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Anybody plan on ordering the pair of iPPVs tonight and tomorrow afternoon (U.S. time)? I'm going to place my order within the next couple of hours. $20 total for those two shows should be tremendous value in my opinion. Especially if you have some way of watching it on your television. For anybody who has a ROKU player, you can now stream the shows live through that device.
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Anybody plan on ordering the pair of iPPVs tonight and tomorrow afternoon (U.S. time)? I'm going to place my order within the next couple of hours. $20 total for those two shows should be tremendous value in my opinion. Especially if you have some way of watching it on your television. For anybody who has a ROKU player, you can now stream the shows live through that device.


I am thinking about it, though I will not be able to watch them live it would be a nice thing for me to watch Monday and Tuesday.


Edit: and now I have bought it.

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Just ordered myself. Suck it, Wrestlemania! :p


(Well, I will be watching Mania, actually, but only because my friend is buying it.)


Ordered, will be watching the shows when I get a chance during the week. And wont be watching Wrestlemania myself.


Looking forward to the shows, and they are both packed with quality matches. And $20 dollars (Or about £12 for me) is tremendous value.

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Enjoyed this first show a lot. I won't spoil anything yet, in case anyone missed the live show and plans on ordering it when they put it up for On Demand viewing, but I thought the final three matches (Davey/Strong and the two title matches) all delivered big time. Already more than got my $20 worth before Part 2 has even started.
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If someone put a gun to my head and pick the guy currently on the indies who will make it big one day in the WWE my choice would have to be Kenny King. He may not be the best at anything, but he has the look more then anyone and is good and has only gotten better at everything over the last few years. He will be a huge star one day.
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If someone put a gun to my head and pick the guy currently on the indies who will make it big one day in the WWE my choice would have to be Kenny King. He may not be the best at anything, but he has the look more then anyone and is good and has only gotten better at everything over the last few years. He will be a huge star one day.


I agree and he knows how to interact with the crowd. He taunts the crowd and is able to get them really going, that is not something you see a lot in modern day wrestling.

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He was on Tough Enough, but didn't win.


Completely agree about King's potential. Of everyone in ROH, he's the guy I think has the best shot of becoming a star in WWE someday.


Good look, boring to watch, has stereotypical ****y black wrestler act down, not much else going for him. Has WWE written all over him.

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Bought, watched and enjoyed the second show. The Internet was broken in my flat so I had to sneak/break into work to do so. I wasnt blown away by the RoH product, I never am, but I saw good wrestling at a great price.


Disappointed with the opener, mainly because it was the opener. I'm a massive Mark for Co'Reilly (met them in Germany last month, Adam is an awesome bloke) and I wanted a 20+ minute match to 'make' them. Good stuff though.


Also enjoyed the Shimmer tag match. So fun. The babyfaces were so happy. Infectious. Finish was a bummer though.


Had no interest in Briscoes/ANX going in, but they caught my attention. Bloodbath!


Main event didn't float my boat, but it was good enough.


Cost me a tenner and had to break a law to see it, but totally worth it. RoH lacks the vibrancy and sense of fun I enjoy in other Indy promotions, but it's still a fine time.

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Disappointed with the opener, mainly because it was the opener. I'm a massive Mark for Co'Reilly (met them in Germany last month, Adam is an awesome bloke) and I wanted a 20+ minute match to 'make' them. Good stuff though.

I thought their match with the Briscoes the night before was better, and did more to make Cole & O'Reilly look like future champs. They looked really good both nights though, and really got the crowd behind them. Those guys have bright futures in ROH, assuming somebody else doesn't snatch 'em up.

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Just watched the first show which was really good in my opinion. Can't wait till Friday, when I get to watch night 2.


Just a question though, did anyone get slightly burnt out towards the tail end of the show. Maybe it's because the matches were longer and built up slower, but I found myself less interested in the matches post Richards/Strong then the ones before. Maybe I need a break instead of watching it all in one go.

