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What grinds your gears?


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It's just not about the stuff they buy.


It's about how they present themselves. They carry themselves like there the best people in the world. Let me tell you though...THERE NOT. I could tell you some stories about them but you would question why I still consider them family.


Go ahead, we wanna be entertained. :cool:


NBA Live 2010.


Really. Really. Pisses. Me. Off.


Mind expanding on this? Would like to hear opinions on it, my friend and I have this constant but friendly dispute between the NBA games(I have 2k9, he has Live 09), and when we both traded each other the games we were left with sour tastes in our mouths.

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People who don't know the difference between wit and quoting South Park.


See also: people who quote The Holy Grail.

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Fake people grind my gears.

I admit I can be a B*tch. Those who act all sweet and innocent but are nasty those people get me. Why deny who you are. Embrace it, love it, or change.


Also (this happened the other day).

I suffered a loss. 25 year friendship ended by death. so out of no where I just start to cry. Not like loud, just streams of silent tears. So I get told "why cry, it does no good"


Really? Who do these people think they are.

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Also (this happened the other day).

I suffered a loss. 25 year friendship ended by death. so out of no where I just start to cry. Not like loud, just streams of silent tears. So I get told "why cry, it does no good"


Really? Who do these people think they are.


Yeah, I'd probably be "I'll cry if I want to, motherf*cker" if that was me. I think they're trying to help but they're not, their logic is off. Grieving, mourning is part of the process and is going to happen regardless.

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Yeah, I'd probably be "I'll cry if I want to, motherf*cker" if that was me. I think they're trying to help but they're not, their logic is off. Grieving, mourning is part of the process and is going to happen regardless.



It was some chick I did not even know.


It took me a few days to accept it. Crying helps me and many others.


I just hate people who think they know how you should feel better than yourelf.


My shrink years ago found out about that. :p

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That actually explains alot.:p




Well I did not need to go. being 13 I had no choice. I would just sit and stare at his uni-brow for the whole hour. Finally after about 2 months I told him the voices told my to drown everyone in a giant bowl of ice cream. He told my mother not to bring me back. :p:p

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Well that sucks.


I have yet seen a reason to get either an Xbox or a PS3.


I don't play video games often though. The ones I like are nice and handy on my PS2 :D


God of War 3 + MLB the Show made my decision for me.






See also: people who quote The Holy Grail.



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God of War 3 + MLB the Show made my decision for me.





God of War was the clincher for me. The Ratchet and Clank series sold my girlfriend on it. And MLB the Show...so, so good. I made a closer, did like 3 seasons with him. Too fun. Can't wait for Red Dead Redemption on Tuesday as well.


And something new that grinds my gears...when your local hockey team lets a 3-0 series advantage slip to a 3-3 tie (goddammit Bruins!)

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Okay, what do you mean by that?


She's indecisive, wants us to be able to talk and hang out like we did while we were going out minus the actual going out part. Basically she wants me to put in all the work in the relationship with her not doing anything. **** makes no sense. And she does all this under the guise that she "still loves me" but "not the same way you do".




Oh yeah, and moon lit, that pisses me off too. I follow the philosophy of "if someone is crying, just leave them alone".


Oh, another thing, at my job (sales associate at Aeropostale in Kings Plaza) someone actually defecated in the fitting room... I wasn't sure whether to start hysterical laughing or to cry.

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Anyone who says "like" a lot while speaking.


People who say "it is what it is" or other vacant phrases.


One-uppers. You know the story - your grandmother just died, their grandmother died while skydiving and crashed into a volcano & exploded. Those types.


White kids with dreadlocks.


Girls wearing those Uggz boots with shorts or skirts in 29C (85F) weather.



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Sons....Yes I am the same way. I hate when people get into the whole thing it drives me insane.



Purple. I tend to say LIKE a lot when I talk. Just to annoy those I am talking to. :D



So I put my niece and nephew on the bus this morning. I dislike when mothers ignore there childrens crap. If you kid is throwing rocks beat his A**. I swear that's why these kids grow up to be A-holes.

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So I put my niece and nephew on the bus this morning. I dislike when mothers ignore there childrens crap. If you kid is throwing rocks beat his A**. I swear that's why these kids grow up to be A-holes.


I swear when I watch my niece and nephew I have completely different rules then my brother and sister-in-law. They let them get into everything, eat whatever they want without asking, and they never pick up after themselves. How a child acts reflects on the parenting and I don't want to say my brother is a crappy parent because he's not - he's just way too easy and lets too much slide without bringing down the hammer. ;)

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I swear when I watch my niece and nephew I have completely different rules then my brother and sister-in-law. They let them get into everything, eat whatever they want without asking, and they never pick up after themselves. How a child acts reflects on the parenting and I don't want to say my brother is a crappy parent because he's not - he's just way too easy and lets too much slide without bringing down the hammer. ;)


Oh yeah my brother is the same way. But he is the opposite My poor niece is 8 and she is not allowed to listen to music, wear certain clothes, blah blah blah. The age difference between him and his fiance is an issue. She is 27 and he is 31. We grew up with music and laughter. She being 27 wants to buy the cute little tops and skirts, that my brother won't let his daughter wear. :p


My issue is with parents who don't get the bad stuff. When your kid is standing there right in your face throwing rocks at other kids, and cursing. That is my biggest pet peeve is a parent who lets there child curse. Elementary school children ages 5-10 cursing? While you are standing there...Really? I feel like slapping the parents in the mouth for there childrens behavior. :D

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Purple. I tend to say LIKE a lot when I talk. Just to annoy those I am talking to. :D


Well, as an Andy Kaufmann fan, if you're being a real-life troll about it I have to respect that. :D I have a completely (purposely) unfunny sheep "joke" I tell to new friends joining our group. It is interesting to see the reaction. :)


The discussion has reminded me of another - children on airplanes!

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Well, as an Andy Kaufmann fan, if you're being a real-life troll about it I have to respect that. :D I have a completely (purposely) unfunny sheep "joke" I tell to new friends joining our group. It is interesting to see the reaction. :)


The discussion has reminded me of another - children on airplanes!


Can I join your group? That would so, like awesome. :p

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I have a completely (purposely) unfunny sheep "joke" I tell to new friends joining our group. It is interesting to see the reaction. :)



This reminds me of something we used to do to the new kids when I was in school/collage. I went to a private, British/international school in Holland. The kids there were made up of about 40 different nationalities, so there was a lot of ethnic diversity. There were a lot of kids whose parents worked at the Embassies, UN and various big multinational companies around The Hague and Amsterdam. Point being, there were always a fair few kids coming and going due to the nature of their parents work, hence there was always fresh meat for pranking. :-D


Anyway, one of my friends was this HUUUUUUGE Nigerian dude. The guy was a monster, about 6'5 and ripped to shreds. He had an awesomely thick Nigerian accent and he could turn on 'the glare' at a moments notice that made you think he'd rip your arms off as soon as look at you. He also had the sickest, darkest sense of humour you could ever imagine, which led to him coming up with this little number....


Whenever we had a new kid, we'd be hanging out in the common room with them and this huge Nigerian dude would walk in and sit over the other side of the room. One of us would then rudely shout him over, talk down to him and boss him around in the most appallingly racist ways we could think of. The look on some of these kids faces as a group of spotty teenagers bullied this huge dude, who just took it all and kept a sad look on his face the whole time was priceless.


One kid got fully outraged and demanded to know why he let us get away with it, to which he said something like "It's ok...They're only doing it because they get bullied by the Asians..." Nobody kept a straight face after that. :D

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