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comments on the Aldo situation. if he loses I feel no sympathy and see no excuse? Why?


He is a longtime champion who should know better than to get injured a month before his fight. After all the hype put in to it, he should have known better. Now I know shit happens, but who is really going that hard on you to injure you before a TITLE FIGHT. he knows better

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comments on the Aldo situation. if he loses I feel no sympathy and see no excuse? Why?


He is a longtime champion who should know better than to get injured a month before his fight. After all the hype put in to it, he should have known better. Now I know shit happens, but who is really going that hard on you to injure you before a TITLE FIGHT. he knows better


Please cut out the swearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm actually more interested in whether Kimbo vs Shamrock fight was set up?If yes then the credability of MMA is at a real low so I'm saying no.


I don't think it was staged. There was too much at stake.


As for Conor & Mendes, I disagree. I think a match with aldo would be EASIER for Conor. He would wreck Aldo on the foot with his long reach, and he would counter strike aldo. Aldo was getting countered all night in his last match against Mendes. If you recall, Mendes has dropped Aldo on the feet, and he hit very hard Conor who was unfazed. Mendes was a big test, the wrestling test, and it was no problem for conor

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
I may be falling into the UFC's trap here, but that weigh-in has me hyped a bazillion times for tomorrow's fights.


It had me hyped too. This was one of the first times she's shown weakness in the pre-fight buildup. If I was a betting man I'd have put 10$ on Holm right there after that staredown. The insecurity was oozing off of her. Was she not ready? Was she just in a bad psychological state? Maybe we'll find out in the press conference, which I'll be sure be watch. But I honestly expected Holm to cause a serious threat here, though the way it happened stunned me too. The only other time I seriously thought Ronda would fall was against Zingano/Albert, but she kind of screwed it up herself by being overly excited (and I kind of overvalued her a bit). In any event, one could've expected this finish. Rousey's mind was not on herself. It was on Holm, with her "fake nice-girl facade". She got cheers when she said that, but it was a pretty pathetic display. She was the one looking for the confrontation then and there. Not Holm. She spoke of herself. Then Ronda doesn't offer the fists at the fight. For the Miesha fight, her body probably got put on auto-pilot and she won from there. Now, it was a different environment. You could see Holm was also put off by it, as she probably doesn't deal with much negativity - at least not as much as Ronda does - but she stepped up. In any event: so many indicators that she's having an 'off' week/day/month. And at this level, that is so important.


I can't believe Rousey still has the same average joe trainer she had in the beginning. The only thing he seems to be good for is telling Ronda what she wants to hear: confirming she's the greatest. He actually said "good round" after the first. It's not his job to keep 'motivating' her, it's his job to switch tactics if things aren't working for her. The fighters themselves usually are too focused to notice this. Afterwards I found out Jackson was training Holm. Figures. That guy knows what he's doing.


Funny how EA just put her on the cover for their new game. A day later she fails to defend. Can't stop thinking that the game is going to fail somehow. :p

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Man. I was thinking the same thing for the cover of the new game :D but i hope you're wrong :( UFC 3 was a wonderful game (the simulation mode !) and the first with EA..a disaster.


Joanna broke one of her hand in the match, no wonder why she won by UD :rolleyes:


At the middle of the first round of ronda- holly, i was like "ok, ronda doesn't want to take it to the ground, she wants to strike" the defeat was near :D

I'm a big ronda fan, but credit to Holly Holm !

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If she just let's few people in her life, I think Ronda's heading for a difficult period now. She might realize how alone she is. Her coach was still around, but she just left alone (for the hospital apparently, so she couldn't comment).


Been doing some digging to others digging on the subject of not touching gloves and getting your butt kicked on live TV:


CroCop vs Gonzaga

DiazN vs GSP

Anderson vs Weidman


My memory is pretty bad, but I kind of remember how those fights went. I even remember them vividly. :p And some sources say the Vegas odds actually went from -2K to -1K after the weigh-ins, so it was a definite sign of weakness.


Apparently in her book she says she tries to create a sense of hate for her to goat people to straying from their gameplan. The irony here is that is got reversed, with the "Preacher's Daughter" - whatsinaname - staying positive. She needs the element of hate so much that she adapted to it herself.


And I might go on a limb here, but post-match we saw a different Ronda. The negativity seemed gone, and she looked like a huge strain was lifted from her shoulders. She kept talking about the target on her back, and in general is just too oriented on the negative. Sooner or later people succumb to defeat because they can't bear to carry it all with them.

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Ronda got dominated, she even got taken down at one point by Holly. So unreal.

It wasn't a fluke win, it wasn't an off-night - it was just a terrible match-up for Ronda. Unless she changes a lot of things in her fight game, I don't see her winning a rematch, either.

Would have loved to hear at least some comments from Rousey or her corner after the event. Even though I was rooting for Holly, I felt very bad for Ronda.


One interesting thing: There was a video on twitter that showed Ronda returning to the backstage area. Her sister was right by her side, but her whole corner (including head coach Tarverdyan, who has always been very close to Ronda) were walking behind her by a proper distance. Maybe I'm just reading too much into things, but it looked like there was some tension between Ronda and her team.


Edit: Here's the video:

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That video might indeed be an indicator that things weren't going well for her privately. Good for her that her sister is there, at least.


Maybe she just needs to think this through instead of riding her momentum. Change things up. Different coach (they say the current guy is broke)? Maybe she feels she 'owes' him, but there's a time where you just have to say "kthxbye". If the rematch is indeed a thing, it might just be a spectacular fight if she picks herself up. I do actually see Rousey winning that match, though. All of a sudden people on the net proclaim Ronda "wasn't that big a deal apparently". It made me chuckle a little. What also made me chuckle was the whole "four horsewomen" thing. It must've started as a joke, but they are kind of a joke atm.


But props to Hunt too, who apparently said he was going to knock out Bigfoot in the first round. And to say that and actually do it? Wow.

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Yeah, hearing the corner say "you won the first round" was like.. :eek:


And it's not the first time that a champion wants to "prove" himself by using the opponent's strengh. Like.. GSP vs Serra ? If there is a rematch, look for judo throw !


No, she was not trying to beat her opponent at her own game. She tried multiple times to get close and grapple but was getting tagged and when she finally was able to get a clinch Holm was skilled enough to defend it well. I don't see the rematch going any differently unless Ronda change camp, learn to stike and wrestle. That's not happening because of her schedule. Holm may not even be champ bout time the rematch happens assuming Ronda is not Holm's first defense.

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Yeah, hearing the corner say "you won the first round" was like.. :eek:


And it's not the first time that a champion wants to "prove" himself by using the opponent's strengh. Like.. GSP vs Serra ? If there is a rematch, look for judo throw !


Idk, GSP vs Serra wasn't really GSP trying to play to his opponent's game, he just got tagged early and Serra was good enough to swarm on him.

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Edmond Tarverdyan (hope I spelled his name right) was quoted: "I wouldn't say in the striking game she was getting the best of Ronda, you know, but I have to watch it again”.


Yeah, that's the guy. I didn't like him in the Ultimate Fighter. That guy pissed me off. I get why Ronda likes him though.

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That was extreme blind optimism...that is not glass half full kind of optimism that is glass never empty!


I'd rather call it blind devotion: buying into the self-created hype that Ronda is all that. In the land of the blind, one-eye is king. It's kind of the same with Ronda. She was queen of a pool of terrible to bad strike defence. Cat and some others know how to hit, but are less adapt at defending strikes.

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