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Wrestling Face Heel Turns you want to see


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I've always been interested in Jeff Hardy as a Heel. While I love the idea of guys who spend their entire careers babyface, and it would be a hell of a job turning him, I don't know, he seems like a wacky enough dude to do something interesting with it.


Randy Orton was a main guy I thought should turn babyface, but I guess that's happened, so cool beans. Hope he keeps his edge.

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I've always been interested in Jeff Hardy as a Heel. While I love the idea of guys who spend their entire careers babyface, and it would be a hell of a job turning him, I don't know, he seems like a wacky enough dude to do something interesting with it.


Randy Orton was a main guy I thought should turn babyface, but I guess that's happened, so cool beans. Hope he keeps his edge.


Jeff Hardy was heel in The New Brood but that was a long time ago when he wasn't so weird so he would probably get over really well as a heel

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I've always been interested in Jeff Hardy as a Heel. While I love the idea of guys who spend their entire careers babyface, and it would be a hell of a job turning him, I don't know, he seems like a wacky enough dude to do something interesting with it.


Randy Orton was a main guy I thought should turn babyface, but I guess that's happened, so cool beans. Hope he keeps his edge.


Yeah, Orton's over because of his heel character. If they change any of his heelish tendencies, I don't think he'd be as cool. Didn't they make him a pandering "old school babyface" back in like 2003-2004, and didn't it flop? I wasn't really watching back then, but I heard that post-Evolution things weren't so hot for him.


But now, it's all good for him. The RKO is waaaaaay over.

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I'd like to see heel John Morrison. As a babyface I don't think he's ever going to get pushed out of the upper midcard, but he'd be great as a mid-90's HBK-style "sexy boy" heel. Put him up against somebody like Cena so for once Cena isn't the pretty boy of the feud, and watch all the women in the audience go absolutely crazy.
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I'd like to see heel John Morrison. As a babyface I don't think he's ever going to get pushed out of the upper midcard, but he'd be great as a mid-90's HBK-style "sexy boy" heel. Put him up against somebody like Cena so for once Cena isn't the pretty boy of the feud, and watch all the women in the audience go absolutely crazy.


He... he was, when he was teaming with the Miz, wasn't he? I remember him sitting in on commentary just before the split, when they lost to the Colons. Great on the mic.

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Yeah Morrison turning again shouldn't happen for a long time, I think he has to be the main guy on the face side of things to move up soonish, he has star written all over him, could really be one of the faces of the company. I think promo wise he can sometimes be a little bland but if they get him in a feud where it gets personal, with someone higher up and better at it than him (like a heel triple h, that'd be awesome...could play off the whole "next HBK" thing they've played on in the past as well) then it could work, cause he's shown he can be entertaining just his voice and the way he says things can be a bit weird.
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If Rey was to turn heel, he'd have to lose his mask. Otherwise it wouldn't work. Cena would be a great heel if he'd gone back to his rapper gimmick. However Cena is Vince's Hogan now so that's not gonna happen.


I can't picture Rey (the little tiny guy he is) coming out and threatining fans it would be more comedy than anything else

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If Rey was to turn heel, he'd have to lose his mask. Otherwise it wouldn't work. Cena would be a great heel if he'd gone back to his rapper gimmick. However Cena is Vince's Hogan now so that's not gonna happen.


Cena will turn one day, and the day it does will be monumental and rock the history of wrestling to the core. I absolutely have faith the reason they haven't done the easy turn on him is to have that monumental Hogan-esque Heel turn moment.

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Someone said Jeff Hardy, I'd have him go from being the rocker-freak to something more Rocker with a healthy dose of gangsta rap, give him a knife and make him a more colorful version of New Jack. Just have him stabbin people.


I can't picture Rey (the little tiny guy he is) coming out and threatining fans it would be more comedy than anything else


I'd like to see Heel Rey with the mask, I think it certainly be interesting to try too.

