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Why exactly did Xavier get the belt with all that talent running around back then. AJ Styles, Low Ki, Christopher Daniels, Bryan Danielson, etc.


I pretend like it didn't happen.


The idea was those guys didn't need the belt to get over so Xavier got it to try and make him a star. Of course,his first match after winning the belt is a non-title affair that he loses which doesn't make sense even now. I imagine Xavier was considered the best choice at the time for the slot and the other options either already had long-term plans (Paul London) or weren't polished enough (Amazing Red).


I never took to Xavier. He was a decent wrestler but nothing he did was better than average and the more they pushed him the more the fans pushed back. He had 'go away' heat.

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#The "You Sold Out!" Issue: Stennick asked an interesting question there; "Why does Tyler Black get boo'd for leaving while Danielson/McGuinness". I'd like to give a point if I may. While Countdown mentions the tide was already somewhat turning against Black anyways, I'd a different point of view. It's all about tenure. Bryan Danielson, by the point he where he was leaving ROH, had served something like 8 years in the company, going all the way back to ROH's first show. Basically American Dragon had done it all in ROH by 2009. He'd came in, got over, and then helped the people around him get over. In a sense Danielson had "given back" to the company. Same with McGuinness. Because they'd both been around for a substantial time, once they'd risen to the top they were able to bring guys up with them.


Tyler Black, on the other hand, has not had chance do this yet. Black really only got over big within the last year. He's a guy who been pushed relatively hard and fast by ROH (having won both the tag team and World Championships within Three years, and before he came to ROH no one had ever heard of him). Because Black only just became champion recently he hasn't really put anyone else over yet. Now that's not really his fault, he just didn't have the time yet. But whether the fans realise it or not, in the back of their minds their miffed that Black has established people to succeed him when he leaves.


Look at Danielson before he left: He made sure that a number of guys, including Takeshi Morishima, McGuinness (before we knew he was also going) and Davey Richards were well over before he left. McGuinness, during his run as World Champ, made several competitors (including Tyler Black) look very credible.


Well now, if McGuinness can make people look good as World Champ, didn't Black also do that? (you may ask). The answer, unfortunately, is no, not really. Black has only really had one amazing stellar defence: Against Davey Richards in Canada at Death before Dishonor, and the thing is Davey Richards is already over like Rover. In the rest of the Black's defences there's been plenty of controversy and mess-ups that if anything almost botched his run and under-minded Roderick Strong. Now that all or even most, of this is Black's fault, he doesn't decide how he's booked. But that the impression the ROHbots have: Of an iffy champion that hasn't left any successors, which is in stark contrast to Danielson and McGunniess.


Thus, having reaped the benefits of being with ROH (getting over as hell, being world champ, getting him noticed enough to get with WWE) but having never given back (creating a new star through excellent matches perhaps) certain ROH feel short-changed and so...




That's my theory anyways.

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I kind of agree with you smurphy. I just can't see Black leaving tonight with the ROH world title. If he doesn't lose clean to Roderick I def think he'll be facing one more person before the nights over.


Anyone getting the iPPV tonight? I am thinking about it but I'm not sure yet. I really want to see the Cabana & Generico vs. Steen & Corino match and the KoW vs. WGTT. I'll probably end up deciding right at 8 PM.

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I kind of agree with you smurphy. I just can't see Black leaving tonight with the ROH world title. If he doesn't lose clean to Roderick I def think he'll be facing one more person before the nights over.


Anyone getting the iPPV tonight? I am thinking about it but I'm not sure yet. I really want to see the Cabana & Generico vs. Steen & Corino match and the KoW vs. WGTT. I'll probably end up deciding right at 8 PM.

Tyler's gotta lose the belt tonight, but I hope it's something like you described. I just don't want to see Roderick with the belt.


I'm considering getting the show, but I need to see if my internet connection is strong enough to run it smoothly.

