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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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J, the Los Academia renders are just amazing. I love those. Did you use bump maps to project the "X"'s, or did you use some sort of prop or freeform shape?
I used two cylinder primitives with trans maps to get the X's to look right.





Chess Maniac





Cristobal Pardo






The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket

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Chess Maniac[/b]




Hate to be a bother, but is there anyway you could please do one without the Knight pieces on his shoulders? If its too much of a hassle its fine. Great render though. I love it.

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Chess Maniac




I'll be honest: I'm about 50/50 on most of your renders. Some I think "eh", others are a solid improvement on the original.


But this?


My god man, I'm sorry I ever secretly doubted you! THE best render in the C-Verse. He looks half Golden Age supervillian come to life, half The Shredder. I think he's a NBT in my long un-used MPWF game... might have to dig that up now.

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Finally, a new Chess Maniac. I always wanted to hire him but couldn't stand looking at a black and white kane mask. Looks great, I definitely prefer the one without the crazy looking shoulder pads though. While it is a unique idea, those pads just kind of overcrowd the picture for some reason.


Since some people are getting a bit sensitive around here...


<not a request - not a request - not a request - >


If you get a chance, some rerenders of the samoan guys would be cool


<not a request - not a request - not a request - >


oops nevermind, I forgot how long I was away and didn't go back far enough in the thread. Those Machine-Rhino renders will do great! Umm no requests, but like I've said before, if you guys are able to top Acid and Monkey's current renders... well lets just say theres gonna be some major flooding taking place in my personal space.

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<not a request - not a request - not a request - >


If you get a chance, some rerenders of the samoan guys would be cool


<not a request - not a request - not a request - >


See, you say it's not a request, but this clearly is a request. Just like every other name that is mentioned in this thread. Suggestion? Request? Same difference. You're asking the renderers for a reworking of a character. My position on requests is... complicated. I don't really care if people request stuff, as long as they know there's a 99% chance I'm going to completely ignore it. In fact, I once was half way through a render, saw it requested, and stopped. I'm not even joking. This happened.


Not singling you out, ZMAN. You were just the straw that broke my nerd-rage-camel's back.


Trell is awesome. Not only has he made some phenomenal characters over the years, but more importantly (to me at least) he's the guy who got me into rendering. Not "helped me along" (which he did) not "made me better" (ditto) he got me started. Without him, I never would have downloaded DAZ in the first place. He is a great man, and to see him run off is irritating. Seeing people nonchalantly 'suggesting' characters as he leaves irritates me even more.


I'm not rendering at the moment. Burnt out. Workin' on other stuff. The anti-Remmy Skye comments hurt my feelings (EDIT: What I mean is I became angry at myself for it not being good enough. Good feedback, but it bruised my massive ego). Frankly, situations like this make me not want to come back.


Excellent work from J Silver recently.

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See, you say it's not a request, but this clearly is a request. Just like every other name that is mentioned in this thread. Suggestion? Request? Same difference. You're asking the renderers for a reworking of a character. My position on requests is... complicated. I don't really care if people request stuff, as long as they know there's a 99% chance I'm going to completely ignore it. In fact, I once was half way through a render, saw it requested, and stopped. I'm not even joking. This happened.


Not singling you out, ZMAN. You were just the straw that broke my nerd-rage-camel's back.


Trell is awesome. Not only has he made some phenomenal characters over the years, but more importantly (to me at least) he's the guy who got me into rendering. Not "helped me along" (which he did) not "made me better" (ditto) he got me started. Without him, I never would have downloaded DAZ in the first place. He is a great man, and to see him run off is irritating. Seeing people nonchalantly 'suggesting' characters as he leaves irritates me even more.


I'm not rendering at the moment. Burnt out. Workin' on other stuff. The anti-Remmy Skye comments hurt my feelings. Frankly, situations like this make me not want to come back.


Excellent work from J Silver recently.




I gotta agree with everything here. My problem recently is we've been giving an inch and people have been taking a mile. We give our interpretation of a character and it's not good enough and so people continue to request it or will say it's not to their standard. Its insulting, really. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything. Constructive criticisms are great, shooting down people's work is not.