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Just watched the first show which was really good in my opinion. Can't wait till Friday, when I get to watch night 2.


Just a question though, did anyone get slightly burnt out towards the tail end of the show. Maybe it's because the matches were longer and built up slower, but I found myself less interested in the matches post Richards/Strong then the ones before. Maybe I need a break instead of watching it all in one go.

I wasn't the least bit burned out. After the show ended, maybe, but not during. I can understand why you felt that way, though.


I enjoyed both shows, but I definitely thought Night 1 was superior. Still, the second show was well worth watching, and had 3 or 4 matches that topped anything I saw on Mania.

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Just watched the first show which was really good in my opinion. Can't wait till Friday, when I get to watch night 2.


Just a question though, did anyone get slightly burnt out towards the tail end of the show. Maybe it's because the matches were longer and built up slower, but I found myself less interested in the matches post Richards/Strong then the ones before. Maybe I need a break instead of watching it all in one go.


I thought having the last 3 matches back to back like they did was a mistake. Make either Davey Strong or WGTT Kings the last match before intermission and move something like the womans tag to after intermission. I think it would have given the show a little better flow.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>RING OF HONOR ANNOUNCES SALE TO SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP</strong><p> </p><p> BRISTOL, PA. (MAY 21, 2011)--Ring of Honor Wrestling owner, Cary Silkin, announced today the sale of the promotion to Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., one of the largest television broadcasters in the country and which owns and operates, programs, or provides sales services to 58 television stations in 35 markets across the United States.</p><p> </p><p> ROH, currently the third largest wrestling promotion in the country, just celebrated its ninth anniversary, and Mr. Silkin is excited about taking the next step towards increasing the company's visibility and expanding its operations.</p><p> </p><p> "We have been waiting for and working for this opportunity for quite some time", he said, "and of our 9 years in business, there has been no better roster of wrestlers than this one to expose the ROH product to the masses. With Sinclair's resources and many avenues of distribution, we believe many new fans around the world will be as captivated as those who have followed Ring of Honor over the years."</p><p> </p><p> The month of September will see the debut of the new Ring of Honor television program which will be syndicated across the Sinclair network of stations, and with it, ROH will become the only wrestling promotion in the United States with a major, multi-market presence on broadcast TV. But if you don't live in a market with a Sinclair station, fear not, says Mr. Silkin. "Through our revamped website we will be able to make the TV show available to anyone in the world with internet access."</p><p> </p><p> Sinclair officials are enthused about the project as well.</p><p> </p><p> "We are very excited about this acquisition," commented Steve Marks, COO of Sinclair's Television Group. "Television and professional wrestling have a long history of successful partnerships and driving viewership. Unfortunately, the broadcast networks have not protected that relationship, allowing professional wrestling to migrate to cable network distribution. We believe that the powerful promotional platform that our TV stations provide, coupled with our 22% share of the U.S. TV households, will allow ROH to achieve name brand recognition and grow its share of the wrestling market. When you consider the makeup of our station mix and the number of CW, MYTV and FOX affiliates we operate, this is a perfect fit for our viewer demographics." Mr. Marks also noted, "Longer-term, we can envision syndicating ROH wrestling to broadcasters in markets where Sinclair does not have a presence, and even internationally."</p><p> </p><p> Mr. Silkin assures the ROH fans worldwide that they will be seeing the same exciting, hard-hitting style of pro wrestling that they have become accustomed to. "We have established the name Ring of Honor as synonymous with the best in-ring action in the sport. The only thing that will change is that it will now be easier for fans around the world to follow. Our visibility will increase greatly--our production will be upgraded--but the work ethic of our incredible talent roster and our athletic style of wrestling will remain the same. This is what our fans have told us they want, and we will continue to give it to them."