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So I have no clue what to do in the new C-Verse. I mean I still love it. I love its depth and creativity and the ability to move forward with it however I want. But I have no clue what to do with it. Its no secret I love CZCW and I've changed it to be more Performance driven in the past but I just can't get into it now even though in 2010 it is performance drive. I think the need for clean finishes is whwat destroyed it for me. I've made a good start for SWF if you count setting up the roster and laying out all the PPVs from January to The Supreme challenge. I've run one month as RoF, PGHW, ZEN and OLLIE and I still haven't found that thing that's gonna catch me for a long term game (and I love long term games). So I don;t know what to do, and this thread may be a waste of time, but I thought talking about it and asking around may help find me that thing I'm looking for to get things going for me. And yes I have read a number of diaries and I subscribe to four of them but that still hasn't helped. So just throw stuff at me, hell call me an idiot but help get me motivated cause I really want to get into something.
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Honestly? I'd try 4C. Of all the more performancish companies, they've been the only one to really catch my attention.


Or heck, maybe even UEW. I think its bland as hell, but then again maybe a change of scenery would be good for you. The only reason I started playing with EWA is because I wanted a USPW-esque company, but smaller and with a different roster. Worked wonders for me!

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Ok maybe I should talk about what I want. I want a company that rates performance of the workers over populairty but also has fun characters, something that won't mind stories but wants it backed up by actually good wrestling. I hoped CZCW would be that but its not. I'm pretty sure 4C is still populairty based and well I've already proven unless I'm SWF I can't build stars on my own with pop based feds so I'm not sure that'd work.


But thanks for the suggestions really keep shooting them at me. Even give me suggestions about feds I've failed at I just can't find my hook and I want one. I've always loved C-Verse and TEW and I want to get into something so bad I can't even explain.

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you could try TCW or make your promtion and try and go from local to global


I tried the local to global and I always insist on making it really hard for myself. 0/0/0/0 and only workers with F- or lower pop in the US. I looked into Japan for it but there aren't enough F- pop or lower workers. Maybe I'll make a smallish fed and hire not quite so low workers. I'lll take a look into TCW in a little bit too, maybe it'll drive me somewhere.

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Well, other than almost every Japanese company...


The only performance based ones I can spot are UEW and ACPW.


That said, UEW is in Europe (and I don't personally find much of their roster all that "fun" with their silly real names and such), and ACPW is likely the smallest company in the game.


OH, and ROF, but to me they're just UEW UK.


And I guess that's really the problem... you want a company that's performance based AND has characters... doesn't seem to be much that, currently, fits that in the C-Verse. Obviously you can be creative with whichever company you use and make those folks the characters you desire... Or you could slightly tweak some of the balanced companies to be performance based, like NYCW (lulz).

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IIRC correctly WEXXV starts with an equally biased product setting. I changed it back to the TEW08 setting in my diary which is popularity biased though. :p


I'm gonna want to sart a diary soon as well. I like writing I miss it. Actually as a writer, well a lapsed writer, I find the few TEW diaries I've started to be my only creative outlet. And well I don't think I can compete with our WEXXV diary. Its one of the four I said I subscribed too. But maybe a personal game to keep get my juices flowing. I'll check it out.

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I have been running a CZCW game and I am in the middle of 2013 now...but honestly I am thinking about quitting.


Why? I have been poached the hell out of since I began, but I was always able to bring in someone similar and move on. Over the past 4 in game weeks, I have been poached way too much, to the point that I can't find anyone worth bringing in any more. Not only are SWF, TCW and CGC poaching me, but SOTBPW grew in size and stole most of my good luchadores and even SAISHO are stealing my workers to dev. deals. I think I lost about 12 workers in 4 weeks.


A quick rundown: Remmy Skye went to USPW on a written deal, Matt Sparrow went to TCW, Ozzie Golden signed a written extension with CGC, UK Dragon got signed to a dev. deal with SAISHO, El Mitico Jr (who I was giving a mega push to) signed with SOTBPW just as I gave him the extreme title. I decide to put that belt on Velocidad before Mitico left (in a C+ ladder match) only for Velocidad to get stolen by SOTBPW the very next day! They also stole Tigre Salvaje Jr, El Extraordinario Jr, Dragon del Arco Iris and Amazing Firefly that same week! Then Duberry Excess/Demon Seed signed a dev. deal with RIPW, Mainstream Hernandez gets a written deal with CGC, KC Glenn gets a written deal with CGC and Masked Cougar goes into dev. with SAISHO. Another new guy I brought in (who looks like Bret Hart and is a former SWF dev. guy) got stolen by TCW. In all, my main event, upper midcard and midcard scene got raped.

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I have been running a CZCW game and I am in the middle of 2013 now...but honestly I am thinking about quitting.


Why? I have been poached the hell out of since I began, but I was always able to bring in someone similar and move on. Over the past 4 in game weeks, I have been poached way too much, to the point that I can't find anyone worth bringing in any more. Not only are SWF, TCW and CGC poaching me, but SOTBPW grew in size and stole most of my good luchadores and even SAISHO are stealing my workers to dev. deals. I think I lost about 12 workers in 4 weeks.


