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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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Awesome work everybody.

Highland Warrior



Jeffery McPeterson



Still not totally thrilled with those last two, but there they are anyways.


I think you need to up the hair volume on both of them a bit. With Jeffrey, this might be too difficult, but if you could give him a haircut like this http://i.ytimg.com/vi/JqZI7og8W4I/0.jpg or this http://www.style-your-head.at/hairstyling/components/com_ponygallery/img_pictures/originals/hair_tattoos12_20090309_1759107654.jpg then that would suit the Glasgow Street Fighter prefect as those kinds of haircuts are extremely popular where-ever the tough in Britain reside. Also might want to give Jeff's eyebrows more of an aggressive, angry look.


Finally if you did Scottish Bravehart style warpaint alts that would throw a lot of personality on these two.


I hope that gave you an insight jtlant.

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Couple more,








Do you have an alternate without the ball in the mouth?

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Remember Self, not every wrestling woman is a beautiful one. Those mule-faces want jobs too! Hahaha


Nah, problem is, if a worker isn't attractive, they've got to have tons of skill or they won't get hired.


They're all saved to my hard drive (it's becoming a nightmare to organize them all) but my main project was BSC, and there's a certain level of attractiveness required. Unless you have, like, a really nice ass or something.


Really nice ass doesn't even help any.


And I'm guessing you're going the 'Sugar' (duh) and 'Spice' (Coco) route for Sweet as Candy, which is a unique take on them, I think. And you already know my opinion of Angel. Perhaps she will be one of the chosen to "cross over".


That Queen Emily is ridiculously good too.

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And I'm guessing you're going the 'Sugar' (duh) and 'Spice' (Coco) route for Sweet as Candy, which is a unique take on them, I think. And you already know my opinion of Angel. Perhaps she will be one of the chosen to "cross over".


Actually I've been going for a very similar look for Coco. I wanted Sweet As Candy to be the innocent little flowers amongst the questionable-morals of BSC. Not showing a lot of flesh. Not plastered with make-up. Just innocently sexy. With Coco I'm just trying to put a different girl in the gimmick. The trouble I've had with her is that in trying to recapture some of the distinctive pieces of her original render (glasses, chin) she always seems to end up looking like a horrible person. Attractive enough, but mean-spirited. Same thing happened with Alison Capone, but then she's a heel.


Maybe I'll try a slightly different look for her, gimmick-wise, but getting the face right is the toughest job.

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Nah, problem is, if a worker isn't attractive, they've got to have tons of skill or they won't get hired.




I would think that all you'd have to do before making the render is check the worker's Sex Appeal stat to see how physically attractive she would be.. I've always felt that logically anything above C+ would be cute to attractive to beautiful to hot to I think Ineed to go change my underwear... and only those with C, C-, D+ should just look average and plain... and THEN you start go into the other direction... which is really NOT that many women in the CVerse anyway...


Of course the most famous inconsistencies for this end up being Queen Emily, Black Widow, April Appleseed and Vicky Stone..


But With Widow & Stone atleast, its simply supposed to play into their gimmicks that they aren't sex objects

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You gotta look at the Sex Appeal Rating... but I tend to allow myself a little leeway because hotness isn't just in the face. She may have an incredible body, or she might move in a particularly aluring fashion... that's my excuse for any not-quite-perfect renditions anyway.


Couple of alts. I'm in that kinda mood.


Vampella to match Alison



Babyface Militia Sister



France vs Uruguay starting. Off I go.

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I don't have time right now to look through the thread, but has anyone done a Groucho Bling/Greg Black re render that doesn't look as lame as the default? I'm using one of the Elmo Benson rerenders one of you talented folks did, and Groucho just looks even more lametastic compared to Elmo now.


Preferably without Oscar the Grouch on the bandanna. :p


Now, back to cleaning before I get yelled at again :p

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One thing though, only Frank De Pain is looking at the camera, the others seem to be staring into space - is that on purpose? It's an easy alt for me to do if you prefer them as they are.
No need, looking into the camera has never been a C-Verse requirement.

By the way J Silver, are these free to use in mods if credit is given? Just curious.
If they're being used as the intended worker, then sure. If not then permissions work the same as the Render Thread, PM to ask.

That poster looks great! Have you done anything else like that?
Not really, closest thing was a young Rip Chord in his 'natural habitat'.




That USPW logo looks pretty snazzy too. Where's that been hiding?
In my dyansties mostly.



A few new ones today,



Latin Lion Jr.





Heavy Metal Anarchy





Wolfgang Klose





DJ Reason



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I don't have time right now to look through the thread, but has anyone done a Groucho Bling/Greg Black re render that doesn't look as lame as the default? I'm using one of the Elmo Benson rerenders one of you talented folks did, and Groucho just looks even more lametastic compared to Elmo now.


Preferably without Oscar the Grouch on the bandanna. :p


Now, back to cleaning before I get yelled at again :p


I second this request! :)

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Its in his diaries guys if you want to pluck it from there


It'd help if you specified whose diary. Not all of us frequent that section of the site or know who in this thread runs one. I'm half asleep and can't word that any other way without it sounding like I'm trying to be a jerk, but I assure you I'm not. :p


Here is my attempt at Groucho Bling





not up to par with the rest :)


That's fantastic! Thank you for sharing!

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Heavy Metal Anarchy




Fantastic as ever J, well, that's not true I've found some I prefer more than others but it's like you have some sort of insta-rendering program. Twist a few buttons and... oh... hey... there's Owen Love... *tweak twiddle twiddle* Nice... new Derek Frost.


But in this case with HMA I think you should pull that character perfect 'necklace' up a bit so it's in the close-up picture as well.

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It'd help if you specified whose diary. Not all of us frequent that section of the site or know who in this thread runs one. I'm half asleep and can't word that any other way without it sounding like I'm trying to be a jerk, but I assure you I'm not. :p



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