think that final match hurt the show the most. But i have the matches in the pipeline that should elevate the show somewhat



* * * * * * * * * *


After the show, I sulked for a little while. Things were crumbling around me and I had no idea how to set things right again. My main stars were demanding far too much money for their skills and popularity and in only a few months, I would be bankrupted.


I sat staring at my computer for a few minutes pondering my next move. Should I release some workers to try find some cheaper talent or try persevere and hope that the gate receipts starting going hope.


I knew what I had to do.


'Are you sure you wish to delete this game? Once deleted, you wont be able to recover it'




Grabbing my coat on the way, I then headed out the door. As a slammed the door shut, the phone starting ringing but i let the machine pick it up. I was late as it is.


To Be Continued...

The idea is based off the diary i ran from August 06 to January 07 which covered 5 years of gameplay and began in TEW05 and was (badly) ported to TEW07. The show above was the last show i ran for it, and the new diary would spin off from the moment i deleted the game and left the house.


I do have one other idea based upon kinda the same principle that i might post up later..


I should really pick one soon and start running with it

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At some point, once my '08 UWA dynasty comes to a close, I'd like to take another shot at doing a Tag Team League dynasty.


But I'd rather like to have help this time (maybe Astil?) because the first time I tried I had already botched the fixture list within the first couple of matchdays ("Matchday One/Two" anyone?) and 16 teams was about 4-6 too many in terms of the grind of setting up the previews and match results.


So one question is, is it even worth it with 10-12 teams? Maybe keep it at 16 teams and change the schedule somehow? Anyone else interested in the project? Maybe instead of letting the AI determine the results people could sponsor a team and RP them? Just throwing ideas out there, I'm not married to any idea except the idea that it was too much for me alone last time!


So I take that to be a no, then? :)

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First of all, I'm still deciding whether to continue the NWA diary I'm currently running. But if I decide to kill it, here is a little something of a preview.


Chapter 1

"Three Years And It Feels Good"


January 2009

Pro Wrestling Insiders Latest Headlines

The First Interview Of The Year

"Undoubted Comeback"


It was almost three years. Since the fall of DaVE. John Campbell cannot believe that he is doing this.


What got him to come back. What the hell came into his mind that he wanted to come back to the business of wrestling? Was it his son that he wanted to support? Was it Phil Vibert, the new DeColt promotion CGC new booker? Of course his relationship with Phil Vibert has been just more than friends. They were business partners. Company men. Well not those company men that wore suits but those who bled and sweated just to build one of the hits of the wrestling industry from the whole decade of the 90's and through 2007 where it all ended. Or could it had been Mitch Naess' power of persuasion to finally persuade the Hardcore Enigma to come to Pittsburgh and show the American industry that hardcore wrestling was back in town.


You can't blame Nemesis for his reasons. Which are unknown. The players of the North American industry are doubting that Nemesis could make an impact once more. Most noted the greedy supremacist Richard Eisen and his money making promotion Supreme Wrestling Federation. Tommy Cornel didn't doubt the come back of Nemesis though. These two great men of wrestling have been the best since the February 1997 blood and action that every SWF can never forget. Both men have moved onto better things. And Cornell believed that Nemesis will do something incredibly shocking or incredibly "wrestlecrap".


But how can Nemesis create this term called "wrestlecrap"? He proved himself to be smart when DaVe built successful characters like Eddie Peak and his character of a great white shark looking for trouble. Or Big Cat Brandon and his powerful force that was immovable. And even the creation of "Wrath Of God" Jack Giedroyc who is now turning out to be a big hit on the SWF.


In a gritty, cultish interview with Pro Wrestling Insiders, John started the interview such a manner of his own. Swear words and bloody fowl language.


He stated the situation of the North American Wrestling Industry:


"Hell look at the Pro Wrestling Business now. Last time I checked Cliff Anderson and the Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling are doing better than DaVE. Hell no wonder they rose to a more popular company. They had the minor formula that DaVE needed for the last two-three years man. Look at Canadian Charisma Championship Combat. A promotion owned by a midget for sh*t's sakes man!!! But his booker Joey Poison was smart at showing the alternative of both what the Stones and the Decolts are doing!


