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Crazy Bump Outcomes ?

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Curiosity question here, Just wondering for those of you who have succeeded in pulling off a Crazy Bump, how has the worker's popularity been affected ?


At my WCW PPV, WCW No Mercy, and My workers Poison (Acid II) and Sean Deeley fought in a Cage Match, and Poison took a Crazy Bump, and his popularity just shot up. And I literally mean SHOT UP, whereas Deeley's stayed where it was.


Poison's Popularity - E to D-


Sean Deeley's Popularity - D to D


I kind of figured that since Poison was the one to take the bump, people really were impressed and his overness shot up due to that. But what has happened in your cases of Crazy Bumps ?

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Wow. I never once thought that the 'crazy bump' is why Xavi Ferrera has suddenly become a freakin' mega-star for me. I had him in a tag team with Lenny Brown as The Best Tag Team Period (c'mon, their sunglasses say it all) and they did a ton of ladder matches with a few other teams on my roster. It was always Xavi doing the crazy bumps and he is main eventing for my promotion now on one of my two major brands.


I really thought his overness jumped up because of the face turn he had and the great matches him and Lenny Brown ended up putting on after they broke up. He ended up taking some bumps in those matches as well. I see him feuding with Jay Chord for the WCW World title at some point - started the game as MAW but switched to WCW after we reached International. I wonder if Jay will actually drop it without putting up a fuss. :rolleyes:

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I never knew this .. Does it matter what size show or show rep? I've done lots of Bumps what with running DIW and all but never thought to check and i thought Asylum gained alot of overness through his w2 wins over an heavily pushed Tombstone.
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I haven't noticed any big gains. I actually noticed that one guy got a negative mark in the dirt sheet for taking a bump; it's only happened once though. Every other bump has been a positive.


That could have been a botch. If it looks silly, then it won't go over well.


This is pretty neat. I'm always worried about injuries, because I just don't have a deep enough roster to absorb it (21CW, so there aren't any free agents to fill in either), so I haven't ever booked a Crazy Bump. Perhaps this is worth the gamble, if it will gain Popularity, and not just a match grade.

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That could have been a botch. If it looks silly, then it won't go over well.


This is pretty neat. I'm always worried about injuries, because I just don't have a deep enough roster to absorb it (21CW, so there aren't any free agents to fill in either), so I haven't ever booked a Crazy Bump. Perhaps this is worth the gamble, if it will gain Popularity, and not just a match grade.

Or maybe fans thought it was so real, they BELIEVED it was a botch, rather than a crazy bump. :p

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That could have been a botch. If it looks silly, then it won't go over well.


This is pretty neat. I'm always worried about injuries, because I just don't have a deep enough roster to absorb it (21CW, so there aren't any free agents to fill in either), so I haven't ever booked a Crazy Bump. Perhaps this is worth the gamble, if it will gain Popularity, and not just a match grade.


I actually had this problem with Xavi Ferrera. He picked up some elbow injury and was out of action for 45 days or so. He was still available for angles so I still had him doing stuff with Lenny Brown (tag partner) that lead to his face turn and their nice little feud. I haven't done any crazy bumps with him since he's returned but man, I gotta keep him on payroll for life for doing so many bumps and never complaining.

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Ive been booking loads with HIW.


Not a single injury so far (and I have them set to high) but lots of slight gains to match grades. I have seen a -ve for a sick bump, but it was with 21CW. Maybe the product doesnt like them?


Havent seen any big individual jumps in pop.

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I'd imagine product must influence it. I'd imagine the more vocal the crowd the more likely a crazy bump will go over. So in Sports Entertainment feds and Hardcore feds it'd get people over but say in a pure fed they're going to be met with :mad: faces
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It's generally a positive in my fed, and I can only usually get them in relatively big matches; I was just confused when my latest bump showed up as a (-) in the dirt sheet. I wonder if it could be a reaction to the character, as well. "The crowd doesn't mind seeing worker X take a bump, but having worker Z do it is just silly", that sort of thing. As I recall, it was the first bump ever for that character.
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