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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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That Chess Maniac has gotta be the best render I've seen. And there are some damn good ones in here. Good show.


They do some great work in here but unless you get the mods that are available now and in the future then you won't catch all of what they are capable of doing.


And you can add MMA to that as some of them have put out some great work there too.

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Here's my two cents, ( or tuppence for those of you across the pond :D ) I've already suggested before to either use the alts thread already established or pm a renderer if you had something particular. To me this thread was more for the renderers to do their own re-imaginations of the cornellverse based on whatever they felt needed a re-render, or whatever was floating their boat at that time, and I was and am perfectly fine with that. Again we have a thread for specific requests, and a pm system.


While I don't think it really hurts anything if someone mentions on here that somebody could use a re-render or the original in game pic doesn't reflect any personality, ideally that should only happen if one of the renderers is asking for some names to spark interest for them, it shouldn't be commonplace.


And by far the biggest thing here that shouldn't need to be mentioned but really seems to have to be said. These people are doing this stuff on their own time, for free, and for the benefit of all of us. There is no reason to be anything but grateful and thankful to them for even doing this. They are adding value to a game we love and our community as a whole by doing this.

Any time actions of this board drive one of them away for any reason, we are hurting all of ourselves, not just them.


While not every render done has floated my boat, the fact that they are given here absolutely free and that the person took the time to do it deserves thanks in and of itself, whether you personally like the render, or the character that was rendered or not. It's fairly simple, use the ones you do like, don't use the ones you don't, if you do use some, be sure to give credit for the person or people who did the renders and if the renderers ask for feedback, give it in a constructive way.


So thank you jtlant, ewanite, trell, Self, J Silver, and anyone else I may have forgot to mention. I am extremely grateful, as I am sure everyone else here is as well, that you have put forth your time and effort to do all these renders. Whether you did it for us or for yourself, you made it available to the community and for that we are humbly thankful.

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The ANTI-Suggestion argument is REALLY freakin' stupid.


For the most part if someone suggests a re-render in here they are doing it just incase one of the guys that spend time re-rendering doesn't have an idea for who to render or has lost interest in the people they are re-rendering, suggestions are put in here to spark interest in a certain character, they are put in this thread with the hope of having someone look and go "Oh Man Yeah, [That Guy]! How has no one done him yet? I'm gonna do it!"


I don't ever see people getting mad that their requests aren't getting made, it's put out there and then they move on. What's wrong with that? NO ONE should get mad if their request is ignored THAT'S wrong. But if you just put a name out there, what's wrong with that?


A Good Number of FANTASTIC Re-renders in here have been made because of someone mentioning that So and So hasn't been re-rendered yet and it would awesome to see it.

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The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket



That is an awesome render there something about it I can't explain and I just want to hire that worker, even though I don't know who it is, I think its the hair


EDIT: He's 42 in my game and isn't great, but this new render is an awesome improvement and I'm sure if I ever start a Japanese game I'll hire that guy, I just don't feel he the guy for my USPW

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Los Acedemia



Decimalo/ Hexx







Chess Maniac






You should do more masked characters. These are great.

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Chess Maniac Alts:




Medic Bill:



Rhino Umaga Samoa Joe alt:



Mr. Evilness alt:


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And by far the biggest thing here that shouldn't need to be mentioned but really seems to have to be said. These people are doing this stuff on their own time, for free, and for the benefit of all of us. There is no reason to be anything but grateful and thankful to them for even doing this. They are adding value to a game we love and our community as a whole by doing this.

Any time actions of this board drive one of them away for any reason, we are hurting all of ourselves, not just them.


So thank you jtlant, ewanite, trell, Self, J Silver, and anyone else I may have forgot to mention. I am extremely grateful, as I am sure everyone else here is as well, that you have put forth your time and effort to do all these renders. Whether you did it for us or for yourself, you made it available to the community and for that we are humbly thankful.


I completely agree with DMack on this. To all the renderers, I offer a big thank you and the hope that you all continue the great work you have done.

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That's a dude, still. Look at the adam's apple. For Juliette, high cheekbones, an angular face, and a square jaw would give the intended effect without crossing into shemale territory. Look up Vanessa Kraven for an example of what I'm talking about (here's some, and here's another).


That's the problem I have. I do a render and think it looks 'eh' then come back to it a day later and it horrifies me.