Now Mitch Naess has Johnny Martin and Alex Braun and took his little Pittsburgh 'DaVE wanna be' promotion and is starting to become a success. And he puts the 'f*ck you' on my face when he turned my son Ash into a fast rising cruiserweight. And soon he started hiring guys who can fly. What wrestling fans want these days!!! He hires cruiserweights and younger generation stars and turns them into bloody hardcore men. Now that's what I love about PSW!!


Sam Strong. That guy is a legend I gotta admit and we didn't have any fights when he was still employed with the SWF back at my days at that crap sh*t of a promotion. But now he's starting to give more mainstream attention to USPW. The company that we competed against for at least four months. They were trying to steal the DaVE fans and turned them into some 80's nostalgia piece of sh*t! And now he starts a war with Richard? Hehe, good luck Sam because the only thing that you can find will be trouble and maybe your company can die just like DaVE did!!!


Cornell proved to me that Traditional Wrestling can be updated. Hell he even gave up Valentine, Liberty [James Justice], Tyson Baine or BLZ Bubb whichever and, that rocker band which was a crappy waste of space in a couple of years and turned guys like Joey Minnesota, Eddie Peak, Sammy Bach and the New Wave into great stars. Cornell thought he was on trouble but I think he's got a chance to win the war with Eisen.


And as for Eisen, f*ck him. He ran too many crappy storylines. Seriously, that Election storyline just got one of the smartest and most talented man in the wrestling industry jump ship to the rival company. Good thing that his new storyline saved his promotion from deathbed. And Eric Eisen having the title now? That could had just killed the storyline."


Then he targeted Richard Eisen one more time.


"Richard, if you are hearing this interview right now then I only got some words for you. DaVE, I might had failed to take you and the SWF out the competition. I came to a brief hiatus. Now Three Years and it feels better than f*ckin ever Eisen. I'm coming for you.


And I'm not alone.


Now count on that b*tch!!!'


Gritty indeed.


He's not alone.


He's coming for Eisen.


Was he ready to come back?

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Been on a bit of a creative bender with regards to the SWF of late, and have plumped for a diary with them as my choice. Expect blurred lines and complex, reasoned characters aplenty ;)


Here's an excerpt of Eric Eisen's speech, the Supreme TV after Christmas Clash:

"Names hold the key. Fittingly Mr. Bruce, as you don't know Jack."


"I'm an Eisen. Eisen's crush and conquer and cast aside those that stand in their way, through either cunning or brute force. I had the cunning, and all it took was one foot landing in the wrong place to give me eighteen months to work on brute force. That was the greatest injury layoff i've ever had, but more than anything it's good to be back. Back in wrestling, back in the SWF, and back with a belt around my waist."


"But unlike the last, this belt doesn't just say i'm the best in North America, oh no. This belt says i'm the best in the world! All challengers from all shores shall fall at my feet! No longer will Jack Bruce, the attention-seeking premadonna with the blasé attitude, be given free reign! I put him through nine months of hell, i made him sweat, i made him bleed, and i made him suffer. I put him through everything a champion should experience to prove their worth, and he couldn't handle it."


"But now, there's a real champion. I live by this belt, and you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands as i die by it to get it back. You people here tonight respected Jack Bruce for being a champion, and so you shall most certainly respect me! I have and will continue to prove myself worthy of this belt, as much as it proves itself worthy of me!"


"Now Mr. Bruce, before you come out here in a huff and tell me how i beat you at less than 100%, you need not ask for a rematch - as at When Hell Freezes Over, you'll get it. And you'll have no excuses about injuries then, as following tonight you are hereby banned from attending SWF events until we meet in the ring, in one month's time! If you break that rule, no rematch!"


"Jack Bruce, i despise you. We may both be arrogant men, but i have no shame in proving that arrogance is justified. That's where the difference lies. I'll see you in a month."


Interested in what direction people have chosen to go with vis a vis 'Supremacist' Eric Eisen too. Any thoughts?

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Great promo, Nedew. Solid heel vibes. Couple of notes :)


1) "I have and will continue to prove myself worthy of this belt" is a little too babyface for me. You could Heel that up a bit.


2) How does Eric Eisen have authority to ban Bruce from attending SWF events? There are a million different valid reasons, but it would be nice if you gave one. Does being champ give the power? Did he talk to his dad? I'd go with the former over the latter. Now that he's grown up he doesn't need to talk to his dad to get things done. Just a little bit of exposition would help to clear the situation up.


Really nice promo. If it was no good, I wouldn't bother giving notes. Take them with a pinch of salt. You know the full picture.

