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How can you seriously compare a 69-93 team favorably to a 97-65 team? The Orioles might have looked decent on paper and started good, but they were pretty horrible this year. In another division, maybe they are decent, but you got to play the games that are on your schedule, and the Orioles stunk it up again. Wins and Losses, ultimately the only stats that matter.
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Don't get your point. The Yankees scored more runs on the road...ok? That backs up my point.


And what do you mean they "outhit them?" Batting average? If so, big deal. Least important of the major offensive categories.


Yankees are +48 on the road over the O's but they are +111 over the O's when they play in a stadium smaller than Babe Ruth's waistline.


As for outhitting them, you were first to mention how the Yanks outhit the O's.


Look I'm not sure why you felt the need to unleash the snarkness on me but I was just trying to point out that the Yankees offensive numbers are going to be slightly skewed when looking at counting stats because they play in billion dollar shoebox. So while they have a much, much better offense than the O's; they also benefit from playing half their games in baseball in a park the approximate size of Reggie Jackson's **** ring. That makes it look like they have a much, much, much better offense, when really it's just much, much better.


Hope I cleared things up for ya!

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Well I knew the Yankees did not have the pitching to go all the way, but I did not think they would be eliminated by the Tigers. Oh well such is life I suppose.


Whatever team wins between the Phillies and the Cardinals is the team I want to win the World Series.

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Now THAT is playoff baseball at its finest. Carp going for a three hit, nine inning shutout on the road in PHILLY against the best pitcher in baseball for the last three years? WOW, lets go CARDS! Best playoff game all year so far. Furcol's diving catch, Jon Jay with a great catch, Yadi picking off Chase after he got a huge jump on a curveball and he still threw a strike to get him out it wasn't even close.


Phillies out, Yank's out, Boston didn't even get in, LA didn't get in, Chicago didn't get in. You want parity I'd say you got it in baseball this year.


BHK who do you guys buy I mean go after in the offseason ;) you know I'm just messing with you.

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I'll tell you what, I charted every pitch of that game so that me and my boyz could analyze it while we talk with Mayor Bloomberg about moving the Dodgers back to Brooklyn. Now I have to hack into the CIA mainframe while I play and beat Mass Effect 2 in three hours...:p


I do agree that was a great game and I hope the Cardinals take the whole thing. I am not a fan of either of the American League teams so I do not care who wins the ALCS.


As to who they will buy...well they need starting pitching more than anything else (Who doesn't though.).

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I don't even know a list of pitchers that are on the market. Outside of Fielder/Pujols I don't know of anyone on that level pitching wise that is available so it might be tough. The offense is aging quite it a bit in some areas isn't it? A Rod, Jeter, etc.


1) I think Papi is gone; they could replace his contract with another’s (i.e. Albert or Prince)


2) I think they should trade Lackey (or attempt)


3) They are shedding a lot of payroll if I am right, from Papi and JP, to half the bullpen and J.D Drew (Red Sox fans rejoice)


4) Scutaro has an option, but had a very good year that could land him a longer contract.


5) Daniel Bard and Jed Lowire are arb. Candidates along with Ellsbury and Jason S. That is a good core that could be kept for a good price


6) They need to use their money smartly. I think Albert or Prince would make wonder additions as a DH (Prince more than Albert). These two along with Jose Reyes are going to command a nice chunk of change though.


There are others out there that are talented and could help the Sox more than one major signing. Josh Willingham is a pretty big bat, maybe not avg. wise but power and runs yes. I believe he plays a pretty good OF as well.


C.J Wilson would be a nice fit to their rotation. I think he will command from 6 to 9 mill, but shouldn't hit more than that.


Roy Oswalt is due to make 16 million if the Phil's pick up his option but as their fourth and starter that is a lot for one team. He could fill in and be a good 2nd or 3rd starter. Also he did well in minute maid and Fenway is another hitter’s ballpark. He won’t command 16 mill but he might try for 10 and see his bids be low. With no World Series I could see him taking a short deal (1-2 years) with a cheaper salary. He's pitched in two World Series and could add a veteran leadership to this team that they'll most likely lose in Wakefield and Papi.


Cole Hamels is also a free agent I believe. After a bad 09 season, Cole bounced back the last two years for a 26-20 record and an ERA around 2.90. He will be a key piece for the Phils to keep, but with them paying Halladay and Lee how much can they offer Cole. Cole and Oswalt are typically 200 inning pitchers


Heath Bell is a very good closer and could replace JP at a cheaper price. He could also move Bard to the 7th inning and take over the setup man position.