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I can't picture Rey (the little tiny guy he is) coming out and threatining fans it would be more comedy than anything else


The only way i could picture it would be if he turned into a mysterious figure again like he was at the start of his career, and probably add in some Muta-like offence i.e. poison mist. That might be good.

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He... he was, when he was teaming with the Miz, wasn't he? I remember him sitting in on commentary just before the split, when they lost to the Colons. Great on the mic.


Cena had a memorable run as a heel and Mysterio was heel when the fans turned on the No Limit Soldiers, so what's your point? I want to see Morrison today as a heel, not doing the same shtick he was doing four years ago (although he should work another program with Punk while he's a face).

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I can't see Heel-Rey working without the mask. He still looks 12 years old, possibly the least threatening man I've ever seen. With the mask, you have more options, adding more horror into the look... but on the whole I'm not sure what Heel Rey would actually do. What's the slant that makes him a bad guy?


Someone said Jeff Hardy, I'd have him go from being the rocker-freak to something more Rocker with a healthy dose of gangsta rap, give him a knife and make him a more colorful version of New Jack. Just have him stabbin people.


Not the route I'd go, but it's an idea I guess.


With Jeff I'd keep the same flavour as he has now, that weird freaky vibe, and turn it up to 11. To the level at which it becomes disturbing and alienating. Where he ceases to be a relatable person and simply crazy. A lot of modern heels are rational, stern and serious. My Jeff would be overcome with emotions (the bad ones; hate, lust, envy) and completely irrational. Unpredictable and crazy.


Add a single-minded obsession with inflicting pain on a strong babyface, and that's my Heel-Jeff Hardy.

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Jeff Hardy was heel in The New Brood but that was a long time ago when he wasn't so weird so he would probably get over really well as a heel


Not to mention his small stint in 2003 when he stayed heel for like... three weeks? I think it was a small sore loser angle.


Yeah, Orton's over because of his heel character. If they change any of his heelish tendencies, I don't think he'd be as cool. Didn't they make him a pandering "old school babyface" back in like 2003-2004, and didn't it flop? I wasn't really watching back then, but I heard that post-Evolution things weren't so hot for him.


But now, it's all good for him. The RKO is waaaaaay over.


Yeah, 2004. It wasn't good much, he basically became some sort of ladies-man hotshot and while that was an avenue, there wasn't much flourishing from it. Triple H still kept him steady by feuding with him during the latter half of 2004 though. After that, Orton had nowhere else to go but to turn back heel and subsequently face Taker. This time however, we might see something special. I like how they're using him now, with the fact he tried to RKO Cena last Monday and all. Keeping the edge.

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He... he was, when he was teaming with the Miz, wasn't he? I remember him sitting in on commentary just before the split, when they lost to the Colons. Great on the mic.


Until his move to Smackdown, Morrison was a heel since Tough Enough finished, for the most part.


Johnny Nitro anyone? Johnny Blaze? Didn't he have more?


Mysterio was heel when the fans turned on the No Limit Soldiers, so what's your point?


Just to point out, he did say in WWE.


As for Rey, he could turn heel, and although I'd like to see what they can do with, what has become, his one dimensional character.. I can't see it happening.


He looks like a kid, appeals to the kids, and that's about all he really has right now, as far as real momentum to work with.

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The RKO is waaaaaay over.


I keep hearing this, but I really don't think that's the actual case. Randy Orton is really over, the RKO is his finisher that everyone knows. If he "speared" people, they would chant that (like they do with Edge).


Just saying that I think it's just Randy that's over, not his finisher. The person being over makes the finisher over as well.

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I keep hearing this, but I really don't think that's the actual case. Randy Orton is really over, the RKO is his finisher that everyone knows. If he "speared" people, they would chant that (like they do with Edge).


Just saying that I think it's just Randy that's over, not his finisher. The person being over makes the finisher over as well.


Disagree. Well, to an extent. Of course he's over but the RKO is one of the reasons why. It epitomises what he's all about. It can come out of nowhere, sudden impact, or it can have a build up. One of the best finishers there is, and it really, really is popular. There's nothing else about his ring work that appeals to most, I am fairly sure. People are just waiting for the RKO.

