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My god!


When filtering for future Mexican male wrestlers, I stumbled upon Fray Valiente Jr. Just the name already rang a bell: a reference to Fray Tormenta. According to the bio, the original Fray Valiente was played by Sergio Valenzuela: Fray Tormenta's real name is Sergio. Not only that, he was also a priest (as was Tormenta) and he was also raising money to an orphanage by wrestling (as was Tormenta). Okay, yet, that wasn't all: his character was taken over to continue the mission by an orphan, as was Fray Tormenta's and the CVerse versions mask hold the same primary colors as Tormenta's do.


I think that's all :p

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From WMMA, one I just discovered recently....


Hassan Fezzik - Andre the Giant played Fezzik in The Princess Bride. Not sure if that's where Adam got the name but knowing some of his tastes I think it is :p


Fezzik is definitely from the Princess Bride. Adam has used Princess Bride references before - Inigo Montoya was described as an example for the "man on a mission gimmick" in the EWR help file. In fact he plugged the book there [interestingly, not the movie] and that inspired me to read it and to this day it is one of my favourite books.

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Just noticed this one whilst browsing the Aussie scene...


In RAW, head booker (or whatever they call him) Mark Misery is dating Vicki Company.


Misery Loves Company.


How did I never notice that lol.


Awesome find

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Just noticed this one whilst browsing the Aussie scene...


In RAW, head booker (or whatever they call him) Mark Misery is dating Vicki Company.


Misery Loves Company.


That was one of my favourite puns in the entire game because it was hidden in plain sight but nobody realised :D

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That was one of my favourite puns in the entire game because it was hidden in plain sight but nobody realised :D

Until I found it! Mwahahahaha!!!


That deserves a discount of some kins to whenever the superhero game comes out, right, Adam? :D

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Fezzik is definitely from the Princess Bride. Adam has used Princess Bride references before - Inigo Montoya was described as an example for the "man on a mission gimmick" in the EWR help file. In fact he plugged the book there [interestingly, not the movie] and that inspired me to read it and to this day it is one of my favourite books.


I thought the book was (purposely written to be) horrible, full of cliches of the fantasy genre that the author hated.





Oh, Velocidad's alternate attire is a Rey Mysterio mask.

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I thought the book was (purposely written to be) horrible, full of cliches of the fantasy genre that the author hated.



I'm guessing you don't read much fantasy, as the cliches in TPB are pretty much entirely not fantasy cliches - though the original of the book's length of time spent on fashion sense probably rivals the amount of time spent on trees in Tolkien.


No, the book was purposely written to spoof cliches of the Brothers Grimm genre - not fairy tales as we typically read them today, but the original aimed-at-adults often satires/horror tales that the Brothers collected, plus things like Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber.


It was done to do so with love - of the child-friendly fairy tales the Grimms can be reduced to. While the introduction is as fictional as the rest of the book, the 'Good Parts Edition' of the Princess Bride is set out as being that way by Goldman's authorial insert when he buys his fictional son a copy of the book, only to find out it's not the book his father had read him.


...OK, that turned into a bit of an academic spiel; now I've started, I've probably got another 2000 words inside me before I'd have to check the book. But I'll pass on that - this may already read more harshly than it's intended.

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I know virtually nothing about American sports, so if there are any references in the game to real life players then it's purely coincidental.




I think that wins the prize for most bizarre suggestion so far. Dan DaLay is a reference \ quasi in-joke, and quite a cheeky one at that, but it's got nothing to do with phonetic spellings of Speedy Gonzales' catchphrases - I haven't quite gone to those depths of obscurity yet.


It's not this guy is it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Daly

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bradford Peverell

Compton Valence

Langton Herring

Wooton Fitzpaine

Thimbleby Langton


All appearing in the same paragraph (on British place names) of Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island. Sadly, so far, Tumby Woodside hasn't made it to the CV...

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Arson Wells = Orson Welles?


There's also Wade Orson.


I'm glad someone's bumped this, because I've just noticed something fantastic but not quite worth bumping it for. There do seem to be quite a lot of Swiss referees in the CV, don't there? Compared to Swiss anything-elses... Y'know, Switzerland, famous for it's impartiality and not getting involved with other people's affairs, at all, ever. Can't believe it took like, 6 years and 4 games for me to notice that.

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I'd hate to be pointing out something that everyone knows, as there appear to be serious consequences, but Billy Robinson was a Wigan-style wrestler from the 50's until the 80's. I doubt the C-Verse character of the same name, a British technician, is an accident.


Good spot. BONUS trivia: The Rock's Grandad, Peter Maivia, beat the tar out of self-proffessed hardman Robinson and threw him through a window after Robinson made fun of him eating with his bare hands

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Anyway back on topic


I hope people aren't too disappointed that I'm not searching for ancient ritualistic tribesmen or 1950's Spanish cinema but right there in the gimmick description for "Sucka" it states that the gimmick is a take off of Mr.T's character from the A-Team


Also the C-Verse wrestler Panda Mask (and Panda Mask II) share the name and gimmick of genuine IRL wrestler Panda Mask who wrestled for FMW in Japan (as noted in Chris Jericho's book A Lion's Tale)


That Misery Loves Company find was incredible, by the way


EDIT: few more that came to me.


Arthur T. Turtle's nickname "The Turtle Package" is clearly a reference to "The Total Package" Lex Luger.


Spirit of The Lizard and Spirit of The Shark are clad in Road Warriors style spikes and face paint


C.H Threepwood's name is (I would say) pretty likely a nod to Monkey Island protagonist Guybrush Threepwood


Captain Wrestling I and II could be references to Mr Wrestling and Mr Wrestling II


The large Canadian wrestling family The Stones, with their status as national heroes, great emphasis on technical skill and renowned training camp are more than similar to the Harts. One can even find a certain level of individual comparison such as Duane's high flying skill like Owen or young Edd's bad attitude similar to that of Ted (Edd. Ted. GEDDIT!?) in real life but that could be reading too much into it


Delirium, who plays a crazy person in a bright green mask, very similar to ROH wrestler/booker Delirious who plays a crazy person in a bright green mask


Danny Fonzarelli surely owes his surname to Aurthur Fonzarelli aka The Fonz from Happy Days


Halloween Knight's appearance is almost exactly that of LA Parka/L.A Par-K, famous luchadore who gained global attention in WCW in the 90s


MMA trained English grappler Edison Silva's ring name is almost definitely a reference to Anderson Silva - Steven Seagal protege and P4P one of the best fighters on the planet

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