Edwin Jackson is the pitcher of perfection, well not really, more like inconsistent but he could make a great 5th pitcher or even a closer. People have thought Jackson would make a great closer (seeing as how the second time through an order is typically when they start to hit him) Jackson did well this year and could be a viable 5th man for a struggling pitching staff that is shooting themselves in the foot with so much money wasted on Lackey and Dice-K


Mark Buehrle could be a nice fit for the Sox's, he reminds me of Beckett in the sense when they are on they are dangerous, when they aren't they are still a better option than most. He is older and he eats innings and could probably be gotten for cheap.


Grady Sizemore has an option but he is a health risk on a young and improving Indians team. He could be gotten for cheap in hoops of a player with something to prove




Big signings might be what the Red Sox Nation wants, but there is a better team out there to be had. If it was me I would rather have 5 good quality players, then one great player and 4 prayers

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Cardinals are in the world series. I'm flying back Weds day to make it to the first two games in the series. I've never been to a world series. So freaking pumped for this.


We complain a lot in St. Louis but we really are spoiled. 18 Pennants, 10 World Championships and three trips to the World Series in a decade. Very few teams not named the New York Yankee's enjoy this sort of success.


I didn't see any tweets from T Plush about his sub 200 batting average in the post season or how he spent most of it on the bench anyway not playing. Honestly I'm almost embarassed it took us seven games they maybe beat us outright one game.

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If you're talking about the Brewers series, it didn't last 7 games, it went 6. Pretty cool that the Cardinals are back in the World Series. I haven't been following them much, but I saw game 7 of the Philly series and it was pretty impressive. But honestly they're going to need more of the offense they showed last night against the Brewers to take on the Rangers, as that team can put up an absurd number of runs. As a transplant to Texas born in St. Louis, I am happy no matter who wins, but I'd still prefer the Cardinals.
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We complain a lot in St. Louis but we really are spoiled. 18 Pennants, 10 World Championships and three trips to the World Series in a decade. Very few teams not named the New York Yankee's enjoy this sort of success.


Well I believe that the Cardinals are only second to the Yankees in terms of World Series wins. So yeah I guess one could say that they have had a lot of success in the past.:D


I wonder how well this WS is going to draw ratings wise. Neither team is what I consider a National team. I for one hope the Cardinals win, which is odd because I normally always want the American League team to win (unless it is the Red Sox).


Speaking of which, maybe this will stop people from complaining about teams buying championships. After all, neither the Yankees, Phillies, or Red Sox did anything of note this year (Well the Red Sox did do something of note but not in a good way.) despite the amount of money they spent.

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Lazorbeak I knew I liked you for some reason. Born in St. Louis huh? Also you're right it went six not seven games. I knew that just like you know that the Philly series went five games not seven :)


Yes the Cards have ten world championships second most in MLB history and the most in National League history.

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Cardinals are in the world series. I'm flying back Weds day to make it to the first two games in the series. I've never been to a world series. So freaking pumped for this.

I went during the Cards' home games in the '06 playoffs. It was a lot of fun, especially since I was surrounded by the players' friends and families (my older brother was childhood friends with Jeff Weaver, who would leave tickets for him.) Hopefully you'll get to see a similar result. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not having a voice tomorrow is well worth that game. Most exciting game I've ever watched. Came down to our last strike twice but somehow managed to come through. Expecting a lot of people calling in around St. Louis tomorrow. I already know multiple people who are. Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day.
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Some older fans might point you towards the Fisk Home Run game. I never watched that game (just saw clips of it) but yeah like I said that was probably the best game I have ever watched.



It has to be up in the top 5 or 10 to be sure...I rarely watch baseball but I turned it on mid-way through to check the score and wound up watching it to the end...considering I have no real reason to root for (or against) either team I was enthralled



(Game 7 of 2001 - - - Arizona 3-2 over the Yankees for me may have been a bit better but it's a toss up)

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(Game 7 of 2001 - - - Arizona 3-2 over the Yankees for me may have been a bit better but it's a toss up)


Yeah let that game never be spoken of again.:mad::D


How the Yankees lost that Series still bothers me to this day, ten years after the fact. It bothers me even more than when they lost the 04 ALCS to the Red Sox. The reason being, Arizona was a vastly inferior team (in my opinion) and the fact that they manged to win the World Series with just two pitchers just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

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