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Exclusive PPA Question

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For as long as I've been playing this game (since '05) I have only run into this issue recently...


Don Muraco is on Exclusive PPA to WWF. He signs a PPA deal with MLW (who I'm not at war with) and immediately gives his 7 day notice and leaves.


Is this how Exclusive PPAs are supposed to work? I couldn't understand why signing a PPA deal with a smaller company that I wasn't at war with would cause him to leave. Any ideas?

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Well, someone can still sign a PPA contract while he is on a exclusive PPA contract, if someone else convinces he should sign.


That's why a lot of us don't use exclusive PPA's.


Yeah I've never used one.


Would signing a PPA while on an exclusive PPA cause the wrestler to leave the company he's with? That's what happened here. Muraco dumped the exclusive and left.

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Yeah I've never used one.


Would signing a PPA while on an exclusive PPA cause the wrestler to leave the company he's with? That's what happened here. Muraco dumped the exclusive and left.


Yep, all it means is while he has the p.p.a deal with you he wont work for anyone else, but he can be signed by anyone else at any time.

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huh, interesting. Thanks for the feedback guys. I ended up editing him to use a PPA. I would like to decide whether I want to can him for working elsewhere myself :)


Exactly. I've never used exclusive PPA because it's annoying to have a worker leave you because he signed a PPA with a promotion that isn't even bigger than you. It doesn't even make sense to me so I've always stayed away from them.

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For as long as I've been playing this game (since '05) I have only run into this issue recently...


Don Muraco is on Exclusive PPA to WWF. He signs a PPA deal with MLW (who I'm not at war with) and immediately gives his 7 day notice and leaves.


Is this how Exclusive PPAs are supposed to work? I couldn't understand why signing a PPA deal with a smaller company that I wasn't at war with would cause him to leave. Any ideas?


There is only one truly exclusive contract in TEW: Written.


Exclusive PPAs are only good for companies who are far and away the largest in their game area with next to no competition. 21CW in the C-Verse is a good example. If a worker is only available in your game area and they're important enough to want to keep away from the serfs in 'let them eat cake' fashion, XPPAs make sense. Otherwise, it's useless.


Functionally, in TEW, the XPPA is useless overall (too many conditions required to make it useful IMO). Might be good with loyal workers before you can offer writtens as well, now that I think about it. But since loyalty was tweaked in 2010 (I think), maybe that's not an absolute either.

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There is only one truly exclusive contract in TEW: Written.


Exclusive PPAs are only good for companies who are far and away the largest in their game area with next to no competition. 21CW in the C-Verse is a good example. If a worker is only available in your game area and they're important enough to want to keep away from the serfs in 'let them eat cake' fashion, XPPAs make sense. Otherwise, it's useless.


Functionally, in TEW, the XPPA is useless overall (too many conditions required to make it useful IMO). Might be good with loyal workers before you can offer writtens as well, now that I think about it. But since loyalty was tweaked in 2010 (I think), maybe that's not an absolute either.


I converted the DOTT data to 2010 and in this case it was WWF vs. MLW (Cult with B- prestige vs. Regional with E+) so I don't even understand why it happened. I always just figured XPPAs to be someone exclusive to you but you paid them by appearance. If someone else can sign them away (someone smaller) and then they leave, I don't see much point in it either.


I don't think Loyalty was tweaked to the point of being able to sign someone away (as in, if they have a family member, mentor or someone they are loyal to running the promotion, they will turn you down). Maybe if you're national or above, though...I may be misunderstanding what you meant though.

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I actually use them in RAW, almost exclusively (no pun intended), partially because thats the only kind of contract RAW starts with.


That, and DIW and ZEN only sign unemployed people, and if they sign off to APW they're leaving anyways. So... yeah, XPPAs with RAW actually aren't all that bad, now that I think about it! Only three other companies in town, two outright can't sign your workers, and the other is at war with you anyways!

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So why use exc ppa's in that case???? If I remember correctly they tend to ask for more pay. So only reason to sign them to exclusive ppa's if they are with ZEN or DIW at that time and do not want them appearing for them.


/shrug, they've never asked me for more money.


I think its mostly an ego thing for me, to be honest.