A quick rundown: Remmy Skye went to USPW on a written deal, Matt Sparrow went to TCW, Ozzie Golden signed a written extension with CGC, UK Dragon got signed to a dev. deal with SAISHO, El Mitico Jr (who I was giving a mega push to) signed with SOTBPW just as I gave him the extreme title. I decide to put that belt on Velocidad before Mitico left (in a C+ ladder match) only for Velocidad to get stolen by SOTBPW the very next day! They also stole Tigre Salvaje Jr, El Extraordinario Jr, Dragon del Arco Iris and Amazing Firefly that same week! Then Duberry Excess/Demon Seed signed a dev. deal with RIPW, Mainstream Hernandez gets a written deal with CGC, KC Glenn gets a written deal with CGC and Masked Cougar goes into dev. with SAISHO. Another new guy I brought in (who looks like Bret Hart and is a former SWF dev. guy) got stolen by TCW. In all, my main event, upper midcard and midcard scene got raped.


Wow you really did get bent over the barrel on that one. Sounds like one hell of a challenge though.

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Holy hell, TEWfan, that sounds rough. Situations like that are one of the many reasons I have issues running smaller promotions. That said, its a real genuine challenge as a booker to face that kind of exodus. Whether you can accept that its puts everything back a step and results in a rebuild, or maybe changes the focus (and product) a bit so that it opens up the workers that will be usable...? Tough.


As for the original question, I'm curious whether TCW has been considered. They are more performance based but don't require clean finishes, but there is plenty of room to run storylines.

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I have been running a CZCW game and I am in the middle of 2013 now...but honestly I am thinking about quitting.


Why? I have been poached the hell out of since I began, but I was always able to bring in someone similar and move on. Over the past 4 in game weeks, I have been poached way too much, to the point that I can't find anyone worth bringing in any more. Not only are SWF, TCW and CGC poaching me, but SOTBPW grew in size and stole most of my good luchadores and even SAISHO are stealing my workers to dev. deals. I think I lost about 12 workers in 4 weeks.


A quick rundown: Remmy Skye went to USPW on a written deal, Matt Sparrow went to TCW, Ozzie Golden signed a written extension with CGC, UK Dragon got signed to a dev. deal with SAISHO, El Mitico Jr (who I was giving a mega push to) signed with SOTBPW just as I gave him the extreme title. I decide to put that belt on Velocidad before Mitico left (in a C+ ladder match) only for Velocidad to get stolen by SOTBPW the very next day! They also stole Tigre Salvaje Jr, El Extraordinario Jr, Dragon del Arco Iris and Amazing Firefly that same week! Then Duberry Excess/Demon Seed signed a dev. deal with RIPW, Mainstream Hernandez gets a written deal with CGC, KC Glenn gets a written deal with CGC and Masked Cougar goes into dev. with SAISHO. Another new guy I brought in (who looks like Bret Hart and is a former SWF dev. guy) got stolen by TCW. In all, my main event, upper midcard and midcard scene got raped.


At this point, I'd look for a job opening elsewhere!

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My favorite thing to do is build up new stars of the C-Verse so I went to Japan. Between the cool new Dojo system, Development and a pretty good wave of guys coming out over the first few years I've been having a blast. I'm bouncing between WLW and BHOTWG right now. BHOTWG is established and solid while WLW is constantly a challenge because of how easily you get raided. Within a month I lost my tag champs.


Just a suggestion, because like you I also did a month here and there before finalizing where I wanted to call home.

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I have been running a CZCW game and I am in the middle of 2013 now...but honestly I am thinking about quitting.


Why? I have been poached the hell out of since I began, but I was always able to bring in someone similar and move on. Over the past 4 in game weeks, I have been poached way too much, to the point that I can't find anyone worth bringing in any more. Not only are SWF, TCW and CGC poaching me, but SOTBPW grew in size and stole most of my good luchadores and even SAISHO are stealing my workers to dev. deals. I think I lost about 12 workers in 4 weeks.


A quick rundown: Remmy Skye went to USPW on a written deal, Matt Sparrow went to TCW, Ozzie Golden signed a written extension with CGC, UK Dragon got signed to a dev. deal with SAISHO, El Mitico Jr (who I was giving a mega push to) signed with SOTBPW just as I gave him the extreme title. I decide to put that belt on Velocidad before Mitico left (in a C+ ladder match) only for Velocidad to get stolen by SOTBPW the very next day! They also stole Tigre Salvaje Jr, El Extraordinario Jr, Dragon del Arco Iris and Amazing Firefly that same week! Then Duberry Excess/Demon Seed signed a dev. deal with RIPW, Mainstream Hernandez gets a written deal with CGC, KC Glenn gets a written deal with CGC and Masked Cougar goes into dev. with SAISHO. Another new guy I brought in (who looks like Bret Hart and is a former SWF dev. guy) got stolen by TCW. In all, my main event, upper midcard and midcard scene got raped.


Man, that sucks. Not gonna lie though I did laugh when I read it.

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The thing I always recommend looking for when you are trying to find a game that "feels right" is to find a story you want to tell. It can be an actual storyline you want to run, a push you want to give a specific worker, whatever. But building towards that and seeing it through can tend to hook you into that particular game, I find.