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Been a fan of Orton's for a long time now, but his recent turn has made me dig him even more.


It isn't just the RKO, I even find myself popping at the way he hits the scoop slam now. There is a new intensity to it, the way he moves his hands - I can't really explain it - just before performing the move really adds to it.


And even the way he sort of spins completely around before falling to the mat straight onto his fists and pounding them into it really quickly as he stalks his opponent for the RKO is great too.


Just everything about him and his character at the moment is pretty much spot on. Hopefully they don't mess it up like they did his last face turn which ended, iirc, with him RKO'ing Stacey Keibler. Because he has the potential to be the absolute star attraction for a long time now.


The only other thing I wil say is that it is a shame to lose him as a heel, especially with Edge also turning face, because they are two of the best heels in the business. Might mean a heel re-turn for HHH as I think we all know, no matter how immense it would be, that John Cena will not be turning heel any time soon.

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I can't see Heel-Rey working without the mask. He still looks 12 years old, possibly the least threatening man I've ever seen. With the mask, you have more options, adding more horror into the look... but on the whole I'm not sure what Heel Rey would actually do. What's the slant that makes him a bad guy?




Not the route I'd go, but it's an idea I guess.


With Jeff I'd keep the same flavour as he has now, that weird freaky vibe, and turn it up to 11. To the level at which it becomes disturbing and alienating. Where he ceases to be a relatable person and simply crazy. A lot of modern heels are rational, stern and serious. My Jeff would be overcome with emotions (the bad ones; hate, lust, envy) and completely irrational. Unpredictable and crazy.


Add a single-minded obsession with inflicting pain on a strong babyface, and that's my Heel-Jeff Hardy.


I am Astil, huge Jeff Hardy mark, and I approve this message.

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I can't see Heel-Rey working without the mask. He still looks 12 years old, possibly the least threatening man I've ever seen. With the mask, you have more options, adding more horror into the look... but on the whole I'm not sure what Heel Rey would actually do. What's the slant that makes him a bad guy?




Not the route I'd go, but it's an idea I guess.


With Jeff I'd keep the same flavour as he has now, that weird freaky vibe, and turn it up to 11. To the level at which it becomes disturbing and alienating. Where he ceases to be a relatable person and simply crazy. A lot of modern heels are rational, stern and serious. My Jeff would be overcome with emotions (the bad ones; hate, lust, envy) and completely irrational. Unpredictable and crazy.


Add a single-minded obsession with inflicting pain on a strong babyface, and that's my Heel-Jeff Hardy.


Rey is literraly a babyface

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Cena will turn one day, and the day it does will be monumental and rock the history of wrestling to the core. I absolutely have faith the reason they haven't done the easy turn on him is to have that monumental Hogan-esque Heel turn moment.


I was thinking about this just the other day. I was coming up with ways they could do a monumental Cena heel turn, and one of them was having him use some dirty tactic to end Undertaker's streak.

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As for Rey, he could turn heel, and although I'd like to see what they can do with, what has become, his one dimensional character.. I can't see it happening.


He looks like a kid, appeals to the kids, and that's about all he really has right now, as far as real momentum to work with.


Yeah I don't see WWE doing it since he brings in the kids and sells lots of masks.


If they did do it though, I could totally see a maskless Rey do the whole "I hate kids, I am sick of these little ****ers expecting me to be a role model" and pretty much just become a seedy, dirty, ****y, filthy little bastard who wants to spend all his time doing non-PG things. I would mark out for that because years ago I saw a picture of Rey out partying with I think it might have been Psicosis or Konnan or something. He was smoking and just kind of looked like a stereotypical 13-14 year old bad influence older kid who gets your kids in trouble with the law/school by association alone.

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I was thinking about this just the other day. I was coming up with ways they could do a monumental Cena heel turn, and one of them was having him use some dirty tactic to end Undertaker's streak.


Hogan only turned when he left the WWF and went to "turn machine" Eric Bischoff.

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