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What grinds your gears?


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Trust me the lady changing her baby's diaper in the theatre is nothing compared to some of the sick stuff that I have seen people do in a movie theatre.



Oh I am sure. I probably did some of those things when I was younger. As I am sure we all have. :p




That really annoys me too....


So in situations like that, I come prepared with this simple answer.....




I actually see your point. Although I don't think a Football resembles an egg at all.

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Not some of the stuff I have seen. I don't think anybody that is a normal person would do some of the things that I have seen.


Thats the key word BHK and since she's anything but normal there isn't a shadow of a doubt she's done all such unmentionable and probably lude acts. In fact she most likely WAS the one doing such disgraceful things. :D

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Thats the key word BHK and since she's anything but normal there isn't a shadow of a doubt she's done all such unmentionable and probably lude acts. In fact she most likely WAS the one doing such disgraceful things. :D


I will not touch that, as I would like to live to see another day.:D

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I was sitting at my favorite pizza place today, eating a nice pie, when a rather large woman walks in with her two husky kids and demands another pie be made because this one was no good


Now, if the food is bad then I agree you should have it remade no charge, but when you eat the whole thing then complain, sit down and shut up


That really grinds my gears

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I got a new one!


- House Hunters, Property Virgins, & My First Place on HGTV.


Listen Princess, I'm sure you think you're the only person on the planet who wants to buy a house in the "hip, up & coming area with the great shops/schools/bars" with public transportation closeby and thousands of square feet of space (oh and with the huge backyard and the 3 car garage on a lot where there are no neighbors within a third of an acre of you. Privacy, y'know!). But your Thunderbird/Scotsmac pocketbook says your Cattier tastes are misplaced! You either want the granite countertops with the huge island and an open floorplan and brand new hardwood floors with an immense master suite with walk in closets that could double as bedrooms....OR you want to be in the hip, up & coming area with the great shops/schools/bars nearby. PICK ONE, you can't have both at your price point.


Oh yeah and if you're getting married in 3 months, wait until AFTER the wedding to go house hunting. Houses cost money and if your wedding is this huge, elaborate cultural affair ("traditional Indian wedding"), you don't have it to spare. :p


- Condos and planned development communities


So, lemme get this straight. You want me to give you several hundred thousand of my dollars PLUS several hundred dollars a month so you can tell me what I can and cannot do with the property I gave you several hundred thousand dollars for. That about right? How 'bout no? That sum it up for ya?


- Lotteries


How come when the jackpots go over $200 million, you can be sure that the winners will be some people in their 60s or older? WHY? Seriously, I'd be happy even if the 20something who won smoked or snorted the entire jackpot moreso than the old person who will "save" the money (FOR WHAT?!?) or get scammed out of a large portion of it.

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Got one more while I am thinking about it:


Mauro Ranallo! Need I say more?:D







Really who the hell needs to turn the base in there cheap assed 500 dollar car to the max at 5am?


Really you are not cool, you really just piss a female who falls asleep at quarter of 4 off. A woman with less then 5 hours of sleep is NOT one you want on your bad side.


So the crazy woman in pajamas coming to your car at 5am to tell you that you need to turn that crap down is not the person to tell to go away. You will find your tires slashed. (as he most likely will find in the morning) :D

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Really who the hell needs to turn the base in there cheap assed 500 dollar car to the max at 5am?


Really you are not cool, you really just piss a female who falls asleep at quarter of 4 off. A woman with less then 5 hours of sleep is NOT one you want on your bad side.


So the crazy woman in pajamas coming to your car at 5am to tell you that you need to turn that crap down is not the person to tell to go away. You will find your tires slashed. (as he most likely will find in the morning) :D


This is why hand grenades should be legal....

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Really who the hell needs to turn the base in there cheap assed 500 dollar car to the max at 5am?


Really you are not cool, you really just piss a female who falls asleep at quarter of 4 off. A woman with less then 5 hours of sleep is NOT one you want on your bad side.


So the crazy woman in pajamas coming to your car at 5am to tell you that you need to turn that crap down is not the person to tell to go away. You will find your tires slashed. (as he most likely will find in the morning) :D


I've come to the conclusion that there are three types of "music listeners" in this world... There's people who listen to music for the music, there's people who listen to it for the vocals, and then there's people who just play it as loud as they can to blare out the sound of the neverending game of "pong" they have going on in their empty skulls.

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What grinds my gears?


People who continue to argue a point when the facts contradict them. And I don't mean opinions they refuse to change (I'm guilty of that sometimes too). But don't tell me UPS delivered something and FedEx delivered the rest of the packages when I have shown you tracking numbers showing FedEx delivered ALL the packages. And then don't say that one was delivered one day and the other the next...when again, the tracking numbers prove EVERYTHING was delivered the same day. Some people...

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