It could be running SWF to push Rich Money to the world title, or give Faith one last run, or maybe even turn Marc DuBois into the biggest star in the world. Maybe its a TCW game where you want to make The New Wave into the most successful tag team in CV history. Or bring in Nemesis to have a DAVE invasion storyline. Or have an epic Cornell-Vessey feud that runs a whole year. Maybe its specific younger workers - you want to bring Bulldozer Brandon Smith into SWF or TCW and turn him into a mega-star over the course of 12 or 18 months.


Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. But I've always found it helpful. Having that specific idea of something specific you want to accomplish with a given promotion helps me heading into any new game.

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The thing I always recommend looking for when you are trying to find a game that "feels right" is to find a story you want to tell. It can be an actual storyline you want to run, a push you want to give a specific worker, whatever. But building towards that and seeing it through can tend to hook you into that particular game, I find.


It could be running SWF to push Rich Money to the world title, or give Faith one last run, or maybe even turn Marc DuBois into the biggest star in the world. Maybe its a TCW game where you want to make The New Wave into the most successful tag team in CV history. Or bring in Nemesis to have a DAVE invasion storyline. Or have an epic Cornell-Vessey feud that runs a whole year. Maybe its specific younger workers - you want to bring Bulldozer Brandon Smith into SWF or TCW and turn him into a mega-star over the course of 12 or 18 months.


Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. But I've always found it helpful. Having that specific idea of something specific you want to accomplish with a given promotion helps me heading into any new game.


I''d agree with this. I don't have '10, but I like to set challenges for myself on my lowly TEW 05, jokes, and it works for me. One example is to turn people like Andre Jones and Edd Stone into superstars, or turn a UK promotion big around the world. Right now, I'm working on MAW

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I''d agree with this. I don't have '10, but I like to set challenges for myself on my lowly TEW 05, jokes, and it works for me. One example is to turn people like Andre Jones and Edd Stone into superstars, or turn a UK promotion big around the world. Right now, I'm working on MAW


Turning both of them into stars is easyyy. Andre Jones is way underrated in my book.

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That's without mentioning all the other guys that where stolen from me in the past: Frankie Perez, Snap Dragon, James Prudence, Fox Mask and a few others. My main event is still credible, but pretty much everyone else is new/not over enough and it happens just as I was about to hit Cult and maybe get TV and PPV.


Right now it looks like this:


Main Event:


Brett Biggz

Akima Brave

Donnie J

Fuhimiro Ohta

Scythe (who I just made World Champ)

Insane Machine


Upper Mid:


Rob Reynolds

Marc Speed

American Flash

Masked Cougar (*Sorry, I mentioned him but it was UK Dragon that went to SAISHO*)




Jonnie Perez

Amo del Gato

Acid II

DC Rayne

Eddie Howard


Low Mid:


Rockin' Ryan Turner

Air Attack Weasel

Hugh D' Aske


Nathan Black (he was offered an extension by CGC and I smell written, so he is likely to go)






Frankie Boy Fernandes





World: Scythe

Extreme: Marc Speed

Tag: Thundercats (Masked Cougar & Amo del Gato)

International: Insane Machine


I hate this....I can't find anyone good enough to bring in and those who look good have horrible star quality or overness....

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I hate this....I can't find anyone good enough to bring in and those who look good have horrible star quality or overness....


That might be your ticket, actually. Build up guys who are less likely to be appealing to the bigger promotions. Someone with good star quality is more likely to catch the eye of TCW or SWF. It might be a bit tougher to build up that low-SQ worker into a star for you, but if you get to keep them longer, its probably worth that effort.

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The thing I always recommend looking for when you are trying to find a game that "feels right" is to find a story you want to tell. It can be an actual storyline you want to run, a push you want to give a specific worker, whatever. But building towards that and seeing it through can tend to hook you into that particular game, I find.


Yeah, I tend to do this a lot myself. Hardest one was getting Ochiyo Iijima to 'International Superstar'. I tend to pick a worker (or two or three in the case of one singles, one tag team) and endeavor to push them as far as their destiny allows. It becomes a bit easier this time around with the floating title but it still requires a lot of planning and pinpoint execution (especially when you start getting close to a worker's overness cap). It's also fun to see how the world unfolds (since things don't tend to change much on my side of the street :p).

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That might be your ticket, actually. Build up guys who are less likely to be appealing to the bigger promotions. Someone with good star quality is more likely to catch the eye of TCW or SWF. It might be a bit tougher to build up that low-SQ worker into a star for you, but if you get to keep them longer, its probably worth that effort.


Aye, you should NEVER shy away from the, uhhh... ugly ducklings? of the C-Verse.


Just because someone has low SQ does NOT mean you can't turn them into a star with your company. And in your case, that very well might mean a start who isn't as likely to get poached by the big boys.


That said, you still have an insanely talented roster, which is part of the reason you're seeing so many guys leave. If you only sign the best of the best, then you're setting yourself up with a bunch of workers who are very likely to take the next step in their careers (which means leaving little ol' CZCW!)

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