For the record, I loved your Remmy.

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Self I think your an equally awesome guy. You have a different point of view on things than most people and you don't shove that view down anyone's throat. Beyond graphics I enjoy hearing your thoughts of entertainemnt of all sorts in general. Although no one on here has ever made me truly desire to start rendering I've also never requested, suggested or anything of the nature for a render.


Having said all that I'm not a graphical guru but I've spent time in the alt pic section, I've spent time making logos, I've spent time cutting pictures and what not. I've fullfilled many a PM's that randomly pop up asking me for stuff. Maybe I haven't been doing it as long, maybe I'm not doing it good enough. Whatever the case may be I don't get mad at being requested to do stuff.


Now for instance if someone asked for for a 150 cuts or something of that nature I would most likely tell them that can't happen. But if someone PM's me or catches me in a thread and asks for something and I have the time to do it then I do it. If I don't then I ignore it or contact them and let them know its not possible if its a personal request.


Maybe I'm missing something and again I'm not a renderer which to the best of my knowledge does take an extreme amount of time. However whats the harm in people throwing out suggestions or even requests if you want to call them that. Very few people mention more than a name or two, I've not seem anyone bump a "request" and I've not seen anything more than a "this person could use redone". To me thats not a request, to me that sounds like somebody was going through the game, stumbled upon a dated looking picture and thought "I'll throw there name out there for the masters of the renders".


I'm sure I'm missing some key point but at the end of the day whats the harm in just IGNORING it? If someone says "Sam Strong could use a new render" or even "hey how about Joey Poison" or whoever. Even if you look at that as a request is it not possible to ignore it and go on with whatever you're doing in life? Its not like people are heaping piles of requests on here.


I'm not wanting to upset anyone because I think the pictures are great and everybody that contributes is awesome. Hell I practically worship at JTlants feet with his renders.


That being said what would you like to see happen in this thread? The renders spit out whatever they want without anyone speaking up except to apparently heap praise since I guess someone said something bad about a render of yours (I didn't see the render or the post) and so that upset you? So it sounds like to me nobody can mention a name and don't comment anything but praise.


I'm not trying to be a stickler here but really it sounds like to me its when you go out with your parents to the park and they say "go wild have fun, enjoy the scenery" five minutes later your bouncing off the walls like a kid in the candy store and they tell you to sit down and stop having fun.


I don't truly see the harm in people shouting out a name or two. If you don't want to do it don't do it. As long as that person is not bumping it and saying "you haven't gotten to my request" and if they do say that whats the harm in politely reminding them one time that this isn't a request thread.


I've pointed this out in two other threads. There are a core group of us that spend our time on this website and then there are those of us such as I would assume Zman (who I don't see often in threads) that lay on the fringes of this site. They pop in, they spend a few days browsing around and they pop out. They don't take the time to get to know a lot of the guys, they don't take the time to "learn the ettiqute" its not posted anywhere and atleast where I'm from suggestions and requests are two different things. Saying hey take a look at this guy when you got time. And saying "I'd like to see a Runaway train with a full grown beard and vains sticking out of him" or whatever are two different things.


Every day I see this board becoming more and more for lack of a better term hostile towards people for seemingly the smallest things. Again if someone says something you don't like why can't you quote their message and say "we don't take requests but thank you for the compliments". Instead of "walking off into the sunset" and now because he's walked off into the sunset it upsets you or something. I'm not trying to come across as agressive or hostile or spark some fifteen page debate.


If the renderers here truly don't want people mentioning names at all since apparently if you mention a name it is a request. If that is the case then as a group you should have EWAnite edit his first post with giant red letters saying "please do not request this is not a request thread". Or something to that effect. I've said it before Reaper, Kam, Boshey, Ajcnyc, shadowflames, sean mcfly, liamo, FINisher, these guys all do some sort of graphics and I've seen all of them take requests to varying degrees. However even when their not taking requests if someone requests something I don't see Reap getting all frustrated and what not. Someone directs them to the first page and lets them know their not accepting requests and life goes on. As long as its not the same guy doing it over and over again whats the harm in saying "we're not doing requests". It doesn't seem like that would be that big of a deal to say but maybe I'm missing something.