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Does anyone think someone other than Roderick will win though? I can't see ROH putting the World Title on someone who just came back like Homicide. If Tyler does lose I would like to see either Roderick win (even though not a huge fan) or either Davey Richards (1st choice) or Daniels facing Black to end the night.
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The KoW WGTT match could be fun, I've been pretty outspoken in the past on how I think Shelton Benjamin is pretty average, but if he brings a decent spot or two, Haas can still go and KoW do what they are capable of then it could be an awesome match. I am thinking it might struggle to meet expectations but it's worth a look just for curiosity's sake in my opinion.


Colt/Generico vs Steen/Corino feud has been fun so far and I am way more into it than I am the main event scene. Tyler and Roderick are probably the two least charismatic people in the company (possibly excluding the non-scary looking member of the DCFC) and when you compare them to all four guys in this feud, it's just crazy.

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I would be stunned if Homicide won the belt tonight. It's the kind of hotshotting ROH aren't known for, plus for Cornette to play a role in it would make no sense based on the storyline that wrote him out of the company. where his vendetta against Homicide led to his getting the boot.


I think Black may retain because of the swerve factor and they'll have him drop the belt in a couple of weeks instead.


And the fact that Strong may actually win the ROH title is enough to put me off of buying the iPPV. I cannot stand Strong and immediately skip to the next match whenever he shows up.

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I would be stunned if Homicide won the belt tonight. It's the kind of hotshotting ROH aren't known for, plus for Cornette to play a role in it would make no sense based on the storyline that wrote him out of the company. where his vendetta against Homicide led to his getting the boot.


Agreed, perhaps it is just wishful thinking that Homicide would show up to win it tonight. :D

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If we're going with wishful thinking, then can't we all collectively hope for Samoa Joe to come back and win the strap tonight?


A fella can dream, can't he?


And yeah, Roderick and Tyler are both cases where they can do all the moves and they are tremendous athletes, but neither can talk worth ****, and even in a company where the emphasis is on the action, the top guys simply have to be able to deliver believable promos.


Like, the Briscoes aren't good talkers, but they're believable. When Roddy gets mad, he doesn't sound like he's mad, or like he's gonna whup some ass. He sounds whiny, and wimpy, and his facial expressions are comical rather than menacing.

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Like, the Briscoes aren't good talkers, but they're believable. When Roddy gets mad, he doesn't sound like he's mad, or like he's gonna whup some ass. He sounds whiny, and wimpy, and his facial expressions are comical rather than menacing.


I had the same thought about Roddy while watching the recent videowire. Is it just me or are the Briscoes similar to the Rock and Roll Express? They can go in the ring but only one (Jay/Ricky) can cut a decent promo while their partner should probably never speak into a live mic.

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I had the same thought about Roddy while watching the recent videowire. Is it just me or are the Briscoes similar to the Rock and Roll Express? They can go in the ring but only one (Jay/Ricky) can cut a decent promo while their partner should probably never speak into a live mic.



HAHA! Yeah Mark should probably never touch a mic. He just talks but it never really makes sense. Jay is def a better talker.


I'm going to get the PPV tonight...Does anybody want me to keep everyone updated or do you guys just want me to write a review once the PPV is done?

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Are all ROH ppvs this boring? I feel like I've spent 10 minutes staring at a GFL logo...oh wait, I have!


This is the first one I've ever gotten and it's kind of pissing me off. I've had to restart the stream a bunch of times and have missed a bunch of match time. I probably won't ever get another one after this but I'll still be watching ROH on HDNET

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Wow, I am not seeing any reason why people say ROH is the best in the world while watching this event. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I don't get it. It's like there's a cult that follows this promotion and everything they do is gold, but it's just boring to me. The only thing that got me pumped is Davey Richards saying he's not retiring.


The announcers are dreadful. The production quality is extremely cheap. The matches so far have been pretty boring with nothing that stands out. They've made so many simple editing errors.


Now its Austin Aries and Daniels...if this disappoints I'm just turning it off. I love them both, so hopefully it's good.

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