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Great promo, Nedew. Solid heel vibes.


Cheers :) I wasn't aiming for anything epic, just a scene setter really. Solid suits that.


1) "I have and will continue to prove myself worthy of this belt" is a little too babyface for me. You could Heel that up a bit.


I thought the follow-up "as much as it proves itself worthy of me!" took care of that, but i wanted Eisen to be very belt-obsessed, and as such the lump of gold is what he'd pay his respects to. Besides, i don't want to make him 'bad for the sake of it' - he has his motives, some decent, some morally bankrupt. I like that variety in my characters.


2) How does Eric Eisen have authority to ban Bruce from attending SWF events? There are a million different valid reasons, but it would be nice if you gave one. Does being champ give the power? Did he talk to his dad? I'd go with the former over the latter. Now that he's grown up he doesn't need to talk to his dad to get things done. Just a little bit of exposition would help to clear the situation up.


In the 'Man Under Pressure' article, it's alluded to that whilst still under his guise as 'the mystery man', Eisen tips the balance of power very much in his favour - bounties on Bruce, handicap matches for him etc., right up to giving him 2 World Title defences in one night. I could just add in a "I spoke to the board/my dad", but as you said his new show of proving himself doesn't really sit well with that. I was also trying to wangle in a "I lost out on 18 months, so maybe this'll make you realise it's better to fight than sit on the sidelines", but i could never really get it to work right. I'll work something out for it eventually i'm sure.


Thanks for the feedback :)

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This is a 1989 WCW Diary idea I had.


“Sir Mr. Turner will see you now”


I walked through a big door into the best looking office I had every seen the office of none other than Ted Turner the owner of WCW. He had recently fired the head booker after a string of pretty bad months. I've been in wrestling for years and I was the first person Mr. Turner contacted.


“Well howdy stranger, how ya been?”


“Pretty good sir.”


“Good good, see I have a problem buddy and I think that you can solve it. The only thing is ya never been a booker before and nobody backstage really knows you.”


“I no Mr. Turner, but the reason I'm so sure I can be so successful is I have ideas that have not been done before, and as for the people backstage and the wrestlers I may not be the best known guy but I'm a people person and I will win over a lot of the guys in the back.”


“Well we have a pretty good group of boys back there and i'm excited bout your plans so what exactly are these plans buddy?”


“Attitude, more blood more real story lines more sex you know? All Vince is doing is kid stuff Mr. Turner they might be “Successful” but their not entertaining...to me at least and I know what the people want.”


“Ok, sounds pretty good as long as it helps us compete. I wouldn't usually let people do this but I'll give you a shot...but there was another reason I called you here. There is another guy who is new and wants a job in WCW and wants a shot in the creative things in WCW and his name is..Eric Bischoff he's really new to wrestling but give the kid a shot and damn who knows we could be number one in no time.”


“Alright, so this Eric kid does he have the right to shoot down my ideas does he?”


“No, it's actually the opposite, you can deny Eric's ideas.”


“Alright, so I'll see you soon.”


“Yes ya will boy, tomorrow morning you have a meeting with Eric 9:30 sharp right next to this room.”






Please tell me what you think of this and what I could improve on.

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So, because my brain wanders, I've already started noodling around the diary to run after TCW finishes, and I don't intend to finish TCW any time soon.


That means I need to get the idea out of my brain and into the real world where I can ignore it and deal with actual projects.


So here you go, a glimpse into a possible future:



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I found a few months ago when really getting into TEW the first time (Usually I play a month or two and get bored...) that I found it a lot easier to plan my game like a diary. Then I thought, wait a second...


Anyways, I'm not too sure about what does and doesn't fly, but I just started writing my first show out for fun, and I thought I'd test the waters on whether or not the idea itself would be booed off the board.


I'm playing GCG (To be honest, mostly because it starts during a tour and I'm still working on the demo for another few days...) not too keen on long discussions of backstage happenings; ideally, I'd like to keep it all within kayfabe, but I doubt that's gonna be entirely possible. Instead, I'd rather get close to a play-by-play style of writing, with the road agent notes and scores at the end for reference. Based on what I've got so far of my first match, it's getting kinda wordy... haha.


This might be typical for performance promotions, but to be entirely honest, I can't say. All the dynasties I really enjoyed were popularity based promotions with a lot of focus on the promos. :p


(Also, in an act of utter blandness, my user character is Takayuki Avatar, who will indeed be wrestling. In fact, in that very first match I've been writing so far...)