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I gotta agree with everything here. My problem recently is we've been giving an inch and people have been taking a mile. We give our interpretation of a character and it's not good enough and so people continue to request it or will say it's not to their standard. Its insulting, really. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything. Constructive criticisms are great, shooting down people's work is not.


For the record, I loved your Remmy.


EWA I've not heard anyone say "this isn't my standard" or "this isn't good enough". If I did something and somebody didn't like it even if I worked hard on it I wouldn't take it personally. Different strokes for different folks. I've seen five different versions of Eric Eisen on here and that was doing willingly by the renderers.


So if another renderer re does the same render someone else is done thats not insulting and thats not saying it was up to their standard. Then its "well this is their interpitation of the character" but if a non renderer does it then its not their interuptitation but rather its them insulting the artist? Maybe I'm missing something again but I think thats pretty extreme.


You guys do great work, I've put about 50% of the work here into my game. You guys are up against a hard task because for five years we have gotten to know these characters through their pictures. I love JTlants work nearly all of it. EWA you've come a long way with your renders and I love some of your work the Savage Fury to name a few. Self has created awesome female renders. J Silver's the man. I'm just simply saying can't it be that everyone on all sides is a bit too sensitive about this ordeal? Maybe I miss all the insulting posts but I've seen nothing but respect for what you guys do with mild one or two name suggestions every once in a while.

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I HAVE to agree with Stennick here. I hope this doesn't turn every renderer into not making them, but I can't see why people can't give their personal opinion about a render? I mean, I remember that discussion over Self's Remmy render, and Apu (I guess it was him?) just said that he had a different image of Skye in his head than Self had. Whats the bad thing about that? He told his opinion about the direction of character, he didn't say "that sucks, make me a new one that looks like <insert name here> with a purple beard". My two cents.
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:eek: wow what is happening here. This used to be the threat to watch.


I can understand the renders point off view. and maybe we got spoilt here.

We had these discussions before about how people should treat people here. I can only give my tougths

At one point in this threat people started to give suggestions and this was accepted. Maybe that was to much already and open the door for more.

Like other render threats maybe there should be a big red no requests or suggestions. Because lets face it we are sometimes like little kids. when we get a little finger we want the whole hand.


I always want to treat people with respect. So i tried here too and i believe most people did too. its a shame other people screw it up but like it teach my gramma school kids. Thats life Sometimes people f*uck up a good thing so i hope some people here come back to there scenses ( and i dont mean renders) and see how awesome this threat is and start to treat people with respect.


and i just want to say now what i always said

Thank you for these awesome renders.

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EWA I've not heard anyone say "this isn't my standard" or "this isn't good enough". If I did something and somebody didn't like it even if I worked hard on it I wouldn't take it personally. Different strokes for different folks. I've seen five different versions of Eric Eisen on here and that was doing willingly by the renderers.


So if another renderer re does the same render someone else is done thats not insulting and thats not saying it was up to their standard. Then its "well this is their interpitation of the character" but if a non renderer does it then its not their interuptitation but rather its them insulting the artist? Maybe I'm missing something again but I think thats pretty extreme.


You guys do great work, I've put about 50% of the work here into my game. You guys are up against a hard task because for five years we have gotten to know these characters through their pictures. I love JTlants work nearly all of it. EWA you've come a long way with your renders and I love some of your work the Savage Fury to name a few. Self has created awesome female renders. J Silver's the man. I'm just simply saying can't it be that everyone on all sides is a bit too sensitive about this ordeal? Maybe I miss all the insulting posts but I've seen nothing but respect for what you guys do with mild one or two name suggestions every once in a while.



In all honesty it doesn't bother me as much as I may have made it seem, but I can see why it would bother people. Looking back at my early renders (and even some recent ones) I can see why people wouldn't like them and I don't take it too personally. I've been rendering for only a few months and most of the time I wouldn't spend more than 30-45mins making them.