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To try and answer your secondary point, shippy, the probable reason they signed with MLW is that, in Muraco's eyes, three main event paychecks on the indies are worth more to him than one mid-level paycheck with a Cult level company (not sure how over he was, but from what little I know of that era, Muraco was mid-to-upper midcard in the WWF, wasn't he?)


XPPA contracts, as noted by others, are pretty much useless in 90% of circumstances. All they mean is: "We'll pay you on a per-appearance basis, but you'll be exclusive to us. If you want to work elsewhere, you'll have to leave us". Similar to what TNA did with the RoH guys a while back (although that was more geared to them not competing for RoH than not competing for ANYONE else). Only really useful if you're in a TNA or 21CW situation, where you're the biggest company in a certain area but can't sign written deals yet (or in TNA's case, where you're the second biggest company but if the WWE wanted them they'd be gone anyway, regardless of the type of contract).


Two things strike me about this type of contract:

Firstly, it's pretty damn unfair on the worker. He gets none of the benefits of a written contract, but all of the disadvantages.


Secondly, workers seem to be very willing to break XPPA's, often going to much smaller promotions. I can understand the logic, sort of (the three paydays are better than one thing), but I can't understand why someone like Muraco would walk out on the WWE for a lower-echelon regional fed...


Maybe it's because of point one above... ¬_¬

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To try and answer your secondary point, shippy, the probable reason they signed with MLW is that, in Muraco's eyes, three main event paychecks on the indies are worth more to him than one mid-level paycheck with a Cult level company (not sure how over he was, but from what little I know of that era, Muraco was mid-to-upper midcard in the WWF, wasn't he?)


XPPA contracts, as noted by others, are pretty much useless in 90% of circumstances. All they mean is: "We'll pay you on a per-appearance basis, but you'll be exclusive to us. If you want to work elsewhere, you'll have to leave us". Similar to what TNA did with the RoH guys a while back (although that was more geared to them not competing for RoH than not competing for ANYONE else). Only really useful if you're in a TNA or 21CW situation, where you're the biggest company in a certain area but can't sign written deals yet (or in TNA's case, where you're the second biggest company but if the WWE wanted them they'd be gone anyway, regardless of the type of contract).


Two things strike me about this type of contract:

Firstly, it's pretty damn unfair on the worker. He gets none of the benefits of a written contract, but all of the disadvantages.


Secondly, workers seem to be very willing to break XPPA's, often going to much smaller promotions. I can understand the logic, sort of (the three paydays are better than one thing), but I can't understand why someone like Muraco would walk out on the WWE for a lower-echelon regional fed...


Maybe it's because of point one above... ¬_¬


He's at main event level in WWF, even as IC champ. They weren't overloaded with star power at that time. MLW wasn't even higher in momentum either. Really strange.


I think the advantage the worker would have with an XPPA over a Written contract is that sometimes a Written contract is more of a bargain for the company. A worker might sign for 5000 a month guaranteed whereas their per appearance fee would be $2000 an appearance. So they do stand to be able to make more with an XPPA, just not guaranteed.


Anywho, I think I'll just make sure any XPPAs are changed to either written or PPA and be done with it :) They do seem a little useless.

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Did you try negotiating with him at the same time? I never trust my workers to be sensible about these things so if they are contacted by another company I always renegotiate their contract straight away. If you manage to re-sign them their negotiations with the second company will automatically be cancelled and more often than not the contract is for the same amount as before.


Still, I agree with everyone else that they are less than ideal, but at least workers on a XPPA don't go and get injured working for someone else!

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Yep but they do not get more over or better in the ring working for somebody else either, while they can still be poached by those that use written. Ex PPA's as they are now are pretty much useless imho. Even as 21CW as you can just declare war on the lower companies for the same effect.
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Did you try negotiating with him at the same time? I never trust my workers to be sensible about these things so if they are contacted by another company I always renegotiate their contract straight away. If you manage to re-sign them their negotiations with the second company will automatically be cancelled and more often than not the contract is for the same amount as before.


Still, I agree with everyone else that they are less than ideal, but at least workers on a XPPA don't go and get injured working for someone else!


Tried that, he didn't want to negotiate. Ah well, like I said, I just changed him to having a PPA contract and it was fine. He signed with MLW on a ppa but didn't leave WWF.

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