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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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This one might not be for everyone's tastes admittedly;

Rocky Golden


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I dig Valiant there. That screams Star Quality.


He was really hard to get smiling and not have him look deranged :)


Again, these might not be to everyone's tastes...


Rick Law (I went with the idea of a babyface who can kick ass. He looks a little older but I think that's just the skin I used. I had the youngest settings possible)



This one is a complete revisioning. Debuting rookie Quentin Queen. I saw him as a throwback 80's heel (I made him as a younger version of my 1977 mod Jimmy Power render).


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He was really hard to get smiling and not have him look deranged :)


Again, these might not be to everyone's tastes...


Rick Law (I went with the idea of a babyface who can kick ass. He looks a little older but I think that's just the skin I used. I had the youngest settings possible)



This one is a complete revisioning. Debuting rookie Quentin Queen. I saw him as a throwback 80's heel (I made him as a younger version of my 1977 mod Jimmy Power render).



Would there be a chance I could get all your renders in a package instead of saving them all one by one?


Would be appreciated since I love them :D

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He was really hard to get smiling and not have him look deranged :)


Again, these might not be to everyone's tastes...


Rick Law (I went with the idea of a babyface who can kick ass. He looks a little older but I think that's just the skin I used. I had the youngest settings possible)




I prefer to age my renders a little more than necessary. Depending on which lights you use, some of the textures/faces appear extremely smooth and lacks detail. Your faces are great, keep up the excellent work!

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I like it. I'll be using it for Ryan Death I think though!

Awesome! I'm just happy that people like it and will use it. I don't care if it's for Emma Chase ;)


Would there be a chance I could get all your renders in a package instead of saving them all one by one?


Would be appreciated since I love them :D


Thanks for the kind words. I'm out of town until after New Years but I can zip up a bunch of them for you if you like. If you want all of the 1977 ones I did, I did post all of them in two posts in the thread for that mod.


My album on Photobucket is: http://s145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/


I prefer to age my renders a little more than necessary. Depending on which lights you use, some of the textures/faces appear extremely smooth and lacks detail. Your faces are great, keep up the excellent work!


Thanks James! I tend to do that as well because I usually play longer games so their look is more of a "median" look. Also, I'm a big fan of pro wrestling from the 70's-80's and the guys back then (with a few exceptions, of course) looked a little more rough around the edges and less "pretty". Same with UFC. That's just a personal taste thing, though. I feel that if someone is supposed to have a gimmick of being "ravishing" but everyone is good looking, it's not special.


Hey guys,


I didn't want to start a new topic for this question - Is there anywhere to find a bank of unassigned renders? I can't find an alt of Miss Information and I want to just pick one that suits what I think she might look like.


MJStark posted a zip file with his renders in the TEW Render thread. There are a bunch of generic male, female, older men, announcer renders. I used a bunch to fill holes, they are great!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sockpuppet" data-cite="sockpuppet" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27865" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Miss Mexico</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l98/da_kine_brah/Renders/MissMexico.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is absolutely amazing socko - put her on my must sign list</p>
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Ace Youngblood



New Version

Ace Youngblood




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I love that render. His original made me hard to take seriously as a native american. Now him and Running Wolf can form a team.


That is a damn fine render Bull!


It's a great render, i almost feel guilty getting rid of the original though, it's been with us since the very first TEW and was always the first thing you saw when you checked for unemployed workers. The times, they are a changin'...


Bull, you got that Ace Youngblood on a transparent PNG? I could certainly use that in my project!


Thanks for the comments guys, haven't had this much feedback on a render since the Skull DeBones one I did all those moons ago.:)


and while I'm here Crayon, I wanted to let you know that my hard drive on my computer that had all my other TEW Renders on it quit on me last week so I won't be able to add my others to your project like you wanted, so I apologize for that but if you will remind me what size you wanted the renders to be I will get the Ace one set up for you.

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Thanks for the comments guys, haven't had this much feedback on a render since the Skull DeBones one I did all those moons ago.:)


and while I'm here Crayon, I wanted to let you know that my hard drive on my computer that had all my other TEW Renders on it quit on me last week so I won't be able to add my others to your project like you wanted, so I apologize for that but if you will remind me what size you wanted the renders to be I will get the Ace one set up for you.


Bugger, it looks like the failed harddrive gains another victim! (And also reminds me that I should really backup what I've completed so far, too :)). Shame to hear about it, but I know you'll keep knocking out the renders, so if you continue to keep me in mind, that'd be excellent


If you could give me the Ace as the size you've got him for the full body shot on transparent I'll be happy to crop him down to the sizes needed.

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