It's just one of those situations where you're doing something that you didn't have to do, you decide to share it and then suddenly everyone craves more and better. Reminds me of a girlfriend I once had. You'd buy her dinner and she'd start asking for presents. You'd buy her a present and she'd act like it didn't cost enough!


I can say for sure that we're all an ego driven bunch. If we know we're being appreciated we're going to churn out more things. If we feel like our work is being ignored or unused then it'll make us take a step back.


Little arguements like this seems to pop up every month or so in this thread though. It'll subside in a page or two. I'm doing some work for the board effort mod at the minute but I'll probably return to this next time I see some picture I don't like while I'm playing.

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Could someone cut this whole picture with the blue background?


well this is a ping file.

Just open a photoshop programe

open the blue background file. There is one in the deafault data from tew pics.

now import this picture u want into the blue background.

just a little moving so it fits oke


and done

that the beauty off these files no cutting needed.


just play around with photoshop and u will get it too.

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I have to say that I agree with everything you have said Stennick. However, I do not agree with the community coming in and politely telling people that it is not possible.


I cannot count how many times someone has made the mistake of asking an artist for something, only to have Trell throw a hissy fit at them. Like paulskln, if you do not like what he is asking for you do not have to reply and go on a tirade. Just ignore it and move on.


I know people who have either left the site or are afraid to post in it because if they make a request they get yelled at. Or if they ask a question in the small questions thread veteran board members tell them to read the instruction manual. I mean for the people who are new to the site and do not know the un-written rules, throwing a fit because they ask a question is not the most welcoming thing to do.


Mostly this ^


The board is okay ... not the most welcoming, but it's a very tight community.


I don't talk mega much due to periodical 'veteran' rampages. If people ask for your work - its in demand - be happy. I've been asked the odd thing, and I don't have much time and really don't care. I've asked the odd thing and got no reply soooooooo same goes ...


Why hurt over it?


PS - am too lazy to add all the renders here to my game but I like them.

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Lots of words. Haven't read them all.


I truly do not care about people making requests in the thread. 99% of the time I simply ignore them and move on. I'm mad at the disrespect shown to Trell. That even while the argument rages on, and a skilled and talented artist is walking, people would continue to do the thing that was pissing him off. Disrespectful.


I probably should have put a smiley face in when I mentioned Remmy Skye. I'm a little butthurt he didn't float everyone's boat, but I'm not angry at people for not appreciating it. I'm angry at myself for it not being good enough. On the whole, I like the feedback I get from folks here. In fact, I sometimes wish it would be a little more critical. You don't learn much if you're constantly praised. I learned from my Remmy, so although my massive ego is bruised, it's a good pain in the long run. Butthurt in a positive way. :)


P.S. I actually wish I had a nice re-render to go along with this. Too many words, not enough pretty pictures to take the sting off.

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Reading this, I've come to two conclusions:


1) There's a legitimate worry here about the nature of the requests that has ballooned (as these things invariably do) into a discussion of how the re-render thread has been run. My feeling is that it's turning into a replacement for the alt thread, which I'm against. It's one thing suggesting pictures to re-render (which is what I try to do, it's never a request, just a 'this one might be worth doing'), but it's another posting requests of specific guys because you want to freshen them up- I think there needs to be clearer boundaries between this and the alt thread, and people need to start going to that thread if they want something, and this one if they thuink something would be good.


2) It's virtually impossible to put this to bed, because (and fair enough) everyone wants to put their tuppence in (I'm english, I don't do cents :p). It seems to me that every time people start to move on from it, somebody else has something to say on the controversy and it flairs up again. Fair enough, people have a right to express their opinions, and at least things have cooled down a bit now and there's less mudslinging and general heated discussion. But I would like to say, can we please stop talking about it now?


Anyway, I look forward to seeing what new work people come up with, and hopefully this thread will get back on track and we'll see some great new pictures and new picture-makers.

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