</p><p> </p><p> The current front office staff, including Cary Silkin, Syd Eick, and Ross Abrams, will remain with ROH going forward. Hunter Johnston, a favorite of ROH fans for years as the masked grappler Delirious, will still handle matchmaking, Jim Cornette will remain as executive producer, and other familiar faces like ring announcer Bobby Cruise and senior referee Todd Sinclair will be in place."</p><p> </p><p> Additionally, longtime wrestling broadcaster Kevin Kelly, already the voice of ROH internet pay-per-views, will assume the TV play-by-play chair this fall. Veteran NWA and WCW promoter Gary Juster will come aboard to be in charge of live event operations, which are planned to continue in current ROH markets as well as expanding into new locations concurrent with the increased TV exposure.</p><p> </p><p> Mr. Cornette, who along with Mr. Johnston, will be in charge of talent and matchmaking, sees this as a new beginning for pro wrestling. "This is not old-school wrestling, and it's not sports entertainment," said Mr. Cornette. "This is wrestling for the 21st century, a new style developed by fresh, young stars that incorporates wrestling, mixed martial arts and high-flying, high-risk action with unique personalities, and it's showcased by a sports-based presentation completely different from any other product out there. In my 30 years in the sport, it's the most exciting live-event wrestling experience I've seen, and I'm thrilled to help bring it to broadcast TV."</p><p> </p><p> A major press conference, open to wrestling press and mainstream media alike, is being planned for Baltimore on Friday, June 24th. This event will feature a number of the ROH staff and wrestlers both announcing news about ROH's future and answering questions. The media event will be presided over by new ROH COO, Joe Koff. Mr. Koff, a longtime Sinclair executive with an extensive background in TV sales and management, also has experience in pro wrestling television production and syndication. Most visible of his projects may have been the first-ever live, prime time syndicated pro wrestling events, the Battle of the Belts, which aired from 1985 to 1987. These Championship Wrestling from Florida-based cards were broadcast live to a syndicated network of stations and may be best-remembered for the classic Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham NWA World Title contest from St. Petersburg.</p><p> </p><p> The press event will kick off a weekend which includes ROH's next internet pay-per-view event, "Best In The World 2011," live from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City on Sunday, June 26th at 4PM EST. In addition to all the top stars on the ROH roster, this event will feature the return of some favorite stars from Ring of Honor's past, and can be ordered by anyone in the world with internet access through Gofightlive.tv for only $14.95. More information about Ring of Honor can be obtained through their website, <a href="http://www.rohwrestling.com." rel="external nofollow">http://www.rohwrestling.com.</a> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good for ROH?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fantabulous" data-cite="Fantabulous" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good for ROH?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Beat me too it. F'n fantastic news.</p><p> </p><p> It sounds like they are keeping there product but its seemingly going to be on a large network, and their website.</p><p> </p><p> As long as a decent taping schedule can be worked out, this is really a new era for ROH.</p>
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Whether this is good news or simply delaying the inevitable for ROH all depends on if Sinclair are in this for the long-haul. I'm all for a viable second tier promotion that gives more options for wrestlers and gives a sustainable alternative product to WWE/TNA. It looks good for ROH, but history tells us we probably shouldn't be celebrating too much, at least for now. We'll probably know by the end of the year if this was a turning point for ROH or merely one of the final chapters of its history.
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<p>At this point, I'm cautiously optimistic. The DVD model that they built their company on just wasn't working anymore, and I don't think they can exist solely as an iPPV company, so this seems to be a good move on the surface. But as Fantabulous said, Sinclair's commitment level remains to be seen. If they really get behind the product, this could be something that really helps ROH go to the next level. But, we'll just have to wait and see.</p><p> </p><p>

Still, I'll be able to see ROH on TV again (already checked; they have an affiliate in my area), so that's something to be excited about.</p>

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In a TEW sense, they're now the property of a media group, which is good for them because they're a small group. If they ROH ever went supernova though, it might be a bit of a drawback.


But yeah, given how much we can realistically expect ROH to grow, it's a solid deal that should carry them for at least another half decade.

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