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This is my current TEW2010 game. Wasn't intended as a diary, but I have to write a bit to give the game context (otherwise, I find myself unattached and unable to play for long periods of time).


All unedited, no proofreading at all, so consider this a rough draft. Have about 2 and a half months of shows written in a graphics free, journal format. Toying with the posting it here.



Victoria's Journal

(Monday, Week 1, January 2010)


I met with dad today. He told me that he was getting ready to retire. He'd had his time in the spotlight and it was time for the next generation of Stones to lead NOTBPW into the future. Dad reminded me that he was a traditionalist. Told me that he'd almost certainly leave the company to Jeremy or Dan. I suspect that my marriage to Sean has eliminated me from the running. Not that I don't think that Dad dislikes my husband. I just think that he wants to do everything that he can to keep NOTBPW in the Stone family. If he were to give me the company, it'd be passed down to Lucy. Then it'd be a Stone-McFly company. If, in 20 or 25 years, she were to get married, well, who knows what name would be associated with the family company?


Dad was not only a traditionalist in the family sense, but also a traditionalist in the wrestling sense. And in that world, performance was highly valued. And so he told me that he trusted the company's future to me. While the company, in name, might go to Dan or Jeremy, I was the one that he wanted to lead the company into the future. This made sense to me. I did, after all, have more booking experience than Dan or Jeremy. They were better in the ring than I could ever hope to be, but all of that attention and focus on wrestling had dulled their interest in business. Moreover, if they were in charge, they would run NOTBPW exactly like it had always been. And while our classic approach to wrestling had been successful in Canada, Dad knew that it was only a matter of time before the SWFs, TCWs, and USPWs of the world came knocking on our door. Times were changing. I, more than my brothers, was best equipped to deal with that change. I mean, I married an ex-SWF champion after all. Despite my last name, I know a little something about sports entertainment. Thus, I would be the head booker of NOTPBW for the foreseeable future. My position, virtually cemented by blood, would be legally inscribed into the documents that passed majority ownership from Dad to one of the boys.


And then dad dropped a bomb on me. For the last few years, Dad and I had shared the creative direction of the company. We'd meet, two or three times a week, sketch out some plans. This was to change after the upcoming Big City Brawl. Dad said that these would be his last two weeks being directly involved in the booking of the company. He wasn't sure when he'd step down officially, but after Big City Brawl 2010, he was going to limit himself to road agent duties and to giving me advice and feedback.


And then dad dropped a nuke on top of the bomb that had just landed on me. He told me that he was disappointed and nearly heart-broken when I decided to retire from in-ring competition. Promoting, he said, was what made us a company. Wrestling, he said, was what made us Stones.


At first, I was furious. I thought that he thought that I wasn't good enough. I thought that dad wasn't interested in women's wrestling. I thought that's why we downsized the division in 2007. He explained that it was all business. The fans weren't buying the women's division and we didn't have enough talent to make it work. Dad was ready to give it another try, provided I was ready to lead the charge. I cried. He laughed. We hugged.


And then I hit the gym.


And then a snippet from a show later that month:



Victoria's Journal

(Wednesday, Week 3, January 2010)


2,000 people crowded into Pengrowth Place today, eager to see NOTBPW's biggest stars. It was just a weekly show like any other, yet it wasn't. Dad's impending announcement had caused butterflies to appear in my stomach and I couldn't shake my anxiety. It was a long night.


The Natural vs. Lord James King

The night started with an effort keep the Can-Am Blondes busy with the undercard faces, as the Natural squared off against Lord King James. Predictably, the match was fairly one sided, as The Natural is in a different league than Lord King James. As if to add insult to injury, Owen Love accompanied the Natural to the ring and his presence nullified any potential offense that LKJ might have been able to develop. Sadly, The Natural and Lord James King don't seem to click, and so the match was a little under our expectations. The Natural defeated Lord James King in 6:38 by pinfall with a Nature Calls.

(Rating: C-)


And then Dad came to the ring.


. . . deleted for preview purposes . . .


