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What do you do when people demand title runs?

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When a guy in one of my games wants a title run and I really don't want to give them one, I will have them win the title and then the next week or month depending on how often the shows are booked in said game. I will have them lose the title to the same guy that they beat for it the following week or give it to someone else making them a transitional champion.
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If he's an irreplaceable talent, I'm happy to accomodate a title run request. I tend to have plans way out into the future for my titles, but changes are always possible.


A 'Kane' title run can work, but otherwise in this situation the alternative is just to sign your guy up for eighteen months or whatever, and see if things change in that time - he may take off and become your go-to guy, or he may sink and you can ditch him next time his deal comes up.

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If he's an irreplaceable talent, I'm happy to accomodate a title run request. I tend to have plans way out into the future for my titles, but changes are always possible.


A 'Kane' title run can work, but otherwise in this situation the alternative is just to sign your guy up for eighteen months or whatever, and see if things change in that time - he may take off and become your go-to guy, or he may sink and you can ditch him next time his deal comes up.


Fortunately, there are no 'Irreplaceable' talents in this game. ;) I can always make or have a star ready to replace someone whose demands are unreasonable or don't coincide with my plans. It may be inconvenient to lose them, but that's part of the challenge of booking, adapting to changing situations.

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Just a thought...


If you decided to promise a title run, but to a worker you have no intention of fulfilling that promise to, why? If a person isn't good enough for you to be able to figure out a way to get a strap on them within 12-18+ months, then why the hell keep them on your roster? If you don't let them go now, then you still have to let them go later. Might as well get an early start on trying to fill that spot with someone you like more, no?

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Just a thought...


If you decided to promise a title run, but to a worker you have no intention of fulfilling that promise to, why? If a person isn't good enough for you to be able to figure out a way to get a strap on them within 12-18+ months, then why the hell keep them on your roster? If you don't let them go now, then you still have to let them go later. Might as well get an early start on trying to fill that spot with someone you like more, no?


Maybe I don't want to let them off that easily! Maybe they pissed me off with their ridiculous title demands and I want to make them suffer for it by building up their hopes, only to ruthlessly crush them later! Maybe I want to have them buried by an endless string of jobbers for the next 9-18 months so that their career is in shambles afterwards! Ever think of that?! :p;):D

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Just a thought...


If you decided to promise a title run, but to a worker you have no intention of fulfilling that promise to, why? If a person isn't good enough for you to be able to figure out a way to get a strap on them within 12-18+ months, then why the hell keep them on your roster? If you don't let them go now, then you still have to let them go later. Might as well get an early start on trying to fill that spot with someone you like more, no?


It's often not a case of 'good enough' rather than 'liked enough'. Joey Minnesota for example. Very good worker. I like keeping him on the roster because he puts on good matches. I also hate his guts. No idea why. I just hate him. He'll never hold a belt in my TCW ever.


He's a very good job guy though, and his tag experience with RDJ gives him versatility. He's a valuable asset, and I'd rather have him on my roster than with NOTBPW or SWF, so I keep him.


EDIT: Not sure why I'm trying to justify this with logic, when in actuality I don't give it a moment's thought. If they ask for the belt, I promise it. Automatic response. If at the end of their contract I haven't given them the belt, then... 'Oops', the time was never right I guess. 75% of the time if they're popular enough to want a title run, they'll end up getting one, but sometimes the dominoes don't fall quite right, and feelings get hurt.

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EDIT: Not sure why I'm trying to justify this with logic, when in actuality I don't give it a moment's thought. If they ask for the belt, I promise it. Automatic response. If at the end of their contract I haven't given them the belt, then... 'Oops', the time was never right I guess. 75% of the time if they're popular enough to want a title run, they'll end up getting one, but sometimes the dominoes don't fall quite right, and feelings get hurt.


My thoughts exactly. If I want to (re-)sign them I'll just accept it without thinking - if they don't end up getting a run, well tough :p

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I'm playing ROF, and there is a very limited pool of talented workers who will work with that product (despite the death of 21CW). I feel like I need to keep my workers happy, so if Walter Morgan decides he wants a midcard title run, he will eventually pick up the #1 Contender belt. He puts on exceptional matches with Merle O'Curle as it is, so I have no problem with that.


Remember, it's usually upper-level guys who are going to want titles. In that case, maybe shaking your title picture up just a bit is worth it? I tend to have very long reigns, ones which usually only end because the champion's contract is coming up soon and he wants a(nother) title reign... well, alright buddy. You're going to lose your title and win it back. Not a big deal, it helps build other workers for a short while... with the exception of Adam Matravers, who just got upset that he had to give the belt back. Grrr, Matravers.


Anyway, small tangent. I think it's a good thing to be forced to shake your championship scene up a bit.

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Remember, it's usually upper-level guys who are going to want titles. In that case, maybe shaking your title picture up just a bit is worth it?


Eh, sometimes it's not quite that cut & dried. I know in one real world game I was playing, running AJW (a performance based promotion, in Japan), I tried to sign Michelle McCool when her contract expired and she wanted a title run.


Michelle McCool, who couldn't outwrestle Seina (a 15 year old trainee in ICE Ribbon). I laughed at it and passed. Her overness in Japan isn't very good and her in-ring skill is abysmal so she'd drag down every match she was in at the card level she auto pushed to. She's not an "upper level girl" in that situation, but because of her overness elsewhere, the AI asks for that kinda stuff automatically.

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