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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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Honestly, no. I even tried googling the product name to no avail. All I know is it's a clothing set titled 'Jack' and it has a ducky.


Now I'm even more intrigued. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks.


Most of the stuff from Gen-3 and below is gone in Daz's store now. They got rid of it all because Daz's old bitrock installer doesn't work on the new mac OS. You'd think they'd just offer zip files to mac users, but instead they had a clearance sale. Go figure.


Hmmm, didn't know the reason although they're far from the first site to remove old content, the reasoning is kinda curious. I missed the sale, but if I'm honest, I've probably got all the M2 stuff from there I really needed/wanted.


Damn macs... I'm still trying to find someone who can open/unpack a .sit file for me.


As has been stated it is indeed the morphing flat top which is no longer available through any legal means.


It's funny, because in principle (the illegal nature of filesharing) I guess there's still an issue with sharing or downloading old products (from less legit places), even though it isn't actually possible to legally buy them anymore. I messaged an artist on Renderosity ages ago about whether I could pay her direct (i.e. paypal) for an M2 hair item she created that the store had since removed - figuring she still had it - and she replied telling me to basically just go and "find it" elsewhere. :(


So ya, I'm just recommending to renderers who are having problems, to give Photoshop a chance. It can easily turn a dull image into something more clean or vibrant. It may not look like J's right away, but definitely be an improvement from the original.


Photoshop (other image-editing software is available of course ;)) is definitely useful for tidying up renders, eliminating "poke-through", removing odd lighting speckles that sometimes appear, etc. I agree with you for a lot of one-off renders, Photoshop can be great, but you don't always get a consistent result with applying the same filter, plus you have to fiddle around with transparent layers etc if you want to pump out loads of C-Verse renders because otherwise the effects added alter the background too, rather than just the image itself.


So yeah, you can get similar results, but in the long run, it helps and will save you some time to understand your lighting and like J Silver said... know your nodes!


OK, he didn't actually say that, but check out a couple of tutorials around the net. Ever the basic ones can allow you to create a strong effect with just a couple of simple steps and often save you buying seperate plug-ins, etc.

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I desaturated the Peaks a little, but I'll admit it was a half-hearted attempt at the albino thing, which was my intent. I could have rendered multiple layers and tweaked the skin to be white-white, while keeping the hair and lines in good contrast. Could have gone into the skin texture files and done it all in Daz. Lazy, I was.


I hate myself.

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This is just a quick redress with a new twists. Narrow the nose. Stern expression. Just noticed her original pic has red gear, and I can't remember her Sex Appeal (I went more Del Ray body type than my usual porn star route) so it's a WIP. Feedback welcome. Victoria was the one Stone I couldn't get a handle on.


My feedback:


If that's modeled on Del Rey, the hips need widening (Sara has childbearing hips) and perhaps make her legs a bit thicker (example). I can see where the inspiration would come from though (and totally agree with it). I like how you aged her without being over the top with it.


As for Sex Appeal, I typically give her a 75 or 80 since I believe that's where she was in TEW05 (when she was active) and I don't think she'd become LESS attractive in five years. If anything, she'd probably grow more attractive (in a mainstream sense) after retiring since she could settle into a softer, more feminine type of look, not having to stay in in-ring shape anymore. She's only 34 years old so there shouldn't be too big a dropoff from '05, in my view.

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As I will be starting a 2001 C-Verse game, I have dedicated a part of the evening for an attempt at J-Ro. It's hard to try and capture 100 sex appeal, or whatever she has in the game. I tried to stick as close to the original as possible, but since I don't have the hair I have to improvise a little. The full body shot is a little awkward as well, as the background interferes with the title. Oh well.




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Sam Keith



Greg Gauge



Matthew Keith/Gauge


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I gave Sean McFly the ol' college try:






I could also see that being a young Rip Chord. Looks good!



Have been tweaking my lights and playing around with some of the texture settings. Comments/suggestions?



Angry Gilmore






Looks a little old - more 40s than 30s, but the level of detail here is fantastic. It's probably just a combination of expression (not that Gilmore ever has an expression of anything other than stern) and the dark shadows around the eyes.

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Have been tweaking my lights and playing around with some of the texture settings. Comments/suggestions?


Angry Gilmore



This is my favorite Angry Gilmore so far, thumbs up!

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Mexican Beast





I added the original render because I was so pleased with the way thed details on the mask came out. Please feel free to use/modify it as you wish so long the original is properly credited.




Is there an unmasked alt for this?

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