Joanne Rodriguez vs. Tamara McFly

And then, after too long of a break, the women hit the ring. Admittedly, I thought it was kind of peculiar to have J-Ro and Tamara have the first match since 'reactivating” the women's division, as they are both freshly signed. Yet Tamara, by virtue of her brother, is well liked here and I know J-Ro to be an excellent worker, so this seemed the most sensible of all matches. As for the match – it featured some good action, but the crowd wasn't totally into it. After an all-out, back and forth affair, Tamara McFly defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 7:19 by pinfall with a McFly Roll.

(Rating: C-)


Backstage, Harrison Hash and Sean McFly were shown standing around, talking about the main event. McFly was warning Has to watch out for the leg locks from Maverick, when Dark Angel walked around the corner. Hash raised his hand out to greet him, but Dark Angel just stared at Harrison. McFly grunted and sniffed, while nodding at Dark Angel. Angel nodded, and then continued down the hallway. After Angel walks by, Hash asked McFly what his deal was. “Just his way of making sure you were up to snuff, Hash.” Hash shrugs, and then goes back to going over the game plan with McFly.

(Rating: C)

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This is my current TEW2010 game. Wasn't intended as a diary, but I have to write a bit to give the game context (otherwise, I find myself unattached and unable to play for long periods of time).


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this.


I have Word Docs, and Google docs full of backstories and show write-ups just from normal games I have no intention of posting diaries for.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this.


I have Word Docs, and Google docs full of backstories and show write-ups just from normal games I have no intention of posting diaries for.


High five, likewise. Without a level of character writing, it's just numbers being simulated against numbers.

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I'm looking to do a BSC Diary once I buy the game, which should be within the next week or so. With that in mind, I figured I'd post what will be the first post (or posts, if I decide to add some more description) to get some interest built up.


April 2009 - The Exit

"Listen Kate, you know that I was going to make you my successor, but..."


"But what, Anne? But you can't handle that I've surpassed you? You don't like that everyone thinks of Kate Avatar when they think of the greatest women's wrestler in the world? What?"


"Just that, Kate. That ego. It's through the roof. I'm installing Cat Quine at head booker, and I'm letting you go. Maybe you'll be welcome back when you chill out."


"Are you serious? Anne, this is a ****** joke! I'm the greatest women's wrestler in the world, there's no way you're letting me go!"


"Kate, we just can't stand your attitude backstage anymore. Tonight is your last show. Good luck finding work somewhere else, and please shut the door on your way out."


And that was the last match I wrestled in 2009. Sure, I worked the occasional indy show in front of 15 people for peanuts, but that was the last real match I worked. Getting rolled up by Zoe Ammis, and then being asked to pack my bags and get out of the company. I almost thought I was unhireable, until...


December 2009 - The Phone Call

"Kate? Kate Avatar?"


"Yeah? I told you all to take me off of your calling lists, don't call this number again."


"Wait! It's about your career!"


My career? This could be the opportunity I've been waiting for.


"This is Honey Golightly from BSC. We've been looking to bring in some more solid wrestlers and expand our horizons and I think you would be perfect to guide that vision."


"Haha, good prank, whoever this is. BSC and wrestling are about as close to being the same as vodka and light beer."


"This is serious, Kate. I know you've been out there asking everyone for work and no one will take you. Not only do I want you here, but I want you to take over booking."


Head booker? Of the Babes of Sin City?


"Listen, Honey, I'm an Avatar. I have a reputation. Jack's off in Supreme, Chuck's about to crack the Main Event of TCW, Jerome's working over with Sam Strong and Tak's about to get the call-up to Burning Hammer."


"Yes, Kate, you do have a reputation and it trumps your family name. No one wants to hire you because they hear you're a locker room poison and no amount of skill or family name is worth that to most companies. I'm taking a chance here, so if you don't want this job, just say so and let me move on."

Even Honey Golightly barely wants me? But...My poor dignity.


"Okay, Honey. I'll drive out there next week."

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An Infected Diary


This diary takes place March 2010 and is a real world mod based off WWE. Look for it on Feb 28.


ECW and Superstars are Off Air.




World:Undertaker (Beat CM Punk at HIAC)

Womens: Michelle McCool(Won in the summer)

IC: Drew McIntyre (Beat Morrison at TLC)



WWE: Ted Dibiase (Beat Sheamus at EC)

Unified Tag:MizShow(Beat DX on 2/8/10 edition of RAW)

US: The Miz (Beat Kofi Kingston Raw after HIAC)

Divas: Maryse(Beat Gail Kim at EC)

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