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I guess that I set off a bit of a firestorm with my comments yesterday. First and foremost, I would like to say that I agree fully with D Mack. I do applaud the renderers for their great work. These guys and girls do this on their own free time and on their own dime, (I really did not mean to rhyme that). Therefore, it is well within their rights to not handle requests if they do not want to do so.


My fundamental difference is in the tone in which they reply to said requests. Some of the renderers do it in a respectful and diplomatic manner. While others do it in a not so diplomatic manner. I understand there is frustration involved in this and that could very well be the root of the angry responses. However, much like Stennick said you do not know whom you are dealing with when talking to other posters. You could be dealing with a younger kid, you could be dealing with someone new to the board who does not know the un-written rules in regards to requests, you could be dealing with someone who might be a little slow, or you could be dealing with a troll who gets pleasure in making requests because they know it will set people off.


The fact is you just do not know who the poster is, and if they are new to the site how is yelling at them going to make them want to come back to the site? That is a great way to cost Arlie and Adam money because you did not like that a new poster made a request.


I know that when I was new to the site I think I made a render request in the WMMA render thread. Well I was lit into because I made this request. I had no clue that there was a rule, and yes I learned that rule on that day but I did not appreciate someone yelling at me.


In summary, I guess my point is I have no problem with the artists saying politely from time to time that they do not handle requests. Heck maybe even have a locked sticky thread that denotes this fact. However, I do have a problem with people yelling at a poster to look at the front page or have a veteran poster make other rude remarks. Remember to get respect you have to give respect. That is all I have to say on this subject, I am sure my opinion has not won me any fans but cay sara sara.

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Just wanted to add my appreciation to the guys powering this thread. If I had enough time I'd love to be able to teach myself to be one of them. My skillz stretch as far as comedically crap stuff on GIMP, but Im slowly learning


This thread has singlehandedly made me enjoy the game a whole lot more so thanks everyone for giving your time, effort and imagination.

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That's a dude, still. Look at the adam's apple. For Juliette, high cheekbones, an angular face, and a square jaw would give the intended effect without crossing into shemale territory. Look up Vanessa Kraven for an example of what I'm talking about (here's some, and here's another).


That's the problem I have. I do a render and think it looks 'eh' then come back to it a day later and it horrifies me.


i have to agree with you about it looking like a dude.the original render is very macho looking.the model i used is victoria 4 so how it ended up with an adam's apple god only knows.ill have a go at softening her up a bit more.

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See, you say it's not a request, but this clearly is a request. Just like every other name that is mentioned in this thread. Suggestion? Request? Same difference. You're asking the renderers for a reworking of a character. My position on requests is... complicated. I don't really care if people request stuff, as long as they know there's a 99% chance I'm going to completely ignore it. In fact, I once was half way through a render, saw it requested, and stopped. I'm not even joking. This happened.


Not singling you out, ZMAN. You were just the straw that broke my nerd-rage-camel's back.


Trell is awesome. Not only has he made some phenomenal characters over

Excellent work from J Silver recently.


Nope, I didn't say "Can you make me a Giant Tana?" It was more like "Hey, if you run out of ideas, a Giant Tana would be cool to see." I'm not sitting here at my keyboard 12 hours a day expecting to see my Giant Tana pop up on the screen. By all means, do 20 different rerenders of Eugene Williams if you please.


I don't understand how some artists can just ditch their audience like that. If I had people drooling over my work and asking for more, I would have a totally different attitude about it. (I had a similar experience when I was making logo's for people. It never really took off, but I actually appreciated seeing requests. Not because it meant I had work to, but because it showed that people were digging my work.) I wouldn't bend over backwards to start fulfilling people's requests, but it certainly wouldn't discourage me from doing my HOBBY. If a wrestler has fans chanting "one more match" does he say "**** you guys, i'm not taking requests!" Does a musician tell the fans to **** off if they ask for one more song? Does Ryland tell us he's not taking requests if we suggest that a feature be in the game? I mean, they probably won't fulfill the request, but at least they're humble about it and don't complain to their fans for appreciating their work.


If I hurt you though, then jesus I'm sorry.

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That's a dude, still. Look at the adam's apple. For Juliette, high cheekbones, an angular face, and a square jaw would give the intended effect without crossing into shemale territory. Look up Vanessa Kraven for an example of what I'm talking about (here's some, and here's another).


That's the problem I have. I do a render and think it looks 'eh' then come back to it a day later and it horrifies me.


hopefully i havent gone too far the other way is this too feminine now.


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