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"Cage fighting" is getting the most coverage in UK media I've seen since the story about kids in a gym as a result of a former one day cricket captain giving it a go at age 40, apparently he lost the first round big and came back to draw the fight and may now give it up as his wife didn't like it.
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"Cage fighting" is getting the most coverage in UK media I've seen since the story about kids in a gym as a result of a former one day cricket captain giving it a go at age 40, apparently he lost the first round big and came back to draw the fight and may now give it up as his wife didn't like it.


The sport won't go anywhere in the UK until the media start to appreciate & respect the sport. It really REALLY bothers me when i see the uneducated media calling the sport "cage fighting".. Just that term alone gives the sport a terrible reputation when in reality these are some of the finest athletes in any sport period!


I would love anyone who talks down about MMA or thinks it's "barbaric" to go watch someone like Georges St. Pierre train for his fights.. They would instantly develop a whole new level of respect for the sport & the fighters.

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Dominick Cruz out potentially 10-15 months with torn ACL :mad:


Was really looking forward to that fight as well.. Hope he feels fast as he's an amazing fighter.


Horrible news. I love to watch Cruz just because of his footwork. I hope he comes back the same fighter. I'd hate to see him lose a step even though we would hardly notice.

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The sport won't go anywhere in the UK until the media start to appreciate & respect the sport. It really REALLY bothers me when i see the uneducated media calling the sport "cage fighting".. Just that term alone gives the sport a terrible reputation when in reality these are some of the finest athletes in any sport period!


I would love anyone who talks down about MMA or thinks it's "barbaric" to go watch someone like Georges St. Pierre train for his fights.. They would instantly develop a whole new level of respect for the sport & the fighters.


Well, it is fighting in a cage... So the name doesn't bother me so much. The painful lack of any research, or just general integrity is what's despicable. And this is one of the birthplaces of Catch-As-Catch-Can-Wrestling... Just :( whole way around.

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I wouldn't mind the media calling MMA 'Cage Fighting' if they started calling Boxing 'Ring Fighting'.


Because every other combat sport is in a ring, that doesn't really apply. Kickboxing, Boxing, Pro Wrestling, etc all rings.

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I am from America so my opinion doesn't mean much but I would prefer the media to call MMA cagefighting rather than call it UFCing, human cockfighting, or bloodsport. After all these guys are fighting, in a cage. Maybe I am missing the point?


The problem i have is not with the term itself as such, but more with the way it portrays the sport of MMA. The term "cagefighting" immediately gives MMA a terrible reputation with people who don't know anything about it. It's like the whole outcry about the kids who were grappling inside a cage.. It was absolutely blowing out of proportion, but because they were in a cage it was portrayed as brutal & barbaric.


It's like Makhai said, the media here have never bothered to research what the sport is all about. It's easy to draw conclusions from seeing it for the first time but if some of the sports detractors actually understood the values of what Martial Arts was raised upon then the sport might just break through to the next level.


It's not even just here in the UK, As the New York MMA bill is dead for another year, which is just incredible when you think of how many states regulate the sport.

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The problem i have is not with the term itself as such, but more with the way it portrays the sport of MMA. The term "cagefighting" immediately gives MMA a terrible reputation with people who don't know anything about it. It's like the whole outcry about the kids who were grappling inside a cage.. It was absolutely blowing out of proportion, but because they were in a cage it was portrayed as brutal & barbaric.


It's like Makhai said, the media here have never bothered to research what the sport is all about. It's easy to draw conclusions from seeing it for the first time but if some of the sports detractors actually understood the values of what Martial Arts was raised upon then the sport might just break through to the next level.



The mainstream media had a field day with the 'kids cage fight' label, but when you get down to the brass tacks of it - they had a point.


Those kids should never have been in a cage, in a working men's club, while booze was being sold. If a kid is doing anything other than a solo demo, or hitting pads with his coach, he should be doing so at an inter-club in a gym.


Peeps in the MMA industry leapt to the defence of the sport when all that went off...but I know for a fact that the guy who put that show on got...shall we say...a very stern talking to.

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The mainstream media had a field day with the 'kids cage fight' label, but when you get down to the brass tacks of it - they had a point.


Those kids should never have been in a cage, in a working men's club, while booze was being sold. If a kid is doing anything other than a solo demo, or hitting pads with his coach, he should be doing so at an inter-club in a gym.


Peeps in the MMA industry leapt to the defence of the sport when all that went off...but I know for a fact that the guy who put that show on got...shall we say...a very stern talking to.


Whilst i agree that the whole enviroment in which it took place was wrong & should never have been allowed to happen, but the media were completely wrong in the way they wrote the story as there was no 'fighting' involved at all, they were grappling & the kid who was apparently crying wasn't upset because he got hurt, he was upset because he lost.


There was definitely a story to be made out of the whole thing because like you said there was alot of things that should never have been allowed to happen, however the media went down the wrong road with the story.

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Whilst i agree that the whole enviroment in which it took place was wrong & should never have been allowed to happen, but the media were completely wrong in the way they wrote the story as there was no 'fighting' involved at all,


That's a matter of opinion though. Many would argue that an activity where choking and joint manipulation is allowed would be considered fighting.


the kid who was apparently crying wasn't upset because he got hurt, he was upset because he lost.


So says his idiot Dad, who also got a telling-off I believe.


You are right though - some sections of the media went to within a whisker of implying that the kids were engaged in some kind of bare-knuckle fist fight. Not that I expect anything less from the UK press. Sometimes I wonder why people here are so eager for mainstream media to cover the sport.

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Not followed it for a good few years now - but I still enjoy watching a game when I get the chance. Used to play a bit when I was about 13. Went to see Manchester Storm nearly every week. Dale Jago was my hero.


Hockey is imo the best sport out their, but then i am canadian and we are raised by hockey night in canada. IMO a good hockey game is better then a good mma card, heck the pens/flyers series this year was better then all of the mma cards last year, which was one heck of a year.

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Mo Lawal just signed with Bellator. He's also signed a deal with TNA and will work as a crossover performer, appearing with TNA beginning in the summer.


He's got legit amateur wrestling chops... could run a solid R-Truth/Next-Big-Thing mash-up gimmick. Going to have to work hard to put together a pro wrestling move-set if they have plans for him to be anything in-ring. For Viacom and Bellator it's good synergy with impending Spike move. For TNA, considering current financial realities, it's not like they can say no.

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