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Yeah. Merthyr is a fairly terrible place.


What makes Merthyr terrible? I was looking at violent crime rates for all of the UK and its stupidly non existent like seriously you guys most leave your doors unlocked and aimlessly walk down darkened streets at night with no fear. It is staggering.


I would think even the "terrible" parts of the UK would be like suburbia here in the States.


Until this show Wales seems like the UK country most easily forgotten. Ireland, Scotland, England and then oh yeah that other one. Anyway I'm liking Torchwood but I need some sort of long arching storyline some "big bad" if you will to go alongside of the "monster of the weak" so heres hoping some sort of long term conflict arises in the next few eps.


Another thing after looking into it is Series 2 is only a few episodes and series 3 is only ten after there were twenty something in the first thats a bit off putting as well knowing after season one you're halfway through the series since Davies has put it on hold indefinably.

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I don't think my back door actually has a lock... :/


But yeah, outside of the major cities crime doesn't really exist over here (contrary to what shows like Midsummer Murders would have you believe :p). Robberies, especially violent ones, are basically unheard of in my part of the country. The extent of 'crime' in rural England is a 15 year old getting drunk and smashing up a bus stop or a bin or something. The cities definitely have their issues, though.


Oh, right, TV shows...


Is anyone here a Perception fan? I saw loads of adverts for it while I was watching another series, and it seems to be suitably Sherlock/House/Dexter-like, which is right up my street. Is it worth a shot?

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While I generally prefer a lighter touch in tone (Iron Man over Batman. Smallville's Oliver Queen over this one) I'm mostly okay with the Nolan-esque nature of Arrow. However, there are certain times where it becomes so similar, I suspect they've lifted stuff directly from the Batman Begins script. "I had to become someone else, I had to become... something else". I just... I know Green Arrow has a lot of similarities to Batman in the comics, and you want to relate to that popular movie franchise, but dude, write your own material.


I know the lawyer girl will eventually become Black Canary, but all that does is bum me out that she's not gonna be killed off sometime soon. I dunno. Maybe I just don't like the actress. Conversely, I'm enjoying the Speedy character, and her relationship with Green Arrow. I enjoy their scenes together. I wasn't wild about the idea at first, but I'm actually looking forward to seeing that develop.


Definitely see your points easily enough. I just wasn't sure if it was as obvious as I found it that she would end up being Black Canary. I'm going to hold off my thoughts on her til' she puts on the fishnets and blonde wig... I have a feeling I'm going to like her more then Smallville's version. In Smallville, more then once Clark had to stop Green Arrow from going overboard, I'm hoping his new "partner" does the same in Arrow.


On a Different note, I started watching Defying Gravity, thinking it was still an ongoing show, but found out it had been cancelled. I watched the whole Heroes show a while back, but this show doesn't have nearly as much to it, and I just don't see the point in watching the whole thing if I'm only going to see them get to Venus, and that's it.


EDIT: Watching the latest episode, and well well, Helena Bertinelli? All we need is Barbara Gordan, and presto, Birds of Prey.

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I don't think my back door actually has a lock... :/


But yeah, outside of the major cities crime doesn't really exist over here (contrary to what shows like Midsummer Murders would have you believe :p). Robberies, especially violent ones, are basically unheard of in my part of the country. The extent of 'crime' in rural England is a 15 year old getting drunk and smashing up a bus stop or a bin or something. The cities definitely have their issues, though.


Oh, right, TV shows...


Is anyone here a Perception fan? I saw loads of adverts for it while I was watching another series, and it seems to be suitably Sherlock/House/Dexter-like, which is right up my street. Is it worth a shot?


That makes me quite happy that I'll be living in rural England in less than a year :)

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Great walking dead mid season final.Cant wait for it to continue in feb.


On a side note loved Stan Lee on coming book show he was great.


Yeah that mid season final was packed with all sorts of awesome. Great to see Cutty from the Wire showing up as a new character on there.


The best part of the night was when Michonne offed the Governor's daugther.


I will say that I hope Daryl and Merle are somehow able to survive. Michael Rooker is beyond awesome in that role.

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Yeah that mid season final was packed with all sorts of awesome. Great to see Cutty from the Wire showing up as a new character on there.


The best part of the night was when Michonne offed the Governor's daugther.


I will say that I hope Daryl and Merle are somehow able to survive. Michael Rooker is beyond awesome in that role.


It was an outstanding show, for sure.


It was great to finally see Tyreese make his long-awaited debut. Can't wait to see what he brings to the show.


Things are really starting to come together, me thinks.

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Yeah that mid season final was packed with all sorts of awesome. Great to see Cutty from the Wire showing up as a new character on there.


The best part of the night was when Michonne offed the Governor's daugther.


I will say that I hope Daryl and Merle are somehow able to survive. Michael Rooker is beyond awesome in that role.


It looks like at least Daryl gets out if you saw the sneak previews on "Talking Dead". I mean it didn't definitively show him surviving, but I'm going to go ahead and guess Andrea comes up with something to get them out of dodge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started watching Bones on Netflix. I've always been a fan of what I've seen of it, but this is the first time I've watched it from the beginning.


I decided to watch an episode before bed...that was four episodes ago. I just can't stop. I've been up for way too long and I'm almost done with Season 1.

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I agree.


As someone who watches Realtiy TV (The Challenge, Amazing Race, Big Brother, and Survivor.) even I would not watch that crap. In fact, I didn't even know what the hell a Honey Boo Boo was until about a month ago. I thought it was the name of the whale from Carvel Ice Cream...well not really but it would be a cool name for an ice cream cake.


