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The only A*s I've ever had were in RW mods, and honestly I don't count getting an A* match in the majority of RW mods an achievement. "Oh really, a throwaway midcard match between Haku and Al Snow was an A*?! AMAZING!"




That said, I almost never spend any amount of time with National or larger promotions, and odds are you'll be one before you have an A* (though I'm sure it's not needed).


Maybe I'll start a game with GCG like I've been kinda itching to... I'm sure I could get them in position to bust out a few A*s.

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Jack Bruce defeated Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts (SWF Let The Games Begin, October 2010) A*


Jack Bruce defeated Valiant, Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean (SWF Welcome to the Jungle, August 2010) A*




On a side note, Squeeky McClean has gotten to number 4 on 2010's power 100! and Enforer Roberts is number 7!


They are the top two SWF guys on the power 100 (off memory)

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The weirdest A* match I have got (I've only had 8 of them) was between opener Banky Bremner and Midcard Omezo Shikitei. Neither have amazing stats but they had great chemistry and Shikitei had great chemistry with his manager. They lucked out on not getting hit by the lack of psychology dice roll and Banky's 98 selling ensured they weren't hit by that. For a long time it was the best match in our promotion, despite being a six minute squash match, which was kind of dispiriting.


Our top four matches (all 99) now have involved loanees from TCW (Vessey or Gilmore) against my top guys. Both Gilmore and Vessey have 90+ psychology and great basics as well (In my game Gilmore has been wrestler of the year about 10 times - he pretty much has A* in all performance skills and B+ in technical).


To get an A* it seems like you have to get everything right (which is as it should be really). You can't get hit by a lack of psychology or selling note, you have to have the right length match, not be playing to a burnt out crowd, etc etc. The dirt sheet really helps you see what went wrong if you didn't get an A* when you feel it was a possibility.

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You might want to tell whoever made that data set. Something has gone seriously wrong if a promotion can routinely pull off A* matches.


It can be an overpowered mod. It can also just be a circumstance that can develop. In a popularity-based promotion, getting the overness of some skilled wrestlers up to A/A* can make very high grades common and easy. Not that you should be getting A* every week, but they become less rare.

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Only A* I've had in TEW '10 was a 3 on 3 elimination match in my current WCW game - Quentin Queen, Chris Morrisette, and Bruce The Giant def. Jay Chord, Spencer Spade, and Primus Allen


Spade and Chord have excellent chemistry as partners, Allen and Bruce were way over with their menacing angles, Morrisette was really over, and I was building Quentin Queen up to be a star. It happened on live TV on our Thursday Takeover show in October 2019.


closest I've gotten is a 97 with a Bret Hart/Chris Benoit match.


What mod is that? Sounds like a good one for Benoit/Hart to get a 97.

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I picked up a 97 last night when I was playing for a match between Rich Money and Marat on Supreme TV. Pity I used it as a hot shotted match to open the show, rather than as a semi-main or main event. Usually Marat does ok for me, but I have more reliable workers up the card so I was astonished by the outcome.
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Angry gilmore is my A* match machine, having got them with Jack Bruce, Christian Faith and Eddie Peak so far. I think I have got a couple of other A* matches as well [5 months into my SWF game]. If I remember right one involved Enforcer Roberts and Christian Faith.
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What road agent notes did you use for that match if you dont mind me asking


22-24 mins [wrestling time], slow build, open match, either decisive or tainted finish. Usually preceded by a semi main in the 80-90 range and a 100 rated angle. Usually my third last match is a cool down match [i try for 60-70 range], followed by strong angle, semi main, very strong angle, main and another very strong angle to close out the show.

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I use road agent notes sparingly to be honest. I can't remember my exact booking for Marat and Rich Money, but from my memory I think it was booked for 8 minutes, Rich Money the victor, and if anything might have been overbooked. I didn't go script because Rich Money is B+ in psychology at this point, and I didn't go call in the ring as Marat's psychology is pitiful.
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