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If he can no longer enjoy watching MMA without thinking about CTE and being bummed out, then I guess quitting is the way to go. Like when I heard about that dude who found a beak in his McNugget and I couldn't eat a McDonalds without thinking about it... Time to say goodbye to my happy meal and rock on over to Pizza Hut.


Head trauma is unavoidable in MMA. It's a fight. It is what it is. I'm far more concerned with shots to the head in wrestling, because it's fictional, so they're comparatively unnecessary. I've been watching a lot of indy stuff recently and some of the shots to the head are a bit ridiculous (or really well worked). Doesn't bother me enough to stop watching, but if it did, I'd quietly walk on off into the sunset, without making a big ol' fuss about it.

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WEC 51 next weekend features some awesome fights, including:


  • #1 featherweight vs. #2 featherweight
  • A cowboy vs. a guy with bitch genes
  • THE KOREAN ZOMBIE fighting a guy
  • Mark Hominick, who last beat Yves Jabouin in a fantastic fight
  • A Chinese guy fighting.


With the lower weight classes even when there's two guys who aren't necessarily world beaters you always have an entertaining fight because they can go so fast for so long.


WEC, in my opinion, puts on the consistently best MMA cards in the world. For free!

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A Chinese guy fighting.


Seriously? Wasn't that the 'golden carrot' for WWE and MMA, to find a Chinese superstar to open up those markets? Cool beans. I hope he wins.


I may have to try WEC one of these days, but I'm not really in the MMA spirit right now. Maybe in a couple of months when my general interest is back up.

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Yeah I just watched cause I fell asleep last night.


The Korean Zombie getting flattened isn't all that surprising since Roop had apparently learned to jab (!!!) and block punches with his chin.


Also it's an absolute joy to watch Aldo fight. He's so slick and good with his timing. In the list of dream matchups that need to happen, I think Aldo vs. Edgar at 145 is right below Anderson vs. GSP at 185.

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I was bummed to see the Korean Zombie bite the dust. It wouldn't have been so bad if Roop hadn't thrown that same head kick like six times prior to him catching Jung with it. Seems like a perfect opportunity to do the Garcia/Zombie rematch though, since both are coming off of losses.


Cowboy/Varner was alright... It wasn't half the fight that the commentators were making it out to be though.. "Folks, you are watching what could be fight of the year." Sorry, but a fight of the year can't be a 30-27 decision where Varner gets completely outclassed.


Did anyone else get worried about Aldo losing? He looked kind of mentally drained when he was warming up backstage, and sort of out of it when he came to the cage. Still, that being said, Manny had nothing for him. I will say this though, a couple of those punches that Aldo threw from back mount were -very- questionable shots. I haven't watched the fight again yet, but it looked like the two shots that put Manny away were to the back of the head, or at least to open him up for the final two that landed clean.


Regardless, I think Aldo has officially cleaned out the division. A rematch with Mike Brown would just be kind of silly, in my opinion. It's just a matter of... Does he move up to WEC's 155 and clear that out, or do they move him to the UFC's 155? Kid is incredibly young for the type of performances he's putting on.. so it's not unrealistic for them to let him rock the WEC 155's for a while.


Any way you cut it, the dude is just scary and almost borderline sociopath in his cool approach to busting faces. lol

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Regardless, I think Aldo has officially cleaned out the division. A rematch with Mike Brown would just be kind of silly, in my opinion. It's just a matter of... Does he move up to WEC's 155 and clear that out, or do they move him to the UFC's 155? Kid is incredibly young for the type of performances he's putting on.. so it's not unrealistic for them to let him rock the WEC 155's for a while.


They've got Hominick, Mendes and Grispi in the wings and Aldo has said that if he cleaned out the 145 division he'd cut to 135.


Jorgensen - Aldo at 135 would be a real interesting fight.

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I always forget about Grispi, for some reason. That could be a good fight. I would personally rather see him move up in weight, as that's going to be more of a challenge as opposed to moving down. I guess I'm just one of those people who sees moving down as a "career revitalizer" and moving up as "taking a bigger challenge". As exciting as some of the fights at 135 could be, do you realistically see any of them challenging Aldo? I mean, he's already a monster in his own weight class... If you put him against guys that are significantly smaller it just gives him that much more of an edge.


I'm ready to see him against guys like Edgar, Maynard, and maybe even Penn. Or at the very least someone like Cerronne or Bendo Hendo.

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Aldo is real good but there's still some questions to be answered. He's the king of a division that's still by and large sorting out its hierarchy so I wouldn't say he's cleaned them out just yet. Even if he beats the obvious challengers like Hominick and Mendes there's still some real good featherweights in Japan.


I would pay a lot of money to see him fight Sandro, Omigawa or Hioki. Especially Sandro.


Anyone know the situation with Sandro? I know they're training partners but right now they're the best and second best featherweights in the world and it would suuuuck if they never fought.

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Want to watch the K-1 MAX this weekend? Want to watch it live? For free? Legally?


Well you can! K-1 are streaming the MAX event live on their website. From Head Kick Legend...


Great news here - K-1 has announced that Sunday's MAX Grand Prix Final 16 event will be streamed live on their website. The show begins at 3:00 pm Tokyo time Sunday afternoon, which translates to 2:00 am Sunday morning Eastern time in the US (Tokyo time is +9 GMT). No further details yet, though they should be available at their site when they are set. This is especially good news because MAX shows traditionally are not aired live or on any sort of reasonable schedule. In the US, this show won't air on TV until October 22 when HDNet finally airs it. Great chance here to finally watch some MAX action live.
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Want to watch the K-1 MAX this weekend? Want to watch it live? For free? Legally?