Pffft, the Carvel whale's name is Fudgie! :p


So I finally caved and started watching New Girl.


Zooey Descanel is the perfect woman.


Lerv me some Zooey (though I like Emily just a little bit better).


Yes, I get it, your a geek girl, and im supposed to find that adorable because your not like those other actresses made of unobtainum for the common geek like myself.


I would guess that means you can't stand Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn as well? Same schtick, just less exposed.


The only other reality show I really watch is Duck Dynasty, which is pretty great.


OMG, I got into this in October and now I'm totally hooked! Some of the foods they eat (that make me cringe), I'm actually familiar with! Then again, I do have relatives in Louisiana. There are millions of people in the US who wish they could just cut out on work in the middle of the day to go huntin' or fishing (and not get fired).


Jaysin, if you're not familiar, check out 'Lie to Me'. I hated when it got canceled. It was hands down my favorite show on TV. The camera work was awesome and really fit the show.


I've started watching 'Ice Loves Coco' (hmm? Oh, no reason :o ), which always strikes me as ridiculously funny.

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Jaysin, if you're not familiar, check out 'Lie to Me'. I hated when it got canceled. It was hands down my favorite show on TV. The camera work was awesome and really fit the show.


I love Tim Roth and have always meant to give that show a watch, but then always get distracted before I do. I just put it in my instant queue on Netflix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have some recommendations that have really opened my eyes to some things.


First one is Extreme Couponing. Now, before you scoff, consider how much extra dough you'd have to throw around if you cut your living expenses by 90% or more. I got to watching it last month on a lark and then tried to test it out. Went to Giant Food Store in Lancaster PA and bought 182.54 worth of groceries and stuff, and paid $27.11 for it. And that was just from coupons I found on the web. Now, I'm hooked. I'm scheming on filling my house with $1500 worth of the necessities (food, drink, paper towels, shampoo for guests, bathroom tissue, etc) and planning to pay roughly 50 bucks for it all. I never knew that you could get stores to pay you to buy stuff (2 for $1 sale, with a $1 manufacturer coupon and a 50 cent store coupon (via their club card) with the store doubling all coupons, as one example). Watching the show, you can really feel the anxiety that comes with watching the total rise to WAY above what you have to spend....and then the coupons dropping it down to almost nothing.


Second one is Extreme Cheapskates, but for a different reason. Some of these folks do stuff to save money that isn't 'extreme' or SMH worthy, it's just common sense. Some of it is stuff I know my family has done since I've seen my grandmothers and my mother and aunts do it all the time. Like reusing mayonnaise jars to hold other liquids (show of hands if you remember the old mayo jars with grease at your grandmother's house. I can't be the only one :p) and splitting the costs of stuff with friends (like buying the big olive oil and splitting it since you know you're not going to use that much before it gets old). Basically, I like these two shows because right now, I'm trying to increase my discretionary income without reducing anything else (I like to eat and that's not changing anytime soon).


The third one I watch just to get an occasional laugh. It's 'The Lottery Changed My Life'. When I first saw the title, my first thought was, "You think?". On the one hand, it makes me cringe at how freakin' insane the tax system is in this country. Seriously, if you win $75 million and take the lump sum option, that should be $40 million or so. When you take home a check for under 17.6, that's freakin' ridiculous! That's why I'd probably never take the lump sum option. Taking it over time allows you to take advantage of shelters and ways to reduce your exposure to taxes (and increase your deductions). When you first win, you're not thinking about that, you just want THE MUNAY! Besides, I wouldn't want to be like so many of those people who get the money and a few years later, are back to working because it's all gone.


And then there's Survivorman. I freakin' love this show. Imagine MacGuyver, in the wilderness. This, along with Doomsday Preppers, has really gotten me into obscure (to me) subjects like botany (what plants are edible, what plants you should stay away from, what plants have medicinal benefit, etc) and basic survival techniques.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dollhouse is one of my all time favorite shows. The cast is stellar even if Eliza isnt your thing. Give it to "Man On The Street" thats when the show really takes off. The first 5 episodes are all kind of one-offs but after that the writing is so much better and the show starts to tell its story.


There's only like 24 episodes anyway so its not a huge investment.

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Maybe it's just me, but it feels like Psych has been gone away FOREVER, three days, fourteen hours, and twenty-six minutes. I'm fairly anxious to see it make it's big return.


I'm also starting to get a little anxious for The Walking Dead and Falling Skies to make their returns.


Yeah the USA schedule drives me nuts. I do not watch Psych but they are always putting Burn Notice on at weird times. What I mean by that is they have it on in the summer, it goes away for a few months and then it is brought back for like five episodes in the winter. What is the point of that?


I really hate the long break between the Falling Skies seasons. I tend to forget everything that happens because the break is so long. Same with shows on the SciFi Network (I refuse to call it that other name.), the American version of Being Human just came back Monday night and for the life of me I could not remember what had happened during the previous season.

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Same with shows on the SciFi Network (I refuse to call it that other name.), the American version of Being Human just came back Monday night and for the life of me I could not remember what had happened during the previous season.


I know that feeling. Psych ended last season on a cliff hanger too. I'm gonna need a refresher course. It actually feels to me like one of those instances where the show ended WAY back when, and now a reunion TV movie is coming up, much more so than just the new season.



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