Well you can! K-1 are streaming the MAX event live on their website. From Head Kick Legend...


As a British fan it just narks me off that these streams are the only way to watch any K-1. Even the WGP has no coverage over here... However I will be digging myself out of bed for the 7am start come Sunday - nothing like a bit of kickboxing to get your day going! :D

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As a British fan it just narks me off that these streams are the only way to watch any K-1. Even the WGP has no coverage over here... However I will be digging myself out of bed for the 7am start come Sunday - nothing like a bit of kickboxing to get your day going! :D


Is it still on Eurosport?


My feeling on the matter is this...if it airs live, or within a reasonable time frame in the UK, I'll watch it on TV, pay for it, whatever. But if it's not aired in the UK (so K-1, Strikeforce, WEC, Bellator, Dream, SRC) then I'll use naughty means to watch it.

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MAX is usually the premier product but no Buakaw, Souwer, Sato or other good kickboxers is going to hurt it while the HW GP looks really strong, no Hari or Bonjasky notwithstanding. The MAX finale is inevitably going to be Petrosyan vs. Kraus 2 unless there's some wacky matchmaking to get a Korean into the finals.


Schilt vs. Gerges is easily the fight I'm most looking forward to in the opening round. The blueprint to beat Schilt has always been to overwhelm him with big, early punching combinations before he gets his distance set and can set up his big strikes and while I don't think Gerges' hands are good enough he can take lots of punishment without breaking and letting Schilt jab and front kick his way to a decision.


If Schilt doesn't have to fight Overeem or a good Kyotaro he's going to breeze through the tournament.

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Is it still on Eurosport?


My feeling on the matter is this...if it airs live, or within a reasonable time frame in the UK, I'll watch it on TV, pay for it, whatever. But if it's not aired in the UK (so K-1, Strikeforce, WEC, Bellator, Dream, SRC) then I'll use naughty means to watch it.


I'm usually up for the good ol' naughty site hunt, but the one I used to use just got shut down by ZUFFA so I'm currently contemplating whether it's worth an early start just to sift through streams and find that none of them work.


And it's a bit depressing how little MMA we get over here on TV. Or even combat sport fullstop - though I don't have Sky so I don't get all the boxing fights cept when I go round my mates and chip in for the big PPVs. Plus my local promotion hasn't run a show of three months :(

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❤~~**★ Daffanka's super magical kawaii K-1 analysis ★**~~❤


Overeem totally demolished Ben Edwards. I was a bit worried that he'd be crippled without his clinching but he showed off some very nice counter boxing and tight defense. I still think he'll be the guy to challenge Schilt.


It's a travesty that Gerges isn't in the final 8 but MIGHTY MO, KICKBOXER is. He fought a real good fight against Schilt and if he'd started pressing the action a bit earlier he could've gone into extension and really see some results from his brilliant leg kicks.


Saki and Ghita are both very good fighters. Ghita's KO of Zimmerman was absolutely gorgeous (youtube link), a four punch finishing combination against the ropes although Saki's KO wasn't bad either



Kyotaro didn't fight like I hoped he would and he'll crack when he next faces someone younger than 35 with two fully functional arms.


All in all it was a great card and together with WEC 51 did a lot to wash the taste of 119 out of my mouth.

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<p>The Final 8 brackets have been finalized.</p><p> </p><p>


Mighty Mo vs. Peter Aerts</p><p>

Semmy Schilt vs. Kyotaro</p><p>

Gokhan Saki vs. Daniel Ghita</p><p>

Alistair Overeem vs. Tyrone Spong</p><p> </p><p>

I'm really pumped for Saki - Ghita and the winner of that vs. Overeem. Then the winner of that vs. Schilt.</p><p> </p><p>


Zambidis vs Nagashima</p><p>

Kraus vs Petrosyan</p><p>

Drago vs Khamal</p><p>

Glogowski vs Sato </p><p> </p><p>

This is kind of a weird bracket but all it means is that Petrosyan is going to fight Sato in the finals. If this was pure thai rules Sato might've had a chance against Petrosyan but as it is no one's going to beat him, his defense is just too impenetrable. </p><p> </p><p>

I like Zambidis - Nagashima and Drago - Khamal though.</p>

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Do you think Ubereem and Schilt were told to keep it open for the big climatic final? I can't see Semmy losing on his side of the bracket - Kyotaro's tough but nothing special and Mo and Aerts are both past it. Overeem's got a trickier path - he should beat Spong, and unless the Ghita-Saki ends very quickly the winner will be hobbling to the ring to fight Overeem, what with their reputations for leg kicks.


Zambidis - Nagashima is going to be mad good if it even adds up to half of Mike's fight on Sunday. That GP is more open for me - I think all the fighters have a legit shot at the finals. Petroysan's obviously going to be favourite what with being the defending champ and Kraus is one of the weaker competitors. His semi could be easy should Zambidis and Nagashima go to war and survive for long enough to both do and recieve significant damage. From the other side of the draw I'm really not sure who'll go through - Khamal looked really good at the weekend and Glogowski is undoubtedly a star of the future but Drago and Sato are both tough opponents. If I was made to bet I'd go for Khamal, but only cos I like the kid. Can't wait for next month either way :D

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheKenwyne" data-cite="TheKenwyne" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do you think Ubereem and Schilt were told to keep it open for the big climatic final? </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nah, they've just been teammates since forever....no point them fighting unless it's for a ton of cash or something as big as the GP final.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brashleyholland" data-cite="brashleyholland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nah, they've just been teammates since forever....no point them fighting unless it's for a ton of cash or something as big as the GP final.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I read that though they both train with Golden Glory they have never actually sparred together - they train with different parts of the camp. Though I guess the management could've had a word in their ears for this.</p>
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